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Unit 6 Finding the Way

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Unit 6 Finding the Way


Unit 6 Finding the Way(精选3篇)

Unit 6 Finding the Way 篇1

  一. 教学内容:unit 6 finding the way 二. 重点、难点:    words, phrases & sentences 三. 详细内容lesson 1(一)大声读单词1. map      n. 地图2. gallery    n. 画廊3. national   adj. 国家的,民族的,国立的4. corner     n. 角落,拐角5. straight    adv. 直接地,一直地6. block      n. 街区7. museum    n. 博物馆8. appreciate   v. 感激,赏识9. mention     v. 提及,说起 (二)重点词汇1. map      要点:n. 地图, 图   in the library there are maps of towns, countries, and the world. 图书馆里有城市、国家和世界地图。the old man’s face is a map of time. 那老人的脸就是岁月的写照。the place is not found on the map. 地图上找不到这个地方。2. gallery    要点:n. (1) a long enclosed passage, such as a hallway or corridor.走廊,长廊:长的封闭过道,例如走廊或回廊,(2) a building, an institution, or a room for the exhibition of artistic work.展览馆,画廊:展览艺术品专用的建筑物、机构或房间a picture gallery 图片陈列室  a shooting gallery 室内靶场  the distinguished guest’s gallery 贵宾席the press gallery 记者席     the public gallery 旁听席3. national   要点:adj. (1) of, relating to, or belonging to a nation as an organized whole:全国性的:作为一个组织的整个属于或关于某一个国家的:a national anthem.  国歌  the national emblem of england is a rose. 英国的国徽是玫瑰花。national park 国家公园(2) of or relating to nationality: 民族的;属于或关于民族的:their national origin. 他们的民族起源national costume 民族服装4. corner     要点:n. (1) the position at which two lines, surfaces, or edges meet and form an angle:    角:两条线、面或边会聚并形成一个角度的地方:    the four corners of a rectangle. 长方形的四个角(2) the area enclosed or bounded by an angle formed in this manner:    角落:以这种方式形成的角度所包围或限制的地方:    the table stood in the corner of the room. 桌子在房间的角上。(3) the place where two roads or streets join or intersect.    街角:两条路或街相连的地方to stand at a corner of the street  站在街道拐角处stand at a street corner 站在街道拐角处dark corner 偏僻的地方v. 把……难住;使走投无路the dog cornered the rat. 狗把老鼠逼到一个角落。the police finally cornered the thief.警察最终将小偷逼得走投无路。5. straight   要点:adv. 直线地;直接地,一直地    the car went straight down the road. 小汽车一直开过这条路。 that painting’s not hanging straight; it’s cockeyed.“那幅油画没挂正,挂歪了。”he went straight to his friend to ask for help. 他直接到朋友那儿请求帮助。adj.(1) extending continuously in the same direction without curving:笔直的:在同一方向上无弯曲连续延伸的:a straight line. 笔直的线, this road is straight. 这条路很直。(2) having no waves or bends: 直而不卷的;没有卷曲或弯曲的:straight hair. 直发i don’t like my hair straight so i’m having it curled.“我不喜欢直头发,所以要去烫发。”(3) direct and candid: 直率的;坦率的:a straight answer. 直率的回答(4)直接的;连续的eight straight days of rain 一连下了八天雨6. block       要点:n. (1) a solid piece of wood or stone or other hard substance. 硬块:如,木块,石块,或其他坚硬物质的一块a block of wood 一块木头   building block 积木   a butcher’s block 砧板there was a block in the pipe and the water couldn’t flow away.水管里有块东西塞住了, 水流不出。(2)a compact mass of buildings bounded by streets 街区: 沿街两边的建筑群    i live two blocks from the school. 我住在离学校两个路口的地方。    an office block  办公大楼  turn left after 2 blocks.  走过两个街区后往左拐。v. to obstruct, to prevent the movement or use of 阻止    the police have blocked the road. 警察已经封锁了道路。my nose is all blocked up and i can hardly breathe. 我鼻子塞了,气都透不过来。7. museum      要点:n. 博物馆the palace museum in beijing 北京故宫博物院   children’s museum 儿童博物馆8. appreciate  要点:v. (1) to admire greatly; value. 欣赏;重视do you appreciate good wine? 你会鉴赏好酒吗?i think that young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. 我认为小孩对现代图画往往比任何人都更有鉴赏力。we all appreciate the holiday after a year of hard work.经过一年的辛苦工作之后, 我们都十分珍惜这个假期。(2) to be thankful or show gratitude for: 感谢,感激:感谢或对……表示感激:i really appreciate your help. 我真的很感激你的帮助。(3) to be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize:意识到,察觉:对……的充分意识或领会;察觉:we appreciate the danger ahead. 我们意识到危险临头。9. mention     要点:v. to refer to, especially incidentally. 提及,尤指偶然性地i hope you didn’t mention my name to her.  我希望你没有向她提到我的名字。he mentioned a useful book. 他说出一本有用的书的名字。 the teacher mentioned a few valuable reference books.老师提出了几种有价值的参考书。 

Unit 6 Finding the Way 篇2

  lesson 2 (一)大声读单词1. distance n. 距离2. compass     n. 罗盘,指南针3. set          v. 设定,设置,摆放4. set the clock  调表5. direction    n. 方向,指导6. follow      v. 跟随,跟着7. method      n. 方式,方法8. unfortunately  adv. 不幸地9. position    n. 位置,职位10. clear      adj. 清晰的,清澈的11. earth      n. 地球,土地12. work for 对……起作用  13. gps (global positioning system ) 全球卫星定位系统14. phone   n. 电话 (二)重点词汇1. distance    要点:n. the extent of space between two objects or places; an intervening space.    距离,间距: 两物体或两地方之间的空间距离;一段空间距离what distance do you have to walk to school? 你到学校要走多远的距离?in england distance is measured in miles, not in kilometers. 在英国测量距离用英里,不用公里。i could see the bus coming in the distance. 我看见公共汽车从远处开来了。he treated me with a little distance.他对我有点冷淡。(时间的)间隔, 一长段时间she looked back over a distance of ten years. 她回顾过去十年的时间。2. compass     要点: n. 罗盘,指南针,圆规beyond the compass of the human mind 超出人类智力的范围vt.(1)围绕……而行;包围suddenly we compassed the enemies on all sides.我们突然从四面八方将敌人包围了。(2)获得; 达到   compass one’s object 达其目的(3)完全了解   her students could not compass the simplest problems.她的学生连最简单的问题都不能理解。3. set  要点:v.(1)设定,设置,摆放i set the flowers on the table. 我把花放在桌子上。i set the table for dinner. 我在桌上摆好餐具准备开饭。(2)致使,使a spark set the woods on fire. 一点火星使整座森林烧了起来。i set fire to the paper. 我点燃了纸。(3)调整;安排the teacher set us a test. 老师安排了我们一个测验。(4)(星星、月亮、太阳)落下,沉没the moon is setting. 月亮正在落下。n. 一组,一套a set of golf-clubs 一套高尔夫球球杆4. set the clock  调表5. direction   要点:n. (1)方向,    in which direction are you going, north or south? 你准备往哪个方向走?向北还是向南? what direction does this exhibition hall face? 展览馆朝什么方向?(2) (pl) 用法说明full directions inside. 内附详细说明书。知识拓展:direct + tiondirect   adj./ adv. (1)直接的;笔直的;不弯曲的a direct result 直接后果    the direct rays of the sun 太阳的直射光线the spokesman never gave a direct answer to any question of the reporters.发言人对记者提出的问题从来不作直接的回答。(2)直达的;直接到的 we flew direct from london to new york. 我们直接从伦敦飞到纽约。(3)恰好的;正好的he’s the direct opposite of his brother. 他跟他弟弟正好相反。vt, vi. (1)指示方向;指路i directed the traveller to the hotel. 我告诉了这个旅行者去旅馆的路。 “excuse me, can you direct me to the station?”“对不起,你能不能告诉我去火车站怎么走?”(2)指导;指挥;管理;支配 it is universally accepted that one’s thinking directs one’s actions.“思想指导行动,这是普遍公认的。”6. follow      要点:v. (1)to come or go after; proceed behind: 跟随,跟着;随后进行:the children followed their mother into the room. 孩子们跟着母亲进了房间。we shall follow closely the latest advance of the subject in the world.我们将密切注意世界上这一课题的最新进展。you go first and i’ll follow. 你先走, 我跟着就来。(2)明白;懂i didn’t follow his line of reasoning. 我不明白他的推理方法。follow on 继续 i’ll be back in a minute. meanwhile follow on.“我马上就回来,你们继续干下去好了。”7. method   要点:n. a procedure or way of doing something; orderliness 方式,方法; 条理,秩序our teacher is showing us a new method of writing. 老师告诉我们一种书写的新方法。if you had used more method, you wouldn’t have wasted so much time. 要是你安排得更有条理些,就不会浪费那么多时间了。词义辨析:method, way(1) method 所表示的“方法”可以指做某件事的具体步骤或程序,也可以指抽象概念“条理”to do this, scientists have to devise methods using radar and underwater television. 为此,科学家还要设计出使用雷达和水下电视的方法。(2) way 是个最通用最不正式的词,可以用来代替前面的任何一个词。way常出现在许多固定的词组中,是个使用非常频繁的词;在不少含有way的词组中,从理论上讲使用method,mode 或 manner 可能表意更准确些,但是那样却损害了生动性。如:he always has his own way. 他总是随心所欲。此句中的 way 就是 mode 或 manner 的意思,因为说的是“个人喜爱的方式方法”。另外do something in this way 中的 way 即 method 的意思,但并不用 methodin time, all sam’s money was paid back in this way. 最后,萨姆的全部钱都是用这种方式付还的。civilized men like such a way of living. 文明人喜欢这样的生活方式。8. unfortunately  要点:adv. 不幸地;可惜地,遗憾地unfortunately belts are worn only by a small percentage of drivers and passengers.不幸的是,只有数量很少的驾驶员和旅客系保险带。unfortunately, the show was one of the dullest we have ever seen.不幸得很,这次演出是我们所看过的最乏味的演出。知识拓展:un- 不+ fortunate 幸运的+ -ly9. position    要点:n. (1) a place or location. 地点,位置或方位    can you find our position on this map?  你能在这幅地图上找到我们的位置吗?(2)a situation as it relates to the surrounding circumstances:    处境,立场;与周围情况有关的处境:    in a difficult position  处于困难境况(3)a post of employment; a job. 职位: 雇佣的职位;工作    he’s got a good position. 他谋得一份好工作。vt. 安放, 安置;    you must position yourself where you can see the blackboard.你必须坐在能看见黑板的地方。10. clear      要点:adj. transparent清晰的,清澈的a clear moon  一轮皓月  a clear day 晴天easily seen or heard or understood, distinct 清楚的;易懂的a clear photograph 一张清晰的照片adv. (1)清楚地 i want to be quite clear on this problem. 在这个问题上我希望搞清楚。(2)不碍事地;干净利落地she jumped clear. 她跳得干净利落。he got clear away. 他逃得无影无踪。vt, vi. (1)使干净;使清洁;使清澈 let’s clear all this crap off the kitchen. 让我们把厨房里所有的垃圾清理掉。(2)(常与of连用)除去;拿走clear the plates away 把盘子拿走please clear the desk of all these books and papers.请把书桌上所有的书和报纸都收拾起来。11. earth      要点:n. 地球the earth goes round the sun once a year. 地球一年绕太阳一周。the earth revolves on its axis. 地球绕轴自转。土地she put the seeds in the earth. 她把种子放入土壤里。12. work for 对……起作用  13. gps (global positioning system ) 全球卫星定位系统14. phone (=telephone)[口]     要点:n. 电话, 电话机    talk to sb. over the phone 在电话里和某人讲话    make a phone call打个电话  hang up (answer) the  phone挂断(接)电话    you are wanted on the phone. 有人叫你听电话。v. (给……)打电话    i phoned my parents. 我给父母打了电话。 (三)重点解析:1. by looking at their positions, people know what direction they are going.2. unfortunately, using a compass is not so easy.3. it is very useful for people who often travel.

Unit 6 Finding the Way 篇3

  lesson 3 大声读单词 1. painting     n. 画 2. government   n. 政府 3. carry        v. 携带,运送 重点词汇 1. painting     要点: n. 绘画,油画     traditional chinese painting 中国画 知识拓展:paint + ing paint  n. (1)油漆;颜料 there’s paint on your clothes. 你衣服上有油漆。 (2)化妆;化妆品 she brought a box of paints to school.  她带了一盒化妆品去学校。 v t, vi (1)给……上油漆 he painted the wall yellow. 他把墙漆成黄色。 she painted the window sills a bright colour. 她把窗台漆上鲜艳的颜色。 (2)(用颜料等)绘,画     paint a landscape 绘一幅风景画 i paint a lot of pictures. 我画了许多画。 (3)描写;描绘 their letters paint a wonderful picture of their life in singapore. (喻) 他们的信描述了他们在新加坡生活的有趣情景。 2. government   要点: n. 政府     the government is / are planning new tax increases. 政府正打算提高征税额。 3. carry   要点: v. (1) to take from one place to another携带,运送     these bags carry easily.这些包便于携带。 this wonderful plane can carry seven passengers. 这架奇妙的飞机能载七名乘客。 that pipe carries water. 那管子是送水用的。 pipes carry oil across the desert. 管道将石油输送过沙漠。 to support the weight of, to bear 支撑;支持     this pillar carries the whole roof. 这根柱子支撑着整个屋顶。   (三)重点解析:被动语态 1)什么是语态? 英语句子中谓语动词除了有时态之外,还有语态,表示主语和谓语的不同关系,这就是谓语动词所处的状态,即动词的语态。英语动词的语态主要有两种,即主动语态和被动语态。 (1)什么是主动语态? 当谓语动词的动作是由主语发出时,叫做“主动语态”,这时主语是动作的发出者,即动作的执行者,其正常语序为“主 + 谓 + 宾”。 (2)什么是被动语态? 当谓语动词的动作不是主语发出时,叫做“被动语态”,这时句子中的主语不是谓语动词动作的发出者,而是承受者,其实质是将主动语态的宾语变为被动语态句子的主语,同时 将主动语态句子中的谓语动词部分变为 “be + 动词的过去分词”形式,充当被动语态句子的谓语成分。 2)为什么要使用被动语态? 【核心概念】英语语言的根本特征之一是:主次分明,开门见山。被动语态正是使句意重心按这一特征把要突出的信息放在句首,把次要的信息放在句尾,或省略。完成这一任务仍需要对谓语动词的词形进行变化。 当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者,或没必要指出谁是动作的执行者时,或我们更关心动作的承受者时,应使用被动语态。英语中被动语态用的比汉语中的多,这是由英语语言的特点决定的。 3)被动语态的用法: (1)不知道谁是动作的执行者,用被动语态。 例: my watch was stolen.我的手表被窃。 (2)没有必要或不想指出谁是动作的执行者,用被动语态。 例:this hat was made in china.这顶帽子是中国制造的。 例:the bicycles must not be put here.这儿不准放自行车。 (3)强调或突出动作的承受者时,用被动语态。 例: the letter was posted.信寄了。 例:he cannot be relied on.他不可靠。 (4)出于礼貌、措辞等原因不愿说出动作的执行者,用被动语态。 例:anyone who sees the lion is asked to telephone the zoo and the police. 有谁看见这只狮子,请给动物园和警方打电话。 you are wished to do it more carefully.希望你认真一点做。 (5)为使句子结构简练、紧凑,上下连贯,也即出于行文的需要,用被动语态。 例:when he was still a young man, he was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons. 他年轻时,就由于政治原因被迫离开了祖国。 例:lenin often talked to his comrades and was always listened to attentively. 列宁经常和同志们谈话,同志们总是留心倾听。 (6)在文章标题、广告、新闻等中常用省略助动词be的被动语态。 例:telephone call placed.(tcp)电话接通了。(省略了has been) girls wanted.招女工。(广告用语,省略了are) road blocked.道路堵塞。(新闻报道,省略了is) 4)主动语态变被动语态的基本表现形式:      【规则总结】 (1)将主动结构中的宾语变为被动句中的主语。 如:i bought a computer yesterday. → a computer was bought yesterday. (2)将主动结构的谓语动词部分变为被动语态“be + 过去分词”形式。 如:i bought a computer yesterday. → a computer was bought yesterday. (3)将主动结构中的主语变为被动句中“by”的宾语,组成介词短语,放在被动结构中谓语动词之后。若动作的执行者无需说明或不必强调时,by组成的短语就可省略。 如:my brother bought a computer yesterday.     a computer was bought by my brother yesterday. (4)变为被动句后原句中时态不变。其中,第一动词反映谓语动作结束涉及的时间点,语态助动词be反映谓语动作的完成程度(进行中动作用being,已经完成动作即完成式用been)。 如:i bought a computer yesterday. → a computer was bought yesterday. (5)有直接宾语和间接宾语的主动结构,变为被动结构时,可以将其中一个宾语变为被动语态中的主语,另一个不动。一般是将主动结构的间接宾语(指人的宾语)变为被动结构的主语;如果将主动结构中的直接宾语(指物的宾语)变为被动结构中的主语,间接宾语(指人)之前则应加介词to(可省略)或for(一般不可省略)。与介词to搭配的动词有:give, show, bring, lend, send(寄、送)等。与for 搭配的动词有:buy, make, draw(画画)等。 如:we gave them some books. → they were given some books.(变间接宾语为主语) 或 some books were given (to)them.(变直接宾语为主语) (6)主动结构中,如果宾语是that从句,变为被动结构时可用it作被动句的形式主语或把主动句中宾语从句的主语变为被动句的主语,宾语从句中的谓语部分变为动词不定式短语。 如:they said that tom would visit the great wall next sunday. 他们说汤姆下星期天要游览长城。 it was said that tom would visit the great wall next sunday. 据说汤姆下星期天要游览长城。 或 tom was said to visit the great wall next sunday. (7)有宾语补足语的主动句子,宾语变为被动句的主语之后,宾语补足语成为了主语补足语,原来的位置一般不变。但如果宾语补足语是不带to的动词不定式,句子变成被动语态后则要加to,以便将两个动词隔开。 如:we keep food cold in the fridge.我们用电冰箱保鲜食品。 food is kept cold in the fridge. every day the tiger made one of the smaller animals bring him something to eat. 老虎每天强迫一个小动物给他带吃的东西来。 every day one of the smaller animals was made to bring the tiger something to eat. (8)短语动词在主动结构中有一个不可分割的词组,在被动结构中也是如此,不可丢掉后面的介词或副词。 如:the nurse takes good care of the children.阿姨精心地照顾小孩。 the children are taken good care of by the nurse.孩子们受到阿姨的精心照顾。 a notice will be put up on the wall.墙上将张贴一张布告。 the party’s policy has been successfully carried out. 党的政策得以很好的贯彻执行。 all applications should be handed in before saturday.所有申请书应该在星期六以前交上来。 this question has been much talked about recently.这个问题最近谈论得很多。 the english evening has been put off till friday.英语晚会已延期到星期五举行。 5)比较各种时态中的主动语态和被动语态: 主动语态                                               被动语态 一般现在时:he teaches english.                   english is taught by him. 一般过去时:he taught english.                    english was taught by him. 一般将来时:he will teach english.                 english will be taught by him. 一般过去将来时:he would teach english.           english would be taught by him. 现在进行时:he is teaching english.                english is being taught by him. 过去进行时:he was teaching english.              english was being taught by him. 现在完成时:he has taught english.                english has been taught by him. 过去完成时:he had taught english.                english had been taught by him. 6)主动形式表示被动意义: 有些不及物动词(其主语大都指物)的主动语态可以表示被动意义。 (1)某些动词如feel, taste, smell, sound, look等。 例:the flowers smell sweet.这花很香。 the bamboo chair feels cool.这个竹椅摸起来很凉快。 his theory sounded reasonable.他的理论听起来有些道理。 (2)某些与can’t, won’t等连用的不及物动词。 例:it can’t move.它不能动。 the baby can’t walk yet.这个婴儿还不会走。 the door won’t lock.这扇门锁不上。 the window won’t close.这扇窗户关不上。 this photograph won’t probably enlarge well.这张照片放大出来很可能效果不好。 (3)某些可和well, easily, quickly,not, hardly, badly, nicely等副词连用的不及物动词,如lock, open, read, sell, teach, translate, wash, write等,用来说明主语的性质特征而不是强调被执行的动作时,用主动形式表达被动意义, 例:the cloth washes very well.这布料很好洗。 some kinds of food assimilate(吸收) easily.有些种类的食物容易被吸收。 this kind of rice cooks more quickly than that kind.这种米饭比那种熟得快。 the poem translates well.这首诗翻译得很好。 the cloth washes easily.这种布料容易洗。 bikes of that kind hardly sell.那种自行车很难卖出。 (4)某些可用于“主+谓+主补”结构中的不及物动词。 例:this material has worn thin.这种布料已磨薄了。 the door blew open.门被吹开了。 (5)有些不及物动词的进行时也具有被动意义。 例:prices are advancing.物价在上涨。 corn is selling briskly.谷物畅销。 (6)动名词在be worth doing句型中主动形式表示被动意义。 例:the book is worth reading.这本书值得读。 it is hardly worth talking about.这不足挂齿。 (7)动名词在need, want, require等动词后,主动形式表达被动含义。 例:my watch needs repairing.我的表需要修理了。 the problem requires dealing with immediately.这个问题要马上处理。 7)“被动语态”与“主系表”句型的区别。 当系表结构为“系动词 + 用作表语的过去分词”时,它与被动语态的形式完全一样,于是就有一个如何区分的问题。总的来说,它们有以下几点区别: (1)被动语态中的过去分词是动词,表动作;系表结构中的过去分词相当于形容词,表状态。 例:the composition was written by adams.这篇作文是亚当斯写的。(被动语态)。 these articles are all sold out.这些货物全部售出了。(系表结构) (2)被动语态可用by短语表示动作的执行者;系表结构一般不用by短语。 例: the window was broken by the boy who lives next door. 窗户是被住在隔壁的男孩打坏的。(被动语态) the question is settled.这个问题解决了。(系表结构) (3)系表结构一般只用于一般现在时或一般过去时;被动语态则除可用于上述两种时态外,还可用于其它时态。 例:the flowers will be planted next week.下周种花。(被动语态) museums are closed to the public on mondays.博物馆每逢周一闭馆。(系表结构) (4)系表结构中的过去分词可被very修饰;被动语态中的过去分词可用much修饰。 例:he was very agitated(adj.激动的).他很激动。(系表结构) he was much agitated by the news.这消息使他很激动。 (5)被动语态只有被动意义;而系表结构在下列情况下可表主动意义: ①过去分词表示心理感情: 例:she is resolved(adj.下定决心的) to become a ballet dancer. 她决心当一名芭蕾舞演员。 i am quite puzzled.我十分困惑。 ②过去分词是反身动词: 例:the open square was bathed in light.宽阔的广场沐浴在阳光中。 the way was lost between the trees.小路消失在树林中。 ③过去分词与介词搭配: 例:she was scared out of her wits. 她吓得不知所措。 are you interested in this subject? 你对这门课感兴趣吗? ④有些句子既可是被动语态,也可是系表结构,应根据上下文去理解: 例:the door was closed.门关上了。 the road was mended.路修好了。 lesson 4 (一)大声读单词 1. supermarket   n. 超级市场   (二)重点词汇 supermarket   要点: n. a large self-service retail market that sells food and household goods. 超级市场: 大型的自助式零售市场,出售食物及家用物品 information supermarket 计算机服务中心; 自动问讯处 知识拓展:super 超级 + market市场   【典型例题】 1. a compass can         in any weather.     a. use        b. be used        c. be used for 2. the sun looks small, because it’s          the earth.     a. far away    b. far away form       c. near 3. i        brown’s        and found the farm quite easily. a. looked at, instructions    b. followed, directions   c. went after, directions 4. it’s difficult to find the way         long distances.     a. about       b. for         c. over 5. which word stress is different from the other two?     a. compass           b. direction       c. government   【参考答案】 1. b.      2. b.       3. b           4. c        5. b

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