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What does he look like

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What does he look like


What does he look like(精选3篇)

What does he look like 篇1

  第1课时 unit 7 section a 1a—1c (总第32课时)


  2.掌握询问价格的句型:how much is this t-shirt?

  it's seven dollars.

  how much are these socks?

  they're two dollars.



  一、自主学习(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )

  学习任务一:  熟练掌握本课的11个单词




  裤子__________ 短袜_______  男衬衣__________ t恤衫_________ 短裤___

  毛衣__________ 鞋_________ 裙子___________ 出售___________ 美元_____


  学习任务二:学习1a,掌握句型:how much is/are ……?it's/they're…….










  二、合作共建(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )


  ____________________________ ?________________________.



  三、系统总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.)



  四、【诊断评价】(教师寄语:never do things by halves)


  1. the blue hat is seven d__________.

  2. how much _____ the pants?

  3. how much are the ______(短袜)? ______ ______ two dollars.

  4. my _________(毛衣) is red.

  5.—how m______ is your skirt?  —20dollars.

  (二) 单选题

  1. how much _______ these pants?

  a. is     b. am    c. are      d. do

  2.—how much are the black socks?


  a. it's 10 yuan.   b. it's 10 yuans.  c. they're 10 yuan.    d. they're 10 yuans.

  3. where ______ your new pants?________ on the bed.

  a. is, it's    b. are, they're       c.  is, they're     d. are,i t's



  ______________________________________? _________________________.

  2.这件衬衣多少钱? 8美元.

  _____________________________________? ______________________.

  3.你的帽子多少钱? 3美元.

  _____________________________________? _______________________.




  1.the red sweater is 15 dollars.(对划线部分提问)


  2.her father has a white shirt.(改为否定句)


  五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:never do things by halves)



  第2课时 unit 7 section a (2a—4) (总第33课时)

  【学习目标】:1. .掌握有关颜色和服装的单词. 


  【学习重点】:. 购物用语.


  一、自主学习(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )

  学习任务一:   掌握有关颜色和服装的单词..



  3 .写出下列数字并展示.






  学习任务二:运用how much...?句型.,询问价格 .

  1.听录音完成2a 以及2b .

  2. 结对练习就2a 中的物品进行自由问答.

  3. 就你自己的物品相互询问价格.

  如:-how much is the red sweater ?

  -it's 30 $.

  -how  much are these notebooks ?

  -they' re 10$.

  学习任务三: 掌握购物用语

  1.根据理解补全3a 对话.小组讨论,相互检查.  

  2. 分角色朗读对话. 并尝试复述对话.

  3. 模仿3a 对话利用3b 中的图画进行自由练习. 

  4. game . ( 看谁记的快又多) 

  二、合作共建(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )

  小组讨论is 和 are 在谈论价格时的用法

  1.— how much _______the red skirt?    — it ________ 6 $.

  2.— how much _______these black pants? —they _______10 $..  

  三、系统总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.)


  四、【诊断评价】(教师寄语:never do things by halves)

  (一) 写出下列短语.


  长的裤子_____________短的袜子________________大的鞋子________________    小帽子______________给你______ 不必客气____________

  (二) 根据所给单词的首字母填空 

  1. the  blue  hat  is  seven  d___________.

  2. h______ much is the bag?

  3. —what c_________is your hat?  — blue.

  4. —can i h_______you?     —yes, please.

  5. you are w ___________.


  1.—____________ are the shoes? —they are green .

  a.  what         b. where        c.  how     d. what color

  2.— how much is this bag?—_____________.

  a. it's three dollars    b. it's three yuans    c. it's good   d. thank you

  3. —can i help you?


  a. yes, please     b. no, i can't      c. sorry     d.you're welcome

  4.   i think your socks _________nice . —thank  you. .

  a. be        b. is       c. are    d. am

  5. —what color is it? —

  —it's ______red. it's ________red apple ..

  a. a , an       b. /, a       c. /, an      d. a, a,

  6. —the socks are very cheap

  . —i 'll _________them .

  a. give        b. bring      c. like       d. take

  (四) 翻译下列句子.

  1.—这个黑包多少钱? —8 美元。

  —how much ________the ________bag? 


  2.—这红短裤多少钱? ---9美元.

  —_______ much _________the red _______?

  — they're 9 dollars .

  五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:never do things by halves)



  第3课时 unit 7 section b (1a—2c) (总第34课时)




  2. 购物用语.


  一、自主学习(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )

  学习任务一:  读写、记忆数字10-39,并默写.





  10 ________11________ 12________ 13________ 14 ________15 _____

  16________ 17________ 18 ________19 ________20 ________21 ________

  28 ________30 ________32 ________39________


  学习任务二:运用how much...?句型及其i like/don't like....句型,询问价格及表达喜好.





  e.g. a: how much are the red socks?

  b: they're $8.

  二、合作共建(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )

  思考如何表达21--29及31--39这些数字, 它们有什么规律?

  三、系统总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.)





  a:_______ _______ ______the _______ ________?

  b:__________ $20.

  我喜欢这袜子. i like _______ ________.

  我不喜欢红色. i _______ _______ red.

  四、【诊断评价】(教师寄语:never do things by halves)


  1. the blue hat is seven d________.  2. how m_______ is this t-shirt? four dollars.

  3. thank you.you're w__________.  4. my socks are not green. they are y__________.


  1. how old is your uncle? he is ___________(25) years old.

  2. how much is this hat? it's ___________(11) dollars.

  3. they have _________(12) balls.

  clothes color price

  socks white, blue $4

  pants black $11

  sweater red, white $8

  t-shirt red, green, black $7

  hat black, red $6

  4.__________(15)and ___________(18) is _____________(33).


  mason's clothes store

  1. which is the cheapest(最便宜的)of all? a. hat  b. t-shirt  c. pants  d. socks

  2. how much are two sweaters and a hat? a. $14  b. $20   c. $21  d. $22

  3. you can buy ______ in mason's clothes store.

  a. black pants  b. a blue sweater  c. a green hat  d. red socks

  4.you like red and you only have $6. you can buy________.

  a. a sweater   b. a hat    c. a t-shirt  d. none(全无)

  5.you have $16.you can buy ___________.

  a. a sweater and a pair of pants  b. two t-shirts and a pair of socks

  c. two sweaters      d. a sweater and two hats

  五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:never do things by halves)



  第 4课时 unit 7 how much are these pants? (总第35课时)

  sectionb 3a—4




  【学习过程】: 一、自主学习(教师寄语:knowledge is power.)

  学习任务一:  会读写p45页单词与短语.




  单词:衣服,服装________ 商店________ 来,来到_______ 购买,买_______

  很,非常_______ 价格_______ 每个______任何人_________ 负担得起;买得起_____

  我们的_______ 看见_______ 你自己_______ 先生___卖;销售______从,从...起____

  学习任务二: 读懂3a短文,在此基础上完成3b.

  1 、个人自渎,并翻译.

  2 小组讨论短文意思.并完成下列翻译.

  (1) 以一个很好的价格______________ (2) 只有25块钱__________

  (3) 一个运动包___________         (4)红颜色的t恤衫___________


  (6) 自己亲自看_______________      (7) 在华星服装店____________

  3 、小组核对答案.






  二、合作共建(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )


  你自己 我自己 她自己 他自己


  三、系统总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.)




  1. the women _______red is my mother.

  a. at   b. in    c. with     d. of

  2. we have t--shirts in blue,yellow,red and black_______only 20 yuan.

  a. by   b. in    c. for     d. with

  3. he buys this sweater ____a very low price.

  a. in   b. on   c. at    d. wirh

  4. —_________your pants?  —yellow.

  a. how much is  b. what color are  c. what's color is  d. what color is

  5. — how much _______the blue pants?  —_____twenty dollars.

  a. is, they're   b. are, they're     c. are, it's   d. are, yhey're

  6. we can ______clothes ______this shop.

  a. buy;to   b. buy; from     c. sell; from    d. buy; for

  7. come down to the shop and see for_______.

  a. you    b. yourself      c. your     d. yours


  1. do you n______bags for school?

  2. come and see for y________at xinhua clothes store.

  3. what c______ is your t--shirt ?   -----blue.

  4. we s_____pants for only 30 dollars.


  1. 她以便宜的价格买下了这座房子.

  she takes the house_____a cheap_______.

  2. 这些绿短裤大销价,每条25美元.

  the green short are______ ______ for 25______.

  3. 任何一个人都能买得起.

  _________can _______the prices.



  t--shirt  bag  sweater shoes

  ¥50 ¥20 ¥60 ¥38



  五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:never do things by halves)

  通过本节课的学习,我最大的收获是 _______________________________________

  感到自己有待加强的是__________________________                 ________

  第5课时 unit7 self – check (总第36课时)



  3、熟练运用本单元句型:how much is ...? it's...

  how much are ...? they are ....

  【学习重点】: 正确运用询问物品价格的句型。

  【学习过程】: 一、自主学习(教师寄语:knowledge is power.)

  学习任务一:  熟悉掌握本单元单词和短语。




  衣物:裤子 ______   短袜 ______ 男衬衣 _____ t恤衫_____

  短裤 _______  毛衣_____  鞋_______   裙子________

  颜色:  黑色 _______ 白色 _______ 红色________绿色_______

  蓝色 _______ 黄色_________ 橘黄色 _______________


  短语:给你_______________ 不客气 _______________

  看一看、看一眼 _________________ 出售 ________________


  学习任务二:  读懂part3 短文,完成题目要求。







  二、合作共建(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )



  三、系统总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.)





  1.红色毛衣 ____________    2.蓝色衬衫_____________

  3.白袜子 ____________      4.给你 __________________       

  5 .不客气________________  6.黄色裙子________________________

  7.看一看_________________ 8.出售___________________________



  1. she has _____volleyballs.

  a. twenty five  b. twenty —five  c. twenty—fifth  d. five—twenty

  2. the yellow shorts _____15 yuan .

  a. is on sale  b. are on sale  c. are on sale for   d. is on sale for

  3.—what color is it?

  —it's ____red.it's ____red apple.

  a. a, an    b. /, a     c. /, an    d. a, a

  4.—how much are these black socks?  —______

  a. it's 10 yuan.   b.it's 10 yuans. c. they're 10 yuan.  d. they're 10 yuans.


  1. how much is these shoes. ______

  2. it's twenty dollar.________

  3. here are you._______________

  4. we sell books in a very good price.______

  5. please have a look my sweater.______


  hi, boys and girls. have  1 _look  2 _zig zag 's clothes shop.we have black and blue hats 3_($15) 4_.the blue sweater is ($33) 5_and the yellow sweater is ($30) 6_.the yellow shorts are 7_$30 and the green shorts are 8_ sale for $25.you ask how 9_the shorts are ? 10_shores ? oh, i'm sorry.these are my shoes.

  ( )1. a./     b. a    c. an     d. the

  ( )2. a. at   b. /     c. to     d. in

  ( )3. a. on   b. to    c.for    d. with

  ( )4. a. five    b. fifteen    c. fiveteen    d. fifty

  ( )5. a. three three  b. thirteen three  c. thirty three   d. thirty—three

  ( )6. a. thirty   b. threety   c. thirteen   d. threeten

  ( )7. a. too   b. also    c. other    d. each

  ( )8. a. on   b. for    c. to    d. in

  ( )9. a. many   b. some    c. lot    d. much

  ( )10. a. what   b. which   c. how    d. who

  五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:never do things by halves)



What does he look like 篇2

  第四节             学案       单元基本知识语言结构yes/no问句及简短回答wear的一般现在时用法用于宽泛描述的形容词重点词汇short, curly, long, tall, straight hair, a medium build, height, thin, heavy, bald, brown, blonde, glasses, hair, beard, mustache, look like, a little bit, good-looking 重点句型what does he look like?he’s tall.he’s short and he has straight hair.do you know david?i don’t think he is so great.he likes reading and playing chess.              知识点拨1. what do you look like?i’m short.what does he look like?he’s heavy.what do/does…look like? 当询问某人长什么样子时,常用此句型。第三人称单数或单数名词作主语时,应用助动词does;其它人称或复数名词作主语时,常用助动词do。回答时常用“be+形容词”或“have/has+名词”。例如:what do they look like?他们长得什么样?they have curly hair.他们梳着卷发。2. she never stops talking.stop doing sth.的意思是“停止做某事”。例如: time is up.let’s stop writing.时间到了,请不要写了。                        相关资料  美国人谈话的内容涉级面很广,玩笑幽默的话语和正经事经常是同时出现。但他们有三大忌:一是忌问年龄,二是忌问买东西的价钱,三是忌在见面时说:“你长胖了!”因为年龄和买东西的价钱都属于个人的私事,他们不喜欢别人过问和干涉。                 第七单元测试题(100分)笔试部分一、词汇(10分)a)用划线词的反义词填空。1. turn left, don’t turn _____. you will find there soon.2. i don’t like curly hair. i like _____ hair.3. _____ people should love the old people.4. this boy is very _____, but his brother id very short.5. this story is too _____. please tell me a short one.b) 用所给词的适当形式填空。6. look! jane _____ (wear) a beautiful red skirt.7. he can sing english songs very _____ (good).8. the shop sells _____ (woman) handbags.9. who is the _____ (win) of the game?10. _____ (not talk), please listen to me.二、单项选择(20分)(   ) 1. —_____ does mary’s sister do?   — she is a nurse.a. what b. when c. where d. why(   ) 2. let’s _____ a talk about learning chinese.a. had b. having c. to have d. have(   ) 3. it’s very hot here. you’d better _____ your coat.a. put on b. get on c. cake d. put in(   ) 4. i want to be a doctor _____ i grow up.a. what b. when c. because d. where(   ) 5. —_____ does your friend look like?   — she _____ a medium build with blonde hair. a. what…has b. what…is c. when…is d. where…has(   ) 6. the little boy can _____ chess.a. play b. plays c. to play d. playing(   ) 7. the little girl is _____ shy. a. a lot b. a lot of c. a little bit d. a bit little(   ) 8. she _____ comes to school late.a. don’t b. doesn’t c. not d. never(   ) 9. the beautiful girl _____ a beautiful dress.a. wear b. wearing c. be in d. is wearing(   ) 10. he has short, curly, brown hair _____ glasses.a. have b. has c. and d. with三、补全对话(20分)从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话a. but it’s hard to get a ticket, i think.b. what about allan?c. why not go and buy some earlier?d. what about you?e. bad luck!a: what are you going to do tonight?b: tonight? i’ll be free. i think.   (1)  a: the swedish rock band will give a concert in our town.b: yes? where?a: at the theatre in the center of the town.b: do you want to go there?a: yes.   (2)  b:   (3)  a: i went there the day before yesterday, but i couldn’t get any.b:  (4)  a: your sister works in the theatre. i’m sure she can help me.b: but she went to liverpool on business.a:  (5)   he’s her best friend, you know.b: well. i’ll call him. maybe he can help us.a: us? will you go to the concert with me?b: yes. i also like music, you know.四、完型填空(20分)tom and fred are talking about the year2050.“what will   1   be like in the year 2050?” asks tom .“i don’t know,” says fred, “what do you think?”“well, no one knows. but it’s   2   to guess,” says tom, “in the year 2050, everybody will   3   a pocket(袖珍) computer. the computer will give people the   4   to all their problems. we shall all have telephones in our pockets,  5  . and we’ll be able to talk to our friends all over the world. perhaps we’ll be able to   6   them at the same time. machines will do  7   of the work, and people will have more   8  . perhaps they’ll work only two and three days a week. they’ll be able to fly to the moon by space hip and spend their holidays there.”“i’m very   9   to hear that. i hope to fly to the moon. and i also hope i’ll be able to live   10  ,” says fred, “won’t that be interesting? just like a fish.”(   ) 1. a. our home b. the traffic c. a factory d. the world(   ) 2. a. pleased b. no use c. interesting d. unusual(   ) 3. a. carry b. bring c. give d. send(   ) 4. a. news b. ways c. things d. answers(   ) 5. a. either b. again c. too d. also(   ) 6. a. call b. see c. look d. listen(   ) 7. a. most b. many c. lot d. every(   ) 8. a. work b. duty c. holidays d. times(   ) 9. a. sorry b. glad c. sure d. afraid(   ) 10. a. in the sea b. on the land c. on the mountain d. under the ground五、阅读理解(20分)a bag is useful and the word “bag” is useful too. it gives us some interesting phrases(短语). one is “to let the cat out of the bag”. it is the same as “to tell a secret”. there is an old interesting story about it.long long ago, when people sold things in big cloth(布) bags, a woman asked a man for a pig. the man held up his cloth bag. there seemed to be a little pig in it. the woman asked to see it. when the man opened the cloth bag, a big black cat ran out. not a pig! the man’s secret was out and everyone knew it.now when someone lets out(泄露) a secret, he “lets the cat out of the bag”. and that is the story of where the interesting phrase came from.(   ) 1. the phrase “to let the cat out of the bag” came from _____.a. a woman and a pig   b. a man and cata. a pig and a cat      d. an old interesting story(   ) 2. the woman wanted to buy _____ .a. a cloth bag b. a little pig c. a black cat d. a bag and a pig(   ) 3. the man knew there was _____ in his cloth bag.a. a bag b. a pig c. a cat d. nothing(   ) 4. at the end of the second paragraph “everyone knew it”, “it” refers(指的是) to _____.a. there was a pig in the man’s bag b. the woman bought a catc. the cloth bag                d. the man’s secret(   ) 5. john “lets the cat out of the bag”  mean he _____.a. makes everyone know a secret  b. puts the cat away from the bagc. buys a cat in the bag          d. sells the cat in the bag六、书面表达(计10分)写一篇短文,描述你最熟悉的一位老师,包括他(她)的国籍、性别、年龄、外貌和个人爱好。_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________答案一、词汇a)1.riht 2. straight 3.tall 4. tall 5. longb) 6. is wearing 7. well 8. women’s 9.winner 10. don’t talk二、 1. a 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.a 6.a 7.c 8.d 9.d 10.d三、1.d 2.a 3.c 4.e 5.b四、1.d 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.a 8.c 9.b 10.a五、1.d 2.b 3.c 4.d 5.a六、略

What does he look like 篇3

  unit 7 what does he look like?


  1  look like 看起来像....

  2 curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直发

  3 medium height/build 中等高度/身 体

  4 a little bit 一点儿…

  5 a pop singer 一位流行歌手

  6 have a new look 呈现新面貌

  7 go shopping (do some shopping) 去购物

  8 the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长

  9 be popular with sb 为---所喜爱

  10 stop to do sth 停下来去做某事

  11 stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情

  12 tell jokes/ stories 讲笑话/ 讲故事

  13  have fun doing sth 愉快地做某事

  14 remember ( forget) to do sth 记得(忘记)做某事(没有做的)

  15  remember (forget) doing sth 记得(忘记)做过某事 (已做)

  16 one of --- ---中的一个 


  1 is that your friend? no, it isn’t.

  2 what does she lo ok like?[

  3 i think i know her. ( i don’t think i know her.)

  4 wang lin is the captain of the basketball team.

  5 she’s a little bit quiet.

  6 xu qian loves to tell jokes.

  7 she never stops talking.

  8 she likes reading and playing chess.

  9 i don’t think he’s so great.

  10 i can go shopping and nobody knows me.

  11 now he has a new look.


  1 what does/ do +主语 + look like? 询问某人的外貌特征,看上去什 么样?

  e g: what does your friend look like?

  2 形容头发时, 可按照先长短,后曲直,最后说颜色的顺序说。

  eg: she has long curly black hair.

  3 one  of  + 名词复数,谓语动词要用“单三”形式。

  eg: one of his friends  is a worker.

  4 不定代词做主语时,谓语动词要用“单三”形式。修饰不定代 词词,应该放在它的后面.

  eg: i can go shopping and nobody knows me.[

  5.he is …(通常为形容词,包括身高、体形等)

  he has…(通常为形容词修饰的名词,包括头发、五官)

  he wears…(穿、戴、留。可以是衣 服、帽子、鞋子等,也可以是眼镜、手表、胡须)

  6.i don’t think…的用法表达否定的看法 i don’t think she is good-looking.

  回答人的补充   -02-08 01:15

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What does he look like
