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Module 4 Relationships

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Module 4 Relationships


Module 4 Relationships(精选3篇)

Module 4 Relationships 篇1

  unit 1 visiting relatives


  一. 教学内容:module 2 relationships unit 1 visiting relatives(一)课标词汇(二)重点短语(三)重点句型(四)would like的用法(五)特殊疑问句how long…?  how much…? 二. 知识总结与归纳:(一)课标词汇1. invite                                2. yet                               3. exciting4. send                                 5. as                                6. great7. his                                   8. expensive                     9. rain10. interesting                       11. idea                            12. say13. eleventh                          14. slow                          15. cost16. plane                              17. week                          18. dear19. trip                                 20. much                         21. present22. lovely (二)重点短语1. have a letter from                                     2. the same age as3. talk to                                                     4. from… to…5. think about                                              6. write to7. stay with                                                 8. be excited about9. get there                                                  10. by plane11. have a good journey                                12. all the interesting places13. make a timetable                                     14. on the great wall15. in the summer palace                              16. at tian’an men square17. in the forbidden city                               18. in the center of beijing19. be sad to                                                20. a photo of ben (三)重点句型1. i’ve had a letter from my brother.2. he has invited us to stay with his family in august.3. i’ve never seen my cousin in beijing.4. how exciting!5. are we going to visit beijing?6. that’s too slow / expensive.7. how much is the ticket?8. how long will we stay? (四)would like的用法“would like ”意为“想要”,其语气比用 like 婉转些。具体用法如下:1. 后面接名词或代词,表示“具体要”某样东西。例如:i’d like two sweaters for my daughters.(我想给我的女儿们买两件毛衣。)would you like one of these moon cakes?(你想要一块这样的月饼吗?)2. 后面接动词不定式,表示“愿望,喜爱”,常用于有礼貌地提出邀请、请求或建议。例如: i would like to drop maths.(我想放弃数学。)would you like to come to supper?(你愿意来吃晚饭吗?) 3. 当主语是第一人称时, would 可与 should 换用,它们都可以缩写为 ‘d ,并且 like 也可换成 love .例如:i’m sure he would love to come.(我确信他愿意来。)i should like the red one. (我想要红色的。)4. “ would like ”后面可以用动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如:what would you like me to do?(你想要我干什么?)i’d like you to meet my parents, too.(我想要你也见见我的父母。)*重点记住:would like后面不能接doing (五)特殊疑问句how long…? how much…?we’ll stay until the end of august.how long will we stay?it takes 2.5 hours to travel from garden city to beijing by plane.how long does it take to travel from garden city to beijing by plane?it is 1500 yuan.how much is it?it cost 1500 yuan.how much does it cost?they are 549 yuan.how much are they?

Module 4 Relationships 篇2

  unit 2 our animal friends


  一. 教学内容:module 2 relationships unit 2 our animal friends(一)课标词汇(二)重点短语(三)重点句型(四)一般现在时、一般过去时的用法 二. 知识总结与归纳:(一)课标词汇1. animal                          2. fun                       3. speak                   4. rescue5. farm                            6. hungry                 7. thirsty                  8. nobody 9. prefer                           10. best                    11. light                    12. call13. well                            14. if                        15. tell                     16. complete17. problem                      18. choose                19. family                 20. mean21. danger                        22. find                    23. become              24. try25. accident                      26. many                  27. sometimes          28. die29. promise                      30. cat                     31. care                   32. street33. address                       34. keep                   35. own                   36. ask37. example                      38.newspaper           39. police                 40. catch41. robber                        42. lose                    43. hunt                   44. blind45. person                        46. safe                    47. safely                 48. sheep (二)重点短语1. look after                                                     2. care for3. take care of                                                 4. bring…to5. family name                                                 6. tell sb. how to do7. sick animals                                                 8. every year9. be cruel to                                                   10. be kind to11. promise to                                                  12. for example13. in many ways                                             14. millions of15. on their farm (三)重点句型1. which one would you like?2. i prefer the black one.3. you must look him well.4. let’s call him sam.5. what does spca mean?6. thank you for coming to visit spca.7. the dog ate the meat, too. (四)一般现在时、一般过去时的用法一般现在时一般现在时表示现在的状态如:he is twelve. she is at work.表示经常的或习惯性的动作如:i get up at 6:30 every day.表示主语具备的性格和能力等如:she likes noodles. they speak french. 如果谓语动词是be 动词,则根据主语选择相应的am, is, are。如:i am a teacher. she is a girl. they are very nice. 如果谓语为实意动词,主语为第一人称,第二人称和第三人称复数时动词用原形,主语为第三人称单数时,动词用相应的第三人称单数形式。如:they help me.   you speak english.   he goes to school on foot.一般过去时一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last night, in 1990, two days ago 等。也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常和often, always 等表示频度的时间状语连用。例如:i got up at 6:30 yesterday. my father was at work yesterday afternoon. he always went to work by bus last year.

Module 4 Relationships 篇3

  unit 1 visiting relatives先介绍内容:mr li一家去北京探亲始末。第一课时:mr li收到weiming的来信。从relative引入课文:what are the relationships between mr.li and weiming.引出问题:how old...?where does...?对话完后,掏出一个请帖:a wedding invitation告诉学生:it's a wedding invitation from my niece. what do you want to know about her?哈哈。孩子们问开了:is she beautiful? is her husband handsome? where will she get married?will she have a baby?when will be the wedding ceremony?下课了,孩子们还意犹未尽,热烈地问……第三课时:这个课时以一家到达北京始,继而在北京游玩的景点描述.a. 机场---- 读读练练b. 北京景点---- 含四个内容: 1)when--主要练on+date表达式  2)where以及what---熟悉四个名胜及里面的游玩内容  3)directions: 主要练习in the centre of和 110 km south-west of beijing   分开练习,效果良好。把以上四个内容分开来练,通过填3-week plan练when方面的内容;问答where和what问句;画地图练directions……  接着,pair work一下,练好四个问题;然后,再pair work或者group work,给新话题:你的朋友来上海了,带领他们去游玩。  还是老毛病:要下课了,只能观摩一组!以后狠狠把前面时间压缩、压缩、在压缩!好给后面腾出时间。

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Module 4 Relationships
