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Unit 6 Where’s your pen pal from? 教案

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Unit 6 Where’s your pen pal from? 教案


Unit 6 Where’s your pen pal from? 教案(精选2篇)

Unit 6 Where’s your pen pal from? 教案 篇1

  unit 1 where’s your pen pal from?教案

  language goals:

   in this unit students learn to talk about countries, nationalities and languages.

   ask and tell where people live.

  new languages:

   where is your pen pal /he / she from?

   he’s / she‘s from canada/ australia / england / china / france/ singapore.

   where does he / she live?

   he / she lives in toronto/sydney/australia/japan/china.

   what language does he / she speak?

   he / she speaks english and french.

   countries such as australia, japan, the united states, canada

   languages such as english, french, chinese, japanese

   members of the family

  difficult points:

  1. listening for the information about countries, nationalities and languages.

  write an e-mail about oneself.

  describe the new students in class.

  2. grammar focus: where is your pen pal from?    he’s from australia.

  where is john’s pen pal from?  he’s from japan.

  where is her pen pal from?     she’s from france.

  where does he live?           he lives in paris.

  where does she live?          she lives in sydney.

  teaching periods:

   period 1:section a  1a, 1b, 1c

   period 2:section a  2a, 2b, 2c,2d

   period 3:section a  3a, 3b, 4

   period 4:section b  1, 2a, 2b, 2c

   period 5:section b  3a, 3b, 3c

   period 6:self check

  period 1

  teaching aims:

  1. teach words and expressions:

  pen pal, australia, japan, canada, france, the united states, singapore, the united kingdom, country

  2. target languages:

  where is your pen pal from?

  she’s from japan.

  3. enable the students to talk about nationalities.

  4. help the students learn how to talk about nationalities.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1.  free talk

  say: do you have any friends? where is she/he from?

  help the students make the same sentences and give them more chances to say.

  step 2. talking about the picture (1a)

  hold up the picture on page 1 and point at the map. ask students to read the picture.

  ask some students to read aloud to the class. make the students talk about where people are from.

  say: do you have a pen pal? where is your pen pal from?

  ask the students to read the conversations in the picture.

  step 3.  listening (1b)

  point to the numbered list of words and play the recording for a second time.

  ask the students to listen to the recording and circle the countries in 1a.

  ask students to listen to and repeat after the recording and then check the answers.

  step 4. pair work (1c)

  1. now work in pairs and read the conversations in 1a with your partner. you can talk about your own pen pal.

  2. ask the students to look at their own clothes and the things in their

  backpack. ask and answer questions about where they are from.


  1. ask the students to practice talking about where people are from and make up real dialogues.

  2. learn the new words in this period by heart.

  period 2

  teaching aims:

  1. learn the vocabulary words and useful expressions:sydney, new york, paris, toronto, tokyo, live

  2. target languages: where does he/she live? he/she lives in toronto.

  3. let the students learn to talk about where people live.

  4. help the students learn how to talk about where people live.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1. revision

  check the homework and ask several students to answer questions.

  say: where are you from? do you have a pen pal? where is your pen pal from?

  step 2. presentation (2a)

  put a map of the world on the blackboard.

  say: what’s the meaning of capital? can you guess? help them to answer.

  write australia, the united states, canada, france, and japan on the left of the blackboard. and write sydney, new york, paris, toronto, and tokyo on the right of the blackboard. and the teacher reads them aloud and asks students to repeat.

  then ask students to match the cities with the countries.

  step 3. talk about countries and cities

  ask the students to work in pairs, asking about the cities and the countries.

  say: now work in pairs and ask where the city is. for example, the first student asks, “where is beijing?” the second student answers “it’s in china.”

  then tell the students to ask question about chinese cities.

  step 4. listening (2b, 2c)

  tell the students to read the list of countries and cities in 2a.

  say: now let’s look at the list of countries and cities in activity 2a. i will ask some students to read them aloud to the class.

  call the students’ attention to the chart in 2c.tell the students to listen to the conversations in step 4 again to complete the chart.

  step 5. pair work (2d)

  ask the students to read the conversations in the picture. then ask them to talk about the information in the chart in 2c.

  ask the students to work in groups and make up new dialogues with their own information.

  step 6.grammarfocus

  review the grammar.

  say: you have to pay attention the word “from”. it always follows verb be, while “live” comes out alone in where sentences. now make more sentences with “where”, “from’ and “live”.

  write the following on the blackboard.

  where is your pen pal from?     he’s from australia.

  where is john’s pen pal from?   he’s from japan.

  where is her pen pal from?     she’s from france.

  where does he live?            he lives in paris.

  where does she live?           she lives in sydney.

  say, now work in pairs and make dialogues after the model above.


  1. ask the students to learn the sentence patterns in grammar focus by heart. try to use them freely.

  2. remember the words in this period.

  3. make a similar dialogue according to the conversation in 2d.

  period 3

  teaching aims:

  1. teach vocabulary words: language

  2. target languages: what language does she speak? she speaks english.

  3. enable the students to learn to talk about what language people speak.

  4. help the students to learn how to talk about what language people speak.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1. free talk

  say, morning, boys and girls. nice to see you again. do you remember we have learned about how to ask where people are from and how to ask where people live? now i want some of you to answer my questions.

  (turn to a student.)where are you from?

  give more students chances to speak in class.

  step 2. presentation (3a)

  say: do you know the meaning of “language”? listen: tim is from england and he speaks english. so english is his language. i’m from china, so chinese is my language .now look at activity 3a.on page 3.

  read the instructions to the class. ask students to work in pairs as they answer the questions.

  show the flowing and ask the students to make conversations after the model.

  what language do people speak in singapore/ australia/ the united states/ the united kingdom/ china?

  they speak english/chinese.

  step 3. pair work (3b)

  ask the students to pay attention to the conversation in activity 3b.

  say, read the dialogue by yourselves. then i will ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in class.

  show a map of the world. ask students to work in pairs.

  step 4. quiz(4)

  ask the students to look at activity 4 then work in pairs and do the quiz.


  ask the students to work with their friends and practice the dialogue in activity 3b.

  period 4

  teaching aims

  1. teach new words and expressions: world, in english, japanese, french, any

  2. target languages:

  does she have any brothers and sisters?

  does she speak english?

  is that your new pen pal?

  yes, it is.

  3. enable the students to learn to talk about their new pen pals.

  4. help the students learn how to talk about their new pen pals.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1. revision

  ask the students to make conversations talking about their new pen pal.

  ask some pairs to come to the front and talk about their pen pals.

  greet each other and have a free talk with classmates.

  talk about the persons they admire.

  step 2.match work (1)

  ask the students to pay attention to the notebook page with the countries


  ask the students to write the letter of the correct country in the box next to the title of each language textbook on the desktop.

  step 3. listening (2a, 2b)

  first, read the instructions and tell the students to read the conversation

  in 2a.

  check the answers. then ask the students to read the questions again. ask the students to fill in the chart.

  give students 1 minute to finish the task. check the answers with the students.

  then play the recording again and ask the students to repeat.

  step 4. pair work (2c)

  ask two students to work in pairs, practicing the questions in activity 2a. then tell the students to practice dialogues similar to the dialogue in activity 2a in pairs. they can use their own names.


  ask the students to make up similar dialogues using the following words: sam, the unites sates, new york, a brother and a sister, english and french.

  period 5

  teaching aims

  1. teach new words.

  2. target languages:

  i think china is a very interesting country.

  i like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.

  my favorite subject in school is p.e.

  it’s fun. / it’s too difficult.

  3. enable the students to write a letter to his/ her pen pal.

  4. help the students learn how to write to a pen pal.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1.warming up

  say, do you have a pen pal? what’s his name? does he have any brothers and sisters? what language does he speak?

  then ask the students to work in pairs to talk about their pen pal.

  step 2. reading (3a)

  ask the students to read the letter on page 5.

  point the four questions beneath the letter.

  when the students finish reading the letter, ask the four questions orally and ask them to answer orally.

  ask the students to retell the letter, using their own words.

  step 3. reading and writing (3b)

  ask the students to pay attention to the letter coming from tom king.

  point out the blanks in the letter and the information card on the right.

  correct the answers. then draw the information card on the blackboard and ask the students try to retell the letter.

  step 4. writing

  ask the students make their own information card.

  after they finished, ask several students to read their e-mails in class.


  ask the students to choose one of the following tasks as homework.

  1. show a name card to the students and ask them to write something about it.

  2. the students change their information card with their partner and write something about their partner.

  period 6

  teaching aims:

  1. teach new words: dislike

  2. enable the students to describe the new students in the class.

  3. help the students learn to describe the new students in the class.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1. revision

  practice talking about one of the students.

  say, take out your information cards. and change it with your partner. read it carefully and make up an oral practice, talking about your partner.

  step 2.key word check

  ask the students to read all the words in this part.

  say: in learning to talk about where people are from, you learned many words on the topic. now read and check the words you know in activity 1 on page 6. then make a sentence with each of them.

  step 3.vocab-builders

  ask students to write five new words in their vocabulary-builder on page 112. after they finished, ask two students to write their words down on the blackboard.

  ask them to read the words and the whole class repeat.

  tell the whole class to remember them after class.

  step 4.writing

  let the students pay attention to the pictures.

  say, look at the picture of sally. how old do you think she is? where do you think she is from? what language do you think she speaks? what do you think she likes? what do you think she dislikes?

  the same step goes with jim and julie.

  after a few minutes, ask some students to read their descriptions to the class.

  step 5.speaking

  ask the students to do an oral practice about the new classmates.

  say, there are several new students in our class this term. who do you like best? why do you like him or her? please tell us. first you can tell your partner.

  ask some students to present their work to the class.

  step 6. just for fun!

  ask all students to read the conversation.

  let the students practice in pairs.


  ask the students to summarize what they have learned in this unit and prepare for the next unit.

Unit 6 Where’s your pen pal from? 教案 篇2

  unit 6 where’s your pen pal from?

  unit 6 where’s your pen pal from?

  一 教学目标

  1. 语言知识目标

  要求学生掌握以下词汇和短语(canada, france, japan, the united states, australia, singapore,the united kingdom,sydney,new york,paris,toronto, tokyo, french, japanese, pen pal).

  语言结构(日常交际用语):where is your pen pal from?

  he/she is from australia.

  where does she/he live?

  she/he lives in sydney.

  what language does she/he speak?

  she/he speaks engish.


  1)能用where … from 引导的特殊疑问句询问人们的国籍

  2)能掌握where… live 引导的特殊疑问句询问人们居住的城市。




  二 教材内容分析及重点,难点的分析

  1 本单元主要围绕“where is your pen pal from?”这一主题展开各种教学活动,并以这一主题引出现where … from,where… live 引导的特殊疑问句等语言功能。本课时为self check 部分,主要是复习本单元的重要单词、词组及句型。通过对本课时的学习,可以有效地检测出学生在本单元学习过程中的知识上的缺陷,以及在语言运用上的不足之处,从而熟练掌握本单元的内容。

  2 重点:词汇、词组搭配和 where,what 引导的特殊疑问句

  3 难点:能在交际中准确地运用where,what 引导的特殊疑问句来询问并回答人们的国籍居住的城市及所说语言。




  三 教学对象分析


  教学策略:我在计教学任务时, 创设了大量的贴近生活的情景让学生在运用语言的过程中,不断提高他们综合运用语言的能力,使各层次的学生都有所收获。

  四 教法设计





  五 教学媒体设计

  1)在warming—up 这个教学环节中需要借助于电脑来播放一首英语歌曲

  2)在pre---task 阶段用录音机。

  3)在task 1与练习阶段中需要借助于电脑幻灯片,让学生借助图片,中英文提示能更顺畅地理解任务。   

  六 教学过程设计

  step one   warming-up

  let the students listento an english song.


  step two   pre-task

  1)first tell the students to describe the photos in the picture i have prepared some photos containing some countries like canada, france, japan, the united states, australia, singapore,the united kingdom

  2)play the tape to listen to the words of this unit. let the students to write the words that they have heard.

  3) ask the students to turn to page 36 to look at part 1 to check the words.


  step three   task 1

  in this part i will show the students four pictures.

  i will divide the class into groups. each group has four students .let one student act as a reporter ,  the other three act as audiences. each student should choose different pictures from others to describe. then ask the student to fill in the forms in groups.

  name country city language

  at last ask some “reporters” to report the pictures while they are showing the pictures to the other students in front of the classroom by the slide. let the students to tell me who is the best “reporter” and who is the best group. i will give them a gift as a prize.

  教学过程分析:出示本节重点句型,结合单词进行语言点的初步感知与练习。设计目的是明确本节课主要内容中的重点,突出语法中的关键点。 通过这一教学过程,创设贴近生活的情境,在接近生活常态的交际中,对进行时进行口语训练。通过填写表格,使学生更好地把握here … from,where… live 引导的特殊疑问句的结构。学生在轻松的环境中掌握了句型和时态

  step four   task 2

  show the students some more pictures. let the students to imagineand describe the new students in your class .this task is a little difficult than task 1. they can give different, interesting but reasonable stories. ask some of them to tell the stories in front of the class. let the students to have a competition in groups to see which group is the best.


  step five   practice

  (一)句型转换:(it is easy for you. i believe you are the best!)

  1 my pen pal is from canada. (划线提问)

  ______  ______ your pen pal from______?

  2 john lives in new york.  (同上)

  ______  ______ john _____?

  3 mary lives in the united states.( 一般疑问句)

  ______ mary _____ in the united states ?

  4 her pen pal is from australia.(变为否定句)

  her pen pal _____ _____ australia.

  5.she speaks english.


  (二)将下列句子译成英语。(go! go! 加油!)








  my name is tony and i live in canada. my mother is from

  korea and my father is from france, so we speak three languages at home. i think languages are very interesting and i want to study portuguese and chinese. but my favorite subject at school isn’t a language, it’s math. i really like history, too.i like sports, especially soccer and basketball, because they’re relaxing, but i don’t have much time to play. i go to music club after school on mondays, have guitar lessons on wednesdays, and go to the library on fridays. but saturdays and sundays are great because i can play sports, sleep, and watch tv.

  (   ) 1. tony’s parents live in __________.

  a. argentina     b. japan      c. canada

  (   ) 2. tony can speak __________very well at home.

  a. korean          b. chinese        c. portuguese

  (   ) 3. his favorite subject is __________.

  a. a language       b. math           c. history

  (   ) 4. he can play soccer on __________.

  a. mondays and fridays       b. tuesdays and thursdays

  c. saturdays and sundays

  (   ) 5. tony thinks sports are __________.

  a. interesting        b. funny       c. relaxing





  step six   summary

  1)get the students to say what they learn in this class. remind the important and difficult points.

  2)let the students to think over what kinds of mistakes they have made in this class and how to avoid .

  step seven   homework



  3)阅读just for fun ,准备以笑话的形式讲给同学们听,看看谁能成为笑星。

  七 板书设计

  unit 6  where’s your pen pal from?

  self check

  where is your pen pal from?    he/she is from australia.

  where does she/he live?          she/he lives in sydney.

  what language does she/he speak?    she/he speaks engish.

  八 教学过程流程图

  (1)课前播放英文歌曲切入→ (2)为任务教学作好词汇,语法及句型上的准备→ (3)任务一  →(4)任务二→ (5)练习→ (6) 总结→ (7)家庭作业

Unit 6 Where’s your pen pal from? 教案相关文章:

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PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit 1 Our School第3课时教案

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Unit 6 Where’s your pen pal from? 教案
