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七年级英语Pets教案 篇1

  unit 6 pets


  unit 6 pets

  integrated skills pronunciation main task check out project 二. 需要掌握的词汇

  all over, fantail, weigh, kilogram, bottom, pea, owner, speaker, shy, basket, string, worry, lead, sign, shell, slowly 三. 重点与难点

  1. weigh v.重量为…

  the elephant weighs more than 1000 kilograms.

  how much does your dog weigh?

  i weighed the apple in my hand.

  weight n. 重量

  what is your weight?= how much do you weigh?

  2. make sure 确保,保证,后接宾语从句,也可以接of 短语。

  make sure that all the children arrive home safely.

  make sure that the door is locked before you leave.

  she works hard to make sure of the first prize.

  3. lead n. (牵狗的)“绳子”或“皮带”, 常与on 或off连用,还可表示“领先”“榜样”。

  keep your dog on the lead on the street.

  don’t let your dog be off the lead.

  we should follow our monitor’s lead.

  you ought to give us a lead/ take a lead.

  4. feed v. 喂养

  feed on …以…为食

  sheep feed on grass.

  the baby feeds on milk.

  feed …(on) sth / feed sth to …用…喂…

  they feed the rabbit (on) carrots.= they feed carrots to the rabbit.

  you must feed the dog (on) clean water.= you must feed clean water to the dog.

  5. worry v. 担忧,使担忧

  worry about 为…担忧

  worried adj. be worried about 为…担忧

  don’t worry about my health. i can look after myself.

  his parents are always worried about his study.



  1. we use english ______(wide).

  2. i will stay in beijing for four days at ______(little).

  3. you are too_______ (noise). don’t make any _______(noise).

  4. please say it ______(one) more.

  5. chinese people are ________(friend) than you think.

  6. my mother is ______(busy) of all.

  7. she is _______(care) and always makes a lot of mistakes, but her sister does everything _______(care).

  8. he is _______(interest) in how to keep a cat.

  9. are you _______(worry) about your son?

  10. there are two ______(mouse) eating two _______(tomato) on the table.答案


七年级英语Pets教案 篇2

  unit 6 pets

  period 1 welcome to the unit

  teaching aims:

  •to identify different names of animals and match them with correct pictures.

  •to know typical features.

  •to know ways of describing animals. teaching procedures: step 1 leading in:

  1) show them pictures of some animals. and ask them whether they know the names of these animals and which they like best.

  2) present names of the animals and spelling of them. lead them to read and try to remember the spelling.

  3) ask them: what kind of animal do you like best? and why? step 2. presentation

  1) play a guessing game. i prepare descriptions of some animals. after i show them, the fewer sentences they need, the higher marks they can get.

  2) after guessing each animal, ask some questions about this animal and tell them the appearances and characters of animals at the same time.

  3) finish part b on page 93.

  4) some extra exercise: provide them with some idioms about dogs and let them give out the chinese meaning.

  5) finish some exercises on the ppt. step 3. comic strip.

  1) listen to the tape and answer the questions about dialogue.

  2) read the dialogue in different roles.

  3) act out the dialogue.

  4) explain phrases : bring sb. sth.=bring sth. to sb.

  be more polite

  should+动词原形 step 4. homework


  完成自主学习第一课时 period 2-3 reading

  teaching aims:

  •to learn about rhyme schemes, stress and intonation of poetry.

  •to learn new vocabulary to talk about pets.

  •to read about animals’ behavior.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1. leading in.

  1) at the beginning of the class, lead them to read a poem to have a general understanding of rhythm.

  2) tell them that today we are going to learn three poems about pets. before reading, match the words on the left with their meaning on the right to understand new words in the poems. step 2. presentation

  1) read the first poem about the dog, then answer some questions.

  2) use the same way to finish learning other two poems about goldfish and cats.

  3) repeat reading the three poems and explain the rhythm.

  4) have a competition among groups. look at which group can read with correct rhythms. step 3. consolidation

  1) at the very beginning of the second period, let them read another poem about black sheep. let them have great fun to read.

  2) brainstorm: after having a simply revision of three poems, encourage them to describe the animal in each poem. use as many words as they can, and see which group can speak more.

  3) show them some phrases in chinese and let students find them in poems and translate them into english.

  4) complete some sentences by using some phrases.

  5) more exercise related to the text. step 4. homework.


  背诵my dog period 4 vocabulary

  teaching aims:

  •to recognize and identify a range of animal features.

  •to differentiate between features belonging to different animals.

  •to use appropriate nouns and verbs when describing the appearance characteristics of different types of animals. teaching procedure:

  step1 leading in

  1. a picture about a parrot, and tell students that this is my parrot. what is it like? what does it have?

  2. some students may say that it has tail, wing and feathers.

  3. use the same way to teach them cats and fish. tell them ways of expressing different parts of the animals. step 2 presentation

  task1. finish part a on p97.

  task2.make dialogues with partners with the words about different parts of some animals. pictures of animals are given below. 

  task3. finish sentences by using different parts of animals. step 4 presentation

  1.according to the pictures and finish short passages on p97 part b.

  2. ask some questions about the two animals: cats and parrots.

  3. make dialogues about animals’ activities under the help of many pictures.

  4. say something about a parrot from its appearance (parts of the body), personality and activities.

  5. work in groups of four. each group chooses one of the animals above and say something about it from its appearance (parts of the body), personality and activities step 5 homework

  1.继续背诵my dog

  2.熟读新单词准备默写 period 5-6 grammar

  teaching aims:

  •to use positive and negative imperatives when giving orders and instructions.

  •to recognize and understand how to use imperatives appropriately.

  •to use the modals “must” and “should” to talk about duties and responsibilities. teaching procedures:

  step 1.giving instructions.

  1. build a real-situation for them to speak. before going to the library, your teacher may tell you what you should do and what you shouldn’t do. what will she say?

  encourage students to give instructions by using positive instructions and negative instructions.

  2. let students give instructions as much as possible about how to keep goldfish and cats.

  3. finish a1 on p 98, and give instructions about how to keep pets.

  4. conclude the use of giving instructions. step 2. brainstorm.

  provide them with some situations and let students give correct instructions. step 3. consolidation

  1. rearrange the words to make sentences to give instructions.

  2. practice translating about giving instructions. step 4. homework.


  完成自主学习相应部分 period 7 integrated skills

  teaching aims:

  •to identify specific characteristic in a description of a goldfish.

  • to listen for detail and extract specific information.

  • to use knowledge presented in written text to infer general meaning and context. teaching procedures. step 1. leading in

  1) ask them how well they know about goldfish.

  2) introduce them a new kind of fish: fantail goldfish.

  3) ask some questions about fantail goldfish: what is it like? how to look after it? step 2 presentation

  1) the young pet owner club tells peter the right way to look after a fantail goldfish. sentences begins with “it’s a good idea to…”and “it’s important to”. please help peter to make notes with “you should” and “you must”.

  2) other sentences begins with “it’s not a good idea to…” and “it’s very important not to …”. help peter make notes with “you shouldn’t” and “you mustn’t ” .

  3) conclude that: “it’s important to…”and “you must ” emphasize the importance. step 3 listening

  1) listen to the tape and fish a1 and a3 on p102 and p123.

  2) after finishing a3, let students read the dialogue and answer some questions about fantail goldfish. step 4. presentation

  1) underline some useful phrases in the text and explain the usage of these phrases.

  2) do more exercises. step 5. speak up

  1)books closed! listen to the tape. answer the following questions:

  what are they talking about?

  what does amy like and why?

  2)listen to the tape and follow it. then books open. read the conversation again.

  3)students practise the conversation in pairs. then ask them to make new dialogue to talk about pets. step 6. homework.

  自我巩固grammar 部分

  背诵本课b2部分内容 period 8 pronunciation

  teaching aims:

  •to ask and respond to questions about favorite pets.

  •to responsible by stating opinions.

  •to ask for explanations of opinions and respond appropriately.

  •to introduce the idea of sentence stress.

  •to identify and recognize typical stress patterns in sentences. teaching procedures: step 1:leading and presentation

  1. listen to the tape of part a. read after the tape. let students thinks about what words are stressed in sentences.

  2. sum up: we often stress important words, e.g., nouns, main verbs, adjectives and adverbs. we do not usually stress less important words, e.g., articles, prepositions, pronouns and conjunctions. step 2. practice

  practice reading sentences in part b. pay attention to the stress in sentences. step 3. homework.

  完成自主学习下一课时grammar 部分

  巩固练习pronunciation period 9 main task

  teaching aims:

  •to present factual information and opinions in writing.

  •to describe characteristics and personalities of pets.

  •to describe pets’ lifestyles, including feeding habits, homes, likes and dislikes.

  •to generate personal ideas, plan and organize text to express one’s own opinions.

  •to present an article about a favorite pet. teaching procedures:

  step 1. leading in and presentation

  1). tell students that your teacher asks you to do a presentation of your favorite pet.  look at amy’s writing about her cat first.

  2). ask them: how does amy describe her cat?

  its appearance.  its characters. its lifestyle and how to look after it. step 2. presentation

  show them a picture of a parrot. let students say something about its appearance, its character, its lifestyle and how to look after it. step 3. writing

  finish part a on page 105. and look at partc on page 106. try to write an article about your favorite pet according to the structure.

  provide them with some useful phrases about pets. step 3. homework.


  背诵poppy the cat period 10 checkout

  teaching aims:

  •to review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit.

  •to give students the opportunity to practice the grammar and vocabulary items, and to gain confidence through doing so. review the main context of this unit.  














