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7A Unit 1 This is me!教案

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7A Unit 1 This is me!教案


7A Unit 1 This is me!教案(精选2篇)

7A Unit 1 This is me!教案 篇1

  牛津 7 a unit 1 checkout

  teaching objectives:1. to revise and master the grammar and vocabulary in this unit.

  2. to use the simple present tense and the words in the relevant situation.

  3. to check this unit by themselves and the partners.

  teaching content:  new words: someone, sound, great

  main vocabulary in this unit

  the simple present tense

  lesson type: revision lesson

  teaching methods: discussion, game, question-and-answer, situational teaching methods

  preparation: recorder, multi-media, pieces of paper with a table for a survey, taking photos of some students and learning about their hobbies and strong /weak points.

  key points: to revise and master the grammar and vocabulary in this unit.

  to use the simple present tense and the words in the relevant situation.

  difficult points: to use the verb “to be” and “to do”

  to tell the difference between the three cases of the simple present tense

  blackboard design:               unit 1 checkout

  things that are true now

  the simple present tense  things that we do regularly

  things that are always true

  am/is/are…n./adj./prep. …?    … am/is/are not…

  do/does…v. …?              … don’t/doesn’t do…

  teaching procedures:

  step 1 revision (5’)

  play a guessing game using yes/no questions of the simple present tense.

  t: we’ve known each other for more than two weeks. do you know your new classmates well? let me test how well you know your new classmates. who is the classmate? you may ask such questions before you get the right answer.

  is…a boy/a girl?

  is … tall?

  does… wear glasses?

  does …like playing football/…?

  is … good at …? 

  step 2 practice speaking (6’)

  1. do a survey in groups using the simple present tense.

  t: some of you know the new classmates well, but some don’t. next let’s do a survey to know our classmates better. do a survey about the classmates’ hobbies (√) and strong points ( ) in your group. just take turns to ask yes/no-questions and give full answers.

  ss: do you like …? yes. i like…./ no. i don’t like….

  are you good at…? yes. i am good at …./ no. i am not good at …

  computer games ball games music  drawing swimming reading  …

  s1 √   √ 




  2. keep practicing using the simple present tense.

  t: exchange no.1 student of the two groups, and the others can ask him/her questions about his/her group. so you can know more information about the classmates from the other group.

  ss: does s1 like…?

  is he/she good at …?

  step 3 practicing the simple present tense by completing the conversation (6’ )

  1. choose the correct words in brackets.

  t: daniel is talking to his mother about his new friends at school. complete their conversation. finish part a in the textbook. 

  2. check in pairs. encourage the students to ask the teacher questions. and then show the correct answers.

  3. read the dialogue in pairs (daniel & mother).

  4. explain the sentences: is someone good at computer games? (here it is the indicative mood.) the new friends sound great. (linking v. + adj.)

  step 4 revising the words and summarizing the grammar (5’)

  1 complete the sentences with the correct words.

  2 check the answers and spell them.

  3 summarize the simple present tense and write them on the blackboard.

  t: among these five sentences, which are the things that are true now?

  ss:1 millie’s cousin, andy, is good at playing volleyball.

  3 amy likes swimming.

  t: which are the things that we do regularly?

  ss: 2 my friend, daniel, wears glasses.

  5 kitty and millie often play badminton after school.

  t: which are the things that are always true?

  ss: 4 eddie does not eat fish.

  step 5 revising the simple present tense of the verbs “to be” & “to do”        (6’)

  1. use a picture of a cat to introduce the simple present tense of the verbs “to be” & “to do”.

  2. briefly revise the structures of positive & negative sentences and general question of the simple present tense of the verbs “to be” and “to do”.

  3. revise the rules of the singular form of the third person of the verbs.

  4. consolidate by doing some exercises. (fill in the blanks with the verbs.)

  step 6 playing a game (5’)

  t: let’s have a match between boys and girls. you need to play the game in pairs. one does the action, and the other says the word aloud and spells it within 3 seconds. boys’ and girls’ group take turns to play the game. i’ll show you the picture.

  (play volleyball, swim, play badminton, skate, play tennis, draw pictures…)

  step 7 practice the words through a match (5’)

  t: let’s have a match in groups. try to find the words in this unit in the word grid below. the words can go forwards(→), backwards(←), up(↑), down(↓) or diagonally (↗↖↙↘). work in groups of four. which group can find the most words most quickly?

  o g n i w a r d y r

  z y g x v u s b q c

  v o l l e y b a l l

  f h a r d o j d k u

  l i s s h t a m p b

  e t s w i m m i n g

  s r e h u g w n f e

  s u s s t c e t g h

  o o i b s t r o p s

  n c w a l k i n g x

  answers: (→←) drawing, volleyball, hard, maths, swimming, sports, walking 

  (↑↓) lesson, court, glasses, badminton, club

  (↗↙↖↘) fish, hobby, music,

  step 8 consolidating (5’)

  1. do translation exercises

  2. use the simple present tense of the words to complete the sentences.

  step 9 summarizing and setting the homework (2’)

  t: in this class, we’ve revised the grammar and the words and expressions in this unit. we use the simple present tense to talk about… (ss repeat the sentences on bb)

  t: here’s today’s homework. revise the words and expressions in this unit. and revise the simple present tense of the verbs “to be” and “to do”.

  7a unit 1 this is me

  grammar: simple present tense

  ⅰ.teaching objectives:

  1.ask students to make positive and negative statements and ask questions with the verb ‘to be’

  2.ask students to use the simple present tense to talk about things that are always true,things that are true now and things that we do regularly.

  3.ask students to master some new words and phrases.

  ⅱ. teaching important point:

  how to master and use the simple present tense?

  ⅲ. teaching aids:

  multimedia and a blackboard

  ⅳ. teaching procedures

  step 1. organize teaching

  ask ss to answer some questions.

  step 2. review and check up

  ask students to do some exercises.

  explain simple present tense of the verb ‘to be’

  step 3. new material──simple present tense of the verb ‘to be’

  1.go through the tables with students.point out the contractions.

  2.ask students to read the sentences on their own.then do some exercisees and check answers.

  3.go through the tables with students.

  4.ask students to do some exercises and check answers.

  5.ask students to complete part e on p11 of sb

  then check the answers.

  step 4. guess the new words and master language points.

  according to the context,learn the new words,and ask students to maser language points.

  step 5. new material──simple present tense of the verb ‘to do’

  1.tell students that we use the simple present tense to talk about things that

  ●are always true

  ●are true now

  ●we do regularly (habits,jobs,school work,etc.)

  2.ask students to complete part a on their own.ask several students to read out their answers.check for correct pronunciation.

  3.ask students to go through the table with students.ask students to master verb form changes for the simple present tense in the third person singular.

  4.ask students to do some exercises.

  5.ask students to master how to make positive and negative sentences in the simple present tense like this.

  6.ask students to complete part b of p9 on their own.then check the answers.

  7.ask students to do some exercise and check the answers.

  step 6. practise

  1.ask students to complete part c of p10. ask students to read the sentences and check the answers.

  2. ask students to complete part f of p11. then ask students to read the text and check the answers.

  step 7. guess the new words and language points.

  ask students to read the new words and master language points.

  step 8. practise

  1.ask students to do some exercises.

  2.ask students do some translations.

  step 9. make a conclusion

  step 10. homework

  finish exercise

7A Unit 1 This is me!教案 篇2

  7a unit 1 this is me!教案


  content: reading (1)


  teaching aims and demands:

  1. to review the use of language in giving personal information.

  2. to use personal pronouns correctly.

  key points:

  the use of personal pronouns

  difficult points:

  the use of personal pronouns

  teaching aids: 录音机,六个小孩的头像图片 

  teaching methods: 阅读(精读 与略读)

  teaching procedures:


  t:yesterday i asked you to write some sentences to introduce yourself ,now i ask you to do it!( encourage them to go to the front)


  t: do you know the six new friends in reading?


  show the table on the blackboard, then ask some questions to fill in the blanks and check out their answer.

  1.what about his/her hair?

  2.does he/she wear glasses?

  3.does he/she tall or short?

  4.what’s his/her hobby? (do exb1)

  millie simon kitty amy sandy daniel

  hair(short/long) short short long short long short

  glasses no no no yes yes yes

  tall/short/slim / / small not


  tall quite tall

  and slim /

  hobbies reading book playing football dancing swimming listening to

  music playing computer game


  just now we know something about them ,now please read aloud the reading know more about them(说的同时可以附加手势引导学生理解)

  step4:ask and answer

  let ss ask more question about them

  1. how old is millie?  (she is 12 years old.)

  2. where does she live now?  (she lives in beijing.)

  3. who has a dog?

  step5: listening and practice

  listen to the tape and do exb2


  write some sentences to introduce one of your classmates

  read the textbook carefully and remember the new words 复备栏目


  7aunit1  period 2 达 标 检 测

  一. 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使句意完整、正确。(7)

  1 .his brother____(be) born on february 2 , 1990 .

  2 .i ____ (love) dancing and she ____ (love) singing.

  3 .he often ____ (help) others and he is very ____ (help).

  4 .maths____ (be) my favourite subject.

  5 .my parents love ____ (run) very much .they ____ (run) on the road every morning.

  6 .the boy always wears a pair of ____ (glass) .he is very cool.

  7.lucy     (go) to school with her friend every day.

  二 .下面有两篇短文,先读上面的短文,再完成下面的短文,每格填一词。(13)

  hello, everyone. my name is kate. my chinese name is li hong. i’m in class 4grade1. i am quite tall and slim. i come from england .my parents are in china with me. i was born in winter and i like skating very much. i’m very good at swimming .i have yellow hair in a ponytail. i work hard. by the way, i have a cat. her name is mimi. i love it very much.

  hello, everyone. this is my friend, kate. _________chinese name is li hong. __________in class 4, grade1  she _______short and she is very slim. she__________from england. __________parents are in china with _________ .she was born in winter and she ________ skating. she does very well ________swimming. she ________yellow hair in a ponytail. she_________ hard. by the way, she ________ a cat. the ________ of her cat is mimi. she________it very much.


  1 .his chinese name is chen dan. (1—3 为划线部分提问)

  2. he enjoys playing computer games.

  3 .wang mei is in grade 1.

  4.she has short hair. ( 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

  5.look at your english books. ( 改为否定句 )

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7A Unit 1 This is me!教案
