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Unit 4 Electricity

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Unit 4 Electricity


Unit 4 Electricity(通用3篇)

Unit 4 Electricity 篇1

  unit 4. electricity2

  reading a 课  时 第1课时

  教学目标 1. 让学生了解科普文章类文章,培养学生的阅读兴趣;

  2. 引导学生学习有关电的来源、电的流程、使用途径等知识内容,激发学生思维;

  3. 引发学生思考电是人类仆人的真正含义

  重点和难点 1. 学习和掌握与电相关的词汇与句型;

  2. 培养阅读技巧;

  3. 了解电的产生与输出过程。


  step1. warming-up

  1. talk about the cartoon picture on p49.

  2. discuss some things about electricity.

  step2. pre-reading preparation

  1.    let the students discuss in group, then answering the following questions.

  what does electricity look like?

  how can we know there is electricity.

  what can we do with electricity?

  step3. while-reading

  1.   look at the title, the picture, the first and the last paragraphs and answer the questions of a1:

  what is the girl going to buy?

  what did the boy ask her to do?

  who or what is the servant in the title?

  2.   check the answer after the first reading , and ask the student which lines can find the answers.   

  3.   read the story for the second time and answer the following questions:

  did benny often try to fool daisy?

  can we see electricity?

  did benny fool daisy successfully?

  how did benny explain about electricity?

  4.   read the text for the second time and finish a3 and a4.

  5. check the answers, then discussing how does electricity make the light bulb shine.

  6. read after the tape and translate the whole passage.

  step 4. post-reading

  1. language points

  2. have a debate: electricity is a good servant or a bad servant?

  3. find the true meaning of a servant of mankind.


  1.write down the important phrases and sentences.

  2.finish the exercises on book b and english weekly.


Unit 4 Electricity 篇2

  unit 4 electricity

  packet 小包装

  electricity  电

  fool     愚弄;欺骗

  flow     流;流动

  explanation 解释;说明

  servant 仆人

  mankind 人类

  form   形式;形态

  energy 能量

  bulb  电灯泡

  flat 公寓;单元房

  connect 与…相连接

  power station 发电厂

  battery 电池

  chemical 化学制品

  advice 忠告;建议

  rice cooker 电饭煲

  pot 管;壶

  housewife 家庭主妇

  careful 仔细的;小心的

  unplug 拔去(塞子,插头)

  microwave 微波炉

  heat     加热;变热

  metal 金属

  kettle 水壶

  iron 熨斗

  move 移动

  screen 屏幕;荧屏

  analogue television 模拟电视

  degital television 数码电视

  quality 质量;素质;特征

  cover 覆盖

  lock     锁上

  peephole 窥视孔

  test 测试;检验

  lean 倾斜,使斜靠

  staff  职工

  customer 顾客,客户

  properly 恰当地;得体地

Unit 4 Electricity 篇3

  unit 4. electricity

  writing   课  时 第6课时

  教学目标 1. 学生已掌握情态动词的意义和用法,要求学生学会把情态动词使用到写作当中,从而帮助学生巩固所学的知识。

  2. 以节约用电为话题,提高学生节约资源与安全用电的意识。

  重点和难点 1. 注意情态动词的合理使用,巩固已学知识;

  2. 学会观察图片,看图写作,激发学生的思维,拓展写作思路。


  step1. warming-up

  do the exercise of part a making rules, then checking the anwers together.


  1.  look at the pictures on p62 and answer the following questions:

  1). how many lights does the boy turn on ?

  2). does he need four lights ?

  3). so what must we not do to save electricity?

  4). what did the owner forget ?

  5). so what must we do to save electricity?

  6). what did he forget ?

  7). so what must we not do to save electricity?

  8). what did the owner forget when he used the air conditioner?

  9). so what must we do to save electricity?

  2.  根据以上问题回答的内容补充以下文章:

  let’s save electricity in our daily life!

  electricity is very important and useful in our daily life, so we must make some rules to save it. first,____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________all in all , we don’t need to do big things , we can just start out small . let’s do our best to save electricity from now on !


  homework assignment.



  1、电在我们的校园生活中是非常有用的 。




  let’s save electricity in our school !




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Unit 4 Electricity
