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新目标七年级上Unit8 Period 5学教案

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新目标七年级上Unit8 Period 5学教案


新目标七年级上Unit8 Period 5学教案(通用13篇)

新目标七年级上Unit8 Period 5学教案 篇1


  课   题 unit 10 period 2 授课时间 12.22 学习目标 teaching aims(教学目标)  go on learning to talk about abilities(继续学习谈论能力) language points(语言点) 1、要求掌握以下句式  (1)---can he /she paint /speak english?        ---yes, he/she can. /no, he/she can’t.    (2)  ---what can you do? ---i can play the guitar.    (3) ---can you play it well?        ---no, i can’t. 学习重难点 analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching:  名词:kid  形容词性物主代词:our 学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 【学习目标】: 1.掌握并运用各种俱乐部的短语。 2.学会谈论自己的喜好和意愿及表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能。     3.通过小组一起谈论彼此的特长和爱好,培养一种群体意识。 【学习重点】: 能表达自己在某一方面所具备的才能及喜好与意愿。 【学习过程】: 一、自主学习(教师寄语:从自主中培养能力,在学习中获得乐趣. 学习任务一: 熟练掌握各种俱乐部名称。 谈论自己的喜好和意愿。  eg. a:what club do you want to join?      b:i want to join the chess club. 写出以下俱乐部名称,看谁写的即快又正确。 英语俱乐部______________________ 艺术俱乐部________________________ 音乐俱乐部______________________ 象棋俱乐部________________________ 游泳俱乐部______________________ 足球俱乐部________________________ 学习任务二:运用情态动词can谈论自己在某方面所具备的才能。 二、合作共建(教师寄语:学会合作,乐于合作,提高自我. 试翻译以下短语,并讨论有什么不同? 弹吉他__________________  踢足球___________________ 三、系统总结(教师寄语:只有不断的总结和归纳,知识才会更系统.) 试总结:情态动词有人称和数的变化吗?也就是说动词需要进行变化吗?  he/she/i/you/they can ______________(sing). 1.warming-up and revision  (1) daily greetings to the students  t: good morning/afternoon.  ss: good morning/afternoon, sir/miss.  t: what day is it today?  ss: it’s monday/tuesday/…, etc.  t: what’s the date today?  ss: it’s may 12, …etc.  t: what’s the weather like today?  ss: it’s sunny/cloudy/…,etc. write the students’ answers on the blackboard.  (2) revision(复习) ask some students to read out their compositions. 2.presatation t: (从复习中来)what can you do?/ can you sing? s: i can play the guitar. t: what club do you want to join? s: i want to join the music club. t: what about you?(to the other students) ask individual students. 3.work on 3a t: let’s put the conversation in order t: lets check the answers.  let students read the conversation loudly and make up similar dialogues .ask some pairs to act out. 4.presentation(呈现新知识) t: is this your clock.(point to the clock on the wall in the classroom) s: yes, it is. t: yes, it’s our clock. am i your teacher? s: yes, you are our teacher.( help the students to answer.) t: you know me well. can i speak english? s1: yes, you can. t: yes, i can speak it very well. what else can i do? s2: you can paint. t: yes, i can. but i can’t paint well. then ask the students individually t: what can you do? s: i can dance. t: can you do it well? s: yes, i can. / no, i can’t. 5.work on3b(完成p61,3b的对话部分) t: work on groups of four. make up similar dialogues. please write down the answers in the form. (first do a sample with a student) name can well  not well  li lei swim √   mary sing   √                         6. presentation t: what can you do? (ask one boy student) s1: i can play basketball. t: can you play it well? s1: yes, i can. t: can he play basketball?( point to the boy student, ask one girl student) s2: yes, he can. t: can he play it well? s2: yes, he can.( he can play it well.) t: what can you do then? s2: i can dance. t: can you do it well? s2: no,i can’t. t; can she dance?( point to the girl student, ask another student) s3: yes, she can. t: can she do it well? s3: no, she can’t. t; what about you?…… 7. practice ask the students to ask and answer as the teacher does in step 6. 8.work on 3b  now use the form we have done in 3b. tell us what your group members can do. e.g tom can play the guitar. but he can’t play it well. 9. work on 4 groupwork t: now you are middle school students. you can swim you can sing. you can do many things. but they can’t. they are only kids.(show a picture of a group of kids to the students) they are going to beidaihe. but there aren’t enough teachers. are you good with kids? do you want to join them? can you help them? please look at the ad on page 61 part 4 suppose one of you are the headmaster of the kindergarten please make an interview with your partner. then take turns. (give them five minutes) then ask some pairs or groups to act out their interviews. ask other students to listen to the interviews carefully and ask some questions about the interviews. such as:  have they found someone for the job?    why?  what can they do?  what can’t they do? 10. grammar focus   use the sentences on the blackboard to do the grammar focus. t:这两天我们学习了谈论人的能力。我们学习了情态动词(要求学生讲出) s:can t:如果要表达会做什么,用?不会什么,用? s:can,   can’t t:请大家看这些动词,有没有变化? s;没有,是原形。 t:对,动词放在情态动词的后面,不管主语是第一、二还是第三人称,动词都用原形。请大家一定要记住这一规则。 11.exercises t: now let’s do some exercises ⅰchange the sentences(按要求改写句子) 1.       we want to join the chess club.(对划线部分提问) what ____ ____ you want to ____? 2.       can you speak english?(作否定回答) no, ___ ___. 3. i can play the guitar well.(改为一般疑问句)     ____ ___ ___ the guitar ___? 4 david can sing. david can’t sing well.(合并成一个句子)    david can sing____ he ____ sing well. ⅱfill in the blacks  my name is tom. i am a middle school student. i like playing basketball. and i ____ ____ it very ____. i also like swimming. but i _____ swim very well. i have a good friend at school. his name is jack.. he likes swimming very much. ___ he can _____ very _____. he _____ play basketball, too. ____ he ____ play it _____. if time permits, do it in class. if not, do as homework. 12. homework oral work:  (1)recite the dialogue in 3a and 3b(背诵3a和3b中的对话)    (2)go on making the interview in part 4 and polish it. (继续做采访并完善对话) written work    (1)copy the sentences in grammar focus twice (抄写grammar focus中的句子两遍)    (2)do workbook p39 exercises 3 and4.    (3) write a short composition.(仿照课堂内所做的练习ⅱ写一篇短文)   教后反思

新目标七年级上Unit8 Period 5学教案 篇2


  课   题 unit 7 period3 授课时间  11.25 学习目标 1.掌握数字10—39. 2.学会购物. 学习重难点 1.数字10—39. 2. 购物用语. 学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 一、自主学习(教师寄语:many hands make light work. ) 学习任务一:  读写、记忆数字10-39,并默写. 1.听录音并跟读,熟读1a中的数字. 2.个人自读,记忆数字. 3.小组互相检查读、写情况. 4.写出下列数字并展示. 10 ________11________ 12________ 13________ 14 ________15 _____ 16________ 17________ 18 ________19 ________20 ________21 ________ 28 ________30 ________32 _______39________ 5.完成2b,并在小组内核对答案. 学习任务二:运用how much...?句型及其i like/don't like....句型,询问价格及表达喜好. 1.听录音完成2a. 2.再听一遍录音,将lisa和妈妈所谈论的东西及它们的价格填入下列表格, 并将她们购买的东西圈出。.         3.根据.表格及2b图画练习对话,完成2c. e.g. a: how much are the red socks?             b: they're $8. 二、合作共建(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )     思考如何表达21--29及31--39这些数字, 它们有什么规律? 三、总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.) 询问价格的句型: 表达喜好的句型: 完成下列句子. 这件绿色的毛衣多少钱?20美元. a:_______ _______ ______the _______ ________? b:__________ $20. 我喜欢这袜子. i like _______ ________. 我不喜欢红色. i _______ _______ red. step 1: warming-up and revision greet the students and get their personal information: what’s your telephone number? what’s your father’s mobile phone number? what’s your bike number? step 2: show a big form , let the students count from one…, ask them to try to count from 10-19,then the teacher writes down the numbers on the blackboard.   step 3: listen and repeat (1b):  1.play the recording for the first time, students only listen. then play it again, students listen and repeat. 2.listen and circle the numbers. (2a): tell the students: i will play a recording of a conversation . you’ll hear lisa and her mother talking about buying things. 3.which group is the best? divide the students into several big groups, step4: listen and say you will hear the recording of lisa and her mother again, listen and check the things lisa buys.   step 5: in pairs, suppose one is lisa, and the other is lisa’s mother, ask and answer the questions about the clothes in the picture above. step6:summry step 7 homework : 1 copy and recite the new words 2  write down the passage about what lisa and her mother talk about. 教后反思 本节课的设计以任务为中心,以交际为目的,在运用语言完成各种任务的过程中来学习、体会和掌握语言。

新目标七年级上Unit8 Period 5学教案 篇3


  课   题 unit 10 period 3 授课时间 12.23 学习目标 teaching aims(教学目标) 1.       询问别人在乐器方面所具备的才能。 2.       谈论某人在音乐方面所具备和不具备的才能。 language points(语言点) a.      要求熟练运用以下句式: (1)           --can you …? --yes, i can./no, i can’t. (2)    –can sb. do sth.? – yes, he/she can, but he/she can’t…./no, he/she can’t, but he/she can…. 要求掌握以下词汇:drums piano trumpet violin 学习重难点 analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching: 弹奏某种乐器,要在乐器前面加上”the”. 学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 【学习目标】: 1. 熟练读出,书写本节课有关乐器的单词.  2.学会询问某人能力的句型..【学习重点】: 学会谈论自己或别人的能力. 【学习过程】: 一、自主学习(教师寄语:many hands make light work. ) 学习任务一:认读并书写本课单词  .. 1.个人自读,记忆单词. 2.小组互相检查读、写情况. 3 .写出下列单词并展示. 吉他_________ 鼓__________ 钢琴__________ 喇叭___________ 小提琴____ 画画__唱歌______ 学习任务二: 学会询问他人的能力句型 . ---- can you play the guitar?     ---- yes,i can. but i can't play the piano.        二、合作共建(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )        三、系统总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.) 总结一下你所学的乐器的名称 总结一下询问某人能力的句型 1.       warming-up and revision 课堂热身和复习) (1)       daily greetings to the students: (日常问候): t: hello/hi, everyone. how are you today? ss: i’m great/fine/so-so/very well. and you? t: i’m great. and i have something good to tell you. we have many different clubs in our school for you to join. the art club, the music club, the english club, the basketball club…(老师可根据学校实际情况罗列俱乐部名称。) 2) revision (复习) t: what club do you want to join? s: i want to join… (学生根据自己的喜好回答后,老师可根据自己对这个学生的了解建议他参加某个俱乐部。) t: can you…? /can you do sth. well?/(学生姓名), i think you can also join the …club because…. (建议四、五个学生作答后,让学生进行两人小组问答。) (然后老师可先问一个学生他的同伴的情况。) t: what club does …want to join?  can he/she …?  can he/she do it well? (然后老师告诉全体同学这个学生的情况。) wants to join the …club, he can…/he can… but he can’t do it well (接下来老师可以叫其他同学用这种方式汇报同伴的情况。) s: wants to join the …club, he can…./he can …but he can’t do it well. presentation: (呈现新知识) t: now, let’s see how many of you want to join each of the club. how many of you want to join the art club? please hands up. (依次提问,问二三个后问到the music club。) how many of you want to join the music club? (如果举手的人比较多,老师可对举手的人进行随机提问) can you sing? can you dance? can you play the guitar? can you play the drums? can you the piano? can you play the trumpet? can you play the violin? (对于出现的新的关于乐器的词汇,老师可一边说一边作手势,比如play the drums,可以作出敲鼓的动作; play the piano, 作出弹钢琴的手势,手指在键盘上弹奏的样子;play the trumpet, 作出吹号的动作; play the violin,作出拉小提琴的手势;也可以一边说一边呈现图片或幻灯) (如果举手的人较少,老师可以这样说:) t:i’m sorry most of you don’t want to join the music club. maybe you can’t sing, dance or play the guitar, but you can learn a lot in the music club, and it’s very nice. what can you do in the music club? ok, you can play the guitar. you can play the piano, play the drums, play the trumpet or play the violin.  (建议事先录制好这些乐器的声音或一小段音乐,让学生听并猜这是什么乐器的声音,这样能使学生的各种感官结合起来记忆。如果没能录制,可以做手势让学生猜这是什么乐器。) 2. work on 1a on p.62. (完成p62 1a)  t: now let’s do 1a on p62, and see if you can do the exercise correctly and quickly. 3. work on 1b on p.62. (完成p62 1b t: ok, you know the names of the these instruments, i want to know if you can play the instruments. t: can you play the piano? s: yes, i can./no, i can’t.  can you play the drums? s: … (师生问答几组之后,根据学生的实际情况跟读几遍,可以从集体再到个人,最后强调:don’t forget the before the intruments.) pairwork: students ask and answer questions about the instruments. (老师叫三四对学生作答) (如果学生能力较强或者大多数学生对都不会弹奏这些乐器,可以根据学生实际给出其他常见的乐器名) 4. work on 2a-2b on p 62. 1) 2a: get the students to read the list of words to the class. use the picture in 1a to remind students what the words mean, if necessary. l         play the recording the first time. students only listen. l         play the recording a second time. this time studetns circle each word they hear mentioned in the conversaiotn on the recording. l         check the answers. ------------------------------------------------------------ 2) 2b: t: now look at 2b on page 62, listen again and fill in the chart with the words in the box. let’s see what bill, jennifer and victor can do, and what they can’t do. l         play the recording. students listen to the conversation and write in the answers on their charts. l         check the answers.                                                          5. work on 2c on p 62. task one: pairwork. t: now, you look at the chart and i don’t, please ask me questions about bill, jennifer or victor. s: can bill play the guitar? (possible question)                  t: yes ,he can, but he can’t sing. (possible answer)   t: it’s your turn now, first your ask and answer in pairs with books open, then i will ask some pairs to ask and answer with the books closed. task two: groupwork t: bill’s teacher wants some students for the school concert. and we want to have an english party. what can you do in the party? please discuss in groups of four, then make a list. name what can you do? (如果课堂时间不够,可留口头作业。) 6. homework: oral work: 1) finish task two left at class. written work:  1) copy new words one line each: drums, piano,trumpet, violin 2) finish off workbook p40 exercises 5 and 6.   教后反思

新目标七年级上Unit8 Period 5学教案 篇4


  课   题 unit 7 period 5 授课时间 11.27 学习目标   1、复习掌握本单元的单词及几个短语。   2、读懂第3部分的短文,完成part3。   3、熟练运用本单元句型:how much is ...? it's...                        how much are ...? they are .... 学习重难点 正确运用询问物品价格的句型。   学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 一、自主学习(教师寄语:knowledge is power.) 学习任务一: 熟悉掌握本单元单词和短语。 1、自读并记忆单词5分钟。 2、组内练习,相互提问。 3、展示交流,小组竞赛(以听写形式进行展示)。 衣物:裤子 ______   短袜 ______ 男衬衣 _____ t恤衫_____ 短裤 _______ 毛衣_____ 鞋_______   裙子________ 颜色: 黑色 _______ 白色 _______ 红色________绿色_______ 蓝色 _______ 黄色_________ 橘黄色 _______________ 反义词:大的______小的______长的______短的________ 短语:给你_______________ 不客气 _______________ 看一看、看一眼 _________________ 出售 ________________ 4、完成课本第1、2部分。 学习任务二: 读懂part3 短文,完成题目要求。 1、小组讨论短文意思。 2、全班交流,教师点拨。 3、再次阅读短文,仔细观察图画,完成价签。 4、组内交流,核对答案。 5、全班交流,教师点拨,背诵短文并展示。 学习任务三:熟练运用本单元句型。 二、合作共建(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )    小组讨论哪些衣物通常以复数形式出现?  _______________________________________________________________ 三、总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.)      总结本单元的主要句型. __________________________________   step1:sing a song step2:practice numbers play the game “you know , you stand ,you say”   ask the students. some problems one by one . let them give me the answers quickly.   the two steps can also make them warm up and not be nervous.. step3:read the note and fill in the price tags. part 3 of self check is a good reading comprehension. step4: shopping game 3.divide the students into several groups and make a new shopping show with these structure 4.choose some groups to act 5.every student writes down their dialogues of the group 6. in this step i use task teaching method .by the step the students can master the topic--shopping. step5:writing language points: (1)at       at huaxing’s great sale             at a very good price             at hoaxing clothing clothes store (2)in       have t-shirts in red, green and white step6:.writing  emphasize the performance-cost ratio 4. send out the invitation again (1) according to 3a or 3b ,write a new composition and let some students recite their advertisements. step7:summary step8:homework: finish writing. 教后反思 根据新课改的精神和教材为我所用的原则我对教材的使用顺序进行了变动先讲解46页的self check 中的内容再讲解45页的3a和3b。并将3a和3b改编为wring.讲述了英语广告词的写法,来培养和提高学生的写作能力,效果良好。

新目标七年级上Unit8 Period 5学教案 篇5


  课   题 unit 9 period 4 授课时间 12.17 学习目标 学会运用表示品质的描述性形容词谈论自己对电影喜好的原因和评论电影;复习所学的制订计划,并谈论表达喜好和偏爱的目标语言。 学习重难点 学会运用表示品质的描述性形容词谈论自己对电影喜好的原因和评论电影; 行为动词一般现在时的构成和运用;名词复数的构成和应用。 学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 【学习目标】:学会运用表示品质的描述性形容词谈论自己对电影喜好的原因和评论电影;复习所学的制订计划,并谈论表达喜好和偏爱的目标语言。 【学习重点】:学会运用表示品质的描述性形容词谈论自己对电影喜好的原因和评论电影; 行为动词一般现在时的构成和运用;名词复数的构成和应用 【学习过程】: 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1.lucy ___________ to play tennis with you.(want) 2.i ___________ (not do) my homework at home. 3.___________ your sister ___________ (like) hamburgers? 4.we__________ (not like) documentaries. 5.jim________(be) born in 1990. 6.let him ___________ (help) you.7.who___________ (have) an eraser? 8.___________ your mother and father often ___________ (watch) tv? 1.ask the ss read the article. underline the description words, finish 3a 2.ask some ss to do 3a one by one. 3.play the tape(3a) 4.ask the ss translate the article. 5. ask the ss to read the article one by one. 6.ask the ss to complete the movies review with the words in the box. 7.groupwork: ask the ss to guess the names of the movies. 8.then let them make a poster of their favorite movie. 9.homework: 1) 作业本1p34,2p39 2)背诵3a   10.homework:                   copy the new words four times homework 2 p37   教后反思 通过3a的学习,用方框中的词语完成3b的影评不太难,大部分学生能完成。但第四题有点难度。

新目标七年级上Unit8 Period 5学教案 篇6


  课   题 unit 7 period 2 授课时间 11.24 学习目标  1.掌握有关颜色和服装的单词.  2.学会询问价格及购物用语.. 学习重难点 购物用语. 学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 一、自主学习(教师寄语:many hands make light work. ) 学习任务一:   掌握有关颜色和服装的单词.. 1.个人自读,记忆单词. 2.小组互相检查读、写情况. 3 .写出下列数字并展示. 颜色_________黑色__________白色________红色________绿色________ 蓝色__________黄色_________大的_________小的________长的________ 短的__________职员__________帮助________想要_______________ 给你___________________不客气________________例子_________________ 4.在小组内核对答案. 学习任务二:运用how much...?句型.,询问价格 . 1.听录音完成2a 以及2b . 2. 结对练习就2a 中的物品进行自由问答. 3. 就你自己的物品相互询问价格. 如:-how much is the red sweater ?          -it's 30 $.          -how much are these notebooks ?          -they' re 10$. 学习任务三: 掌握购物用语 1.根据理解补全3a 对话.小组讨论,相互检查.   2. 分角色朗读对话.并尝试复述对话. 3. 模仿3a 对话利用3b 中的图画进行自由练习. 4. game . ( 看谁记的快又多) 二、合作共建(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )       小组讨论is 和 are 在谈论价格时的用法    1.— how much _______the red skirt?    — it ________ 6 $.    2.— how much _______these black pants? —they _______10 $..   三、总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.)  总结一下购物的常用语. step1:revision   let them look at the clothes put in front of the classroom. and answer what’s this in english? what are these?   then each them the new words about numbers. play the tape and let the students only listen to the tape and say the numbers out. tell them something that should be paid attention to. for example, eighteen, thirteen, thirty. and the pronunciation of twenty and thirty. this step is the most important one. step2:play part 2b for the students and say they will hear a mother and a daughter talking about buying clothes. they should listen for the first time and do the exercise the second time. step3:let them repeat the items motioned in the dialogue. step4: finally , divide them into groups and make up dialogues by themselves according to the example given in part 2c.   教后反思 本节课的重点是教学数字,大部分同学掌握的还可以,只有几个别的同学对于eight/ twelve 等发音还有待纠正。

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  课   题 unit 10 period 1 授课时间 12.21 学习目标 teaching aims(教学目标) 1、 learning to talk about abilities(学会谈论能力) 2、 learning to talk about likes and dislikes(谈论喜好和意愿) language points(语言点) 1、 要求掌握以下句式: (1)---can you dance?  ---yes, i can. (2)---what club do you want to join?  ---i want to join the music club.   学习重难点 analysis of key items and difficulties of teaching: (1)       情态动词can, can’t (2)       名词art, music, guitar (3)       play 后接不同类型的词时,the 的用法。 (4)       学会谈论自己或别人的能力. 学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 【学习目标】: 1. 熟练读出,书写本节课的表示爱好的单词.  2.熟练的谈论表示能力的话题,以及自己的意愿.. 【学习重点】:学会谈论自己或别人的能力. 【预习过程】: 一、自主学习(教师寄语:many hands make light work. ) 学习任务一:认读并书写本课单词  ..        1.个人自读,记忆单词.        2.小组互相检查读、写情况.        3 .写出下列单词并展示. 吉他_________ 跳舞__________ 游泳__________ 唱歌___________ 国际象棋________ 画画___________ 说话,说___________ 学习任务二: 学会谈论自己的能力并询问他人的能力 . 练习下面的对话: can you ----?    yes,i can. no, i can't. . what club do you want to join?   i want to join ---- 1.warming-up and revision  (1) daily greetings to the students  t: good morning/afternoon.  ss: good morning/afternoon, sir/miss.  t: what day is it today?  ss: it’s monday/tuesday/…?ect  t: what’s the date today?  ss: it’s may 12,…ect  t: what’s the weather like today?  ss: it’s sunny/cloudy/…?ect write the students’ answers on the blackboard.  (2) revision   t: what day do you like?/do you /does he like sunday/tuesday…? do you like the sunny days/the rainy days/…? does he /she like salad/orange/…? do you like baseball/basketball/…? 2.presentation  t: (从复习中引出)(ask and answer with individual students.) do you like singing/music/art/painting/english/…?ect.  s: no, i don’t./ yes, i do.  t: oh, what do you like?  s1: i like swimming. s2: i like playing basketball s3 i like dancing. s4 i like…. ect  t: oh, good. our school has a music club. (show the photo of the school music club) it’s great.right? do you want to join it?(if the student’s answer is“no”)oh, you can join other clubs. our school has a lot of clubs.let’s see what clubs we have.ok?  s: art club, english club, swimming club,…(use the photos of clubs to help the students) t: do you want to join the art club?  s: no, i don’t./yes, i do.  t: what club do you want to join?( ask individual students)  s: i want to join the chess club/ english club/…   3.work on 2at: now let’s listen to the tape, find out what clubs they want to join. t: now let’s check the answers. 4. make a survey  t: our school has many clubs. what clubs do you want to join? please ask and answer in groups. write down your group members’ answers in the form. and then give us a report. name wants to join li lei english club             5. presentation  t: (从学生的报告中来)oh, you want to join the art club. but i want to join the music club. i like singing. i can sing very well. but i can’t play the guitar. look, he can play the guitar. then to the individual students, ask.  t: can you play the guitar?  s: no, i can’t. /yes, i can.  t: can you swim/paint/dance/…?ect. 6. practice  t: now please ask and answer one by one like this.    a: can you sing?    b: yes, i can. can you draw?    c: no, i can’t. (but i can dance.) can you play the guitar?    d: yes, i can.…, ect. 7. work on 1a  show the picture in 1a to the students(放大图片)  t: there are many clubs. let’s see what clubs they want to join. and what can they do? please look carefully, match the words with the people.  t: now let’s check the answers. t: now let’s listen to the tape again and repeat. ask some students to read the dialogue loudly. 10. work on 1c and 2c  t: please read the dialogues in 1a and 2b. practice in pairs or in groups. make up your own dialogues. i will give you five minutes and then i want to ask some of you to act out your dialogues. please be quick. 11.homework  oral work: (1)    listen to 2b, read and recite it.(听,读,背诵1a中的词、词组两遍) (2)    go on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish it.(继续和小组成员编对话并完善对话)  written work (1)    do workbook p38 exercise 1. (2)    copy the words and phrases in 1a one line each.(抄写1a中的词、词组各一排。)  do workbook p38 exercise 2. (写出3到5件你会做的事情和3到5件你不会做的事情。)

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  课   题 unit 8when is your birthday? ( period 4) 授课时间 12.8 学习目标 (sectionb:3a、3b、selfcheck1、2) sub topic: talk about the dates and ages language focus and structure: when is the school trip? it’s …. vocabulary: volleyball game school day art festival chinese music 学习重难点 key points and difficulties: 1.      prepositional phrases. 2.      how to ask where things are and how to answer. v. weekly proverb(每周谚语)      where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。 学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 1.知识探究:talk about when the birthday is. 2.预习过程: 1、根据音标拼读p51单词. 2、听录音跟读p51单词,纠正发音. 3、熟读或背p51 3a的短文,了解中文,尝试背诵。 step 1: warming up     chatting. chat with partners about their own id cards prepared the previous day. step 2: pairwork 3a section b      student a read the schedule below. student b read the schedule on page84. then ask and answer questions to complete the schedule. step 3: 3b imagine you are a school headmaster. a、 which of these events will you have at your school? complete the chart below. ask questions about your partner’s school. model:       a: do you have a school day at your school? b: yes, we do. a: when is it? b: it’s april 19th. a: do you have an art festival? b: no, we don’t. b、假设你是一位校长,你会在你的学校设立哪些活动?为什么?(这个活动可以采取小组形式进行讨论,但必须每个组员都要说,组长把每个组员的想法记录下来,以利于老师了解学生的情况。) step 4: groupwork 4(section b       write five things about yourself on a piece of paper. another student will read it to the class .can your classmates guess who the student is? step 5: self check 1 老师可以有针对性的让不同层次的学生用不同的方法做这道题。具体做法如:1、让基础好的学生做这道题目时先读,再说出含义,还可以让他们造一词组或句型。2、让基础薄弱的学生只要读出单词,说出含义就可以了。 step 6: have a dictation (要求四会的单词) 1、我的生日是几月几号(写出自己的出身日期)2、三月八号3、九月十号4、十月一号5、生日快乐6、美术和音乐7、英语晚会8、中国人 step 7: task after class 1. write something about yourself and your family in your composition book (包括你的年龄、生日、爱好,你的家庭人员的情况等) 2. prepare for unit 9          (1、预习unit9的新单词。2、unit9是关于电影,让学生了解关于电影有那些种 类。 3、你最喜欢什么电影。) 教后反思 学生对于写作的内容还不能拓展,现在只能写出表面所提供的基本信息。以后要告诉学生该如何拓展写作的内容。

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  课   题 unit 9 do you want to go to a movie?(period 2) 授课时间 12.15 学习目标 teaching aims: 1、go on talking about preference (继续谈论自己的爱好) 2、go on asking about others’ preference (继续询问他人的爱好)   学习重难点 (1)    掌握and, but并列句的用法 (2)掌握like第三人称的用法 学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 一.知识探究:talk about movies 二.根据句意用and或but填空: 1. she like white, red _____ green. 2.i like comedies _______ my sister doesn’t like them. 3. she is only eight _____ she knows a lot. 4. i’m a student, _______ he is a student, too. 5. i like chicken _______ my brother doesn’t.   warming–up and revision(课堂热身和复习) (1) t: hello, class! what day is today?    t: oh, it’s …. what do you want to do? do you want to go shopping?    t: s1 wants to go shopping. what about you? s2, do you want to go shopping?    t: oh, you don’t want to go shopping .what do you want to do? t: s2 wants to….(问全班) does s1 want to go shopping? what about s2? does s2 want to go shopping?  (2)t: today i want to go to a movie. i like comedies and documentaries. s1, what kind of movies do you like?    t: you like comedies but you don’t like documentaries. right?  what about you, s2?  t: oh, i know, you like action movies and thrillers. s3, what about you?  t: i know you all like to go to movies, so do my friends. but what kind of movies do they like? what do they say? now let’s listen. 2. work on 3a (完成p55 3a)  t: robert says, “i like thrillers and i like action movies.” 3. work on 3b (完成p55 3b)  t: from these pictures, we know robert likes thrillers and he likes action movies. what about maria, guo peng and michele?  s: maria likes…… 4. work on activity 4 (完成p55 activity 4) survey  t: we know what kind of films robert, maria, guo peng and michele like. what about our classmates? maybe someone likes comedies and thrillers, maybe someone likes action movies but doesn’t like comedies…. please find the names out. 5.homework: oral work(口头作业) (1) recite the dialogue. (2)预习第三课时 (3)作业本1p33   教后反思 对于like 后接的名词,大部分同学都知道用可数名词要用复数,不可数名词用原形,但还有个别的同学说的时候能注意到,一上升到写上就总是忘记,有待进一步强调。

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  课   题 unit 7 period 1 授课时间  11.23   学习目标  1.掌握单词pants,sock,shirt,shorts,sweater,sheo,skirt,sale,dollar等  2.掌握询问价格的句型:how much is this t-shirt?                       it's seven dollars. how much are these socks?                      they're two dollars.   学习重难点 学会使用询问价格的句型,并能正确回答   学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案)   一、自主学习(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )       学习任务一: 熟练掌握本课的11个单词      1.个人自读,记忆本课单词.      2.小组互相检查单词读写情况.      3.根据汉语写出下列英语单词并展示.       裤子__________ 短袜_______ 男衬衣__________ t恤衫_________ 短裤___       毛衣__________ 鞋_________ 裙子___________ 出售___________ 美元_____       短语:(价钱)多少_______________      学习任务二:学习1a,掌握句型:how much is/are ……?it's/they're…….       1.自读单词,然后将单词与图中物品相搭配..       2.小组核对答案.       3.自读中的对话,理解汉语意思.       4.小组讨论汉语意思,并练习对话.       5.两人一组展示对话,小组竞争.       6.利用身边的实物,两人一组练习对话.       学习任务三:完成听力练习       1.听录音,在图中圈出你听到的物品.       2.练习听力对话. 二、合作共建(教师寄语:many hands make light work. )  翻译句子:---这个帽子多少钱?---五美元.            ____________________________ ?________________________.           ---这些袜子多少钱?---两美元.            ________________________________?______________________. 三、总结(教师寄语:no man can do two things at once.) 当我们询问物品的价格时,回答的时候需要注意什么?   step 1:leading in: 1. show a flash and teach the word: socks, t-shirt, shorts, sweater, bag, hat, pants, shoes, then have the students read several times. 21. number game: speak a kind of clothing when some student says a number that contains  five or three; 2. quick answer: step 2 play the recording three times. in the first time, students only listen. in the second time, ask the students to  a: how much is the hat?    b: the hat is six dollars. a: how much are these socks?    b: they are nine dollars. step 3. elicit and explain how to use the phrase “how much”; step 4   teacher: how much is this hat?    student a: it is seven dollars.    teacher: how much are these shoes?    student b: they are 15 dollars. (show the pictures on 2a with the adjectives.  for example: a blue hat, a white t-shirt, a green bag, blue and yellow socks.) step 5teacher: how much is the blue hat? student c: it is 15 dollars. teacher: how much are the long and yellow socks? student d: they are 10 dollars. check the answers. write a composition: make a description about the students’  clothing using adjectives and prices. step6 summary: step 7 homework:   教后反思 本节课学生基本能掌握住how much的用法,以及谈论物品的颜色和价格。由于做学内容贴近学生实际生活,故学生能积极参与。  

新目标七年级上Unit8 Period 5学教案 篇11


  课   题 unit 8when is your birthday? ( period 5) 授课时间 12.9 学习目标 本课的主题是方位,事物名词是学生单词突破的重点,学习一些与学生的生活相结合的事物词汇,明确地表述各个事物所处的位置。围绕这几点设置了四个活动,利用多媒体素材,以任务型的教学模式来完成整个教学。其中图片的展示能给学生更立体的感受,更加明确的空间位置关系。运用画图的辅助形式,激发学生的兴趣,能够达到更好的效果。 学习重难点 1. under prep.在……之下,表示一物体在另一物体之下,如: 2 .on prep.在……之上,表示两个物体的接触,如: 3. behind prep.在……之后,表示两个物体一前一后的位置关系,如: 4. next to prep.仅次于;与……邻接 5. take和bring take v.“拿走”表示把某物从说话人所在的地方取走,带走。 bring v.“带来”表示把某物带到说话人所在的地方,如: 6. some 一些、若干。修饰可数名词的复数或不可数名词,表示不定的数或量, 7. between prep.介于(两者)之间。表示在两个不同事物或两点之间,所连接的两个名词或代词可以表示两个人、物或点, 8. too adv.也,口语中用的较多,其位置一般在句末.在句末时,前边常有逗号,the room is too small. 学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 1.知识探究:talk about where things are. 2.预习过程: 1、尝试归纳本单元学习的重点词组和句子。 2.完成一下习题,单项选择。 1.a:goodmorning,miss miao,__________? b:fine,thank you.                                          a.what’s your name                                  b.how are you?                                            c.hello                                                        d.ok 2.—are you jim?  —yes,i ___________.my name ___________jim. a.is;is                                               b.am;am c.is;am                                                       d.am;is  3.a:___________this in english? b:it’s a pencil. a.whats                                                          b.it's c.what's                                                       d.what  4.___________name is zhen mei.what’s___________name? a.i;you                                                         b.my;you c.my;your                                                 d.i;you 5.a:hello! are you li hua? b:___________. a.yes,i'm not b.no,i am c.no,i' m not.i' m li li d.yes.i’m li li 6.___________ is seven and six? a.what                                                 b.where c.how                                                  d.it 7.this is ___________friend. a.lucy and lily                                    b.jim and tom c.jim and tom's                                   d.lucy's and lily's 8.dad,this is my friend,xie kai.xie kai,___________ my father. a.that is                                                 b.he is c.it is                                                    d.this is 9.a:look at the picture of my family. b:oh,it's nice.who's that?  a:___________ my brother. a.its                                                      b.it's c.this                                                   d.that 10.a:where's my pencil-box,can you see it? b:___________,i can't. a.not                                                         b.yes c.sorry                                                d.thank you   warming up invite different students in turn to come to the front of the classroom. holding up the pictures of their actual rooms, make sure the students are using prepositions correctly. key words check ask students to check all the words they know.. practice ask students to write five new words. after that,exchange books and share their lists with other students. have a student write his/her five new words on the blackboard to share them with the whole class. reading invite a student to read it to the class. point at the box below. say: please read the note once more by yourself. then draw the room in the box. get students to do the activity individually. ask students to exchange their books and check their work with each other. just for fun have all students read the conversation. ask a pair to perform the conversation in the front. summary in this unit,we’ve reviewed the key vocabulary and practiced reading the target language in the form of a note. homework 1. read the note in section b 3a 2. share your lists of new words to build vocabulary. 教后反思

新目标七年级上Unit8 Period 5学教案 篇12


  课   题 unit 8 when is your birthday? ( period 2) 授课时间 12.3 学习目标 (section a: 2b, 2c, 2d, self check 3) 1、 sub topic: talk about the dates 2、 language focus: when is your mother’s birthday? her birthday is …. 3、 vocabulary: some names: vera jeff leila robert  structure:when is nick’s birthday? his birthday is 学习重难点 key points and difficulties: 1.      the name of furniture items. 2.      how to ask where things are and how to answer. 3.      yes/ no question. weekly proverb(每周谚语)      east, west, home is the best.   金窝、银窝,不如自己的草窝。   学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 1.知识探究:talk about when the birthday is. 2.预习过程: 1、根据音标拼读p49单词. 2、听录音跟读p49单词,纠正发音. 3、看课文p49-3a部分,跟读句子模仿语音语调. 4、读熟3a和grammar focus里的句子,并了解中文意思. step 1: warming up 1.       enjoy the month song again, and try to sing it. step 2: revision  1. revise the months and the ordinal numbers. pay attention to the spelling of some difficult words.  2. what is the 1st/2nd/3rd month of the year. 3 how to read the dates. let’s read them fluently. don’t forget “the” 朗读下列日期。 1. 3 月12日         2. 8月8 日         3. 1月5日          4. 7月20 日 5. 12月1日          6. 9月9日          7. 4月3日          8. 11月2日 9. 2月14日          10. 5月30 日       11. 6月23日        12. 10月21日 4. t: look at the calendar. what’s the date today. s1: it’s december 11th. t: what’s the date tomorrow/the after tomorrow? s2: … (learn how to express the year.) 5. two in pairs, ask and answer. try to read the dates fluently. step 3 presentation     1  t: when is your birthday?        student a: my birthday is ….        t: how old are you?        student a: my birthday is …./ it’s …        t: and what about you, …?  sb: 2.       let’s look at a picture. can you translate the conversation? they know their friends’, idols’ birthday? but they don't know their parents’ birthday. i’m sorry to hear that.        and do you know your parents’ birthday? let’s make a survey, -when is your birthday? -my birthday is … -when is your mother’s birthday? -her birthday is … -when is your father’s birthday? -his birthday is … step 3 listening.       let’s listen to the tape and number the conversations. try to recite the conversation step 4presentation. here is a girl. her name is tina johnson. age :17. date of birth: june 3rd a: when is tina’s birthday? b: her birthday is june 3rd. how old is she? she is ... step 5.pair work.      i’d like to introduce you some of my friends. i’m sure you know them very well.      (ss’ teachers—mr cai/ mr xie/ mr bao/ miss zheng and cynthia)      look at the information of them, and ask and answer. step 5 task after class     1、背诵12个月份的名称     2、能熟练说出并写出序数词1-12     3、用英文写出家人的生日(写在作业本上)   4、预习3a 和3b 教后反思 本节课的句型掌握的不错,只是个别的月份还有待领读和强化。

新目标七年级上Unit8 Period 5学教案 篇13


  课   题 unit 4 where is my backpack?( period 3) 授课时间 12.7 学习目标 section a: 3a、3b、section b:1、2a、2b) sub topic: talk about the dates and ages language focus and structure: when is your birthday? my birthday is ….                              how old are you? i am fifteen. vocabulary: date age how old speech contest party trip 学习重难点 key points and difficulties: 1.      prepositional phrases. 2.      how to ask where things are and how to answer. weekly proverb(每周谚语)  where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。 学习过程设计(学案) 教学过程设计(教案) 1.知识探究:talk about when the birthday is. 2.预习过程: 1、根据音标拼读p50-51单词. 2、听录音跟读p50-51单词,纠正发音. 3、熟记p50 1a的词组,了解中文 step 1: warming up     1、chatting   chat with the students about their birthdays 2、play a guessing game   guess some classmates’ birthday(信息让学生提供到月份) step 2: presentation 1、when is your birthday? my birthday is ….      how old are you? i am fifteen.(板书,目的是教新词how old, date, age) 2、practice in pairs 3、choose an id card and make a conversation in 3a(section a) 4、groupwork 3b and 4(section a)  a  ask and answer about your name ,your birthday and your age.   b practice again, using your own name, age and date of birth. then ask some pairs to act.(four students a group)rank your partners from the youngest to the oldest. report about your name, your birthday and your age one by one from the youngest to the oldest. eg. my name is ….            i’m fifteen.            my birthday is…. step 3: match the pictures with the events.(section b 1 write the correct letter next to the word.       a let the students match the pictures(对学生来说party, basketball以前已出现过,所以应该没问题。)       b have them guess the meaning c  then teach the new words. step 4: listening 2a listen and check the events above that you hear .then listen again and fill in joe’s calendar in 2b (section b) step 5: pairwork       ask and answer about 2b(section b) step 6: task after class 1、 make an id card including sex, your name, your birthday, your age, your hobbies and your telephone number. read and copy the new words. 教后反思 它在复习上一节课的内容的基础上,为学生提供了较真实的语言环境,使学生拥有了足够的发挥想象的空间,从而使学生创造性地使用语言成为可能。

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新目标七年级上Unit8 Period 5学教案
