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Unit 14 Revision Two

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Unit 14 Revision Two


Unit 14 Revision Two(精选2篇)

Unit 14 Revision Two 篇1

  unit 14 revision two

  一. 教学内容: unit 14 revision two   二、教学目标     ① 知识目标  熟练掌握本讲中所提供的单词、短语、句型和语法 ② 能力目标  能够熟练运用所学知识完成学习任务。   三、教学重难点     重点:基础知识的运用     难点:综合能力的提高   四、本单元重点知识: 1. 单词: 熟练掌握8-13单元单词的音、形、意 2.词组: 1)be born                                             出生于  2)a famous scientist                                     一位著名的科学家 3)be /become interested in…                            对……感兴趣 4)one…the other…                                   一个……另一个 5)climb up the tree                                   爬树 6)laugh at…                                         嘲笑…… 7)feel sad                                          感到伤心 8)feel sorry                                        感到抱歉 9)help…with…                                     在……方面帮助…… 10)talk about pop music                              谈论流行音乐 11)make friends with people                           和人们交朋友 12)last night                                        昨天晚上 13)go to the cinema                                   去看电影  14)make me feel excited                          使我感到兴奋 15)enjoy listening to pop music                   喜欢听流行音乐 16)make sb. do sth.                             迫使某人做某事 17)make …+ adj. make me happy                                 使我高兴 18) …( 形  )+enough +( 名  ) + to do sth. have enough money to buy a new house           有足够的钱买一所大房子 19)be old enough to go to school                       年龄足够大可以上学了 20)arrive at the company                        到达公司 21)in germany                                      在德国 22)move to the united states                          搬到美国 23)two toys made of the same materials                 同种材料制成的两个玩具 24)allow sb. to do sth.                               允许某人做某事   25)know more about the world                        对世界了解更多 26)run after a man                                  追一个人    27)shake the tree                                    摇树   28)run away quickly                              快速地逃跑 29)get a low mark                                得到低分  30)describe the dog to their neighbors                      向邻居描述他们的狗 31)decide to do sth.                             决定做某事 32)hold an english party                          举办英语晚会 33)take his money out to pay for it                 拿出他的钱去付款 34)make different sounds                                发出不同的声音 35)make a sound like a dog barking                        发出像狗一样的叫声 36)make a loud noise                           发出大的噪声 37)a general manager of a big company          一间大公司的普通的经理 38)the busiest man                           最忙的人  39)wake up early                            很早醒来  40)leave home                                 离开家  41)leave home for shanghai                      离家去上海 42)at once                                         立刻、马上  43)have lunch/ break fast                             吃午餐/早餐 44)because of…                              由于…… 45)bring home some work                      把工作带回家 46)work deep into the night                      工作到深夜 47)taste new foods                                  尝新的食物 48)care about other people                      关心其他的人 49)waste things                                     浪费东西 50)by the side of the road                       在公路的旁边 51)see a dead animal                            看见一只死的动物  52)laugh at me for my mistakes                        嘲笑我的错误   53)allow me to watch my favorite programs              让我看自己喜欢的节目 54)hate noise                                  不喜欢噪音 55)talk to new people                         与新结识的人谈话 56)talk to strangers                             与陌生人交谈 57)talk on the phone with his friends for some time        通过电话与他的朋友聊一段时间 58)die in                                 死于XX年 59)a dead dog                                  一只死狗  60)his death                                  他的死  61)raise/keep some rabbits                       养一些兔子 62)call her over                                叫她过来 63)walk toward me                             向我走来  64)don’t be nervous.                            不要紧张。 65)an ugly and lazy girl                         一个又丑又懒的女孩   3. 句子 1)i was in the zoo yesterday.                      昨天我在动物园里。          2)they were tired the day before yesterday.         前天他们很累。                3)they went to beijing last week.                  上周他们去北京了。              4)my father worked in america three years ago.     三年前我的爸爸在美国工作。 5)i could help my parents do some housework.    我能帮父母做一些家务了。 6)we often go for a picnic.                    我们经常去野餐。 7)he always lives in a house with a big garden. 他总是住在一所带有一个大花园的房子里。 8)mother is always busy cooking for me.                       妈妈总是忙于为我做饭。 9)father is good at climbing the mountains               爸爸擅长爬山。 10)the teachers are teaching the students how to swim.        老师们正在教学生们怎样游泳。 11)they’re going to visit china next year.               他们打算明年访问中国 12)look, the children are running after my pet cat        看,孩子们正在追我的宠物猫。 13)it takes me an hour to walking to school every day.      i spend an hour in walking to school every day.    每天步行上学花我一小时的时间。 14)it took him a day to do his homework yesterday. he spent a day in doing his homework yesterday.    昨天他花了一天的时间做作业。 15)it will take us a year to study english next year. we will spend a year in studying english next year. 明年我们将花一年的时间学英语。 16)he did some shopping yesterday morning      昨天上午他买了一些东西.   17)my mother was born in 1970 in shanghai.             我的妈妈出生在1970年的上海。 18)he will come back in 10 minutes.                    他十分钟之后回来。 19)he has no time to go to the cinema, to watch tv, or to meet his friends。 他没有时间去看电影,看电视,或与朋友相聚。 20)because of the heavy traffic, mr. job often gets home very late.  由于交通阻塞,mr. job 经常很晚到家。 21)i feel angry if people laugh at me for my mistakes. 如果有人由于我的错误而嘲笑我,我会感觉非常生气。   五、本讲重点知识讲解: 【典型例题】i. 词汇运用: a:根据句意和首字母提示,完成单词拼写: 1)i often s___________ my happiness with my friends.    2)we have no c________ but to do this now.        3) it will be c________ if there is a road there.     4) my hometown has a lot of c________. it is more beautiful.        5) her face looks so p________. maybe she is ill.        b:根据汉语意思,完成下面各句。        6)i am a basketball ________(球迷).        7)let jim help me ________(发送)letters now.        8)this sunday i want to ________(邀请)my teacher to my house.        9)it is raining heavily. you must take an ________(雨伞)to go out. 10)i like ________(玫瑰), because i think they’re beautiful.   ii. 用所给词的适当形式填空。   1. they ________ (be) on the farm a moment ago.   2. jenny ________ (not go) to bed until 11:00 o’clock last night.   3. i ________ (see) li lei ________ (go) out just now.   4. did he ________ (have) lunch at home?   5. i ________ (eat) the bread, i’m hungry now.   iii. 选择填空。   1. there are _______ people in the park.      a. a lot of                b. a lots of                 c. much             d. a lot   2. they _______ 50 yuan _______ the book.      a. spent, on             b. spends, on             c. spent, in         d. spent, to   3. when i am free, i _______ to go to climb the hill.      a. will              b. want              c. has                d. am   4. ——_______ was your holiday?        ——it was very exciting.      a. how            b. what              c. where            d. which   5.  —_______ were you last sunday? —i was in hong kong.      a. where                 b. what              c. which            d. who   6.  —_______ do you go there? —once a month.      a. how often                  b. how long              c. how many            d. how much   7. tom _______ yesterday afternoon.     a. goes swimming    b. go swimming  c. went swimming        d. went to swimming   8. her aunt played the light music to make the baby _______ crying.      a. stopped               b. stops              c. to stop                  d. stop   9. ——did she _______ her grandparents yesterday? ——no, she _______.     a. visit; doesn’t      b. visit; didn’t    c. visit; hadn’t     d. visited; didn’t   10. i _______ but _______ nothing.     a. listen, heard   b. listened, heard   c. have listened, heard     d. listened, heard of   11. when did you _______ here?      a. got to                  b. reached                 c. arrive in                d. reach   12. i _______ my homework at 7:00 yesterday evening.      a. finished               b. will finish              c. am doing               d. finish   13.  —he didn’t go shopping with you yesterday afternoon, did he? —_______.      a. no, he doesn’t    b. yes, he can’t       c. no, he did        d. yes, he did   14. —i have had dinner. —when _______ you _______ it?      a. have, had             b. do, have                c. did, have               d. will, have   15. you must do your best _______ her. a. to help                b. helping                  c. helps              d. help   16. why not _____ with us? you see, it’s very _______ a. go, interested    b. going, interesting    c. to go, interested    d. go, interesting 17. —would you like _________ with us? —yes, i’d ______ a. to go, love to      b. to go, love      c. go, love to       d. go, love 18. she hurt _____ when she played with a knife. a. hers      b. she       c. her      d. herself 19 tom with other boys ____ to go and ____ the game. a. want, watch      b. wants, watches       c. wants, watch      d. want, to watch 20. look! there ____ some apples in that tree. a. is        b. was        c. are        d. were 21. you can watch tv ____ saturday evening. a. in        b. on          c. at        d. to 22. i ______ my homework last night. a. didn’t did     b. don’t did        c. didn’t do        d. don’t do 23. ______ you have breakfast this morning? a do           b. did             c. does           d. doing 24. it ______ him an hour to play computer games last night. a. take          b. takes           c. taking           d. took 25. he ______ up at seven yesterday morning. a. get          b. got             c. getting           d. gets 26. where ______ you born? a. be           b. are             c. were            d. was 27. they ________ the great wall last week. a. visit          b. visited          c. visits           d. visiting 28. mary __________ english in a middle school ten years ago. a. teach         b. teaching          c. taught          d. teaches 29. if jim____________ up earlier, he can finish the work in time. a. get          b. will get           c. gets           d. is getting 30. the news made us very___________. all of us began talking_________. a. happy, happy    b. happily, happily   c. happy, happily      d. happily, happy   iv. 根据汉语意思,补全下面的英语句子。(每空一词)   1. 你将来打算做什么?         what do you want _______ _______ in the _______?   2. 他经常工作到深夜。         he often _______ _______ the deep night.   3. 但是你得呆在实验室里。         but you _______ _______ stay in the _______.   4. 我以我的父亲而骄傲。         i am _______ _______ my father.   5. 他认为他是世界上最忙的人。         he _______ he is _______ _______ person in the world.   v. 完形填空。     the computer is fast, and never makes a mistake, while people are slow, and often ___1___ mistakes. that's what people often say when they ___2___ computers. for over a quarter of a century, engineers have been making ___3___. now a computer can do ___4___ everyday jobs very well. it is ___5___ used in factories, hospitals, banks and schools. many computer scientists are now thinking of ___6___ the  computer “think” like a man. ___7___ the help of a person, a computer can draw pictures, write music, talk with people, play chess and so on. perhaps computer will ___8___ think and feel one day. do you think people will be ___9___ when they find that the computer is ___10___ clever to serve (服务) for the people?   1. a. do                        b. make              c. has                        d. makes 2. a. speak to                b. say                c. tell                   d. talk about 3. a. better and better      b. many and many  c. little and little            d. fewer and fewer 4. a. the number of         b. a great deal    c. a plenty of           d. a lot of 5. a. not                       b. hardly            c. widely                   d. seldom 6. a. asking              b. telling            c. wanting            d. making 7. a. by                       b. with              c. through            d. for 8. a. really                    b. truly               c. true                      d. real 9. a. fear                b. surprise         c. afraid               d. worry 10. a. not                      b. very               c. much                    d. too  

Unit 14 Revision Two 篇2

  unit 14 revision two


  unit 14 revision two


  ① 知识目标 熟练掌握8-13单元的单词、短语、句型和语法

  ② 能力目标 能够熟练运用老师所教的阅读技巧,高效地完成阅读任务

  三. 教学重难点






  四. 本单元重点知识:

  1. 单词: 8-13单元中单词的音、形、意

  2. 词组:

  1) 1)        1)        pick up                   拿起, 捡起

  2) 2)        2)        take a message               捎口信

  3) 3)        3)        hang up                   挂断电话

  4) 4)        4)        hold on                   别挂断

  5) 5)        5)        leave a message              留口信

  6) 6)        6)        go out for a walk                  出去散步

  7) 7)        7)        sound like               听起来像……

  8) 8)        8)        be able to do sth.                 能够做某事

  9) 9)        9)        never mind                  没关系

  10) 10)     10)     right now = at the moment         现在

  11) 11)     11)     play with…                  和……一起玩儿

  12) 12)     12)     no problem                  没问题

  13) 13)     13)     promise to do sth.                 答应做某事

  14) 14)     14)     be eager to do sth.                 急于做某事,渴望做某事

  15) 15)     15)     get mad/crazy               发疯

  16) 16)     16)     go on                   继续

  17) 17)     17)     take a(n) quiz/test/exam             进行小测验

  18) 18)     18)     turn off                   关掉

  19) 19)     19)     get married                  结婚

  20) 20)     20)     talk about                      谈论

  21) 21)     21)     check up                       检验,核对

  22) 22)     22)     something special                特别的东西

  23) 23)     23)     agree with                      同意某人的观点

  24) 24)     24)     agree to do sth.                  同意做某事

  25) 25)     25)     take sb. to sp.                   把某人带到某地

  26) 26)     26)     on the way home from school      在放学回家的路上

  27) 27)     27)     around the corner               在拐角处

  28) 28)     28)     sound great                    听起来很棒

  29) 29)     29)     think of                       考虑

  30) 30)     30)     buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.      为……买东西

  31) 31)     31)     worry about                    担心……

  32) 32)     32)     grow up                          长大,成长

  33) 33)     33)     work hard at                      努力学习……

  34) 34)     34)     over 100 years old               一百多岁

  35) 35)     35)     have a several days off           休几天假

  36) 36)     36)     prefer to                       更喜欢……

  37) 37)     37)     feel nervous                  感觉紧张

  38) 38)     38)     be worried about               为……担心

  39) 39)     39)     worry about                    为……而担心

  40) 40)     40)     ask sb. to do sth.                   要求某人做某事

  41) 41)     41)     most of them                      他们当中绝大部分人

  42) 42)     42)     look forward to doing sth.            期望做某事

  43) 43)     43)     thank sb. for doing sth.              感谢某人做某事 

  44) 44)     44)     a friend of mine                   我的一个朋友

  45) 45)     45)     forget to do sth.                    忘记做某事

  46) 46)     46)     seem to do sth.            看起来要做某事

  47) 47)     47)     nothing serious                不严重

  48) 48)     48)     not…anymore                  不再

  49) 49)     49)     look like                      看上去像

  50) 50)     50)     find out                          查明

  51) 51)     51)     wait for                       等候……

  52) 52)     52)     at last                         最后

  53) 53)     53)     arrive at                       到达

  54) 54)     54)     be afraid of                    害怕……

  55) 55)     55)     look after                      照顾

  56) 56)     56)     arrive at                          到达

  57) 57)     57)     grow older                        长大了

  58) 58)     58)     keep sb. from doing sth.           阻止某人做某事

  59) 59)     59)     do some shopping                 购物

  60) 60)     60)     take care of …alone             单独照顾某人

  61) 61)     61)     invite sb. to somewhere            邀请某人到某地

  62) 62)     62)     invite sb. to do sth.                 邀请某人做某事

  63) 63)     63)     say sth to sb.                      和某人说某事

  64) 64)     64)     ask sb. to do sth.                  要求某人做某事

  65) 65)     65)     have nothing to do                 没事可做

  66) 66)     66)     at first                       首先

  67) 67)     67)     afford sth./ to do sth.             支付得起……

  68) 68)     68)     my monthly allowance           我的月津贴

  69) 69)     69)     ever since                     自从那时以来

  70) 70)     70)     in that case                     如果是那样的话

  71) 71)     71)     a golden chance                 黄金机会

  72) 72)     72)     give something back to           回赠给……

  73) 73)     73)     a harvest season                 一个丰收的季节

  74) 74)     74)     deal with                      处理

  75) 75)     75)     out of one’s control             失控

  76) 76)     76)     in contrast                     相反

  77) 77)     77)     remain innocent                 保持天真

  78) 78)     78)     be strict with                   对……要求严格

  79) 79)     79)     take a trip                      旅游、旅行

  80) 80)     80)     at different times                 在不同的时间

  81) 81)     81)     a single room                   一间单人房

  82) 82)     82)     take the flight                  搭乘这次航班

  83) 83)     83)     miss the piano lesson            耽误钢琴课

  84) 84)     84)     book a air ticket                 预订飞机票

  85) 85)     85)     set out                         开始、出发

  86) 86)     86)     hold to                          握紧、坚持

  87) 87)     87)     get a job                       得到一份工作

  88) 88)     88)     a national holiday                一个国庆的假日

  89) 89)     89)     have a parade                   举行游行

  90) 90)     90)     may day                       五一节    

  91) 91)     91)     singleness of purpose             目的专一

  92) 92)     92)     stay up late                    熬夜

  93) 93)     93)     seem disappointed             似乎很失望

  94) 94)     94)     play with                     玩耍,和……一起玩儿

  95) 95)     95)     during the vacation             在假期里

  96) 96)     96)     tell me a story                 给我讲故事

  97) 97)     97)     on the fourth thursday of november   在十一月份的第四个星期四

  98) 98)     98)     hand in                           上交

  99) 99)     99)     be made to do sth.                 被要求做某事

  100) 100) 100) talk in front of the class              在全班面前说话

  101) 101) 101) go along with …                 赞同,符合

  102) 102) 102) night after night                    一个晚上接一个晚上

  103) 103) 103) burst into tears                    大哭起来

  104) 104) 104) keep back the tears                 收住眼泪

  105) 105) 105) in a weak voice                    用微弱的声音

  106) 106) 106) be with us                     和我们在一起

  107) 107) 107) keep trembling              始终在发抖

  108) 108) 108) need cleaning                 需要打扫

  109) 109) 109) in a minute                   很快,一分钟之内

  110) 110) 110) fight with                      和……打架

  111) 111) 111) get a cold                       感冒

  112) 112) 112) after a shot                    打针之后

  113) 113) 113) have a good rest                好好休息

  114) 114) 114) need a good rest             需要好好休息

  115) 115) 115) feel better                  感觉更好

  116) 116) 116) the last summer vacation          去年暑假

  117) 117) 117) have a sweet personality          性格温顺

  118) 118) 118) give sb. the necessary shots       给……打预防针

  119) 119) 119) an the local paper               在当地的报纸上

  120) 120) 120) funny-looking dog               长相滑稽的狗

  121) 121) 121) several days later                几天之后

  122) 122) 122) warn sb. to not do sth            警告某人不要做某事

  123) 123) 123) no matter what                  无论什么

  124) 124) 124) give sb. a good bath             给……洗澡

  125) 125) 125) rush out                        冲出去

  126) 126) 126) hurry to do sth.                 急急忙忙做某事

  127) 127) 127) in his arms                       在他怀里

  128) 128) 128) feel relieved at …               对……感到安慰

  129) 129) 129) stay away from                 远离……

  130) 130) 130) keep a horse                    养马

  131) 131) 131) take place                       发生

  132) 132) 132) hold a special party for parents       为父母举行一次特殊的聚会

  133) 133) 133) make an appointment with sb.        和某人有约

  134) 134) 134) at the bus stop                    在公共汽车站

  135) 135) 135) tell a real story                    讲一个真实得故事

  136) 136) 136) be sure about                     对……有把握

  137) 137) 137) let sb. do sth.                     让某人做某事

  138) 138) 138) be moved to tears                  被感动得流泪

  139) 139) 139) the whole world                   整个世界

  140) 140) 140) the noisy class                    喧闹的课堂

  141) 141) 141) in a special way                   用一种特殊的方式

  142) 142) 142) at that moment                    在那一刻

  143) 143) 143) become noisy                     喧闹起来

  144) 144) 144) on thanksgiving                   在感恩节

  145) 145) 145) make their beds                   为他们铺床

  146) 146) 146) put away                        收拾

  147) 147) 147) clean up                         收拾干净,清洁;肃清;除清;除掉;清理

  148) 148) 148) a rock concert                    一次摇滚音乐会

  149) 149) 149) in the meantime = in the meanwhile   在这期间,这时

  150) 150) 150) call back…                  给……回电话

  151) 151) 151) handle the money                 处理、支配钱

  152) 152) 152) hand me three dollars            给我三美元

  153) 153) 153) pray for                       为……而祈祷


  1) as soon as i picked up my book, the phone started to ring again.


  2) can you bring me some books?              你能给我带几本书来吗?

  3) saving money was important              攒钱是很重要的。

  4) what do you think of mike’s parents?        你觉得麦克的父母怎么样?

  5)  what about an ice cream today?            今天来个冰淇淋怎么样?

  6) why don’t you treat today?                今天你为什么不请客呢?

  7) ice cream just wasn’t a good use of it        冰淇淋就不值得买了。

  8) you seem to be very happy.     你似乎非常高兴。

  9) you look nervous.             你看上去很紧张。

  10) you are excited.              你很兴奋。

  11) what happened?              发生什么事了?

  12) i don’t know whether i should tell my mother the truth.   我不知道是否该和妈妈说实话。

  13) i don’t understand why my boss didn’t let me go to america.


  14)   i don’t remember where i have put the books.   我不记得我把书放哪里了。

  15) the teacher asked whose hand it was.         老师问这是谁的手。

  16)   she asked them to draw a picture of it.      她让他们把所感谢的东西画出来。

  17) what’s the matter with you ?     你怎么啦?

  18) what’s wrong with you?        你怎么啦?

  19) what’s the trouble with you?    你怎么啦?

  20) how long has she been like this?    她这样多长时间了?

  21) nothing serious.                 没事。

  22) he will be all right/ well soon.       他不久就会好的。

  23) he will be better.                  他会好些的。

  24) he will be fine.                     他会好的。

  25) let him have a good rest.           让他好好休息吧。

  26) he will feel better soon.               他不久就会感觉好起来的。

  27) her teeth needed cleaning.            她的牙需要清洗。

  28) she keeps trembling.                  她在不停地发抖。



  ⅰ. 单词拼写


  1. it’s very c       l today. put on warm clothes when you go out.

  2. i’m f       ll. i can’t eat any more.

  3. w       sh your hands before meals.

  4. “what’s w                ng with you?” “i’ve got a headache.”

  5. when spring comes, the sk        is blue and the sun is bright.

  6. the d _____ th of tom’s lovely dog made him very sad.

  7. it’s raining h___v____ outside. put on your raincoat when you go out.

  8. i’ll show my collection of s __am   s to the class.

  9. kena has run in 25 races and has won 16 m   s.

  10. i don’t expect anything in r      d; i did it because i enjoy it.

  ⅱ. 完成句子


  16. 该吃晚饭了。

  it’s time to                   .

  17. 你知道bob叔叔住在哪吗?

  do you know           uncle bob          ?

  18. 我认为你的答案不对。

  i                         your answer is right.

  19. 老师说他对我们篮球比赛的结果非常满意。

  the teacher said he                          the result of the basketball game.

  ⅲ. 句型转换

  20. the man on the black bike is our new english teacher. (对画线部分提问)

  is your new english teacher?

  21. more and more foreigners speak chinese in the world now. (改为被动语态)

  chinese                        by more and more foreigners in the world now.

  22. i want to know. does he listen to the recorder every morning? (改为宾语从句)

  i want to know             he listens to the recorder every morning.

  23. lily likes this book because it is her birthday present. (对画线部分提问)

  lily like this book?

  24. can you tell me how i can use the computer? (改为简单句)

  can you tell me                                      the computer?

  ⅳ. 用所给动词的适当形式填空

  25. the doors of our classroom            (clean) twice a week.

  26. my physics teacher told us that light             (travel) faster than sound.

  27. can you finish             (write) this letter this evening?

  28. long, long ago, there            (be) some mice in that old house.

  29. she’s            (visit) japan in two weeks.

  30. —where is mum?

  —she             (plan) to have a birthday party.

  31. we             (not see) each other for a long time.

  32. sandy            (bring) an umbrella to the classroom yesterday.

  33. you’d better            (not ask) the headmaster about this thing.

  34. these books            (not allow) to take out of the reading room last term.

  ⅴ. 单项选择

  (    ) 1.             i have is yours.

  a. whatever      b. how     c. when        d. where

  (    ) 2. they’re              at the news.

  a. excite         b. exciting       c. excited        d. excites

  (    ) 3. what             you here today?

  a. bring          b. brings        c. take          d. takes

  (    ) 4. there         somebody at the door.

  a. is            b. are           c. has          d. have

  (    ) 5. i hope you __ the exam.

  a. won’t fail passing       b. won’t fail to pass   

  c. not to fail to pass       d. not to fail in

  (    ) 6. tom is very confident and              his answer.

  a. sure for       b. certain for      c. certain to       d. sure about

  (    ) 7. —how many students are there in the classroom?

  —            .

  a. no one      b. none         c. nobody        d. nothing

  (    ) 8. there are so many kinds of pens here. i can’t decide             .

  a. when to choose      b. to choose which

  c. which one to choose             d. choose which one

  (    ) 9. the fish we caught is still           .

  a. live         b. living        c. lived       d. alive

  (    ) 10. the old man had to do all the farm work himself,            ?

  a. did he       b. had he        c. didn’t he      d. hadn’t he

  (    ) 11. your sister’s skirt is beautiful, and            .

  a. so my sister’s       b. so is my sister’s

  c. so is my sister                d. so my sister’s is

  (    ) 12. —is the lake beautiful?

  —this photo will show you            .

  a. how does it look like            b. what does it look like

  c. how it looks like                d. what it looks like

  (    ) 13. everyone wants to know             last night.

  a. what was happened to him        b. what happened about him

  c. what was happened about him     d. what happened to him

  (    ) 14. our parents seemed very          what we have done.

  a. pleased with   b. pleased at   c. pleasing with  d. pleasing at

  (    ) 15. —how do you know that she likes singing?

  —i often hear her             after class.

  a. to sing       b. sang         c. sing    d. sings

  (    )16. mr thin was very poor        he was very happy.

  a. and        b. but      c. or         d. so

  (    )17. linda feels tired. she doesn’t know what        .

  a. is she reading   b. she is reading   c. was she reading d. she was reading

  (    )18. he’ll send us a message as soon as he         in sichuan.

  a. is arriving      b. will arrive   c. arrived        d. arrives

  (    )19. —i am a student.

  —         name is tom.

  a. my          b. your      c. his          d. her

  (    )20. peter’s bike has broken for         . he needs to get a new one.

  a. only once     b. little time     c. many times     d. no time

  ⅵ. 句型转换。

  1. i think you have just come from england. (改为否定句)

  i                         you have just come from england.

  2. i think you are wrong. (改为同义句)

  i             think you are            .

  3. you can say so. you are really nice. (合成一个简单句)

  really nice                         to say so.

  4. he seems that he is very angry. (合成一个简单句)

  he seems                         very angry.

  5. the children could hear something in the old house. (改为否定句)

  the children             hear          in the old house.

  6. she asked me, “when will you come to visit me?” (改为间接引语)

  she asked me             i             come to visit her.

  7. he won’t be back tomorrow, i think. (改为同义句)

  i             think he            be back tomorrow.

  8. they could hardly see any grass there. (完成反意疑问句)

  they could hardly see any grass there,                        ?

  9. could you tell me the way to the station? (改为同义句)

  could you tell me                                              to the station?

  10. all of them enjoy listening to pop music in their free time. (改为否定句)

  of them             listening to pop music in their free time.

Unit 14 Revision Two相关文章:

Unit 1 This is my day第六课时


Unit3 What can you see? 第3课时



Unit 7 Happy birthday第一课时

1B Unit 2 My Gift

Unit2 Healthyeating(Period3 Learningaboutlanguage:Grammar)





Unit 14 Revision Two
