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We had a wonderful party教案

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We had a wonderful party教案


We had a wonderful party教案(精选2篇)

We had a wonderful party教案 篇1

  unit 7 the birthday party

  topic 3 we had a wonderful party

  section d 

  学             案

  教    案一.   课标告诉我们:1.掌握动词过去式的读音规则.2.复习一般过去时n         肯定句  we had a wonderful party.n         否定句   jane didn’t play the piano.n         一般疑问句  did  you  sing  at  the party?n         简略答语  yes, i  did. \  no, i didn’t.n         特殊疑问句 why did you come back so late?                how could you lie to me?3.复习有用表达: 必会主要句型  n       did you hurt yourself?n       this way, please.n       what happened to michael?n       how could you lie to me?n       why didn’t you tell me the truth?这节课应该学会:掌握一般过去时的用法,并能够正确运用过去时写出正确的英文信件.掌握规则动词过去式加-ed的读音,能够正确读出/t/ , /d/ ,/id/.二.我会做(我也敢做,我更能做,让我来试试哦!)1.口语热身:复习一般过去时.2. 行为动词的过去式的构成:a. 一般情况: v+edlook—            play—                  b. 以不发音的e结尾的:v+dlive—           hope—                c. 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词, 先双写辅音字母, 再加+edstop—          plan—               d. 结尾是“辅音字母+y”结尾的, 先变 “y” 为 “i” 再加ed.study—                worry—                  3.我会写出这些动词的过去式哦!look          miss           recite            like              plan          stop           study             carry              go            buy            bring             have             4..我知道规则动词过去式词尾-ed的读音哦!!清辅音后 读 /t/,         元音、浊辅音读 /d/, /t/ /d/ 后面读/id/.5.我知道并能够正确运用过去时写出正确的英文信件.a.在信头右上角写寄信人      和        .先写     (大\小)地方,再写    (大\小)地方,然后在地址下写上日期.b.空一行顶格写收信人的称呼,注意前面要加上      ,以示礼貌,其后要用逗号.c.正文每段第一个字母要缩进3或者5个字母的空格.d.信的结尾签名一般用        这个词.6.written work.完成2.用书信的形式,通过一般过去时描绘kangkang的生日聚会.7.我能够用过去来介绍我最难的一次生日聚会!we  had  a  birthday party  .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   三.我质疑:    1.你知道了行为动词的一般过去时结构了吗?2.你知道了be动词的过去式的构成了吗?3.你知道了thank…for  …的用法了吗?4.你明白了动词use的用法了吗?5.                                                                6.                                                                 7.                                                                 8.                                                                 四.我明了:1.我知道了行为动词的一般过去时结构a. 肯定句: 主语+谓语动词的过去式+时间状语, 谓语动词不随人称的变化而变化。she had a birthday party last week.b. 否定句:主语+didn’t +动词原形+时间状语she didn’t have a birthday party last week.c. 一般疑问句: did + 主语 + 动词原形+时间状语? 简单回答: yes, …+did./no, …+ didn’t.did she have a birthday party last week?yes, she did. no, she didn’t.d. 特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + 一般疑问句?what did she do last week?2.我知道了be动词过去时的用法:陈述句: 主语+was/were + 其他.           she was at home yesterday.否定句: 主语+wasn’t/weren’t + 其他.   he wasn’t born in beijing.一般疑问句: was/were + 主语+ 其他?      were you at home yesterday?特殊疑问句: 疑问词+一般疑问句?           where were you born?3.我知道了thank…for  …的用法:thank sb.for sth=thanks for sth\doing  sth.因某事向某人表示感谢.非常感谢你的帮助.  thanks                your help.4. 我明白了动词use的用法.use  sth .for doing  sth or use  sth.to do  sth.(使用某物做某事.)eg:我会使用mp4听音乐>                                                                    同义句:                                                             五:比一比:一、根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. helen recited a chinese p______ at the party.       2. i can perform magic t________, too.       3. what’s the matter, michael?   oh, i f_________ down.       4. danny, your face is not clean. go and wash it at o________.       5. jim sang best in the game. he was the w__________.       6. yesterday was my birthday. i made a s_________ wish.       7. if you blow the candles out in one b___________, your wish will come true.       8. he  b       a  present for me yesterday.       9. i knew you missed the chair. did you h       yourself?二、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. tom usually _____(get) up at 6:00, but he ______ (get) up at 5:00 this morning.       2. look! they _______(sing) songs over there.       3. _____ you _______ (have) a good time yesterday?       4. jenny ______ _______(not watch) tv last night.       5. when he was young, he often _______(play) basketball after school.       6. i _____ singing when i was young, but i don’t _____ it now. (like)7. ______(do) you _______(have) a good time at that party?8. his parents ________(buy) him a new computer last year.9. he never ______(go) to school by taxi.10. i _______(find) many people in the room when i came in.三、找出与划线部分意思相同的选项:(   )1. they were happy last sunday.a. had a good time b. on time  c. in time   d. had time(   )2. they didn’t lie to us.a. told a lie     b. told the truth      c. talk the fast       d. told the lie(   )3. jane seldom goes to a movie.a. sees a movie      b. goes to the zoo   c. goes out            d. goes in(   )4. the food on the plate is nice.a. well                  b. delicious     c. bad                   d. not good四、选择题:(   )1. –where _____ you just now?  --i ____ in the reading room.a. was, was          b. are, is                c. was, am            d. were, was(   )2. ____ mr. smith ____ beijing last year?a. did, visit           b. did, visited        c. does, visit  d. does, visits(   )3. we had to wait ____ our headteacher came back.a. until                  b. after           c. when         d. that(   )4. did he hurt __________?a. himself              b. herself        c. myself              d. yourself(   )5. he ________ his old friend on the way home yesterday.a. meet                 b. meets         c. to meet     d. met五.书面表达:假如你叫刘梅,请你给你的同学jane写一封信告诉她有关你生日聚会的情况. (用一般过去时态)教学重点、难点:1.     了解动词过去式的规则变化以及读音规则.2.     掌握一般过去时的用法,并能够正确运用过去时写出正确的英文信件.预学案导学: 进一步来学习一般过去时动词的变化规则以及读音规则.情景导入(简单体现):通过对party的描述来学习如何运用一般过去时来写英文信件.3.合作展示:(1)    小组学习(2)    交流汇报4.归纳整理:(见"我明了”部分)5.评估拓展:学以致用:英文信封的写法.收信人名字前必须加适当的尊称.mr.,mrs.,miss.信封上的格式为人名-地名-国名.要写好邮编.寄信人姓名、地址要写在左上角。收信人的则在右下方。6.反思总结:

We had a wonderful party教案 篇2

  unit 7 the birthday partytopic 3 we had a wonderful party               section c 学                案教    案


  1.       学习并检测新单词:each,sit,silent,blow,blow out,breath,everyone,had,delicious,funny.

  2.       复习一般过去时,学习一些动词过去式的不规则变化.

  3.       谈论生日庆典。




  1.口语热身:what did you do yesterday ?

  i  went to ……

  i washed my  hands……

  i  missed the  chair and  fell  down.

  i  played  games……

  2.哈哈, 我会写出这些动词的过去式,来哦!来看我的咯!

  miss            is\am              are             do            

  dance           perform            play           recite              

  sing           fall               wash            can                

  hurt           go                  talk          lose                 


  每个;      坐;      无声的;       呼吸;       每人,人人;     

  有,吃,喝;      美味的;        有趣的,滑稽可笑的;      

  手工做这些贺卡                     ;一口气             ;

  坐在蛋糕周围                      ;默默许个心愿               ;

  吹灭蜡烛                  ;


  when was kangkang’s birthday?                                      

  what did the children bring for kangkang ?                              

  did kangkang like the birthday cards?                                   

  how old is kangkang ?                                                   

  what did kangkang do before he blew the candles out?                     


  have       buy        give         make           is       

  sit         blow       sing         bring          do\does   


  this tuesday is kangkang’s birthday.

  his parents cooked lots of food and drinks for him.

  his friends bought the  cards.

  this was the twelfth birthday of kangkang .

  they danced ,but didn’t sing and play games at the  party.

  7. 我会找出关键词哦!

  we      a  birthday party for kangkang yesterday.

  his parents        lots of food  and drinks.

  we         the  cards            .

  there  was a  big birthday cake with              on it.

  kangkang       a               ,and  then  he          the  candles     

  in            .

  we  danced  ,       and          games .everyone        a             .



  1. 你能总结出动词过去式的变化规则吗?

  2.你知道blew the candles out 有另外的说法吗?

  3.你知道了food 和drink的用法了吗?

  4.你知道了each of …的用法了吗?

  5.by hand  的意义你明白了吗?






  1. 我能总结出动词过去式的变化规则哦.





  look             play                    live               use                

  stop              plan                   study             worry                  

  2.我知道了blow  out 表示        

  blew the candles out 的另外的说法是                                  

  若接人称代词的宾格就只能放在blow  out的                 .

  3. food 在此用作     名词,表示食物的总称,

  而drink表示不同种类的饮料时可以加          .   

  4.each of us 表示“我们每个人。”

  each of… / every one of… 后接复数名词或代词,当它们做主语时,谓语动词通常

  用单数。如:every one of them       good at playing basketball.

  5.by hand 亲手,亲自,独自地 同义词是           和                   .

  6. have a good time“玩得高兴”,是一个固定短语,a 不能省略;意思相当于        

  和                  .

  7.we made the cards  by hand ;he  can  sing in english ;we  write with pens.

  在这三个句子中,by,in和with都表示          .

  by表达使用的                 .

  in表达使用的                 ,后面常常跟有关语言和材料的词语.

  with表达使用的                 , 后面常常跟有关工具的词语.



  1. jane made a s_________ wish at her birthday party.

  2. she ate two apples in one b________.

  3. we had a w_______ party, and we had a good time.

  4. i  b_________ a present for him last sunday.

  5. let’s sit a ________ the table and have a cup of tea.

  6. e_____ in the party should perform.

  7. the wind  is  b________ heavily.

  8. the food is very d_______. i like it very much.


  1. 今天公园里有许多人。

  there are ________ ______ people in the park today.

  2. 我们亲自动手做了一个飞机模型。

  we made a model plane ______ ________.

  3. 晚饭准备好了,全家人都坐在桌子周围。

  supper was ready, the whole family _______ _______ the table.

  4. 玛丽许了一个愿, 然后一口气吹灭了蜡烛。

  mary _____ _____ ______ ______ and then she _______ ______

  the candles                          .

  5. 昨天我们在动物园玩得很高兴。

  yesterday we ________ _____ ______ _____ in the zoo.


  1. she ________(have) supper late last night.

  2. my mother _______(give) me a bike for my birthday.

  3. jim _______(bring) us a new book this morning.

  4. the teacher _______(teach) us english last term.

  5. he _________(hurt) his leg. he couldn’t walk.

  四. 单项选择:

  (  )1.can  you sing        kangkang’s birthday party?

  a. in         b. into        c. to

  (   ) 2.we got a lot of fruits and foods           .

  a.for him        b.for he        c.to him

  (   )3.everyone         kangkang a birthday card yesterday.

  a.gives        b.gave       c.giving

  (   )4.there       a birthday cake and some candles on the table.

  a.is        b.are       c.am

  (   )5.we blew the candles out       one breath.

  a.into        b.to       c.in

  (   )6.we’re  interested in the         story.

  a.fun        b.funy       c.funny


  make, have, be, blow, begin, bring, come, recite, perform, sing  

  it       kangkang’s birthday last sunday. his friends all       to his party and        

  many presents for him.jane        a card for him. at the party, helen       a chinese poem while tom       magic tricks.at last, kangkang         out the candles in one breath when his friends         “happy birthday to you”. after that, they        to eat the birthday cake. everyone         a good time at the party.教学重点、难点:1.       学会运用本节课的新单词和短语。2.       学习一些动词过去式的不规则变化。3.       谈论生日庆典。预学案导学:通过生日聚会来谈论过去发生的事情,进一步来学习一般过去时的变化规则以及不规则变化的形式,情景导入(简单体现):通过猜谜活动和为某位学生开生日聚会来推出新词和动词短语来进入主题.3.合作展示:(1)    小组学习(2)    交流汇报4.       归纳整理:(见"我明了”部分)5.评估拓展:学以致用:fun和funny的区别:fun表示乐趣,趣事,是不可数名词,不与a连用.比如:playing  basketball is fun.funny表达滑稽的,好笑的,是形容词.比如:i  like  funny stories.6.反思总结:

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We had a wonderful party教案
