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Unit 5 When was he born?教学设计

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Unit 5 When was he born?教学设计


Unit 5 When was he born?教学设计(通用2篇)

Unit 5 When was he born?教学设计 篇1

  unit 9 when was he born?

  teaching goals:

  1. learn how to use the words and phrases in this unit.

  2.  learn how to use “be born” to ask sb sth.

  3. 掌握一般过去时态。并学会使用以how long, when, where 等疑问词开头的特殊疑问句。

  4. 能用有关的形容词来描述人,并能用一般过去时来谈论熟知的、敬佩的人物。

  period 1

  teaching procedures:

  step 1 leading in


  ask ss when they were born and which sports stars they like.

  step 2 pre-task

  sb page53,1a &1b.

  ask ss to make a list of international sports stars they know.

  show some sports stars photos to ss and ask: t: who’s that? s: that’s …. t: when was he born?       s: she was born in / on …. pairwork: make conversations. 

  step 3 while-task

  sb page 53, 1b.

  look at the pictures. read the names and the occupation. make sure what ss should do. listen carefully. complete the exercise. check the answers.

  sb page 53, 2a & 2b.

  point out the columns and read the headings to class. explain the meaning of the words at the top of each column if necessary. say this time fill in the information under how long. play the recording, ss complete activity 2b. correct the answers.

  step 4 post-task

  point to the chart in activity 2a. point out the fill-in lines in the conversation in activity 2c. show ss how to do the activity. ask ss to work in pairs. then make their own conversation. correct the answers.

  step 5 homework    

  collect the information about sports stars. then make cards. 

  period 2

  teaching contents: grammar focus, section a 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1 leading in

  revise the past tense.

  step 2 pre-task

  sb page54, grammar focus. ask ss to say the questions and responses. answer the questions the ss might have .  

  step 3 while-task

  sb pag3 55, 3a.

  ask ss to point to the names in the chart below the article. read the name to the class. explain the word achievement. divide the class into two groups — a and b. have them continue filling in their own charts, on their own.

  sb page 55, 3b.

  after ss have finished reading and filling their answers, ask ss to work in pairs. draw the chart on the bb. ask the ss who finish first to write the answers in the chart. correct the answers.

  step 4 post-task

  sb page 55, 4a.

  write this sample question on the bb. then ask two ss to ask and answer these questions. ask ss to talk to several other ss. move around the room checking their progress.

  sb page 55, 4b.

  ask ss to tell the class what they learned about a student. allow other ss to ask questions if they don’t understand something another student says. ask each student to read at least one statement from his chart.

  step 4 post-task

  get the class to make a dialogue with the past tense.

  step 5 homework

  correct the mistakes.

  1. i went to the classroom, but no one were there .

  2. last summer i go to hong kong.

  3. lucy and lily didn’t late for school last week.

  4. did your friend bought a new watch yesterday? 

  period 3

  teaching contents: section b 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1 revision

  check the homework.

  step 2 pre-task

  sb page 56, 1a. write on the bb the eight words at the top of the page. ask a student to say out the names of the people in the pictures. ask ss to write one or two words from the list under each person’s picture.

  sb page 56, 1b. ask several ss to read the class the words they wrote under each picture. say now work with a group. make your own statements about the people in the pictures, using the words you wrote in your book. ask ss to tell the class what they said about some of the people.

  step 3 while-task

  sb page 56, 2a. 

  read the instructions and point out the words in the list in activity 1a. play the recording. ss listen and circle the words they hear. check the answers.

  sb page 56, 2b.

  point out the eight sentences. ask two ss to read them. play the recording and have ss write down the answers. correct the answers.

  step 4 post-task

  sb page 56, 2c. ask two ss to read the sample conversation. have ss work with a partner. ask and answer questions using the sentences in activity 2b. ask several pairs to say a conversation to the class.

  step 5 homework

  remember the words learned in this class. 

  period 4

  teaching contents: section b 3a, 3b, 3c, 4, selfcheck.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1 leading in

  ask some ss some questions: when were you born? when did you get to school yesterday? how did you get to school this morning? etc .

  step 2 pre-task

  sb page 57, 3a.

  ask ss to read the phrases in the chart. then get the ss to read the article on their own, ask ss to circle any words or phrases they don’t understand. ask ss to read to the class any words or phrases they circled. write them on the bb. ask other ss to explain what they mean.

  ask ss to read the article again and fill in the information in the chart. correct the answers.

  step 3 while-task

  sb page 57, 3b . 

  ask ss to use these sentences to start their articles. ask ss to use the article about midori as an example.

  sb page 57, 3c.

  read the instructions and ask ss who they write about. ask ss to work on their own. when they finish, ask the ss to read the article to a partner and to talk about the person in the article.

  step 4 post-task

  sb page 57, part 4. ask ss to work in groups of four. point out the sample conversation. ask three ss to read it to the class. then ask ss to work with their groups.

  step 5 homework

  get the ss to finish the selfcheck on their own .

Unit 5 When was he born?教学设计 篇2

  unit 5 when was he born?教学设计

  section b


  本单元主要围绕谈论自己崇拜的名人及有关名人的职业生涯而展开的。通过section a 的学习,让学生初步了解了成功人士的生活经历,及学习有关职业的英文表达方式, section b则是在section a的基础上,通过让学生根据教材所提供的名人的过去生活经历的学习,谈论自己和别人的成就,并学会介绍自己和周围人的生活经历。




  at the age of  ,  70—year history等知识点的运用。

  can talk about the achievement of the famous people ,and learn to talk about  the experience of the people around us.


  talented,loving,creative,outstanding,unusual,kind ,beautiful,



  he spends all his free time with his grandson.

  he started to learn the piano when he was seven.

  he began to learn the accordion at the age of four

  he was also the first chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize.





  三.教学手段:a computer,cai课件

  四.教学内容: section b:1a—2c3a,3b,3c


  warming up by asking: when were you born?  how old are you?

  introduce myself .ask for hope

  1.work on 1a

  do you know what are the meanings of the words?

  talented ,loving, outstanding ,unusual,  creative ,kind, famous

  looking at these people and describing with the words

  2.work on 1b

  imagine you know the people in the pictures above. tell the class  about the people

  for example,tony is an outstanding pianist. he is creative and loves music very much. he spends all his free time on it.

  3.work on 2a

  introduce midori and laura

  listen, two people are talking about people they admire. circle the words you hear

  check the answers :talented loving outstanding unusual beautiful creative kind famous

  4.work on 2b

  listening and writing “m” or “l” on the lines.

  1. m she is a famous violinist.

  2. m she was born in 1971.

  3. l she started ice skating when she was four.

  4. m i saw her play when i was eight.

  5. l she’s a kind and loving grandmother.

  6. l she was born in 1932.

  7. l she became a skating champion when she was fourteen.

  8. m she toured the u.s. when she was fourteen.

  5.work on 3b

  disscuss and speak something about saura according to the information with the partners.just like:  laura was born in 1932,she is an ice skating player,at the age of four she started…….


  . write the people you admire

  model: i admire my english teacher,miss li very much. she was born in 1980.she started to learn english at the age of five. she is good at teaching english. i think she is kind and outstanding.

  7.work on 3a

  introduce chopin and li yundi .

  reading then answering the questions and filling the chart.

  complete the text according to the tapes.

  explain some language pointes to students.

  8.exercise:reading and writing

  here is the information about deng yaping. please write an article about her.

  offer an article about deng yaping to show to students.

  9. think :what should you do if you want to be successful?

  work hard!

  anything is possible


  entrenched homework:write something about yao ming.

  extensible homework:   write down the experience of the person  around you .and tell us why he or she is successful.

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Unit 5 When was he born?教学设计
