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外研版初一下册 Module6 Unit 1教学设计

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外研版初一下册 Module6 Unit 1教学设计


外研版初一下册 Module6 Unit 1教学设计(精选2篇)

外研版初一下册 Module6 Unit 1教学设计 篇1

  初一下module6  unit 1

  1、课型: listening and speaking



  通过对第五模块的学习,学生已经学会单音节及少数双音节形容词adj. +er表示比较级,两个物体互相比较。对比较级有了一定的了解。学完本课后应该会区分单音节和多音节词,并会使用正确的变化形式。










  (1)词汇  能够准确读出并写出more , dangerous , gymnastics , skiing , popular , exciting , tiring , unpopular , boring , relax , relaxing , safe , be good at  等单词;

  (2)语法  学习comparative adjectives with more的用法, 能够区分单音节和多音节单词,并且能正确使用他们的变法。

  (3) 技能  能通过对本课对话的学习,使学生掌握比较级的用法。




  4. 情感目标


  5.  教学重点和难点



  6.  教学过程

  step 1. lead-in:


  活动2:ask and answer

  we have learned comparing things following by –er.

  can you remember their irregular changing?

  who can tell me?

  please hands up.    


  活动3:do exercise. 

  [设计意图]: 本活动使学生理解本课语法,让学生体会变化,激发学生积极参与的热情,有利于激活背景知识词汇。为进入对话进行铺垫。

  活动4: 1. listen and number the sports as you hear them


  活动5: the opposite words


  step2: listening

  活动1. pre-listening

  listen and answer these questions.

  what sports are we chinese good at?

  what’s your opinion of running, cycling, and skiing?

  what olympic sports do you like? (your opinion)


  活动2..listen again check (√) the sports they like (part 5)


  step 3: pronunciation

  活动 1 read the passage . (neighbor.)


  活动 2 summary the grammar


  step 4 speaking

  work in pairs. talk about the sports you like.

  you may begin your talking like this….

  i like gymnastics. it’s more exciting than table tennis, and it’s more difficult than running.

  it’ s my favorite sport.

  [设计意图] :练习并掌握本课的语法,并说出自己对运动项目的喜好。及自己认为每个项目的特点。

  step 5 homework

  1. write six sentences about activity2.(use comparative adjective.)

  2. read the passage following the tape.

  3. recite the passage


外研版初一下册 Module6 Unit 1教学设计 篇2

  module 7 planes, boats and trains

  unit 2 it’s the fastest train.

  课型:   reading and writing


  to transfer information from a table to sentences and to give results with “so”

  to get information from the reading material about traveling times

  to be able to match headings with paragraphs

  key vocabulary:   airport, bus stop, ferry terminal, station, distance, fare, international, journey, passenger, travel

  key structures:   it goes from shanghai station to the pudong airport in eight minutes.

  the same journey takes about 30 minutes by car.


  (1). get information about the different transport.

  (2). improve the students’ reading ability to understand the passage.

  moral education:

  we should know about the different traveling and transport.




  教学方法:pwp  communicative

  教学用具:multi-media (or tape recorder, ohp)


  1.warming-up:t:boys and girls,spring is here now.do you like travelling?


  t:where do you like to go?/why?

  ss:i like to go to ---./because---.

  t:how do you like to travel?

  ss:i like to travel by bus / car/ferry/plane/subway---.

  2.look at these pictures.what can you see in the pictures?where do they stop?or where does it stop?

  plane. airport.  bus. bus stop.---

  then let the students describe the pictures with some adjectives.

  questions:1)which way is the fastest one of the four?

  2)which way is the most comfortable of the four?

  3.listen to the recorder and answer the teacher’s two questions.

  1).how many travelling ways can you hear according to the text?.

  2.)what are they?

  4.open the books at page 46 .practise reading the text silently and match the paragraphs with the headings.

  5. practise reading the passage loudly with six questions ,then ask the students to read the paragraphs in pairs or in groups or in teams or the whole class and choose t or f according to the text.

  1)a taxi from shanghai to the airport is cheaper than the train for two people.

  2)a taxi   from shanghai to the airport takes eight minutes.

  3)british airways uses the boeing 747 for long journeys.

  4)the boeing 747 travels longer than other planes.

  5)you can take the star ferry from hong kong to the islands.

  6)americans like to travel by bus because it’s safer than going by car.

  6.practise the text  again and answer the questions


  1.what’s the fastest way to get from shanghai  station to pudong airport,by train ,by car or by taxi?

  2.which plane is the most popular and travels the farthest?

  3.the star ferry is the most famous ferry in the world.

  is its journey long or short?

  4.why do millions of americans go by bus every year?

  7.complete the sentences with the words in the box.      distance         fare          international    journey        passenger           travel

  1.air ________ are going up again.

  2.what’s the___________ from your school to your    home?

  3.we always________ with many bags.

  4.women’s day is an_______________ festival in the world.

  5.the_________ is long and difficult.

  6.i am the only____________ on the bus.

  8.let the students read the text in four groups and find out the key words as quickly as possible.

  1.the fastest train   in eight minutes

  the most expensive

  2.one of the busiest international airlines

  boeing 747: the most popular

  travel the farthest

  8,000 kilometers / 9.5   hours

  3.the most famous ferry

  short journey

  takes about 10 minutes

  the shortest, quickest, cheapest way to go

  4.fast, comfortable

  cheap fares

  the safest and cheapest way to travel

  9. let the students retell the text.

  10.writing :first let the students talk about “what’s the most comfortable way to travel?---”according to the table,then write a short passage with “so” and the superlative drgrees of adjectives according to the table.

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外研版初一下册 Module6 Unit 1教学设计
