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牛津英语Starter U12 全英文精品教案

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牛津英语Starter U12 全英文精品教案


牛津英语Starter U12 全英文精品教案(通用2篇)

牛津英语Starter U12 全英文精品教案 篇1

  牛津英语七年级预备课程unit 10教案

  the first lesson

  [teaching content]

  unit 10  welcome and listening

  [teaching aims and demands]

  knowledge aims: 1. enable the students to master some new words.

  2. teach ss to ask about the time, and how to say the time

  3. review imperative sentences

  ability aims: 1. ss get to know some activities both in class and at school.

  2. train the ss to have some social moralities.

  [teaching difficulties and importance]  

  say the time in different ways .

  [teaching tools]     a clock made by paper, projector, workbook and students’ book

  [teaching procedure]

  step1 welcome and presentation

  1. set a time seven thirty on a paper clock, and hold it up. look at the paper clock and ask ss, “what’s the time? (what time is it?)”  then present those times 7.50, 7.00, 8. 15 in the same way.

  2. guide ss to have the similar dialogue with each other, so that they can totally master the sentence pattern.

  3. before learning the dialogues of welcome part, teach some important phrases by doing these actions: point to the clock and say, “oh, it’s seven o’clock. i must get up.” introduce the following phrases in the same way: hurry up, go to school, have breakfast.

  4. ask ss to listen to the tape and answer:

  what time is it?

  it is time to do what?

  is lily late for school?

  by the way, review the rhyme on p21 within a very short time.

  5. tell ss that they can say the time in different ways. for example, seven fifty = ten to eight, seven thirty = half past seven, eight fifteen = a quarter past eight

  many ss feel it difficult to use them correctly, because there are “to” and “past”. the following is the way which i use and suggest:

  past表示“路过”,half past seven,把half想象成一个人,他散步路过seven,所以half past seven表示“过了七点半个小时”

  to表示“到达”,ten to eight,把ten也想象成一个人,他朝eight走,但还没到eight,所以表示“离八点还差十分钟”

  6. with the help of the paper clock, point to any time and ask the students to say the times in various ways one by one, such as 12:30, 6:15, 4:40, 4:45, 2:50, 2:00, etc.

  step 2  listening

  1. do pre-listening work. ask ss to read the pairs of words and phrases. after that, point to “we” as subject, and ask ss to make three sentences with the words and phrases which show the school life, like

  we have a chinese lesson on monday. 

  on tuesday, we have a maths lesson.

  on friday, we have a computer lesson.

  at the same time, ask the students to pay attention to the preposition “on”

  2. as for the names of subjects, the teacher can add art, chemistry, history, p.e. physics, biology, geography, algebra (代数), and geometry (几何)

  3. do the listening exercise of part b. tell ss not only know whether the sentences are true or false, but also know what’s wrong with each false sentence.

  step 3  summary and do workbook.

  step 4  homework

  the second lesson

  [teaching content]

  unit 10 speaking and reading

  [teaching aims and demands]

  knowledge aims:   get to know the simple present tense and the relative frequency words.

  ability aims: 1. ss try to describe one’s school life with the simple present tense.

  2. know the importance of the time and cherish the time.

  [teaching difficulties and importance]  

  1. the usages and formation of the simple present tense.

  2. the sentence transformations of the simple present tense.

  [teaching tools]     projector, workbook and students’ book

  [teaching procedure]

  step 1.  speaking

  1. write some times on the blackboard, such as 7:00, 6:10, 6:30, 6:45, let students say them in english

  2. ask ss to read the dialogue of this part, play the role, and at the same time get ready for these questions about the dialogue:

  when does peter go to school every day?

  when does nick go to school every day?

  do they play basketball every day?

  when do they play basketball?

  do they have a computer lesson today?

  what lesson do they have?

  do the two boys often chat with each other at lunchtime?

  3. guide ss to replace the blue words with other words, so that they can make their own dialogue.

  4. when they do with “every day”, the concept of frequency word occurs, giving the teacher a chance to teach it and introduce other frequency words, like usually, often, sometime, every day, every week, every morning, every evening, once a day, twice a month, etc.

  step2  reading

  1. review the main structure “do you … ?” by asking ss some questions, and then introduce nick’s day.

  get the students to read the text themselves, and answer the following questions:

  what’s the name of the boy?

  when does he get up every morning?

  when does he have breakfast?

  when do the classes begin?

  what classes does he have in the morning?

  after class, what do they do?

  after lunch, what do they do?

  from 1.30 to 3. 50 p.m, what do they do?

  after school, what does he often do?

  what sports does he like?

  when does he go home and do his homework?

  when does he usually have dinner?

  after dinner, what does he do?

  when does he go to bed?

  2. help nick to fill in the timetable of nick.

  3. do exercise of part b

  step 3  grammar

  1.when teaching the usages and formation of the simple present tense, the teacher has to do that in a simple way that can be easily understood by common ss in common school. the following is what i use and suggest:

  1) “时态”,就是动作发生的时间和状态。

  2) “一般现在时”名称中“现在”代表现在做的动作,“一般”代表常常做,连起来,“一般现在时”就是“现在常常做的动作”,这样比较容易通过概念名称记住时态用法。




  “频率词”的记忆:分为三大“护法”—— usually, often, sometimes,以及两大“军团”——every day, once a day,因为把划横线的词替换成其它时间或次数,就能使频率词发展壮大成为“军团”。

  5) 频率词和一般现在时的关系:频率词和一般现在时是形影不离的好朋友,看见频率词,就要用一般现在时。

  6)一般现在时的句型转换特别难,因为需要引进“助动词”的概念,尽管它是教材后两个单元的重点,但是因为在speaking和grammar部分出现了一般疑问句,肯定回答和否定回答, 所以也无法回避了。稍微提一下:“口诀:谓语加s的,does提前;谓语用原形的,do提前”。

  2. the sentence transformations of simple present tense, such as the interrogative form, affirmative and negative reply, is very important but a little difficult to master. so plenty of  exercises on sentence transformations are badly needed.

  step 4   consolidation and summary

  showing the timetable of nick’s school life, direct ss to retell nick’s school day without referring the text.

  step 5   homework

  make students to describe their own timetables, following the model of nick’s timetable.

  the third lesson

  [teaching content]

  unit 10 grammar and task

  [teaching aims and demands]

  knowledge aims:   1. review the usages and formation of the simple present tense.

  2. revise the sentence transformations of the simple present tense.

  3. recall the usual frequency words.

  ability aims: ss try to ask each other about school life with the simple present tense.

  [teaching difficulties and importance]  

  still the sentence transformations of the simple present tense.

  [teaching tools]     projector, workbook and students’ book

  [teaching procedure]

  step 1   grammar

  1. do part a , so that the teacher enable ss to recall how to say the tim, according the three clocks in the picture.

  2. do an ask – and - answer exercise to review the usages and formation of the simple present tense.

  3. choose some sentences from the reading part and grammar part b in advance, and guide ss to do the fill-in –blank exercises on the simple present tense.

  1) i ______ (have) six classes every day.

  2) he _______ (have) three good friends.

  3) she ______ (get) up at 7.00 a.m. every morning.

  4) we often _______ (chat) at lunchtime.

  5) they often _____ (play) basketball after school.

  4. make ss do the sentence transformations of the sentences above. they can write in their books first, and then copy sentences on the blackboard, so that the whole class can check the answers.

  step 4   task

  1. students try to ask each other about their class activities and school life, and describe one’s school life with the simple present tense.

  2. know the importance of the time and cherish the time.

  2. the teacher guides them to fill in the form of task part.

  3. according to the form, the teacher instructs ss to write a report about classmates’ daily life and school life.

  4. help ss to do a survey with three or four of their classmates according to the example in books. let one student report orally in front of the class.

  step 5   homework

  an article and a report on classmates’ daily life and school life.

牛津英语Starter U12 全英文精品教案 篇2

  牛津英语七年级预备课程unit 12教案

  the first lesson

  [teaching content]

  unit 12 welcome and listening

  [teaching aims and demands]

  knowledge aims:   1. know further about the simple present tense.

  2. know the differences between countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

  ability aims: 1. ss get to know some preparation work before a birthday party.

  2. ss learn to use the sentences pattern “would you like sth?” and “would you like to do sth.”

  [teaching difficulties and importance]  

  1. in “would you do sth?” and “would you like sth?”, “would” has nothing to do with the past tense. instead, it just means a courteous tone of speech.

  2. we use “some” instead of “any” in the sentence “would you like some bread?”, because it means ask for something.

  [teaching tools]     projector , workbook and students’ book

  [teaching procedure]

  step1 welcome and presentation

  1.         have a chat with ss about when their birthdays are, what they usually get for their birthday, and what they want as their gifts. teach new words in this way, saying:

  maybe you can get some birthday cards from your friends and write “card ” on the blackboard .

  maybe you can get some chocolates from your parents, and write “chocolate ” on the blackboard .

  maybe you can get some toys from your grandparents, and write “toy” on the blackboard.

  2. let the students listen to the tape and answer the question:

  who is the girl in yellow?

  who is the girl in blue?

  why is she happy?

  would lily come to millie’s birthday party?

  what does millie usually get for her birthday?

  what does lily want to give millie for her birthday?

  therefore, the teacher will know if they grasp the main idea of the dialogue.

  3. ask ss to play the role.

  step 2  sentence pattern

  1. teach the grammar.

  in sentence patterns “would you like sth?” and “would you do sth”, there is a “would”. “would” is the past tense of “will”, but in these sentences patterns, it has nothing to do with the past tense. instead, it just means a courteous tone of speech.

  2. want=would like, want to do = would like to do,   would you like….?= do you want …?  what would you like? = what do you want?

  3. in order to master those important sentence patterns, ss have to do lots of practice. for example, ask ss to make such sentences with the five words, which are a cake, a banana, an orange, juice, and milk, in listening part a in advance, like “would you like a cake for your birthday?  would you like to drink some juice?   would you like to eat a banana?”

  4. in sentence making exercised, ss are likely to meet the problem of whether to us “some” or “any”. to solve the problem, tell ss that we use “some” instead of “any” in the sentence “would you like some bread?”, because it means ask for something.

  step 3  listening

  1. pre-listening

  review the important sentence patterns “would you like sth? and teach ss the affirmative reply “yes, i’d like one.” and the negative reply “no, thanks”.

  2. tell ss the differences between countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

  3. before listening, have a chat about the two pictures in part b with the students---who is in the picture?  what are they talking about?

  in addition, introduce the situation of the dialogue: millie and her mum are talking about what to buy for millie’s birthday party. listen to their conversation and try to complete their shopping list.

  4. do the listening exercise of part b. later on, invite some students to read their present lists and then ask them to talk about their favorite presents. the following is what i suggest:

  ask: millie is going to have a birthday party. there are many kinds of food in the party. what would you like to eat?

  help the students to say their favorite food.

  (take out the pictures and things)

  ask: would you like some bananas/sweets/ice cream/orange juice/cakes?

  write the new words on the blackboard and read them.

  step 4  summary, and do workbook.

  step 5   homework

  the second lesson

  [teaching content]

  unit 12 speaking and reading

  [teaching aims and demands]

  knowledge aims:   1. master the simple present tense and use it freely.

  2. learn what interrogative words are and get to know interrogative sentences by doing the exercise under reading part.

  ability aims:  ss get to know some activities in a birthday party, and try to retell the reading part to express millie’s birthday party in the simple present tense. in addition, ss write another article “my birthday”, following the model article.

  [teaching difficulties and importance] 

  1. ss learn to retell the reading part.

  2. following the model article, write another article “my birthday”.

  [teaching tools]     projector, workbook and students’ book

  [teaching procedure]

  step 1.  speaking

  1. make ss read the dialogue alone, and make them to answer these questions afterwards:

  whose birthday is tomorrow?

  who are the two girls?

  do the two girl want to buy her any presents?

  what does the girl on the right want to buy her?

  what does the girl on the left want to buy her?

  where can they buy those presents?

  when do they want to do the shopping?

  teach some similar words and sentences to ss:

  tomorrow is millie’s birthday. = it’s millie’s birthday tomorrow.

  present = gift

  i want to buy her a present. = i’d like to buy her a present.

  buy her a present = buy a present for her

  what do you want to buy? = what would you like to buy?

  i’d like to buy her a teddy bear. = i want to buy her a teddy bear.

  i want to buy her some stickers. = i’d like to buy her some stickers.

  would you like to go with me? = do you want to go with me?

  and at the same time, instruct ss to replace the blue words with what they want to by, with the names of classmates, and with other times and places, in order to make a similar dialogue about  their shopping plans. then take a few minutes to tell their neighbors about their shopping lists.

  step2  reading

  1. let the students look at the pictures under the text, before entering the text, and communicate with the students. the following is the plan suggested:

  t: let’s look at the pictures for millie’s birthday party.

  what can you see on the table in picture 1?

  s: i can see cds, hair clips, stickers, and so on.

  t: how dose millie look?

  s: she looks excited/ pleased.

  t: let’s look at picture 2. what’s this? it’s a sofa. where are her friends?

  s: they are on the sofa.

  2. write the new words “sofa” on the blackboard and read them. then go on communicating with the students:

  let’s look at picture 3.

  t: what birthday present does millie get from her friends?

  s: millie’s friends have cds, hair clips, a teddy bear, etc. for her.

  t: let’s look at picture 4. what are they doing?

  s: they are singing a birthday song for her and sharing the big cake.

  3. make the ss to read the text and ready to answer some questions, so as to know well about the meaning of the text:

  what day is it today?

  whose birthday is today?

  what clothes does she wear?

  does she look cool?

  what is on the table?

  who has a lot of presents for her?

  what are they?

  does everyone enjoy the party?

  what do they do on the birthday party?

  at last, what do they do to her?

  after they sing the song, what do they do?

  is millie happy on her party?

  do all her friends have a good time?

  surely, when asking and answering the questions, the teacher and the ss can sing the world- famous birthday song “happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday my dear friend, happy birthday to you.”

  4. do the two exercises under the text.

  5. grammar

  teach ss the different meanings and different usages of the interrogative words in part b:

  when 什么时间 (问时间)

  what 什么事   (问事情)

  who 什么人   (问人)

  where 什么地方  (问地点)

  how 怎样      (问程度或方式)

  5. do group work for consolidation.

  write some clue words under each picture and guide them to describe the picture according to the giving words and phrases. divide ss onto groups, four students in a group:

  picture 1: wear, cool, such as, excited, wonderful

  picture 2: sofa, talk, chat, have fun, interesting

  picture 3: hair clips, chocolate, presents, happy

  picture 4: a big cake, share, sing

  ask each group to describe their pictures.

  step 3  


  1. describe the four pictures in exercise books in ss’ own words.

  2. guide the ss to retell the passage

  3. following the model article, write another article “my birthday”.

  the third lesson

  [teaching content]

  unit 12 grammar and task

  [teaching aims and demands]

  knowledge aims:   1. review the simple present tense

  2. learn the different meanings and usages of different interrogative words

  3. how to use interrogative words and make interrogative sentences.

  ability aims:       

  1. ss can talk about how to prepare a birthday party and what they see in a birthday party, using interrogative sentences correctly

  [teaching difficulties and importance]  

  1. the different meanings and usages of different interrogative words

  2. how to make interrogative sentences correctly

  [teaching tools]     projector, workbook and students’ book

  [teaching procedure]

  step 1   grammar

  1. grammar teaching

  instruct ss to learn the meanings and usages of different interrogative words.

  when 什么时间 (问时间)

  what 什么事   (问事情)

  who 什么人   (问人)

  where 什么地方  (问地点)

  how 怎样      (问程度或方式)

  how many + 复数可数名词    (问数量)

  how much + 不可数名词   (问数量)

  how long 多久时间       (问时间段)

  how soon 多久时间以后(才做某事)

  whose 谁的               (问所有格)

  which 哪个;哪些

  why 为什么               (问原因)

  what time 什么时刻        (问时刻)

  attach importance to the difference meanings between “when” which means “何时”, “what time” which means “什么时刻” and “how long” which means “多久时间”. and teach ss their different usages.

  2. presentation

  write “8 april” on the blackboard, say: it’s lily’s birthday. can you tell me the date in english? (write “the eighth of april” on the blackboard) then communicate with the students:

  t: how dose lily celebrate her birthday? can you guess?

  s: i think she has a party or a big dinner.

  t: maybe. where does she have the party or the dinner?

  s:  at home.

  t: who will come to her birthday party?

  s: her grandfather and grandmother, her aunts, her uncles and her cousins.

  t: what presents can she get? 

  s: many interesting things, such as books, hair clips, clothes and shoes.

  t: ok, here is a dialogue about lily’s birthday between millie and lily, try to fill in the blanks and complete their conversation.

  2. let the students read and complete the dialogue. afterwards, the teacher checks the answers. let the students read the text again, then ask them to answer the questions on lily’s birthday.

  2. make ss read the text together for consolidation.

  3. do the fill – in – blank exercise of this part on interrogative words.

  step 2   task

  1. instruct ss to analysis the post below the dialogue between millie and peter, which is about millie’s birthday party, using as many interrogative sentences as possible.

  2. direct ss to learn the dialogue, following what the post tells.

  3. ask the students to have a talk about partners’ birthday, then make a similar post in their exercise book. at last, ask some students to show their post on the blackboard. ss can learn how to design a birthday party by finishing the task.

  step 3  homework

  ss ask each other how he/she spent his/her birthday. write down the dialogue between them  and their friends.

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