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Travel 篇1


  Teaching aims and requirement


  Teaching important and difficult points

  1.Words and expressions

  separate, guide, sharp, destroy, through, across, travel, trip, journey, go off see. . . off take a taxi/train/bus. . . ,by taxi/train/bus. . . ,tie. . . to, move on, be made from/of/into/by/,in. . . every two or three days

  2.Useful phases

  be about to do; nothing except/but. . .

  3. Oral expressions

  Give my regards to. . .

  Have a nice /good/wonderful time!

  Have a good/pleasant trip!

  Say “Hi/Hello” to sb. from me.

  Good luck!

  The same to you!


  Revise the Present Continuous Tense is often used for plans in the near future.
















  2.  创设一个人合乎情理,符合逻辑的语言环境。本单元是围绕travel这一话题为主题,教师与学生通过面对面的交流如:Do you like traveling? When are you going to….?Have a nice time, so on.教师也可提供给学生们真实的录像,对本单元的主要交际用语反复练习,如:角色扮演,学生自述等。


  本单元的语法是现在进行时表示将来时的用法,教师一定要注意遵循精讲多的原则,通过大量的练习和反复的实践使学生理解并能熟练运用,形成比较自然的语言习惯。比如:教师可用来去几个词,come, go, arrive, set off等词语用口语的从式进行操练和练习。


  本单元通过给出假日之行的有关,主要是学习如何写旅游日记的写作知识,本文的对话主要是祝愿,问候,转达致意的基本表达方法。本单元的语法重点是用现在进行时表示将来的行为动作的用法,一些重点词汇的用法在本单元出现如:separate, see…off等词,词汇的辨析trip, journey, travel的区别,in, after表示时间的区别,except, besides, but, make…from, make of make…into,及what, how引导的感叹句等在课文和对话中均是本单元中需要掌握的重点内容。


  1.separate adj.

  —forming a unit which is distinct and which exists apart个别的,单独的

  Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ tune.简与贝蒂几天后就要各自休假了。

  ---divided; not joined or united 分离的,分开的

  Although both these shops sell vegetables, they are quite separate. 虽然这两个商店都卖蔬菜,但是他们是独立经营。

  v. —make, become or keep separate 使分离,分开,隔开

  England is separated from France by the Channel. 英法两国由英吉利海峡隔开。

  separate sth. /sb. / from sth. (some place)把……与……分开;把……与某地分开

  We should never separate from the masses. 我们绝不应该脱离群众。


  vt.-break into pieces; make useless; put an end to 毁灭,毁坏,破坏

  The houses were destroyed by a fire [a flood, an earthquake].房屋被火灾[水灾, 地震]所毁。

  It can easily be destroyed by the burning and by the cows.它很容易被烧毁和被牛损坏。

  Don't destroy that box, it may be useful.不要把那个盒子毁掉,它也许有用。

  3) guide

  n.-person who shows the way, esp. a person employed to point out interesting sights on a journey or visit 向导

  Our guide buys some food from the villagers and we cook it ourselves.我们的向导从村民那儿买了些食物后,我们亲自烹调。

  The guide led us into that mountain. 导游带我们进山了。

  v.-act as guide to 引导;指导

  The Party guides us forward from victory to victory. 党指引我们从胜利走向胜利。

  guide 和 lead 的区别

  1) guide指充当向导,率先而行,对所走的路或所干的事非常精通。

  He guided the child across the forest. 他领着孩子穿过森林。

  2) lead指在前面带路,让别人跟着走。

  He led us to a room upstairs. 他把我们带到楼上的一个房间里。


  1)n.—sth. that is seen, esp. sth. remarkable; sth. which looks very bad or laugh景象,景物,尤指显著物;很难看或很可笑的事物

  What a sad sight it was! 那是多么凄惨的景象啊!

  What a sight you are! 你多惹人注意啊!

  2)-the power of the eye; limit within which seeing is possible 视力,视觉

  The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. 大峡谷是世界名胜之一。

  have good( poor) sight( eyesight) 视力良好(不好)/ in( within) sight; out of sight看得见;看不见

  Land was not yet in sight. 陆地仍然望不见 / Victory was still out of sight. 胜利尚不可及

  7)see sb. off

  —go to the railway station, dock, airport, etc. with sb., who is starting on a journey 到火车站,码头,飞机场等送某人

  Is anybody seeing you off? 有人送你吗?

  the same usage:

  1) see something (somebody) out (through)办好某事(送某人出去);使某事顺利通过

  2) see somebody later (again)再见

  注意:以上例句中out, off, through, later (again)都是adv.。如果动词宾语是代词,应把宾语置于以上副词之前。



  A. Give my regards/ best wishes / love to…

  B. Say “Hi/Hello/ Sorry/ Yes/ No” to sb.


  Have a nice/ good/ wonderful time.

  —Have a nice weekend!

  —The same to you.


  How about sb./ sth.?


  be + v-ing表一般将来时态

  go, come, leave, start, arrive, move, stay等瞬间动词用于进行时态时,表示将来含义。如:

  I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 明天我要去北京。


  l)will/ shall +动词原形。

  They will go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

  2)be going to do sth. 表示打算要做或准备要做某事,或将要发生或肯定要发生的事。如:It is going to snow.天要下雪了。

  3)一般现在时表将来时,表示按计划或时刻表要发生的事,仅用于come, get, go, leave, start, stay等表来去的少数动词。如:

  The plane leaves at seven. So I think we’ll take a taxi to the airport.飞机7点起飞,所以我们将要乘出租车去机场。

  4)be about to do sth. 表正要做某事,但不和具体的时间连用。如:

  I was about to leave when he came to see me. 我正要离开,这时他来看我。

  4.Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ time.

  I’m going there for holiday with my parents.


  Sunday is a holiday.

  The summer holidays begin.

  They had a five day’s holiday.

  They had a five-day holiday.

  They had a holiday of five days.

  搭配一:for holiday 度假

  A French student went to London for his holiday.

  搭配二:on holiday 正在休假

  She is on holiday in France.

  [注意]表示放多少天假时,只能用 “a holiday of … days”, “…days’ holiday”或 “…day holiday”.

  This summer we have 50 days’ holidays.

  This summer we have a holiday of 50 (days).

  搭配三:have/take/spend a holiday 度假

  I spent my holiday in the village.

  搭配四:summer vacation 暑假


  搭配五:sick leave病假

  [注意] leave多指军队等的假期,亦指病假。

  辨析 shout at/shout to

  shout at 的意思是“对某人大声叫嚷”含有警告责备等含义。shout to 则是“大声喊叫某人”,使对方能听到喊声。例如:

  (1)Why shout at me all the time? Is it possible that I have done something wrong?   为什么老对我大叫大嚷?莫非我做错了什么?

  (2)I heard someone shout to me in the distance. 我听到有人在远处叫我。

  教学设计方案----Lesson 13

  (一)Teaching Aims

  1. To understand the dialogue fully.

  2. To develop the Ss' ability to make similar dialogues using present continuous tense for the plan in the near future.

  3. To study the usage of some words and expressions in the dialogues.

  (二) Teaching procedures

  Step I Introduction

  Tell the Ss that in this period we are going to study a dialogue between two girls and learn to talk about the future plan in the Present Continuous Tense and try to make a travel plan for a holiday.

  Step II Dialogue

  1. T: National Day is coming. We will have a holiday. How are you going to spend it? Are you going to travel? If “yes”, answer the questions below:

  1 ) Where are you going?         2) Why are you going there?

  3) When are you starting off?     4) How are you travelling there?

  5) Is anybody seeing you off or meeting you?

  6) How long are you going to stay?

  ( Ask these questions in the Present Continuous Tense. )

  2. Introduce the dialogue in brief to the Ss

  Step Ⅲ Listening

  1. Listen to the dialogue twice with the books closed.

  2. After listening, ask the Ss to fill in the following form with the information in the dialogue.


  Where to go

  When to leave

  How to go

  Whom to stay with

  How long to stay



  Step ⅣReading

  1.T play the recorder one or twice, the Ss follow it to read. Then ask them read loudly by themselves.

  2.After reading, let the Ss judge whether the following statements are true or false according to the information in the dialogue. Do it orally.

  1) Betty is going off to Guangzhou next Friday afternoon. (False)

  2) Nobody is seeing her off. (False) .

  3) Her plane leaves at seven and they'll take a taxi to the airport. (True)

  4) Betty is staying with her friend in a hotel although the hotels in Guangzhou are expensive.  (False)

  5) She is going there by train. (False)

  6) She is staying there just for the weekend. (True)

  7) Betty and Jane wish each other a good trip. (True)

  Step Ⅴ Language points

  1.Prepare some sentences and ask the Ss to fill in the blanks using the words and expressions in the dialogue.

  1).Jane and Betty are going on ____holidays in a few ____time.

  2)When are you going to ____Guangzhou?

  3)Is anybody ____you off?

  4)Do give her my____.

  5)____a good trip!

  2. Point out some of the words and expressions.

  1.separate   2.see..off    3.in a few weeks’ time=in a few weeks  5.Please say “Hi” to sb.

  6.The Present Continuous Tense----Future Use  

  Step Ⅵ Practice

  1. Make a summary of the Present Continuous Tense. Tell the Ss that the present continuous tense. can be used for a plan in the future. Come, go, leave, start and so on are often used in this way.

  2. Make similar dialogues. Given situations:

  1) You are going to have a football match.

  2) You are going to see a film.

  3) You are going to meet a friend on Sunday.

  Allow them a few minutes to make dialogues in pairs. Then ask them to play in the front of the class.

  Step Ⅶ Workbook

  Finish Ex. I and 2 on Page 72 as quickly as possible.

  StepⅧ Homework

  Make a travel plan    

  教学设计方案---Lesson 14-15

  (一)Teaching Aims

  1. To make clear the meanings of some of the difficult sentences.

  2. To come to know about the causes of the forest's being destroyed and find about the ways to protect the forest.

  (二)Teaching procedures

  Step I Introduction

  1.Tell the Ss in this period we’ll discuss the causes why the forest is being or to be destroyed and how we can protect them.

  2. T gives a brief introduction to the passage using the pictures in the textbook.

  Step II Listening

  1.T play the recorder twice, let the Ss listen carefully.

  2.After listening, T will give some questions in order to check the Ss’ listening comprehend?

  1)      What’s the main idea about the text?

  2)      What’s happening to the forest?

  Step III Reading

  1.T gives the Ss some minutes to read the text loudly.

  2. Ask the students to read Part One silently and quickly and answer the following questions orally.

  1) Where is the writer when she is writing the diary?

  2) How do they have to travel? Why?

  3) What do they eat for supper?

  4) What can they hear at night?

  3. Read Part Two carefully and answer the questions below.

  1) What did they see when they flew over the forest?

  2) How is the population of the country?

  3) What do they do after they move to the forest?

  4) Why do they plant crops for cows?

  5) How often do they move on to another place?

  6) What will happen to the soil when the soil is destroyed?


  Part One

  1) On a rock.

  2) By boat. Because there aren't any roads.

  3) Chickens, eggs, buds or monkeys.

  4) The strange sounds of wild birds and animals.

  Part Two

  1) Nothing but a great fire and lots of smoke.

  2) It is growing every minute.

  3) They burn the forest and plant crops.

  4) To sell their beef at a high price in the capital.

  5) Every two or three years.

  6) It will become sand again.

  Step Ⅳ Language points

  Difficult sentences in the text

  1) . . .they can eat a person in two minutes, leaving only bones. =they can eat a person very quickly and only the bones will be left.

  2) . . . I was just about to go swimming when lucidly our guide saw me and shouted at me. . .      =It was lucky for me that out guide was in time to stop me before I went into the river.

  3) The population of the country is increasing every minute. =In every minute many babies are born, so the peculation is growing very fast in the country.

  Step Ⅴ Workbook

  1.       Finish Ex. 2 on Page 73 as quickly as possible. Ask the Ss practise in pairs

  2.       As to Ex. 3 an Page 73,let the Ss do it by themselves.

  Step Ⅵ Practice

  T organize Ss in group to discuss the following the questions, then ask someone to answer individually

  1) Why is the forest destroyed?   2) What should be done to protect the forest?


  1) People move to the forest and they bum the trees to plant crops for the cows to make a living.

  2) Control the population, provide them jobs, make laws to protect the forest, and so on.

  Step Ⅶ Homework

  1. Ex. 2 and 3on Page 74

  2.Try to retell the text in your own words.


  1.Discuss in groups

  1) Why do you travel and what it brings you?

  2) How yon plan for an imaginary travel and what you should prepare for a travel?


  1)date and the place to visit 2)how many travelers, 3)how to get there, 4)other activities, 5)anything special, 6)what time you are back, so on.

Travel 篇2






  4.能够理解和运用部分动词所带否定的宾语从句的否定前置。如:I don't think they can came on time.

  5. 除会叙述旅行之外,我们还要给出We should write a short passage about travelling. What do you think of travelling? Is it good or bad? 等题目进行写的练习。


  1. 学习新的语法知识:The Object Clause。

  2. 熟练掌握有关打电话和旅行的词汇、短语及日常用语。

  3. 鼓励学生在学习过程中锻炼听说读写的能力,并不断提高相关知识的语言应用能力。

  4. 向学生通过对旅行知识的学习,了解祖国的大好河山,教育他们热爱祖国、建设祖国、保卫祖国的理念。



  本单元围绕这一中心话题,结合Lesson 14“Jim’s train ride”和与travel相关的对话Lesson 15开展教学活动。Lesson 13是由格林先生打电话给校长引出了本单元的语法功能项目——宾语从句。由that引导的宾语从句是本单元教学的重点知识之一。本单元学习了用英语写电话留言(telephone message),重现和新学了一些打电话的专用术语。本单元所阐述的有关travel的内容,和我们生活密切相关,如Lesson16,应灵活掌握,就其中的某些问题能有自己的独特见解。对于有关travel的交际用语,学生应学会熟练地使用。


  1. 本单元句型及交际用语

  (1) — Could I speak to sb, please?

  — I’m sorry he isn't here right now.

  (2) — May I help you?

  — That's very kind of you.

  (3) That would be fine.

  (4) I’ll leave a message on his desk.

  (5) Many thanks.

  (6)— What does sb say?

  — He/ She says that….

  (7) What a pity! I’m sorry I missed it.

  (8) How exciting!

  (9) You must be very tired.

  (10) The score was 2-1.

  (11) Hurry up! Or we’ll be late.

  (12)It takes about ten minutes.

  (13)— What do you think is the fastest way to travel?

  — I think the fastest way to travel is by plane.

  (14) It takes sb some time to do sth.

  (15) I’m free every day except today.

  2.  关于打电话的一些专用语:


  Hello, could I/may I speak to Carter Bronte?


  Hello, is Mr. Parley in?


  Hello, this is John here (speaking). Who’s that (speaking)?



  Hold on for a moment, please. 请稍等。   

  He is on another phone. 他正在接听另一通电话。

  May I ask who is calling? 请问是谁?

  Is that John (speaking) ? 你是约翰吗?

  Sorry, but he is not here at this moment. 对不起,他不在。

  The line is bad, please speak a little louder.


  Someone wants you on the phone. 您的电话。


  Could I take a message for you? 我替您留个口信好吗?

  Do you want to leave a message? 您想留个口信吧?

  He is not in right now. Would you call back? 他不在,你(一会儿)再打过来好吗?

  I’ll hang up now, bye! 我挂了,再见!


  1. I hope to see him as soon as possible.

  as…as possible是一个固定词组,与as … as I can/ could同义。soon为副词,可将soon换为别的副词或形容词,作“尽可能……地(的)”解。如:

  as soon as possible 尽可能早

  as quick as possible 尽可能快 

  as often as possible 尽量经常 

  as friendly as possible尽量友好


  (1)You’d better leave here as soon as possible.


  (2)Try to be as friendly to your classmates as possible.


  (3)Your should go home to see your sick mother as often as possible.


  (4)Get up as early as possible tomorrow ==Get up as early as you can.


  (5)Will you please say it as clearly as possible? =Will you please say it as clearly as you can?


  (6)Do it as quickly as possible =Do it as quickly as you can.尽快去做吧。

  需要注意的是as soon as possible指时间的迟早;而as quickly as possible则表示动作的快慢。

  2. I’ll leave a message on his desk. 我将在他的桌子上留言。

  (1)leave a message. “留言;留话”,类似的还有:

  give sb a message 给某人带个口信;

  take message带个口信,带个话;

  send a message to sb 发信息给某人

  (2)leave 的用法归纳

  1)离开;出发。词组有:leave…for… 离开…去…;leave for 动身去…,如:

  When will you leave Beijing? 你们什么时候离开北京?

  We are leaving Beijing for Shanghai. 我们将离开北京去上海。(leave此句中是及物动词)

  When are you leaving for London?什么时候你将动身去伦敦?(leave此句中是不及物动词)


  I left my bay in your home. 我把我的书包忘在你们家了。

  3)过去分词left 用在名词后作宾语,意为“剩下”,如:

  Don’t worry, there is some time left. 不要着急,还剩一点时间。


  Will you leave the door open? 请把门敞开好吗?

  3.I’m free every day except today. 除了今天我每天都空。

  在英语中,besides,but和 except作为介词,都有“除……之外”的意思。besides是“除……之外,还有……”是肯定的;而except和but是“除……之外,没有……”是否定的。在否定句中,besides可以和 except,but同义。与but相比,except所含“除外”的意味更明确,语气也更强烈。例如:

  (1)All came back besides Kate.除了凯特已回来,其他所有人也回来了。

  (2)All came back except/ but Kate.除了凯特,全都回来了。(意思是凯特还没有回来)

  (3)I don't want anything but / except this.除了这个,我什么都不要

  (4)We go to school everyday except Sunday.除了星期天,我们每天都上学。

  4. What does the teacher say?

  She says that she will leave a message on the headmaster’s desk.


  I hear she will be back in an hour.

  He said she lived with her mother.

  He told me that the sun is the biggest of the three.




  6. It is much cheaper and far more enjoyable than a rushed trip by air.

  句中的much和far是用在比较级前表示程度的。类似的还有:a little,still,a lot,even等。例如:

  (l)This text is a little more difficult than that one.这篇课文比那篇稍难一点。

  (2)I’m feeling even worse today.我今天觉得更不舒服。

  (3)I’ve made a lot more mistakes than you have.我犯的错比你犯的多多了。

  7. It takes about ten minutes.


  “花费某人多长时间做某事”通常使用 It takes/took sb.some time to do sth.句型。


  (1) It took me three hours to finish my work.


  (2)It usually takes me half an hour to do morning exercises.


  8. They kept watching the beautiful scenery out of the window.

  The conductor kept coming go offer them hot water and selling them magazines.

  此两句中共同用到keep doing,keep作为动词有许多用法:


  Will you keep this seat for me?


  Does your watch keep good time?


  Who holds the position to keep goal? Who’s the goal keeper?



  We should keep the motherland in mind and the whole world in view.


  We’ll keep you informed.


  Sorry to have kept you waiting.



  The Chinese people always keep their word.


  She keeps regular hours.



  How do you keep Spring Festival by yourself?


  To keep the Sabbath is a kind of habit of Europeans.



  The old man kept his bed for 15 years.


  The girl keeps the house.



  keep away 站开,使离开

  keep back 后退

  keep from 阻止

  keep down 镇压,控制

  keep off 让开,不接近

  keep out  靠外,免入

  keep under 压制,控制

  keep up with 跟上,赶上.




  Did you have a good journey?


  They went on a long train journey.


  It's more than 27 hours 'journey by air from Beijing to London.



  This is my trip to the seaside.


  Their honeymoon trip to Venice is exciting.



  另外,它们的另一个同意词是travel,当travel作名词时,它的“旅行”含义是“出国旅行”。它不能与不定冠词连用,例如: a travel。如果要表示“一次”,我们可以说:“a trip”,“a journey”。

  is much cheaper than it used to be.



  I am writing an account of my travels about America.





  She says (that) she will leave a message on the headmaster’s desk. 她说她将在校长的桌子放个留言条。

  I hope (that) you’ll have a good holiday. 希望你(们)假日愉快。

  2. 后面常接that引导的宾语从句的动词有:think, hope, say, tell, know, see, hear, mean, agree, fell等。如:

  I see (that) you come here on foot today. 我看你今天是步行来的。

  I hear (that) one of the pandas has a baby.我听说有只熊猫生了个小熊猫。


  Please tell Mr. Hu that I’m working hard on my Chinese. 请告诉胡老师我在努力学习汉语。

  You can see from my photo that I have a big smile and long black hair. 你可以从我的照片中看到我的笑容和黑长发。


  I don’t think any of the programmes is interesting. 我认为这些节目没有一个有趣。

  I don’t think chickens can swim. 我认为鸡不会游泳。

  3.后面常接宾语从句的形容词有:sure, glad, pleased, happy, afraid等。如:

  I’m sure he would love to come to your birthday party. 我相信他会很乐意参加你的生日聚会。

  We are both very happy that we are twins.  我们俩都为我们是双胞胎而感到高兴。



  I think I’ve lost my key.我想我已把钥匙丢了。

  I see you are on foot today.我看见你今天是步行来的。

  He says Jim will come back soon.他说吉姆很快会回来的。

  I’m glad she didn’t hurt herself.我很高兴她没有伤着自己。



  He said that he had a very good journey home.


  He said he was working hard on his Chinese.



  He said he would have to give presents to all the family, but he hadn't chosen any yet.




  The teacher told us that the sun is the nearest star to us of all.


  (4)Could you tell me… ?是表示“请求”的委婉句型,并不表示过去时,所以其后的宾语从句的时态可根据需要用任何时态。

  Could you tell me what time the plane leaves?


  关于Making telephone calls的教学建议



  ★ 如想找某人听电话时,可说:

  May/Could/Can I speak to…, please?

  ★ 如你就是某人时,可答道:

  This is …(speaking). /This is …here/…here / speaking 不能说I’m…

  ★ 当对方想问你是否某人时,说:

  Is that,…(speaking)? 而不说Are you…?

  肯定回答是:Yes,it is. 不说Yes,I am.

  否定回答是No,this is … 而不是No,I'm…

  ★ 如要让对方等一等,可说:

  Hold on(for a moment),please. 或One moment,please.

  He/She isn’t here right now / at the moment.

  或I’m sorry he’s / she’s our at the moment. 表示要找的人不在。

  ★ 在这种情况下,接电话的人表示愿意传话,可说:

  Can I take message (for you)?

  I’ll leave a message (on her/his desk).

  I’ll give her/ him the message.

  ★ 听电话时,开始要用招呼语,如Hello! Hi! 如要问候对方,就用问候语:

  — How are you?

  — Fine,thanks. What about you?/And you?

  — I'm fine,too. Thank you.

  ★ 结束时用告别语:Goodbye! /Bye. /See you(tomorrow).等。

  另外,在通话过程中可用May I help you?表示可以帮忙,That's very kind of you. 表示感谢,Yes,that would be fine. 表示同意。


Travel 篇3


  Teaching aims and requirement


  Teaching important and difficult points

  1.Words and expressions

  separate, guide, sharp, destroy, through, across, travel, trip, journey, go off see. . . off take a taxi/train/bus. . . ,by taxi/train/bus. . . ,tie. . . to, move on, be made from/of/into/by/,in. . . every two or three days

  2.Useful phases

  be about to do; nothing except/but. . .

  3. Oral expressions

  Give my regards to. . .

  Have a nice /good/wonderful time!

  Have a good/pleasant trip!

  Say “Hi/Hello” to sb. from me.

  Good luck!

  The same to you!


  Revise the Present Continuous Tense is often used for plans in the near future.
















  2.  创设一个人合乎情理,符合逻辑的语言环境。本单元是围绕travel这一话题为主题,教师与学生通过面对面的交流如:Do you like traveling? When are you going to….?Have a nice time, so on.教师也可提供给学生们真实的录像,对本单元的主要交际用语反复练习,如:角色扮演,学生自述等。


  本单元的语法是现在进行时表示将来时的用法,教师一定要注意遵循精讲多的原则,通过大量的练习和反复的实践使学生理解并能熟练运用,形成比较自然的语言习惯。比如:教师可用来去几个词,come, go, arrive, set off等词语用口语的从式进行操练和练习。


  本单元通过给出假日之行的有关,主要是学习如何写旅游日记的写作知识,本文的对话主要是祝愿,问候,转达致意的基本表达方法。本单元的语法重点是用现在进行时表示将来的行为动作的用法,一些重点词汇的用法在本单元出现如:separate, see…off等词,词汇的辨析trip, journey, travel的区别,in, after表示时间的区别,except, besides, but, make…from, make of make…into,及what, how引导的感叹句等在课文和对话中均是本单元中需要掌握的重点内容。


  1.separate adj.

  —forming a unit which is distinct and which exists apart个别的,单独的

  Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ tune.简与贝蒂几天后就要各自休假了。

  ---divided; not joined or united 分离的,分开的

  Although both these shops sell vegetables, they are quite separate. 虽然这两个商店都卖蔬菜,但是他们是独立经营。

  v. —make, become or keep separate 使分离,分开,隔开

  England is separated from France by the Channel. 英法两国由英吉利海峡隔开。

  separate sth. /sb. / from sth. (some place)把……与……分开;把……与某地分开

  We should never separate from the masses. 我们绝不应该脱离群众。


  vt.-break into pieces; make useless; put an end to 毁灭,毁坏,破坏

  The houses were destroyed by a fire [a flood, an earthquake].房屋被火灾[水灾, 地震]所毁。

  It can easily be destroyed by the burning and by the cows.它很容易被烧毁和被牛损坏。

  Don't destroy that box, it may be useful.不要把那个盒子毁掉,它也许有用。

  3) guide

  n.-person who shows the way, esp. a person employed to point out interesting sights on a journey or visit 向导

  Our guide buys some food from the villagers and we cook it ourselves.我们的向导从村民那儿买了些食物后,我们亲自烹调。

  The guide led us into that mountain. 导游带我们进山了。

  v.-act as guide to 引导;指导

  The Party guides us forward from victory to victory. 党指引我们从胜利走向胜利。

  guide 和 lead 的区别

  1) guide指充当向导,率先而行,对所走的路或所干的事非常精通。

  He guided the child across the forest. 他领着孩子穿过森林。

  2) lead指在前面带路,让别人跟着走。

  He led us to a room upstairs. 他把我们带到楼上的一个房间里。


  1)n.—sth. that is seen, esp. sth. remarkable; sth. which looks very bad or laugh景象,景物,尤指显著物;很难看或很可笑的事物

  What a sad sight it was! 那是多么凄惨的景象啊!

  What a sight you are! 你多惹人注意啊!

  2)-the power of the eye; limit within which seeing is possible 视力,视觉

  The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. 大峡谷是世界名胜之一。

  have good( poor) sight( eyesight) 视力良好(不好)/ in( within) sight; out of sight看得见;看不见

  Land was not yet in sight. 陆地仍然望不见 / Victory was still out of sight. 胜利尚不可及

  7)see sb. off

  —go to the railway station, dock, airport, etc. with sb., who is starting on a journey 到火车站,码头,飞机场等送某人

  Is anybody seeing you off? 有人送你吗?

  the same usage:

  1) see something (somebody) out (through)办好某事(送某人出去);使某事顺利通过

  2) see somebody later (again)再见

  注意:以上例句中out, off, through, later (again)都是adv.。如果动词宾语是代词,应把宾语置于以上副词之前。



  A. Give my regards/ best wishes / love to…

  B. Say “Hi/Hello/ Sorry/ Yes/ No” to sb.


  Have a nice/ good/ wonderful time.

  —Have a nice weekend!

  —The same to you.


  How about sb./ sth.?


  be + v-ing表一般将来时态

  go, come, leave, start, arrive, move, stay等瞬间动词用于进行时态时,表示将来含义。如:

  I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 明天我要去北京。


  l)will/ shall +动词原形。

  They will go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

  2)be going to do sth. 表示打算要做或准备要做某事,或将要发生或肯定要发生的事。如:It is going to snow.天要下雪了。

  3)一般现在时表将来时,表示按计划或时刻表要发生的事,仅用于come, get, go, leave, start, stay等表来去的少数动词。如:

  The plane leaves at seven. So I think we’ll take a taxi to the airport.飞机7点起飞,所以我们将要乘出租车去机场。

  4)be about to do sth. 表正要做某事,但不和具体的时间连用。如:

  I was about to leave when he came to see me. 我正要离开,这时他来看我。

  4.Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ time.

  I’m going there for holiday with my parents.


  Sunday is a holiday.

  The summer holidays begin.

  They had a five day’s holiday.

  They had a five-day holiday.

  They had a holiday of five days.

  搭配一:for holiday 度假

  A French student went to London for his holiday.

  搭配二:on holiday 正在休假

  She is on holiday in France.

  [注意]表示放多少天假时,只能用 “a holiday of … days”, “…days’ holiday”或 “…day holiday”.

  This summer we have 50 days’ holidays.

  This summer we have a holiday of 50 (days).

  搭配三:have/take/spend a holiday 度假

  I spent my holiday in the village.

  搭配四:summer vacation 暑假


  搭配五:sick leave病假

  [注意] leave多指军队等的假期,亦指病假。

  辨析 shout at/shout to

  shout at 的意思是“对某人大声叫嚷”含有警告责备等含义。shout to 则是“大声喊叫某人”,使对方能听到喊声。例如:

  (1)Why shout at me all the time? Is it possible that I have done something wrong?   为什么老对我大叫大嚷?莫非我做错了什么?

  (2)I heard someone shout to me in the distance. 我听到有人在远处叫我。

  教学设计方案----Lesson 13

  (一)Teaching Aims

  1. To understand the dialogue fully.

  2. To develop the Ss' ability to make similar dialogues using present continuous tense for the plan in the near future.

  3. To study the usage of some words and expressions in the dialogues.

  (二) Teaching procedures

  Step I Introduction

  Tell the Ss that in this period we are going to study a dialogue between two girls and learn to talk about the future plan in the Present Continuous Tense and try to make a travel plan for a holiday.

  Step II Dialogue

  1. T: National Day is coming. We will have a holiday. How are you going to spend it? Are you going to travel? If “yes”, answer the questions below:

  1 ) Where are you going?         2) Why are you going there?

  3) When are you starting off?     4) How are you travelling there?

  5) Is anybody seeing you off or meeting you?

  6) How long are you going to stay?

  ( Ask these questions in the Present Continuous Tense. )

  2. Introduce the dialogue in brief to the Ss

  Step Ⅲ Listening

  1. Listen to the dialogue twice with the books closed.

  2. After listening, ask the Ss to fill in the following form with the information in the dialogue.


  Where to go

  When to leave

  How to go

  Whom to stay with

  How long to stay



  Step ⅣReading

  1.T play the recorder one or twice, the Ss follow it to read. Then ask them read loudly by themselves.

  2.After reading, let the Ss judge whether the following statements are true or false according to the information in the dialogue. Do it orally.

  1) Betty is going off to Guangzhou next Friday afternoon. (False)

  2) Nobody is seeing her off. (False) .

  3) Her plane leaves at seven and they'll take a taxi to the airport. (True)

  4) Betty is staying with her friend in a hotel although the hotels in Guangzhou are expensive.  (False)

  5) She is going there by train. (False)

  6) She is staying there just for the weekend. (True)

  7) Betty and Jane wish each other a good trip. (True)

  Step Ⅴ Language points

  1.Prepare some sentences and ask the Ss to fill in the blanks using the words and expressions in the dialogue.

  1).Jane and Betty are going on ____holidays in a few ____time.

  2)When are you going to ____Guangzhou?

  3)Is anybody ____you off?

  4)Do give her my____.

  5)____a good trip!

  2. Point out some of the words and expressions.

  1.separate   2.see..off    3.in a few weeks’ time=in a few weeks  5.Please say “Hi” to sb.

  6.The Present Continuous Tense----Future Use  

  Step Ⅵ Practice

  1. Make a summary of the Present Continuous Tense. Tell the Ss that the present continuous tense. can be used for a plan in the future. Come, go, leave, start and so on are often used in this way.

  2. Make similar dialogues. Given situations:

  1) You are going to have a football match.

  2) You are going to see a film.

  3) You are going to meet a friend on Sunday.

  Allow them a few minutes to make dialogues in pairs. Then ask them to play in the front of the class.

  Step Ⅶ Workbook

  Finish Ex. I and 2 on Page 72 as quickly as possible.

  StepⅧ Homework

  Make a travel plan    

  教学设计方案---Lesson 14-15

  (一)Teaching Aims

  1. To make clear the meanings of some of the difficult sentences.

  2. To come to know about the causes of the forest's being destroyed and find about the ways to protect the forest.

  (二)Teaching procedures

  Step I Introduction

  1.Tell the Ss in this period we’ll discuss the causes why the forest is being or to be destroyed and how we can protect them.

  2. T gives a brief introduction to the passage using the pictures in the textbook.

  Step II Listening

  1.T play the recorder twice, let the Ss listen carefully.

  2.After listening, T will give some questions in order to check the Ss’ listening comprehend?

  1)      What’s the main idea about the text?

  2)      What’s happening to the forest?

  Step III Reading

  1.T gives the Ss some minutes to read the text loudly.

  2. Ask the students to read Part One silently and quickly and answer the following questions orally.

  1) Where is the writer when she is writing the diary?

  2) How do they have to travel? Why?

  3) What do they eat for supper?

  4) What can they hear at night?

  3. Read Part Two carefully and answer the questions below.

  1) What did they see when they flew over the forest?

  2) How is the population of the country?

  3) What do they do after they move to the forest?

  4) Why do they plant crops for cows?

  5) How often do they move on to another place?

  6) What will happen to the soil when the soil is destroyed?


  Part One

  1) On a rock.

  2) By boat. Because there aren't any roads.

  3) Chickens, eggs, buds or monkeys.

  4) The strange sounds of wild birds and animals.

  Part Two

  1) Nothing but a great fire and lots of smoke.

  2) It is growing every minute.

  3) They burn the forest and plant crops.

  4) To sell their beef at a high price in the capital.

  5) Every two or three years.

  6) It will become sand again.

  Step Ⅳ Language points

  Difficult sentences in the text

  1) . . .they can eat a person in two minutes, leaving only bones. =they can eat a person very quickly and only the bones will be left.

  2) . . . I was just about to go swimming when lucidly our guide saw me and shouted at me. . .      =It was lucky for me that out guide was in time to stop me before I went into the river.

  3) The population of the country is increasing every minute. =In every minute many babies are born, so the peculation is growing very fast in the country.

  Step Ⅴ Workbook

  1.       Finish Ex. 2 on Page 73 as quickly as possible. Ask the Ss practise in pairs

  2.       As to Ex. 3 an Page 73,let the Ss do it by themselves.

  Step Ⅵ Practice

  T organize Ss in group to discuss the following the questions, then ask someone to answer individually

  1) Why is the forest destroyed?   2) What should be done to protect the forest?


  1) People move to the forest and they bum the trees to plant crops for the cows to make a living.

  2) Control the population, provide them jobs, make laws to protect the forest, and so on.

  Step Ⅶ Homework

  1. Ex. 2 and 3on Page 74

  2.Try to retell the text in your own words.


  1.Discuss in groups

  1) Why do you travel and what it brings you?

  2) How yon plan for an imaginary travel and what you should prepare for a travel?


  1)date and the place to visit 2)how many travelers, 3)how to get there, 4)other activities, 5)anything special, 6)what time you are back, so on.

Travel 篇4


  Teaching aims and requirement


  Teaching important and difficult points

  1.Words and expressions

  separate, guide, sharp, destroy, through, across, travel, trip, journey, go off see. . . off take a taxi/train/bus. . . ,by taxi/train/bus. . . ,tie. . . to, move on, be made from/of/into/by/,in. . . every two or three days

  2.Useful phases

  be about to do; nothing except/but. . .

  3. Oral expressions

  Give my regards to. . .

  Have a nice /good/wonderful time!

  Have a good/pleasant trip!

  Say “Hi/Hello” to sb. from me.

  Good luck!

  The same to you!


  Revise the Present Continuous Tense is often used for plans in the near future.
















  2.  创设一个人合乎情理,符合逻辑的语言环境。本单元是围绕travel这一话题为主题,教师与学生通过面对面的交流如:Do you like traveling? When are you going to….?Have a nice time, so on.教师也可提供给学生们真实的录像,对本单元的主要交际用语反复练习,如:角色扮演,学生自述等。


  本单元的语法是现在进行时表示将来时的用法,教师一定要注意遵循精讲多的原则,通过大量的练习和反复的实践使学生理解并能熟练运用,形成比较自然的语言习惯。比如:教师可用来去几个词,come, go, arrive, set off等词语用口语的从式进行操练和练习。


  本单元通过给出假日之行的有关,主要是学习如何写旅游日记的写作知识,本文的对话主要是祝愿,问候,转达致意的基本表达方法。本单元的语法重点是用现在进行时表示将来的行为动作的用法,一些重点词汇的用法在本单元出现如:separate, see…off等词,词汇的辨析trip, journey, travel的区别,in, after表示时间的区别,except, besides, but, make…from, make of make…into,及what, how引导的感叹句等在课文和对话中均是本单元中需要掌握的重点内容。


  1.separate adj.

  —forming a unit which is distinct and which exists apart个别的,单独的

  Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ tune.简与贝蒂几天后就要各自休假了。

  ---divided; not joined or united 分离的,分开的

  Although both these shops sell vegetables, they are quite separate. 虽然这两个商店都卖蔬菜,但是他们是独立经营。

  v. —make, become or keep separate 使分离,分开,隔开

  England is separated from France by the Channel. 英法两国由英吉利海峡隔开。

  separate sth. /sb. / from sth. (some place)把……与……分开;把……与某地分开

  We should never separate from the masses. 我们绝不应该脱离群众。


  vt.-break into pieces; make useless; put an end to 毁灭,毁坏,破坏

  The houses were destroyed by a fire [a flood, an earthquake].房屋被火灾[水灾, 地震]所毁。

  It can easily be destroyed by the burning and by the cows.它很容易被烧毁和被牛损坏。

  Don't destroy that box, it may be useful.不要把那个盒子毁掉,它也许有用。

  3) guide

  n.-person who shows the way, esp. a person employed to point out interesting sights on a journey or visit 向导

  Our guide buys some food from the villagers and we cook it ourselves.我们的向导从村民那儿买了些食物后,我们亲自烹调。

  The guide led us into that mountain. 导游带我们进山了。

  v.-act as guide to 引导;指导

  The Party guides us forward from victory to victory. 党指引我们从胜利走向胜利。

  guide 和 lead 的区别

  1) guide指充当向导,率先而行,对所走的路或所干的事非常精通。

  He guided the child across the forest. 他领着孩子穿过森林。

  2) lead指在前面带路,让别人跟着走。

  He led us to a room upstairs. 他把我们带到楼上的一个房间里。


  1)n.—sth. that is seen, esp. sth. remarkable; sth. which looks very bad or laugh景象,景物,尤指显著物;很难看或很可笑的事物

  What a sad sight it was! 那是多么凄惨的景象啊!

  What a sight you are! 你多惹人注意啊!

  2)-the power of the eye; limit within which seeing is possible 视力,视觉

  The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. 大峡谷是世界名胜之一。

  have good( poor) sight( eyesight) 视力良好(不好)/ in( within) sight; out of sight看得见;看不见

  Land was not yet in sight. 陆地仍然望不见 / Victory was still out of sight. 胜利尚不可及

  7)see sb. off

  —go to the railway station, dock, airport, etc. with sb., who is starting on a journey 到火车站,码头,飞机场等送某人

  Is anybody seeing you off? 有人送你吗?

  the same usage:

  1) see something (somebody) out (through)办好某事(送某人出去);使某事顺利通过

  2) see somebody later (again)再见

  注意:以上例句中out, off, through, later (again)都是adv.。如果动词宾语是代词,应把宾语置于以上副词之前。



  A. Give my regards/ best wishes / love to…

  B. Say “Hi/Hello/ Sorry/ Yes/ No” to sb.


  Have a nice/ good/ wonderful time.

  —Have a nice weekend!

  —The same to you.


  How about sb./ sth.?


  be + v-ing表一般将来时态

  go, come, leave, start, arrive, move, stay等瞬间动词用于进行时态时,表示将来含义。如:

  I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 明天我要去北京。


  l)will/ shall +动词原形。

  They will go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

  2)be going to do sth. 表示打算要做或准备要做某事,或将要发生或肯定要发生的事。如:It is going to snow.天要下雪了。

  3)一般现在时表将来时,表示按计划或时刻表要发生的事,仅用于come, get, go, leave, start, stay等表来去的少数动词。如:

  The plane leaves at seven. So I think we’ll take a taxi to the airport.飞机7点起飞,所以我们将要乘出租车去机场。

  4)be about to do sth. 表正要做某事,但不和具体的时间连用。如:

  I was about to leave when he came to see me. 我正要离开,这时他来看我。

  4.Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ time.

  I’m going there for holiday with my parents.


  Sunday is a holiday.

  The summer holidays begin.

  They had a five day’s holiday.

  They had a five-day holiday.

  They had a holiday of five days.

  搭配一:for holiday 度假

  A French student went to London for his holiday.

  搭配二:on holiday 正在休假

  She is on holiday in France.

  [注意]表示放多少天假时,只能用 “a holiday of … days”, “…days’ holiday”或 “…day holiday”.

  This summer we have 50 days’ holidays.

  This summer we have a holiday of 50 (days).

  搭配三:have/take/spend a holiday 度假

  I spent my holiday in the village.

  搭配四:summer vacation 暑假


  搭配五:sick leave病假

  [注意] leave多指军队等的假期,亦指病假。

  辨析 shout at/shout to

  shout at 的意思是“对某人大声叫嚷”含有警告责备等含义。shout to 则是“大声喊叫某人”,使对方能听到喊声。例如:

  (1)Why shout at me all the time? Is it possible that I have done something wrong?   为什么老对我大叫大嚷?莫非我做错了什么?

  (2)I heard someone shout to me in the distance. 我听到有人在远处叫我。

Travel 篇5

  课题:  必修一unit 3 travel journal----usinglanguage

  时间: _   年10月5日  星期_一    北大附中河南分校 王萍

  learning aims:

  1. knowledge aims: master thereading skills-scanning

  2. ability aims: to improve ss’ ability of reading

  tryto form a good habit of doing reading

  try to form a good habit of reading loudly

  3 emotion aims: practise the studing method of team-work.

  preparation before class:

  1 take out your english book , exercise book, red pen and yournote book.

  2 read the vocabulary following the video


   dialogue show  (3分钟)


  step 1 welcome the actors and performimmediately.

  step 2 comment on the performance freely.

  step 3 play the video of the dialogue

  new words2分钟)

  wool, reliable, view, as usual, pillow,topic, midnight, flames, beneath

  fast reading andlistening8-9分钟)

  1. how does wang kun feel about the trip now?

  (he is starting to like it/ enjoy it.)

  2. what do you think changed his mind?

  (seeing how beautiful the land is has changed wang kun’sattitude. )

  3. what items are wang kun and wang wei carrying with them?

  (bicycles, caps, coats, gloves, trousers, t-shirts, shorts,pillow and tent.)


  please listen to the passage and fill in the chart.

  see_____ ______ _______

  hear_____ ______ ______





  step 1 exercise 1 on page22


  1.  to climb the mountain road was hard workbut as we looked around us, we were surprised by theview. 


  1) 不定式作主语, 谓语动词用单数,可以用形式主语it.

  e.g. to learn a foreign language is important for your futurework.

  =it is important for your future work to learn a foreignlanguage.

  2. we had to change our caps, coats, gloves and trousers fort-shirts andshorts.                                    

  change “换衣,更换

  wait, it won’t take melong to change.

  get changed 换好衣服

  change 可作名词 零钱

  change a for b   用a换b


  sara, hurry up. i’m afraid you won’t have time to____ beforethe party.

  getchanged           b. get change

  c. getchanging            d. get tochange

  3. in the early evening, we always stop to makecamp.                                       傍晚我们停下来宿营。

  camp n.   [c,u]


  makecamp      扎营, 宿营

  gocamping      去露营, 去野营

  4. we put up our tents and then weate.                                


  put up

   举起, 抬起 = raise

   挂起, 张贴

   建造, 搭起 = build

   住宿, 留宿

  bear them in your mind!

  e.g. he put up his hand to catch the teacher’sattention.

  a new notice has been put up on the board.

  a new theatre will be put up where there used to be atemple.

  will you put me up for the night?


  put away  ……收起来, 存放

  put back  放回原处

  put down 放下, 写下,镇压

  put forward  提出

  putoff   推迟, 拖延

  putout   扑灭, 伸出

  put one’s heart to 全神贯注于

  put an end to  使结束

  5. we can hardly wait to see them.



  常用于can / could之后,主要动词之前,



  考例] i must be getting fat — i can

  ______ do my trousers up. (全国卷 ii)

  a.fairly       b. hardly

  c.nearly           d. seldom

   assesment and homework

Travel 篇6

  the sixth period


  this is the sixth period of the unit.as usual,the teacher will do some revision.for part 2 on page 57,the teacher can ask individual student to come to the blackboard and write one sentence each.then ask several other ss to correct the mistakes,if there are any,and ask them to give reasons.through these activities,ss are given not only translation exercises,but also proofreading exercises,in which the mistakes are the typical ones made by ss themselves.by checking the exercise,the teacher can find out what ss are still not quite familiar with and needs to be improved and make some necessary change of his/her teaching plans.

  in this period still ss will be given some listening tasks—part 4 of journal down the mekong and part 5 on page 58.

  ss will also do some extensive reading,which will help them get a general idea about the three countries in the mekong delta—laos,cambodia and vietnam.

  after that,the teacher will talk about a few phrases and an important structure in this passage.



  (1)learn to translate sentences with reference words and structures.

  (2)understand the listening and reading passages.


  grasp basic listening and reading skills.


  get ss to know about the three countries in the mekong delta region,thus stimulate ss’ love for nature.


  (1)listen and understand the key words and understand the speakers’ intention and attitude.

  (2)read and get to know about the three countries in the mekong delta region.


  expressing ways of multiple.


  multi-media classroom and other normal teaching tools.


  step 1 greetings

  step 2 revision

  t:first i’ll ask ten students to come to the blackboard and write one sentence each.

  who will be the volunteers?

  ten students come to the blackboard and write down the ten sentences.

  t:we will see if these sentences are ok.let’s talk about them sentence by sentence.

  if there are any mistakes,please stand up and point them out and tell us why.

  step 3 listening

  t:now please look at part 4 on page 55.we will do some listening.

  (1)first listening

  t:before we start,you’d better go through these words to see if you can pronounce them very well.our first task is to tick the words you hear on the tape.

  t:now,who will read the words you hear?


  t:what are your words,tom?


  t:here are the words i hear:...

  (2)second listening

  t:this time.you’d write down the answers to the five questions.boys and girls,how can we write the answers fast and correctly?

  s:we should go through the questions first and keep them in mind.when we are listening,we just need to pay attention to the sentences related to the answers.

  s:we needn’t write down each word of the answers.we just write down some key words.later we can write down the complete answers with the help of these key words.

  t:you are clever.now please get ready.two minutes later,the teacher plays the tape.then give ss time to organize their sentences.

  (3)check the answers

  step 4 listening

  1.first listening

  t:now they arrived at laos.please listen to the tape and pick out the correct answers in exercise 1 on page 58.

  2.second listening

  t:please look at the chart.while listening to the tape for the second time,try to catch the related information to fill in the chart.

  topic laos

  the river 

  method of land transport 

  life in the villages 


  3.third listening

  t:listen to the tape for the third time and find out the differences and similarities between china and laos in weather,animals,plants,and land.


  step 5 reading

  t:this passage is the end of their journey.it talks about another two countries in the mekong delta region.by the way,if you want to tell others about a country,what will you most probably talk about?

  (brainstorm the topics)

  t:please read the passage,quickly tick the topics mentioned.





  t:please go through the passage and find information to fill in the form.

  topic laos cambodia vietnam





  t:what impression do the countries give us?



  step 6 language points

  t:words and structures in the workbook are also very important.now look at page 59,paragraph 2,can you find the phrase “ be tired from”?

  “be tired from” means “become tired because of” while “be tired of” means “be uninterested in”.look at the two sentences:

  (1)after he got home,he fell down onto the sofa,for he was tired ____________ a day’s hard work.

  (2)he was tired ____________ disco music,for it was noisy.

  who can complete the sentences?

  s:i think we use “from” in sentence 1 and use “of” in sentence 2.

  t:you are right.now another important sentence in paragraph one “it has twice the population”.now i’ll teach you how to express the multiple of something.

  we have three different ways.

  (1)a is...times as ... as b.

  (2)a is...times + comparative degree than b.

  (3)a is ...times the+n. of b.

  let’s take “这个房间是那个房间的三倍”for example.what can we say?

  s1:we can say “this room is three times as big as that one.”

  s2:we can also say “this room is three times bigger than that one.”

  t:do you agree with him,class?


  t:tell us the reason.

  s:we should say “this room is twice bigger than that one.”

  t:that’s right.who will say the sentence in another way?

  s:this room is three times the size of that one.

  t:good.now,how can we say “我们市人口比他们多五倍”?

  s:the population of our city is five times as large as theirs.

  s:our city has five times the population of theirs.

  s:the population of our city is four times larger than theirs.

  t:then look at the last sentence on page 59.pay attention to:

  one’s dream has come true.梦想成真。we can also say “ one’s dream has been realized.”

  step 7 homework

  1.prepare “reading and writing” on page 23 and “ summing up” on page 4.

  2.prepare “speaking task and writing task” on page 60.

  3.prepare “project” on page 61.


  unit 3  travel journal

  the seventh period

  1.population capital animal building education

  2.language points:

  (1)be tired of/from

  (2)a is... times as as b.

  a is... times + comparative degree than b.

  a is... times the +n. of b.

  (3)one’s dream has come true.


  this task is designed to ask ss to go over what they have learned in the six periods.each group counts the words or phrases their member listed and makes a record in their files.

  write down what you know about traveling:


  write down useful nouns or noun phrases about traveling:


  write down useful verbs or verb phrases about traveling:



  when the nguyen lords took control of the mekong delta,a series of canals were built and a system of transportation was implemented in the maze of water ways in the area.

  the southwest region of vietnam is known for the vast rice fields and the huge plantations that make up the core of this region’s economy.the region is also known for the many miles of waterways criss-crossing the land making this area both fertile and unique.

  the people in this region are made up of vietnamese and some people of khmer,chinese and cham origin.this accounts for the variety of religions that add to the cultural diversity of this area.among the religions practiced here are:buddhism,catholicism,cao dai,hoa hao and islam.

  the orchards are divided by a myriad of small irrigation canals with delicate bamboo bridges called “cau khi” or monkey bridges crossing them.

  can tho is a busy port capable of accommodating large ships from neighboring countries.hau giang or hau river is the main channel that passes through can tho.the land mass surrounding the river was developed very early so the population in this area is probably the largest in all of the delta region.the land here is said to be the most fertile because of the deposits from the various branches of the river.

Travel 篇7

  八年级英语导学案unit2 travelling study skills

  课题  unit2 travelling study skills

  班级_______姓名_______ 主备: 复备八年级英语组时间


  1.      能够从文章中迅速找到五个要点。

  2.      学会使用五个要点描述一次经历或一件事情。

  3.      学会使用细节来丰富文章。

  4.      学习重难点  学会使用五个要点描述一次经历或一件事情。








  1. point n._________                             2.detail n. _________

  3.during the winter holiday ____________________

  4.enjoy the natural beauty _____________________

  5.feel excited ___________ 6.go fishing by the lake_______________

  7.玩的愉快开心___________  8.观看烟花 __________________


  task1 1)回忆一下kitty的香港迪士尼乐园,然后回答下面问题:

  when did it happen?  _____________________________

  where did it happen? _____________________________

  who was there?     _____________________________

  what happened?    _____________________________

  how did you feel?   _____________________________




  task2 1)再次回忆一下kitty的香港迪士尼乐园,然后用词组回答下面问题:

  what did kitty do during her visit to hong kong disneyland?


  ________________________________________________________       2) 请根据词组简单复述kitty在迪士尼乐园里的活动。


  task3 1)完成第31页上的练习,并核对答案。

  2)两人一组,根据第31页练习上的信息,复述一下这次去南山的旅行,请一定要阐明其中的五个要点以及活动的细节。 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



  on 8 march, millie and her classmates went to beihai park for a short visit. it was warm, the sun was bright. they enjoyed the beautiful view there. some of them went boating on the lake. some walked and talked. millie and kitty sat on the grass and listened to the music. they all had a fantastic time in the lake.

  when:  ________________

  where:  ________________

  who:   ________________

  what: _______________

  main points             details:_____________________




  how:   _________________ 



Travel 篇8

  8b unit 3 online travel

  comic strip and welcome to the unit



  1.---what is taobao. com?

  ---it is an _________(在线的) marketplace?

  2. did yo u see the boat race on ________(电视)?

  3.this programme is boring. let me change the _________(频道)。

  4.we can use the computers to send and ________(接受) e-mails.

  5.my cousin is good at designing computer _________(程序)。


  1. please write to me as soon as you____ (get)there.

  2. don't make a noise. grandma ____ (sleep).

  3. ______ it______(rain)when school was over yesterday?

  4. “____ the no. 302 bus ____ (come)?”“not yet.”

  5. my school bag __________(wash)once a month.

  6. mr jiang ____ (leave)guangzhou more than 50 years ago. he _________(be) away for   over 50 years.

  7. the box _______ (make) of glass is easy to be broken.

  8. the lost boy ________(find) in the forest two days ago.

  9. who____ (dance)best in your class?

  10. i don’t know if mr wang ____ (go)to shanghai tomorrow.if he ____ (go),i____ (ask) him____ (take)some books to my daughter,because she ____ (study)there.


  (  )1. the computer _____ a television, doesn’t it?

  a. is like b. like c. looks like d. looks

  (  ) 2. -what’s this called in english, eddie?


  a. no, i don’t b. yes, this is a computer. c. i’ve no idea d. i not know

  (  ) 3. the tv ______ on channel six are about films.

  a. experiences  b. performances c. programs d. problems[

  (  ) 4. we can change the channel on tv with a _____.

  a. keyboard b. mouse c. cursor d. remote control

  (  ) 5. this cd-rom can help you learn and have fun_____.

  a. at times b. on time c. at the same time d. in time

  (  ) 6. tom is ______ boy now.

  a. a 11-years-old b. a 11-year-old c. an 11-year-old d. an 11-years-old

  (  )7. my father will be back from beijing______ a week.

  a.for b.in c.after d. behind

  (   ) 8. metal ______ making machines and many other things.

  a. used to b. is used for c. is used as d. is used to

  (   ) 9.chinese _____ by the largest number of people in the world now.

  a. is spoken b. is speaking c. speaks d. spoke

  (   ) 10. the news ______, right?

  a. sound exciting b. sounds exciting  c. sounds excited d. sounds excitingly

  (   ) 11. -do you mind me smoking here?

  -______.look at the sign. it says, “ no smoking.”

  a. it doesn’t matter b. no, i don’t. c. you’d better not d. never mind.

  (   ) 12. try to buy one before all the tickets _____.

  a. will be sold b. will be sold out c. are sold d. are sold out

  (   ) 13.the book was written____ lu xun.

  a. by b. with c. as d. /

  (   ) 14. i want to watch the news on tv. _____, please.

  a. turn on it b. turn it on c. turn off it d. turn it off

  (   ) 15. if you want to open a file, please____ on the icon.

  a. left twice clicks b. left double clicks c. double left click d. twice left clicks

  (   ) 16. -can you work out this math problem?

  -yes, i can. it’s_____.

  a. hard b. difficult c. simple d. easier

  (   ) 17. information can be stored on the _____.

  a. programs b. floppy disks c.  hard disks d. both b and c

  (   ) 18.the package tour ____ everything. you don’t worry about it.

  a. covers b. including c. have d. owns

  (   ) 19. can you show me_____ to start the computer?

  a. what b. where c. how d. which

  (   ) 20. do you want her_____ one for you?

  a. order b. to order c. orders d. ordering


  more and more people are 1 the life with computers. using computers you can send e-mails  2 and easily. you ar e able  to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone, 3 in the world without putting a stamp. e-mail can send its message to the other side of the world 4 seconds. e-mail is easy to use and it 5 time and money. it serves (服务) for twenty-four hours. so it doesn't matter if your friends are in bed when you send e-mails to them,or were you seeing a film at the cinema when they send e-mails 6 .

  can you imagine (想象) the future without teachers 7 computers? students will teach themselves in the schools in the future. computers help students develop their own ways of 8 .students will follow the learning programmes by looking at online libraries and 9 lessons by world-class teachers. if they don't understand something ,they will ask other students 10 or e-mail their teachers. computers are becoming more and more popular indeed.

  1.________   2.________   3.________   4._______   5.________

  6.________   7.________   8._________  9._______   10________


  at 9 am. on october 15, , our country launched(发射) its first manned spaceshlp(载人宇宙飞船) ,shenzhou v,into space at jiuquan satellite launch centre in gansu province. it   1  yang liwei and his spaceship about 21 hours to circle the earth 14 times. yang liwei,38,  2  liaoning province. he is china’s first astronaut(宇航员),and  3   a pilot (飞行员) since 1983. he  4   from 14 pilots after many difficult tests not long ago.

  the life of an astronaut is hard to imagine for many people. to put on a space suit takes   5   15 minutes with the help of others. sleeping in space is not easy,  6  .  he has to sleep in a special sleeping bag on the wall   7   there is no gravity(引力). yang can eat chicken and rice. ius especially(特别) made to eat in space but tastes just like the real thing.

  " i’rn feeling very good in   8  , and it looks wonderful here. "said yang, "i have looked at our beautiful earth and recorded(记录) all that i have seen here."

  china has become the  9   country in the world to send a person into space after the fromer soviet union(前苏联) and the united states. china is now planning its  10  launch. shenzhou vi will go into space within (在……之内) the next two hours, it may take three astronauts. we are all proud of our motherland.

  (    ) 1. a. spent       b.took            c. cost          d. paid for

  (    ) 2. a. was born    b. comes from     c. comes to      d. lives

  (    ) 3. a. is          b.was            c. has become    d. has been

  (    ) 4. a. chooses      b. chose          c. is chosen      d. was chosen

  (    ) 5. a. him        b. his             c. he           d. himself

  (    ) 6. a. too         b. also            c. eith er        d. neither

  (    ) 7. a. because     b.so              c. and          d. but

  (    ) 8. a. room       b. place           c. sky          d. space

  (    ) 9. a. first        b. second          c. third         d. fourth

  (    ) 10. a. before     b. last             c. next          d. the next



  are you afraid of your computer? are you worried about pressing the wrong button and the whole thing crashing(毁坏)? if so, you are not alone, thousands of people around the country have expensive computer systems  they simply do not know how to use properly(正确地). there are thousands more who are even scared(害怕) to buy their first computer.

  but it is now at hand. there is a new course(课程) for beginners that, not only tells you what equipment(设备) you need , but also shows you how to completely master (掌握) your computer in just 2 hours.  yes, believe it or not, you will master your computer in just 2 hours.

  unlike other courses, this one is really for true beginners. you do not need to know a thing. you don’t even need to know how to switch your computer on. this course starts right at the beginning and builds your skills step by step.

  (     ) 1. why thousands of more people are scared to buy their first computer?[

  a. because they don't have enough money

  b. because they don’t know how to use it properly

  c. because they worry about pressing the  wrong button

  d. because they are afraid of computers

  (     )2. who is the new course for?

  a. beginners                        b. inventors

  c. workers                          d. students[

  (      )3. how long does it take you to master the computer?

  a. more than two hours              b. less than two hours

  c. two hours                      d. three hours

  (    ) 4. where do you think you can find this article?

  a. on tv.      b. over the radio.    c. in the newspaper.    d. in a big shop.


  is your schoolbag too heavy to carry? the e-schoolbag will help you.

  it is said that e-schoolbags are going to be brought into use in chinese middle schoo ls s oon. in fact, the e-schoolbag should perhaps be called an e-textbook. it is a small computer for students. heavy schoolbags have long been a serious(严重的)problem for them. but the e-schoolbag will change everything. it is much lighter than a usual schoolbag. also it is as small as a usuall book,but it can still hold all the things for students such as a textbook an exercise book and so on. it can be made into chips(芯片)that are as small as a stamp. the students can read the text page by page on the  screen, take notes, or even send e-mails to their teachers. all they have to do is to put the right chip into the e-schoolbag and press a button.

  some say that e-textbooks can be easily broken; some say it is not good for students’ eyes. but only time will tell.

  (    ) 5. an e-schoolbag is _________

  a. a video chip  b. a small computer  c. a heavy bag  d. a usual book

  (    ) 6. e-schoolbags areused for _________

  a. fixing buttons                      b. making chips

  c. computer games                    d. school study

  (    )7. the underlined word"screen"means _________ in chinese.

  a. 显示屏        b. 键盘        c. 录象机   d. 幻灯机

  (    ) 8. e-schoolbags _________

  a. are popular with all the people

  b. can do everything for students

  c. may be used instead 0f usual schoolbags

  d. have come into use in china

Travel 篇9

  module 6 travel   unit 2 it is in the north of china

  teaching objectives

  1. words and phrases:  parent  rode  horse  climb

  2. sentences: it is in the north of china

  where is                ?   it is in                 

  teaching procedures:

  a: songs: mangoes and rice

  b: free talk: where did you go?

  c: new concepts

  step1.  new words

  show the cards of the new word. have the student read and remember them

  then explain the word: parent means mother or father; holiday means the day that you do not work or study, you are free.

  step 2. test

  play the tape, have the students open their books listen and read then answer the questions

  1. where did lingling go?

  2. when did she go?

  3. who did she go with?

  4. where is xinjiang?

  5. what did she ride?

  6. what mountain did she climb?

  7. what lake did she visit?

  8. did she have a good time?

  at last give answer to the students

  step3.  on the blackboard, mark north at the top, south at the bottom, west on the left, east on the right. read and point

  show a map of china on the blackboard and ask: where is haikou? /yinchuan/shanghai/hetian /hong kong

  practice: have the students talk about their holiday. if they did not go anywhere, imagine.

  step4. listen and repeat again, then do activity book exercise 4 

  step5.  sing a song

  play the tape and the student learn to sing

  game: draw a picture (in the south draw some mountains, in the north draw a river, in the east draw a road, in the west draw a kite ) 

  homework: write and draw

  1. where is your favourite place?  2. when did you go there?

  3. what did you do there?  4. who did you go with?

Travel 篇10

  unit 3 online travel

  一. 教学内容:

  unit 3 online travel

  words, phrases and sentences

  二. 教学目标:

  掌握unit 3的词汇及词性变化和课文中的重点词组、句型的结构和用法

  8b unit 3 online travel


  1. 联网的,在线的 online

  2. 电视     television

  3. 打开     turn on

  4. 程序     program

  5. 教育的   educational

  6. 只读光盘存储器 cd-rom

  7. 出版,发行,发表 come out

  8. 旅行者    traveller

  9. 睡着的    asleep

  10. 分数     point

  11. 正确地   correctly

  12. 角色     role

  13. 等级     level

  14. 知识     knowledge

  15. 语法     grammar

  16. 到达     reach;arrive in/at;get to

  17. 屏幕     screen

  18. 通过     pass

  19. 作标记   mark

  20. 紫色     purple

  21. 键盘     key

  22. 菜单     menu

  23. 鼠标,老鼠 mouse

  24. 打印     print

  25. 广泛地   widely

  26. 电子词典 e-dictionary

  27. 重新启动  restart

  28. 连接     connect

  29. 英尺     foot

  30. 错误地   incorrectly

  31. 总数     total

  32. 自由的   free

  33. 火星     mars

  34. (常用于被动)为……设置背景 setting

  35. 每日的   daily

  36. 课程     course

  37. 电话     call

  38. 旅行     travel

  39. 收音机   radio

  40. 涉及, 包括 include

  41. 订购     order

  42. 简单的   simple

  43. 制造者, 制造商  producer

  44. 制造     produce

  45. 公司     co. (company)

  46. 创造     create

  47. 保存     store

  48. 控制     control

  49. 遥控器   remote control



  1. the channel is ______ , let’s change the channel. (bored)

  2. the computer is used for _______ (draw) the pictures.

  3. nancy is the _____ of virtual traveller. (design)

  4. he was _____ on the grass and looking at the blue sky. (lie)

  5. you earn a point every time you answer a question _____(correct).

  6. he has bought many _____ cd-roms before and none of them is good. (education)


  1. boring   2. drawing   3. designer  4. lying  5. correctly   6. educational


  1. look the computer is turned ________ now.

  2. i don’t think the computer looks ________ a television.

  3. they’re doing a project ________ computer.

  4. my father was busy searching _________ information.

  5. _________ the world in eight hour’s has just come out.

  6. can you do your homework and listen to the music______ the same time?

  7. this tall building was designed _______ tom smith.

  8. you can see lots of cards _______ questions ________ them.


  1. on   2. like  3. on   4. for   5. around 6. at  7. by   8. with, on


  1. i think this book is the most_________(education) one.

  2. look ! our headmaster is speaking on _________(电视).

  3. give me the _______ (遥控器)please, i want to change the channel, this channel is boring.

  4. which c__________ do you like best, millie?

  5. can anyone d_________ a better timetable?

  6. do you know who d_____ the building? do you know who is the d_____?

  7. you will ______(受到) a warm welcome when you come to england.

  8. he lives in a town _______ (call) sunshine .

  9. many young people like _____ (lie) on the grass and counting stars in the sky.

  10. he was very tired and soon fell _____ (sleep)

  11. he is very smart. he always has _____(use) ideas.

  12. you ________(sure) remember the wonderful trip to the world park.

  13. my cousin wants to become a d________ of dresses in the future.

  14. he has o_______ a radio online.

  15. they can’t decide who will play the main r_________ of the new film.


  1. educational    2. television  3. remote control   4. course    5. design

  6. designed, designer  7. receive   8. called      9. lying     10. asleep

  11. useful        12. surely    13. designer    14. ordered      15. role


  1. 我不知道 i have no idea. = i don’t know.

  2. 更换频道 change the channel

  3. 查找/搜索信息 search for information

  4. 文字处理(技能) word processing (skills)

  5. 编写电脑程序 write computer programs

  6. 绘画和设计 draw and design

  7. 发送和接收电子邮件 send and receive e-mails

  8. 面世、出来、(花)开放 come out

  9. 最受孩子们欢迎的游戏 children’s favourite game

  10. 同时 at the same time

  11. 打开/关闭(电器) turn on/off

  调高/调低(音量) turn up/down

  12. 主要人物(主角) main character

  13. 躺在草地上 lie on the grass

  14. 入睡(无意识) fall asleep

  入睡(有意识) go/get to sleep

  15. 做了个奇怪的梦 have a strange dream

  16. 获得足够的点数 earn enough points

  17. 将……带到某地去 carry … off  to  sp.

  18. 扮演……角色 play the role of…

  19. 花费某人时间做某事 take sb. some time to do sth.

  20. 测试英语知识              test the knowledge of english

  21. 在市场 on/at the market

  22. 卖完/被卖完 sell out /be sold out

  23. 与某事/某人有关联 be related to sth. /sb

  24. 一套光盘 a set of cd-roms

  25. 存储信息 store information

  26. 用……来做某事 use …for doing sth. = use… to do sth.

  27. ……被用来做某事 …be used to do sth. =…be used for doing sth.

  习惯于做某事 be used to doing sth.

  (过去)曾经做某事 used to do sth.

  28. 把……保存在硬盘上 keep … on the hard disk

  29. 出现在屏幕上 appear on the screen

  30. 将a连接到b上 connect a to b

  将a与b连接起来 connect a with b

  31. 需要很多记忆(存储)空间 need a lot of memory

  32. 重新启动电脑 restart the computer

  33. 总共10个问题 a total of ten questions

  34. 对……有好处;适合于…… be good for…

  35. 向(某人)求助 ask (sb. ) for help

  36. 做一些练习题 do some exercises

  37. 在北极 in the arctic

  38. 点击图标 click on the icon

  双击自动运行图标 double click (on) the “auto-run” icon

  39. 听到某人做某事 listen to sb. do sth.

  听到某人正在做某事 listen to sb. doing sth.

  40. 在屏幕上 on the screen

  41. 举行一次作文比赛 hold a writing competition

  42. 计算机的不同用途 different uses of computers

  43. 八小时内环球(旅行) around the world in eight hours

  44. 听起来很有趣 sound interesting

  45. 一张世界地图 a map of the world = a world map

  46. 以……为开始 start with… = begin with…

  47. 在思想里(在脑海里) in the mind

  48. 做某事更好 it’s better to do sth

  做某事最好 it’s best to do sth.

  49. (游戏等)背景被设定在地球上 be set on earth

  50. 反对/介意(某人)做某事 mind (one’s) doing sth.

  51. 在收音机上 on the radio

  52. ……的设计者 the designer of….



  1. sandy bought some __________(纪念品) for me during her visit to japan.

  2. young people like shopping o__________, this saves time.

  3. the main c___________ of the game is itchy feet.

  4. the programme is boring, please change the __________(频道).

  5. we can use a remote c_________ to turn on the tv.


  1. souvenirs   2. online  3. character   4. channel   5. control

  二、 用所给的词的适当形式填空:

  foot, shine, bad, twenty, end 

  1. tomorrow will be her ___________ birthday.

  2. this street is ten __________ wide.

  3. the old woman seems to have ___________ words to say.

  4. the old man felt even _________ than yesterday.

  5. millie wears a ________ dress today. she looks pretty.


  1. twentieth/20th   2. feet    3. endless  4. worse   5. shiny


  1. 这听起来很有趣,不是吗?

  it _______ ________, _________ _________ ?

  2. 这张光盘能帮助你学英语同时也能学习地理。

  this cd-rom can help you _______ english and geography _______  the ______ _______.

  3. 让我给你看一幅世界地图。

  let me _______ you a ______ of the _______  .

  4. 当你已经挣到足够的点数时,一朵云带你到你以前从未到过的地方。

  when you _____ ______ ______ points, a cloud will ______ you ______ a place you _____ _____ ______ before.

  5. 如果你够聪明,你能在8小时内周游世界。

  if you ____ _______, you can _______ ______ the world _______ eight hours.

  6. 快去购买范本,否则就要卖完了。

  get it now ______ all the copies ____ ______ _______.


  1. sounds interesting, doesn’t it   2. learn, at, same time

  3. show, map, world     4. have earned enough, carry, to, have never been

  5. clever enough, travel around, in   6. before, are sold out


  1. the tv is turned on now. 现在电视开着。

  2. i usually use it to search for information. (=i usually use it for searching for information. )


  3. a new educational cd-rom called “around the world in eight hours”has just come out.


  4. it was designed by nancy jackson. 它是由nancy jackson设计的。

  5. he was lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful sky when he fell asleep and had a strange dream. 他躺在草地上并望着美丽的天空,这时他就不知不觉睡着了并做了一个奇怪的梦。

  6. when you have earned enough points , a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place (you have never visited before. )当你积满足够的点数时,一片云彩就会下来,带你去一个你从未去过的地方。

  7. each level will take you about half an hour to finish. 每一级要完成的话,大约得花你半个小时的时间。

  8. this cd-rom helps you learn english by testing your knowledge of english grammar and vocabulary. 这张光盘通过测试你的英语语法和词汇知识来帮助你学习英语。

  9. the places (you have visited) are marked in bright purple. 用亮紫色标上记号

  10. that is for you to find out. 那就留给你去查明吧。

  11. the course covers many topics, including travel and hotels, food and drink,

  shopping and money. 这个课程涵盖许多话题,包括旅游与宾馆、餐饮、购物和货币。

  12. you use this set of keys for typing. = you use this set of keys to type. 你用这组键来打字。

  13. the e-dictionary needs a lot of memory, so it’s better to keep it on the hard disk.


  14. -do you mind telling me how to use this function? ---no, not at all. /certainly not. /of course not.


  15. the game is set in different countries. 这个游戏以不同的国家为背景。

  16. the goal of this game is to travel around the world to learn the history of each place.




  1. 她的舞跳得那么漂亮以至于我们不停地鼓掌。

  2. 每次你到一个新地方,你都要学会交朋友。

  3. 当回答正确一个问题时,公主的头发将增长一英寸。

  4. 你介意告诉我怎样在网上订购食品吗?

  5. 她姐姐在北京已经多久了?


  1. she danced so beautifully that we couldn’t stop clapping our hands.

  2. every time you get to a new place, you must learn to make friends.

  3. the princess’s hair will grow an inch when a question is answered correctly.

  4. do you mind telling me how to order food on the internet?

  5. how long has her sister been in beijing?


  1. i love to learn things by playing.

  i love to learn and play ___ _____ _____ ______.

  2. this game can help you learn geography.

  this game can help you ____ __________ geography.

  3. eddie designed the cd-rom.

  eddie _____ ______ _________ of the cd-rom.

  the cd-rom _____ ________ ____ eddie.

  4. this bridge is 500 metres long.

  this is a _________________ bridge.

  5. there were lots of dogs. they were lying on the ground in the yard.

  there were lots of dogs ________ on the ground in the yard.

  6. he went to sleep after 11p. m. last night.

  he _________ ______ ________ until 11p. m. last night.

  7. it’s 11p. m. now. she fell asleep at 9p. m. .

  she _____ ______ _______ for two hours.

  8. if i come back, i will give you a call.

  i _____ ______ you ____ ______ ____ i _____back.

  9. when i look at the old photos, i will miss my old friends.

  i ______ ______ my old friends _________ ______ i ______ _____ the old photos.

  10. we have sold out the shoes of your size.

  the shoes of your size have ______ ______ out.

  11. will you please color it green?

  will you please  ______ it ____  green?

  12. in the play, i will dress up as monkey king.

  i will _____ ______ ______ of monkey king in the play.

  13. each level takes you about an hour to finish.

  you will ________ about an hour ___ /________ each level

  14. this game tests your knowledge of physics. in this way, it helps you improve physics.

  this game helps you improve physics ____ ______ your knowledge of this subject.

  15. all of them are hardworking. (否定句)

  _______  of them is /are hardworking.


  1. at the same time

  2. to learn

  3. was the designer, was designed by

  4. 500-metre-long

  5. lying

  6. didn’t fall asleep

  7. has been asleep

  8. will call, as soon as, come

  9. will miss  every/each time   look at

  10. been sold

  11. mark, in

  12. play the role

  13. spend  on/passing

  14. by testing

  15. none

Travel 篇11

  8B Unit 3 Online Travel

  Reading Around the world in eight hours

  Good afternoon, everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 3 Reading Part A. Around the World in Eight Hours. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from three parts.

  Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material

  (一) Status and Function

  This is an important lesson in this book. Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense. It can help students to attain “four skills” request of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.

  (二) Analysis of the students

  Most students are interested in computer games. So this topic can greatly attract their interests. It can accelerate them to learn English and geography well. After learning this lesson, they will know English and geography are as important as computer .Without much knowledge ,you won’t be able to learn computer well.

  (三)Teaching aims and Demands

  1.Knowledge objects

  To understand the aim of an educational CD-ROM and what the character can do

  To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledge.

  To master the Passive voice.

  2.Ability objects

  To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  To train the students how to use their own words to express their ideas.

  (四)Teaching key and Difficult point

  1. Key points

  To review the Present perfect tense.

  To learn the Passive voice.

  To tell more about the CD-ROM.

  To retell how the game is played

  To understand the whole passage and answer teacher’s questions

  2. Difficult points:

  The Passive voice.

  To retell how the game is played

  (五) Teaching Equipment

  Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, Software: PowerPoint and so on. They will be needed in this lesson.

  Part Two: The Teaching Methods

  1. Communicative teaching method

  2. Audio-visual teaching method

  3. Task-based” teaching method

  As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method.

  To use these methods are helpful to develop the students’ abilities.

  Part Three: Studying Procedures

  Step 1

  Arouse students’ interest by telling them that they are going to read about a new educational CD-ROM. Explain that the game is set in different countries and involves a tour around the world

  Step 2

  Tell students that the first paragraph of the reading passage explains the background to the game .Listen to the tape. Ask some questions to check understanding, eg.

  What’s the name of the new educational CD-ROM?

  What can it help you to do?

  Who is the designer?

  Step 3

  Tell students that the second paragraph of the reading passage introduces the main character of the game . Ask some questions to check understanding, eg.

  Who is the main character of the game?

  How old is he?

  What does he like doing?

  What was he doing when he fell asleep?

  Step 4

  Tell students that the third and fourth paragraphs of the reading passage, on page41, explain how the game is played. Ask them to read the rest of the reading passage on page 41

  Step 5

  Ask some questions to check understanding, eg.

  How can you earn a point?

  What will happen if you have earned a point?

  What will happen if you have earned enough points?

  How many levels does the game have?

  How long does it take you to finish the game?

  What do the questions test?

  What will you see on the screen when you reach a new place?

  What can you learn about when you reach London?

  What will you see when you pass a level?

  What happened to the places you have visited?

  Step 6

  Read the whole passage and then ask some students to retell how the game is played(in 5steps)

  1 See a golden cloud with instructions on it

  2 See clouds with information about different places; See clouds with questions on them

  3 Get a point every time you answer a question correctly

  4 A cloud will come down and carry you off to a new place

  5 See a world map. The old place is marked in bright purple

  If possible, ask students to discuss what they have learned from the passage.(with their own words)

  Step7 Use the following keywords to try to retell the passage.


  a new educational CD-ROM, Around the world in Eight Hours.

  Come out, interesting, at the same time, be designed by, the all-time favorite CD-ROM


  Main character, love traveling, lie on the grass, fall asleep


  be written on, different colors with questions on them

  Every time you answer a question, earn enough points, come down, Carry off


  Play the role of, take …an hour to finish, travel around, Test your knowledge of, a lot of useful information, for example

  Paragraph 5

  Be the best , get it in sold out

  Step 8 Homework

  1 Translating the following phrases:

  1)同时 2) 过一关

  3) 扮演…角色 4) 光盘的设计者

  5) 一直广受欢迎的游戏 6) 得到足够的分数

  7) 睡着 8) 英语语法和词汇

  9) 在你的屏幕上 10) 检验知识

  11) 在市场上 12) 例如

  13) 掉下来 14) 售完

  2 Try to recite the text.

  Design of the blackboard

  1) The Present perfect tense. A new educational CD-ROM has just come out.

  When you have earned enough points,….……..Carry you off to a place you have never visited before. The places you have visited are marked…

  2) The Passive voice.

  It is designed by Nancy Jackson. These words were written on it.

  The places you have visited are marked in bright purple.

  Get it now before it is sold out

Travel 篇12

  module 6 travel    unit 1 i went there last year

  teaching objectives

  1. words and phrases: photo .stay week

  2. sentences: where/when/what/who did you           ?

  teaching procedures:

  a: songs: mangoes and rice

  b: free talk: where did you go?

  c: step 1: leading

  (introduce the english where is beijing? /london /new york /tokyo /moscow)

  say the names of famous places in china and england

  step 2: take out many photos

  introduce: this is a photo( 举一张 ).

  these are photos (举全部,多张照片)

  then have the students try to describe the photos. the teacher can say: i stay there for one /two weeks.

  explain: ‘stayed’ is the past tense of stay

  week: from sunday and saturday is one week.

  step 3: playing the tape

  so that the students can listen to the conversations and follow in the books

  tell each pupil to get a piece of paper and draw a question on it.

  ask the students to close their books

  play the dialogue part by part and have to listen. if they have a question, they have to hold up their pieces of paper and say questions .

  now tell the students to open their books and underline all the questions in the dialogue

  have the students answer the questions

  do activity book exercise 1

  step 4: show the pictures and have the student try to say and write.

  use the drills.  at last give them answers

  who has got some photos?

  where is lingling?

  when did lingling go there?

  who did she go with?

  where does her uncle live?

  steps 5:  activity book exercise 3

  homework: talking about where you went? and write down


高一英语Unit 3 Travel Journal---Using language教案


新概念英语第四册第38课:Water and the traveler



寻求游伴(Travel-mate Wanted)

关于五一劳动节的英语日记:Labor day travel


Unit 3 Travelling in Garden City

关于五一劳动节英语日记:Labor day travel



