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In the library

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In the library


In the library(精选2篇)

In the library 篇1

  junior english for china  

  book 3   

  unit 1 in the library   lesson 1

  teaching & practicing lesson

  period 1 for the whole lesson

  ⅰ teaching material

  1. functional and notional items: talk about what has done.

  2. language points:  words: cd player, several, shelf,

  sentences: have you got …?

  i haven’t got ….

  have you seen it anywhere?

  grammar: the present perfect tense

  ⅱ teaching objectives

  1. talk about what has done orally.

  2. try to understand the whole lesson and read it fluently. the tone and pronunciation should be basically right.

  3. master the following words and sentences.

  4ss:  words: cd player, shelf, several

  sentences: have you got …?

  i haven’t got ….

  have you seen it anywhere?  yes, i have. /  no, i haven’t.

  ⅲ teaching points

  1. the main points: ⑴&⑵ of teaching objectives

  2. the difficult point:① shelf (pl) shelves  

  ②i have a pen.= i have got a pen.

  ③the use of the present perfect tense

  ⅳ teaching procedure

  1. organization of the class

  a. greeting

  b. raise requirement

  t: we’re going to talk about the library.

  2. review

  a. oral

  t: do we have a library in our school? what do we have in the library? what can we do in the library?

  3. the teaching of the new lesson

  a. unit 1   in the library  

  lesson 1

  t: let’s learn unit 1  in the library, lesson 1.  (write down the title)

  b. teach: have you got …?

  t: if you want to borrow a history book from the library, what do you say?

  ss: excuse me, do you have a history book?

  t: yes, and we can also say: have you got a history book?

  write down the new sentence and compare the new one and the old one. then teach the negative form and simple question form.

  and make more examples.

  examples:  he has got a good pen.

  they haven’t got any water.

  our school has got a lot of students.

  c. teach: part 1

  t: have you got a ruler?     s1: yes, i have. here you are.

  t: have you got an umbrella? s2: sorry, i haven’t. ask …

  ask the ss to use part 1 to make new dialogue in pairs and then ask some to do it in front of the class. teach “ cd player” at the same time.

  d. teach: several

  t: have you got a pen?  how many pens have you got?

  s1: five

  t: we may also say: “you’ve got several pens.”

  write down the word: several

  e. teach: shelf

  t: just now we talked about the library, we know there are many books in the library. where are the books put?

  teach: on the shelf             shelf  (pl) shelves

  f. part2

  t: now i’d like you to make a dialogue talking about borrowing books about different subjects.

  do  it in pairs first then ask some to do it.

  analysis: books about …       at the moment = now = right now

  g. part 3

  dialogue 1

  listen and answer: well, when you borrow books from the library, you must be careful, but jim is not careful.

  what happened?         where was the book?

  then read it and learn the dialogue.

  analysis: have you seen it anywhere? ( tense and the use of anywhere)

  dialogue 2

  listen and answer: how about tom? what has he lost? where was it?

  read and learn.

  analysis: have lost (tense)     

  perhaps he’s seen it. ( ‘s is short for has)

  i saw it on lin tao’s desk five minutes ago. ( tense)

  h. conclusion

  1. have got = have      2 several = a few    3.on the shelf   4. the present perfect tense

  i. wb. ex1 &2

  4. homework

  1. do wb. ex 3&4

  2. recite part 3


  1. teaching objectives: a tape for lesson 1

  2. the writing on the bb

  unit 1  in the library

  lesson 1

  cd player            i have got a history book.           on the shelf

  several               i haven’t got a history book.      books about …

  shelf                 have you got a history book?     at the moment

  shelves               yes, i have. /  no, i haven’t

In the library 篇2


  1.学习现在完成时态的构成以及与现在的关系和对时间状语的要求,以及现在完成时 的陈述句形式和疑问句形式及其简略答语是本单元的教学重点。要求学生能初步运用现在完 成时态谈论一些过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,掌握过去分词的构成。

  2.能够熟练运用本单元有关“借物、寻物”的交际用语,正确运用Have you got…? 和Do you have…?及其简略答语。

  3.掌握本单元的单词和短语,特别是used to,pay for,think of等用法。

  4.利用阅读课文来培养学生的阅读理解能力和根据上下文判断生词词义的能力,并逐 步提高对学生阅读速度的要求。




  本单元主要教学现在完成时态,围绕“The lost book”开展教学活动。学习了有关“借物和寻物”的交际用语以及到图书馆借阅图书及相关事项,着重使用了“Have you got…”这种句式,通过对话,教学了现在完成时态的用法和构成,重点分析过去某个动作对现在造成的影响或结果。学习了过去分词的构成和动词加一ed后的读音,if引导的从句中时态的使用,同时还学习了一些同义词、近义词的用法与区别。

  ago 与before                                                          

  ago与before 是两个表示“以前”的概念的单词。在用法上,它们的区别是较大的。


  Your friend was here a week ago, wasn't he? Of course he was.



  I never met him before. He's new to me.

  下面以three years ago和three years before为例来进行比较。three years ago用于过去时态,

  表示从今天算起的“三年以前”;而three year before用于过去完成时态,表示从三年以前算


  A. I met him three years ago. We've been friends for 3 years.

  B. I had met him three years before. I met you in 1992.


  2) 另外before与ago单纯在形式上的区别是before可以单独使用,ago必须与别的表示时间的词连用。例如:

  I have read it before. It is a very good novel.

  I read it 3 years ago. But I can't remember everything about it.

  例  Have you found the book? Yes, I _____it five minutes_______.

  A. have found, before      B. found, before

  C. has found, ago          D. found, ago

  解析 ago表示从现在算起的多少时间以前,用于一般过去式的句子中,before则表示从过去看的某时间以前或泛指以前,常见于完成时态。从本句的答语“我5分钟前找到的”中,可以判断是从现在算起的五分钟前,故选D。


  (1)fill v.把……填满,常与with连用。如:

  Please fill the bags with rice. We've got to take them to the poor family in the village.

  fill也可以表示状态。相当与 be filled with。如:

  Smoke filled the room. =The room was filled with smoke.房间里浓烟弥漫。

  (2)fill in填入、填写、塞满,如:

  –Please fill in your telephone number and your name.

  –OK, But may I borrow your pen?

  –What shall I do if I want to find a job here?

  –Fill in the application form.

  (3)full adj. 满的,充满的。其结构是be full of=be filled with,如:

  The basket is full of apples. =The basket is filled with apples.Enough for all of us.

  The bag full of books is mine. Please carry it for me, It's too heavy.

  lose与 miss


  You said you have lost your watch. When did you miss it? 你说把手表丢了,你什么时候丢的?


  Is there anything missing (Is there anything lost) ?

  Nothing, so far as I know.



  The teacher told us a story about Lei Feng. It's very moving.

  He will give us a talk on the history of the Party.他将给我们做个关于党史的报告。



  误:We're going to listen to a lecture about African history his afternoon.

  正:We're going to listen to a lecture on African history this afternoon.


  the lost books 丢失的书。

  The book was still missing.书还是找不到。

  lost=missing丢失的。英语中单个分词(包括现在分词和过去分词)也能作定语用,它们一般放在名词的前面。又如:a stolen car一辆失窃的汽车;a broken wind。一扇破的窗;the giving name教名,名;a surprised girl一位感到吃惊的女孩。

  come up with

  come up with=find or produce (an answer)意为“提出,提供”,它是由动词和介词一起构成的短语动词。它的另一个意思是“赶上”。例如:

  I hope you can come up with a better plan than this. 我希望你能提出个更好的计划。

  We shall have to work hard to come up with them. 我们要努力工作,赶上他们。


  catch up with  come in for pay for

  pay for意为“给……报酬”,“付款”。常见句型有:(1) pay for+货物,(2) pay+名词/代词+for+物。例如:

  How much did you pay for that book?那本书你付了多少钱?

  I'll pay you five yuan for it.我将为此给你五元钱。

  I'm afraid can't pay you anything for it.我恐怕不能为此给你任何报酬。

  She used to be a Chinese teacher. 她以前是一位语文老师。

  used to意为“过去经常”,它只有过去式,用于各种人称的单、复数,表示过去存在的,


  They used to come on foot,but they don’t do that again. They often come by bus. 他们过去经常步行来,现在不了。他们经常乘车来。

  used to是表示过去经常重复的动作。在表示过去的习惯时,used to是比较规则的习惯,它与would不太一样,would侧重于叙述过去的光景,used to侧重于和现在相对照。

  used to的疑问形式和否定形式可以用助词did或自身形成构成。美国人多用助动词  did;英国人多用used to本身。如:

  –Did you use to go there?

  –Yes, very often./No, only seldom.

  I used not to like Beijing opera, but now I’m very fond of it.我过去不喜欢京戏,但现在非常喜欢。


  注意区分be used to所表示的意思是“习惯于……”,后跟名词或动名词,used是一个形容词。例如:

  I’m not used to drinking.我不习惯喝酒。

  She is used to running in the morning.她习惯早上跑步。

  have got

  I think I've got one.我想我有一个。

  英语中表示“所有”用have,口语中常用 have got,其否定形式为haven't got,疑问形式为Have…got…?在美国英语中常使用don't have,Do… have…?例如:

  I've got a book about chemistry. =I have a book about chemistry.我有一本化学书。

  He hasn't got an umbrella. =He doesn't have an umbrella. 他没有雨伞。

  –Have you got a pencil sharpener? =Do you have a pencil sharpener?

  –Yes, here you are.

  Have you got …?句型教学建议

  利用初一学过的表示“拥有”的交际用语引出“have got”句型,讲解可先不讲解它的时态:现在完成时。


  T: Excuse me, Do you have a dictionary?

  S: Yes, I do.

  T: May I borrow them, please?

  S: Certainly. Here you are.

  T: Thank you.


  I have a dictionary

  I have got a dictionary

  并在黑板上板书:have got … ,然后让学生反复跟读。然后告诉学生这就是我们今天所要学的新句型:This is another way of saying “Do you have …?”

  2.教师可逐一取出一些画片,边取边对学生说:I have got a …或拿出一些实物进行上面的句型练习。(a cup, a pen, a ruler, an eraser, a book等。)

  关于课文The Lost Books教学建议

  1.在教学本课的课文The Lost Books之前,先就本课Part 1的两个问题让学生进行回答,并写一段短文关于自己如何爱书,以及从图书馆借书的经历,然后让学生作演讲。如:

  I like reading very much, because I’ve learned a lot from the book I read. I’ve bought many books and has got a small library of zoo interesting books. They are about many different subjects such as foreign languages, maths, history, geography and interesting stories. But my own library is still too small to meet my needs. I often borrow books from the school library. It has a great number of books. Many of them are very interesting. I’ve read so many interesting books in the school reading room. I’m a careful boy/girl. I never lose any library book. But some of my classmates do. When they are in such a trouble, I help them. I sometimes help them to buy new books. I even pick out the best books from my book shelves and give them to my friend in trouble. I believe a friend in need is a friend indeed.


  3.把课文The Lost Books改成对话,由两个学生分别扮演grandma和 librarian,表演一遍,然后让学生轮换角色,以便更多的学生参加演出。实现学生自编——自导——自演——语言探究活动的过程。

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In the library
