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九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案

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九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案


九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案(通用14篇)

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇1

  Lesson 6



  ⅠTeaching Materials

  Words: describe, especially, attract, so-called, possible, since, part-time, although, fit, prize, competition, event, Olympic, Waikiki, Honolulu, San Francisco

  Phrases: all over, large numbers of, no matter, both…and…, give up, ever since, the Olympic Games

  Sentences: Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world.

  You can always find surfers out riding the waves.

  In the morning, he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop.

  ⅡTeaching Objectives

  1. Try to understand the whole passage and read the whole lesson fluently and the pronunciation and intonation should be right.

  2. Master the following materials:

  4Ss Words: describe, especially, attract, so-called, possible, since, part-time, although, fit, prize, competition, event, Olympic

  Phrases: all over, large numbers of, no matter, both…and…, give up, ever since, the Olympic Games

  Sentences: Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world.

  You can always find surfers out riding the waves.

  In the morning, he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop.

  3. Master the following materials:

  3Ss Words: Waikiki, Honolulu, San Francisco

  Ⅲ Teaching Points

  1. The main points: (1) &(2) in teaching objectives

  2. The difficult points: A. the use of “although”

  B. the use of “no matter”

  C. the use of “ both…and…”

  Ⅳ Teaching Procedure

  Period 1

  1. Organization of the class

  Talk about surfing

  2. Review

  Have you ever been to Qingdao?

  Who has ever been to Bondi Beach? None of us.

  Has anybody water-skied before? Nobody has.

  3. The teaching of the new lesson

  A. Lesson 6

  In Lesson 5, we learned some water sports. Today, we are going to talk about one of them----surfing.

  B. Talk about surfing

  Where is the best place for surfing? Why?

  Have you ever watched people surf?

  What do you think of it?

  Ask the students to say something about it.

  Teach: fit, prize, competition

  Surfing will make you fit( healthy). Maybe you can take part in a surfing competition, then you may win a prize.

  C. Part 1 Pre-read

  Ask and answer then teach: watch sb. do sth.; describe sth.

  D. Part 2

  Read and do wb. Ex.1

  E. Conclusion.

  fit, win a prize

  4. Homework

  A. Go over what we learn today

  B. Read the passage and find out all the new words, try to guess their meaning.

  Period 2

  Teaching Procedure

  1. Organization of the class

  Learn the passage

  2. Review

  Watch sb. do sth.; fit(healthy); win a prize

  3. The teaching of the new lesson

  A. Paragraph 1

  Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.

  one of…; be enjoyed by sb.; all over the world=everywhere in the world;

  be famous for\ as; especially; attract sb. to somewhere; large numbers of people(it is used to modify countable nouns)=a number of

  Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

  B. Paragraph 2

  Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.

  All the year round=the whole year; the best beaches for surfing;

  no matter, eg: No matter where you go, you can always find friendly people.

  No matter what he does, we are still his friends.

  find sb. doing sth.

  Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

  C. Paragraph 3

  Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.

  So-called; three times a day; if possible; both…and…

  Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

  D. Paragraph 4

  Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.


  give up Chinese=stopping learning Chinese=drop Chinese

  give up doing sth.=stop doing sth.

  San Franciso;

  Ever since;

  Work as…;


  Have a night off=take a night off

  Leave …for doing sth. eg: leave my Sunday for playing football

  Make me fit;

  Win the first prize

  Be an event of the Olympic Games

  Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

  E. Conclusion

  4. Homework

  A. Wb. Ex. 2&3

  B. Retell the story

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇2

  Lesson 16

  Language Focus: The Object Clause

  Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing aims

  Have the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

  1. Revise some useful expressions in Unit 4.

  2. Train the students’ listening ability by doing listening work.

  3. Revise the grammar: the Object Clause.

  4. Write a short passage to train the students' writing ability.

  II. Revision

  Have a dictation. Dictate some useful expressions. Then ask the students to make sentences using the useful expressions:

  1. as soon as possible;

  2. That would be fine;

  3. Keep doing something;

  4. Hurry up;

  5. Fall fast asleep;

  6. Wake up.

  For example:

  1. Please come back as soon as possible.

  2. Let’s go. That would be fine.

  3. He kept me reading the passage for a long time.

  4. Hurry up, or you will miss the train.

  5. He listened to the light music and fell fast asleep.

  6.I woke up early this morning.

  My mother woke me up early this morning.

  III. Listening

  Listening Cassette. Books closed. Play the tape once or twice for the students to listen and do Exercise I in the workbook. Make sure the students can understand them. Show one or two students’ passage on the slide, check with the whole class.

  IV. Practice

  Part 2. Ask and answer in pairs with the help of the table in the book. Then pass the passage on to the students next to them, see if the students can use the Object Clause freely.

  V. Write

  Part 4. We can fill in the form in class. Get the students to give out their ideas about the travelling.

  If there is no time, we can leave the writing work as homework.

  VI. Game

  Part 5. Play this game in class if time permits. Get one student to say a sentence, and he can't let all the students hear clearly, then one student may say: I can't hear him, another student may repeat the sentence, Begin with: He says that…

  VII. Checkpoint 4

  Go though Checkpoint 4 in the usual way. Explain any problems that the students may have. Get the students to go over the grammar notes. Make sentences using the useful expressions.

  VIII. Workbook

  For Exercise 2, have the students read the long sentences, first listen to the teacher, then get them to read individually .Pay attention to the sentence stress, pause and intonation.

  For Exercise 3, have the students make up the sentences, see who can make the most sentences, and make correct sentences.

  Do Exercise 4 as homework.

  IX. Summary

  Exercise in class



  Last week my parents and I took a two-day trip to Emei

  Mountain in Sichuan. As everyone knows, it’s famous 1. ____________

  mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. The weather 2. ____________

  was fine. It was about noon we arrived at the foot of 3. ____________

  the mountain. The three of them were very excited. As we 4. ____________

  climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples 5. ____________

  and told stories. On the way up I was busy taking picture 6. ____________

  since the scenery was so beautiful. The time passes quickly. 7. ____________

  Evening came down. We spent the night in a hotel at the top 8. ____________

  of the mountain. The food was expensive and the service was 9. ____________

  good. I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my 10. ____________

  head touched the pillow.


  Last week my parents and I took a two-day trip to Emei

  Mountain in Sichuan. As everyone knows, it’s ∧famous 1. _____a_______

  mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. The weather 2. _____√______

  was fine. It was about noon ∧ we arrived at the foot of 3. ___when______

  the mountain. The three of them were very excited. As we 4. ____us _______

  climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples 5. ____visited____

  and told stories. On the way up I was busy taking picture 6. ____ pictures__

  since the scenery was so beautiful. The time passes quickly. 7. ____passed____

  Evening came down. We spent the night in a hotel at the top 8. ____ down ____

  of the mountain. The food was expensive and the service was 9. _____but _____

  good. I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my 10. ____ at _____

  head touched the pillow.

  X. Homework

  Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇3

  Lesson 8


  ⅠTeaching Materials

  Words: cross, channel, mainland, slow, journey, among, proud, pride, unless, shot, truth

  Phrases: come true, slow down, be proud of, speak highly of, not only…but also…

  Sentences: Among them were his parents.

  He is not only the pride of our school, but also the pride of all the people in Hainan.

  ⅡTeaching Objectives

  1. Read the passage in Part 3 and try to understand its meaning. Read it fluently and the pronunciation and intonation should be right.

  2. Finish all the exercises in this lesson.

  3. Master the following materials as four skills:

  Words: cross, channel, mainland, slow, journey, among, proud, pride,

  Phrases: come true, slow down, be proud of, speak highly of, not only…but also…

  Sentences: Among them were his parents.

  He is not only the pride of our school, but also the pride of all the

  people in Hainan.

  4. Master the following materials as three skills: words: unless, shot, truth

  ⅢTeaching Points

  1. The main points: (1) & (2) in teaching objectives

  2. The difficult points: not only…but also…如果连接两个主语时,用就近一致原则。

  ⅣTeaching Procedure

  1. Organization of the class

  Read a passage about the youngest swimmer to cross the Qiongzhou Channel and do some exercises.

  2. Revision

  A. the difference “between” yet and “already”

  B. the difference between “been to” and “gone to”

  C. have a try

  D. so far

  E. Recite Part 1

  3. The teaching of the new lesson

  A. Lesson 8

  We talk about surfing in the last three lessons and today we are going to talk about swimming.

  B. Part 1

  Who swam the longest? Let’s listen to the tape and do Wb. Ex. 1

  C. Part 2

  Well, Zhangjian set s new world record for the longest swim. Who is the youngest swimmer to set the record for crossing Qiongzhou Channel?

  *Read and answer:

  Who is the youngest swimmer to cross the channel?

  When did he cross the channel?

  What time did he set off?

  What time did he arrive?

  *Read and learn:

  Come true; set off=set out; step into; slow down; by; another two hours=two more hours; a big crowd of people=a big group of people; among; be proud of; speak highly of;

  not only…but also…

  He is not only a good student, but also a good son.

  Not only you but also I am good at swimming.

  *Reading practise

  D. Wb. Ex5

  E. Wb. Ex6

  F. Wb. Ex2.3.

  G. Part5

  Read and learn. Teach: unless, shot, truth

  H. Checkpoint 2

  I. Conclusion

  Come true, set off, slow down, among, be proud of, speak highly of, not only…but also…

  4. Homework

  A. Workbook Ex. 4. 7

  B. Part 4

  C. Go over the whole unit.

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇4

  Lesson 11

  Language Focus: leave … on my desk, The more trees, the better …

  Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing aims

  Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

  1. To master some useful expressions.

  2.To learn the dialogue and act out the dialogue.

  3.To use the Present Perfect Tense freely.

  II. Revision

  1. Check the homework

  2. Revise the passage of Lesson 10. Ask: What have you done to the environment? Have you done anything to harm the environment? What have you done to protect the environment? Help the students answer correctly. Then ask: How can you make our world more beautiful? Get several students to give their own idea.

  III. Presentation

  Present this dialogue:

  A: Have you been a teacher?

  B: Yes, I have.

  A: How long have you been a teacher?

  B: Two weeks.

  First get the students to practise in pairs, then make similar dialogues.

  IV. Presentation

  Part 1. Speech Cassette - Play the tape for the students to listen and try to find the answers to the questions: Where has Lin Feng gone? Why has he gone to do it again? See if the students can answer correctly.

  Books open. Play the tape again, get the students to repeat after the tape, have two students read the drills for the class.

  V. Practice

  Have the students practise the dialogues in pairs, then ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class.

  VI. Read and answer

  Have the students ask and answer in pairs, Using the words in the box help them.

  VII. Guessing games

  Get the students to guess the riddles. If time permits, do it in class, if there is no time, do it after class.

  VIII. Workbook

  Do Exercise I in class. Have the students do it individually, then check with the whole class. First, Do Exercise 2 orally, then write down the sentences.

  IX. Summary

  Exercises for class

  Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms;

  1. Where __________ you __________ (go) yesterday?

  I __________ (go) to the zoo.

  I __________ never _________ (be) to that zoo before.

  2. Where is Mr Green? He ___________ (go) to the library.

  3. ___________ you ___________ ( hear) him before? No, never.

  4. ___________ you ___________ (finish) your homework yet?

  5. How long __________ you __________ (live) in

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇5

  Lesson 15

  Language Focus:

  1. Useful expressions: on a trip; have a football match; What a Pity. How interesting. Have a good time; take photos.

  2. The use of “that” in the Object Clause.

  Properties: recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing aims

  Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and have the students know what they will do in this class:

  1. Master some useful expressions.

  2. Go on learning the Grammar: the use of "that in the Object Clause

  3. Read and act out the dialogue

  II. Revision

  1. Check homework.

  2. Revise Lesson 14 “Jim’s Train Ride”. First get the students to ask and answer some questions about the passage, see if the students can understand the passage correctly. Get one student to retell the story.

  III. Presentation

  Present this dialogue:

  T: What did you do yesterday?

  S: We had a football match. What about you ?

  T: We were on a train .We came back from Mount Emei.

  S: Really? How exciting. I've never been there. How did you get there?

  T: By train. We went there by train.

  S: Did you have a good time?

  T: Yes, ifs very beautiful.

  S: Did you take any photos?

  T: Of course.

  Show the dialogue on a slide, and ask the students W read it in pairs. Give them a few seconds to practise the dialogue in pairs. Get the students to make their own dialogues. Ask some groups to share their dialogues with the whole class.

  IV. Read and act

  Part 1. Speech Cassette. Have the students listen to the tape. Then play the tape again for them to repeat. Ask: What did Lin Tao say? Have the students find the answer.

  Read the dialogue again, and do Exercise l in the workbook to help them to understand the dialogue and help them to master the grammar: the Object Clause.

  V. Practice

  Part 2. Have the students ask and answer in pairs. See if the students can use the Object Clause correctly.

  VI. Workbook

  Do Exercise 3 with the students. Have the students read the passage and guess the meaning of the new words. Encourage the students to improve their reading ability.

  Do Exercise 2. Have a dictation. Dictate some sentences. Then make the students ask and answer in pairs.

  VII. Summary

  Exercises in class

  Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms.

  1. Our teacher told us that you _________ (be) going on a trip.

  2. Lin Tao said that he ___________ never __________ (be) there.

  3. Jim thought that the train __________ (be) like a big moving party.

  4. She says there __________ (be) a big party this weekend.

  5. Lin Tao feels that his own team __________ (be) even better.

  6. __________ (not be) late for class, the teacher __________ (not be ) happy.

  Answers: 1. were 2. had been 3. was 4. will be 5. is 6. Don't be / won't be

  VIII. Homework

  Read the dialogue and make similar dialogues.

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇6

  Lesson 14

  Language Focus:

  more than two years, practise speaking English, the Greens, none of the them, keep doing something, fall fast asleep /awake, wake up, last long

  Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures.

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing aims

  Have the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

  1. Master some useful expressions.

  2. Read the passage “Jim’s Train Ride” carefully to improve their reading ability.

  3. Know something about Mount Emei and some other mounts in China.

  II. Revision

  1. Check homework.

  2. Revise the Object Clause. Play games “Kate says…” Have the students do in groups of three.

  K: Nancy is not here yet.

  T: She will be here soon.

  Y: Nancy is not here yet. I hope that she will be here soon.

  K : The weather is cloudy.

  T : It will clear up soon.

  Y: The weather is cloudy. I hope that it will clear up soon.

  K: There is a lot of food.

  T: You can eat more.

  Y: There is a lot of food. I hope that you can eat more.

  K: The park is crowded.

  T: There are enough tables and benches.

  Y: The park is crowded. I hope that there are enough tables and benches.

  III. Pre-read

  Part 1. In small groups have the students answer the questions. Then discuss the questions in class.

  Put up a map of China on the blackboard and get the students to show Mount Emei and other mounts such as Mount Hua etc, and talk about some mounts if they know them.

  IV. Presentation

  Have the students discuss in groups. Ask: “What will they do if they will go travelling?” A few minutes for them to discuss, then ask some of them to give their reports to share with the class.

  V. Reading

  Part 2. Speech Cassette. Let the students read through the passage to find the answer to the question: How did Jim feel on his trip to Mount Emei? Help the students use these words: happy, exciting, … See if the students can guess the meaning of the new words.

  Play the tape. Ask the students to listen carefully. The teacher may stop the tape while the students are listening, and ask the students to go on reading. It can test the students' ability to follow the passage as it is read on the tape.

  Using Exercise I in the workbook of Lesson 14, check the students' reading. The students ask and answer in pairs.

  VI. Acting

  Divide the students into small groups. Change this passage into a play, ask them to act out this play. One of them plays the part of a narrator, the others play Mr Green, Mrs Green, Jim, the conductor, and fruit shop assistant.

  VII. Workbook

  Do Exercise 3 in class. Have the students read the sentences and translate them into Chinese, check with the whole class.

  For Exercise 2, it can be worked as homework.

  Answers for Exercise 2: by, enjoyable, by, took, bus, lively, comfortable, watching, scenery, offer, magazines, nearby, practised, trip / journey, tired.

  VIII. Summary

  Exercises in class

  Rewrite the following sentences

  1. She will have a train ride to Hangzhou. ( She says…)

  2. Class Five will have a football match with Class Six. ( The teacher says…)

  3. The station is very crowded. ( He said… )

  4. A young man is speaking in English. ( Jim said… )

  5. The train is quite comfortable. (Jim thought…)

  6. There aren’t too many people in their sleeping car. ( Jim told me…)

  IX. Homework

  Read the passage after class.

  Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇7

  Lesson 7


  ⅠTeaching Materials

  1. Functional and notional items

  Learn to talk about something has done

  2. Language materials

  Words: such, fail, practice, New Zealand, business

  Phrases: such great fun, on business, so far

  Sentences: Time flies!

  He’s gone to New Zealand on business.

  ⅡTeaching Objectives

  1. Learn to talk about something has done.

  2. Try to understand the content and read the dialogue fluently, the pronunciation and intonation should be right.

  3. Master the following materials:

  4 skills Words: such, fail, practice, business

  Phrases: so far, on business

  Sentences: He’s gone to …

  4. Master the following materials:

  2 skills Words: New Zealand

  ⅢTeaching Points

  1. The main points: (1) & (2) in teaching objectives

  2. The difficult points

  A. such great fun

  such+adj. +n.(不可数/复数)

  such a + adj. + n.(可数名词单数)

  与 so的区别

  B. have been surfing

  C. practice sth.\ doing sth.

  D. gone to & been to

  gone to去了,强调不在说话地点

  been to 去过,强调对某地有所了解,可以在说话地点

  ⅣTeaching Procedure

  1. Organization of the class

  We are going to talk about Bruce and Ted again. In grammar, we are going to talk about the present perfect tense.

  2. Revision

  A. Retell the story in Lesson 6.

  B. Wb. Ex2&3

  3. The teaching of the new lesson

  A. Lesson 7

  In lesson 5, we know Bruce will show Ted how to surf. Can Ted surf now?

  B. Listen and answer

  Can Ted surf? What has Bruce been doing every day? Why?

  When is Ted leaving for home?

  How about Bruce?

  Where is Bruce’s uncle?

  C. Read and learn

  Teach: *on Bondi Beach

  *such great fun: very funny

  such+adj. +n.(不可数/复数) such beautiful flowers

  such a + adj. + n.(可数名词单数) such a beautiful flower

  so+ adj. So beautiful a flower

  如果在数量词 “many, much, few, little”前,要用 “so”

  eg: so much water, so many people

  * fail (in) the exam

  fail to do sth.=can’t do sth.

  eg: fail the exam=not pass the exam

  fail to catch the bus=miss the bus

  * need more practice

  practice: 练习, 实践 (为不可数名词)

  如: Practice makes perfect.

  Practice : 练习(为及物动词)

  如:practice doing sth.

  * Time flies.

  * gone to去了,强调不在说话地点

  been to 去过,强调对某地有所了解,可以在说话地点

  eg: Where is he? He’s gone to his home.

  * on business

  D. Reading Practice.

  E. Part 2 Ask and answer

  yet 用于否定句,一般疑问句及条件状语从句


  F. Answer the questions in groups. Teach: so far: up to now

  Ask some to do it in class

  G. Conclusion

  H. Wb. Ex 1

  4. Homework

  A. Recite Part 1

  B. Go over the whole lesson

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇8

  Lesson 10

  Language Focus: harm the environment; improve our environment; make our world more beautiful; a piece of beautiful music; come to my ears; pick up; collect rubbish; produce; as soon as; keep our city clean; wherever; Ifs a pleasant way to… ; It's one's duty to do something

  Properties: Pictures: Overhead Projector; Recorder

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing aims

  Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

  1. To master some useful expressions.

  2 .To understand the reading.

  3. To think about low to protect the environment.

  II. Revision

  1. Check the homework.

  2. Revise the dialogue from Part 2 in Lesson 9. Get some of the students to act it out in front of the class.

  III. Pre-read

  Part 1. In small groups, get the students to discuss the questions.

  IV. Presentation

  Show some pictures of the environment, and have the students look at the pictures and ask: What environment is beautiful? What environment is polluted?

  Get the students to talk about the pictures and speak out their own idea. Teach some words: rubbish; spit. . . Have the students guess the meaning by guestures and pictures. Ask some questions like:

  Have you done anything to harm the environment?

  What have you done?

  Have you ever done anything to improve the environment?

  What have you done?

  Have the students discuss the questions in small groups, get the whole class to share their answers.

  Read through the text and find the answers to the questions of Exercise 1 in the workbook.

  V. Reading

  Part 2. Speech Cassette. Play the tape for the students to listen and find the answers to questions of Exercise I in the workbook, then check the answers in pairs.

  Books open, play the tape again and have the students read the text along with the tape. Note some useful expressions:

  A piece of beautiful music;

  Pick up;

  Collect rubbish;

  Keep our city clean;

  Take care of;

  Throw . . . onto. ..;

  Spit in a public place;

  Cut down;

  Protect our environment;

  Make a contribution to. . . .

  VI. Workbook

  Exercise 3. In pairs, have the students make dialogues for each picture. Ask some pairs to read their dialogues to share with the class.

  VII. Summary

  Exercises for class

  Write a passage about how to make our city beautiful. Using the following verbs:

  Throw, spit, cut down; pickup, collect, plant, protect

  VIII. Homework

  Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇9

  Lesson 15

  Language Focus:

  1. Useful expressions: on a trip; have a football match; What a Pity. How interesting. Have a good time; take photos.

  2. The use of “that” in the Object Clause.

  Properties: recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing aims

  Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and have the students know what they will do in this class:

  1. Master some useful expressions.

  2. Go on learning the Grammar: the use of "that in the Object Clause

  3. Read and act out the dialogue

  II. Revision

  1. Check homework.

  2. Revise Lesson 14 “Jim’s Train Ride”. First get the students to ask and answer some questions about the passage, see if the students can understand the passage correctly. Get one student to retell the story.

  III. Presentation

  Present this dialogue:

  T: What did you do yesterday?

  S: We had a football match. What about you ?

  T: We were on a train .We came back from Mount Emei.

  S: Really? How exciting. I've never been there. How did you get there?

  T: By train. We went there by train.

  S: Did you have a good time?

  T: Yes, ifs very beautiful.

  S: Did you take any photos?

  T: Of course.

  Show the dialogue on a slide, and ask the students W read it in pairs. Give them a few seconds to practise the dialogue in pairs. Get the students to make their own dialogues. Ask some groups to share their dialogues with the whole class.

  IV. Read and act

  Part 1. Speech Cassette. Have the students listen to the tape. Then play the tape again for them to repeat. Ask: What did Lin Tao say? Have the students find the answer.

  Read the dialogue again, and do Exercise l in the workbook to help them to understand the dialogue and help them to master the grammar: the Object Clause.

  V. Practice

  Part 2. Have the students ask and answer in pairs. See if the students can use the Object Clause correctly.

  VI. Workbook

  Do Exercise 3 with the students. Have the students read the passage and guess the meaning of the new words. Encourage the students to improve their reading ability.

  Do Exercise 2. Have a dictation. Dictate some sentences. Then make the students ask and answer in pairs.

  VII. Summary

  Exercises in class

  Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms.

  1. Our teacher told us that you _________ (be) going on a trip.

  2. Lin Tao said that he ___________ never __________ (be) there.

  3. Jim thought that the train __________ (be) like a big moving party.

  4. She says there __________ (be) a big party this weekend.

  5. Lin Tao feels that his own team __________ (be) even better.

  6. __________ (not be) late for class, the teacher __________ (not be ) happy.

  Answers: 1. were 2. had been 3. was 4. will be 5. is 6. Don't be / won't be

  VIII. Homework

  Read the dialogue and make similar dialogues.

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇10

  Lesson 17

  Language Focus:

  1. some useful expressions

  have a good time; have a family meeting; talk about; go for our holiday; describe to do something; diving; on the island; press; by oneself

  2. the Object Clause

  Could you tell us how long we're going to away?

  Properties: Recorder: Overhead Projector; Pictures; computer

  Teaching Procedures:

  Ⅰ. Showing aims

  Have the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

  1. Master some useful expressions.

  2. Study the Object Clause.

  3. Make similar dialogues.

  4. Know something about Hainan and know how to search Internet.

  Ⅱ. Revision

  1. Check homework.

  2. Revise the Object Clause. Play games, have the students work in pairs.

  T: I often travel with my family.

  S1: What does she say?

  S2: She says she often travel with her family.

  S3: What did she say?

  S4: She said that she often traveled with her family.

  Make sure the students can ask and answer correctly.

  Ⅲ. Presentation

  Tell the students that they'll have a holiday. Get them to discuss how they will spend the holidays. Divide the class into small groups, then ask one student of each group to give their report.

  Where would you like to go to?

  Can you describe the place in English?

  Ⅳ. Read and act

  Part 1. Speech Cassette. Ask:

  What are they going to talk about?

  Where are they going for their holiday?

  How long are they going to be there?

  Do they know Hainan well?

  How will they know it before they go to Hainan?

  Have the students listen to the tape, try to find the answers to the questions. Check with the whole class. Play the tape again for the students to repeat. Give the students a few minutes to practice the dialogue in pairs. Ask one pair to act it out.

  Ⅴ. Learn and speak

  Have the students look at the computer, and ask: Could you tell me how to search the Internet? Find a student who can search the Internet, help him or her answer with: OK, let me tell you. Use the instructions to help. Ask the other students to answer and get them to play the computer. Make sure all of them can say and play.

  Ⅵ. Workbook

  Do Exercise 2 in class. Check the answers in pairs. The answers are: 1. What he is; 2. Where; 3. How many; go to; 4. Who; 5. When Sam is; 6. Why; 7. How long; 8. exciting

  Ⅶ. Exercise in class

  Watch the picture, and answer the questions below:

  Could you tell me something about travel?

  Who like to travel by plane? Why?

  Ⅷ. Homework

  1. Learn to search the Internet. Write down the instructions.

  2.Try to make up a dialogue after the model in the text.

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇11

  Lesson 11

  Language Focus: leave … on my desk, The more trees, the better …

  Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing aims

  Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

  1. To master some useful expressions.

  2.To learn the dialogue and act out the dialogue.

  3.To use the Present Perfect Tense freely.

  II. Revision

  1. Check the homework

  2. Revise the passage of Lesson 10. Ask: What have you done to the environment? Have you done anything to harm the environment? What have you done to protect the environment? Help the students answer correctly. Then ask: How can you make our world more beautiful? Get several students to give their own idea.

  III. Presentation

  Present this dialogue:

  A: Have you been a teacher?

  B: Yes, I have.

  A: How long have you been a teacher?

  B: Two weeks.

  First get the students to practise in pairs, then make similar dialogues.

  IV. Presentation

  Part 1. Speech Cassette - Play the tape for the students to listen and try to find the answers to the questions: Where has Lin Feng gone? Why has he gone to do it again? See if the students can answer correctly.

  Books open. Play the tape again, get the students to repeat after the tape, have two students read the drills for the class.

  V. Practice

  Have the students practise the dialogues in pairs, then ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class.

  VI. Read and answer

  Have the students ask and answer in pairs, Using the words in the box help them.

  VII. Guessing games

  Get the students to guess the riddles. If time permits, do it in class, if there is no time, do it after class.

  VIII. Workbook

  Do Exercise I in class. Have the students do it individually, then check with the whole class. First, Do Exercise 2 orally, then write down the sentences.

  IX. Summary

  Exercises for class

  Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms;

  1. Where __________ you __________ (go) yesterday?

  I __________ (go) to the zoo.

  I __________ never _________ (be) to that zoo before.

  2. Where is Mr Green? He ___________ (go) to the library.

  3. ___________ you ___________ ( hear) him before? No, never.

  4. ___________ you ___________ (finish) your homework yet?

  5. How long __________ you __________ (live) in

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇12

  Lesson 6



  ⅠTeaching Materials

  Words: describe, especially, attract, so-called, possible, since, part-time, although, fit, prize, competition, event, Olympic, Waikiki, Honolulu, San Francisco

  Phrases: all over, large numbers of, no matter, both…and…, give up, ever since, the Olympic Games

  Sentences: Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world.

  You can always find surfers out riding the waves.

  In the morning, he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop.

  ⅡTeaching Objectives

  1. Try to understand the whole passage and read the whole lesson fluently and the pronunciation and intonation should be right.

  2. Master the following materials:

  4Ss Words: describe, especially, attract, so-called, possible, since, part-time, although, fit, prize, competition, event, Olympic

  Phrases: all over, large numbers of, no matter, both…and…, give up, ever since, the Olympic Games

  Sentences: Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world.

  You can always find surfers out riding the waves.

  In the morning, he works as a part-time assistant in a surf shop.

  3. Master the following materials:

  3Ss Words: Waikiki, Honolulu, San Francisco

  Ⅲ Teaching Points

  1. The main points: (1) &(2) in teaching objectives

  2. The difficult points: A. the use of “although”

  B. the use of “no matter”

  C. the use of “ both…and…”

  Ⅳ Teaching Procedure

  Period 1

  1. Organization of the class

  Talk about surfing

  2. Review

  Have you ever been to Qingdao?

  Who has ever been to Bondi Beach? None of us.

  Has anybody water-skied before? Nobody has.

  3. The teaching of the new lesson

  A. Lesson 6

  In Lesson 5, we learned some water sports. Today, we are going to talk about one of them----surfing.

  B. Talk about surfing

  Where is the best place for surfing? Why?

  Have you ever watched people surf?

  What do you think of it?

  Ask the students to say something about it.

  Teach: fit, prize, competition

  Surfing will make you fit( healthy). Maybe you can take part in a surfing competition, then you may win a prize.

  C. Part 1 Pre-read

  Ask and answer then teach: watch sb. do sth.; describe sth.

  D. Part 2

  Read and do wb. Ex.1

  E. Conclusion.

  fit, win a prize

  4. Homework

  A. Go over what we learn today

  B. Read the passage and find out all the new words, try to guess their meaning.

  Period 2

  Teaching Procedure

  1. Organization of the class

  Learn the passage

  2. Review

  Watch sb. do sth.; fit(healthy); win a prize

  3. The teaching of the new lesson

  A. Paragraph 1

  Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.

  one of…; be enjoyed by sb.; all over the world=everywhere in the world;

  be famous for\ as; especially; attract sb. to somewhere; large numbers of people(it is used to modify countable nouns)=a number of

  Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

  B. Paragraph 2

  Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.

  All the year round=the whole year; the best beaches for surfing;

  no matter, eg: No matter where you go, you can always find friendly people.

  No matter what he does, we are still his friends.

  find sb. doing sth.

  Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

  C. Paragraph 3

  Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.

  So-called; three times a day; if possible; both…and…

  Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

  D. Paragraph 4

  Find out the key sentence. Then learn the new language points.


  give up Chinese=stopping learning Chinese=drop Chinese

  give up doing sth.=stop doing sth.

  San Franciso;

  Ever since;

  Work as…;


  Have a night off=take a night off

  Leave …for doing sth. eg: leave my Sunday for playing football

  Make me fit;

  Win the first prize

  Be an event of the Olympic Games

  Read this paragraph after the tape and then read it together. Ask some to read it in class

  E. Conclusion

  4. Homework

  A. Wb. Ex. 2&3

  B. Retell the story

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇13

  Lesson 12

  Language Focus:

  do well in; keep your classroom clean and tidy; Collect waste paper for recycling; pick flowers; Step on the grass; cut down trees

  Properties: Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Showing aims

  Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and what they should do in this class:

  1. Master some useful expressions.

  2. Revise the contents of Unit 3.

  3. Train their listening ability.

  4. Improve their writing ability.

  5. Go through Checkpoint 3.

  II. Revision

  1. Revise the useful expressions in Unit 3. Ask the students to do some translations, translate some sentences into English.

  2. Revise the Present Perfect Tense. Ask: How long have you been a … ? What have you done since you became …? Get the students to ask and answer in pairs.

  III. Listen

  Listening Cassette. Play the tape twice for the students to listen and do Exercise I in the workbook. Then play the tape again for the students to check. Check the answers with the whole class and get them to practise in pairs.

  IV. Practice

  Get a student to come to the front and ask the other students to ask him or her questions . They can ask him or her as many as possible. The questions may about the environment. According to the answer, see if the student is doing well in protecting the environment , if he or she is doing OK in protecting the environment, if he or she needs to do better in protecting environment.

  V. Writing

  According to Step IV, get the students to write a short report about the student, Begin with: … is a good boy / girl in our class. He / She always keep our classroom clean and tidy … Then ask two or three students to read their reports to share with the whole class.

  VI. Read and match

  Have the students read through the four pictures and then read through the four passages on the left, have the students match them individually, check with the whole class. The answers are: b; a; d; c

  VII. Checkpoint 3

  Go through Checkpoint 3 in the usual way. Explain any problems that the students may have. Get the students to go over the grammar notes: the Present Perfect Tense.

  VIII. Workbook

  Do Exercise 2 orally in class. Pay attention to the stress.

  For Exercise 3, have the students read and compare the sentences and say out the differences.

  Do Exercise 5 individually first, then check with the whole class. The answers are: have visited; gives; pumped; was; have died; became; had already died; write; do; stopped

  Do Exercise 4 as homework. Write- something about the environment Pollution.

  IX. Summary

  Exercises for class

  Puzzle dialogue

  A: ______________________________

  B: Good morning.

  What’s your trouble, young man?

  A: ______________________________

  B: How long have you been like this?

  A: ______________________________

  B: Have you taken your temperature?

  A: ______________________________

  B: Well, you have caught a cold.

  A: ______________________________

  B: No, nothing serious, Take these

  Pills and stay in bed for two days.

  A: ______________________________

  B: Yes, You must stay at home for two days.

  A: ______________________________

  B: No, nothing serious. Take these pills and

  Stay in bed for two days.

  A: ______________________________

  B: It’s a pity if you can’t go. But health is

  better than wealth(财富).

  1. Oh, no I can’t stay in bed.

  We’ll have a football match

  Next Monday. And if we win

  The match, each of us will get A T-shirt!

  2. Good morning, doctor.

  3. I’ve got a headache and a cough. I’m feeling terrible.

  4. Do you mean I can’t go to school for two days, doctor.

  5. Since last night.

  6. Yes, the nurse has. She said it was a little high.

  7. Is it serious, doctor?

  X. Homework

  Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

九年级英语上学期Lesson 19教案 篇14

  Lesson 17

  Language Focus:

  1. some useful expressions

  have a good time; have a family meeting; talk about; go for our holiday; describe to do something; diving; on the island; press; by oneself

  2. the Object Clause

  Could you tell us how long we're going to away?

  Properties: Recorder: Overhead Projector; Pictures; computer

  Teaching Procedures:

  Ⅰ. Showing aims

  Have the students know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:

  1. Master some useful expressions.

  2. Study the Object Clause.

  3. Make similar dialogues.

  4. Know something about Hainan and know how to search Internet.

  Ⅱ. Revision

  1. Check homework.

  2. Revise the Object Clause. Play games, have the students work in pairs.

  T: I often travel with my family.

  S1: What does she say?

  S2: She says she often travel with her family.

  S3: What did she say?

  S4: She said that she often traveled with her family.

  Make sure the students can ask and answer correctly.

  Ⅲ. Presentation

  Tell the students that they'll have a holiday. Get them to discuss how they will spend the holidays. Divide the class into small groups, then ask one student of each group to give their report.

  Where would you like to go to?

  Can you describe the place in English?

  Ⅳ. Read and act

  Part 1. Speech Cassette. Ask:

  What are they going to talk about?

  Where are they going for their holiday?

  How long are they going to be there?

  Do they know Hainan well?

  How will they know it before they go to Hainan?

  Have the students listen to the tape, try to find the answers to the questions. Check with the whole class. Play the tape again for the students to repeat. Give the students a few minutes to practice the dialogue in pairs. Ask one pair to act it out.

  Ⅴ. Learn and speak

  Have the students look at the computer, and ask: Could you tell me how to search the Internet? Find a student who can search the Internet, help him or her answer with: OK, let me tell you. Use the instructions to help. Ask the other students to answer and get them to play the computer. Make sure all of them can say and play.

  Ⅵ. Workbook

  Do Exercise 2 in class. Check the answers in pairs. The answers are: 1. What he is; 2. Where; 3. How many; go to; 4. Who; 5. When Sam is; 6. Why; 7. How long; 8. exciting

  Ⅶ. Exercise in class

  Watch the picture, and answer the questions below:

  Could you tell me something about travel?

  Who like to travel by plane? Why?

  Ⅷ. Homework

  1. Learn to search the Internet. Write down the instructions.

  2.Try to make up a dialogue after the model in the text.

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