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Unit 9 Health care

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Unit 9 Health care


Unit 9 Health care(精选3篇)

Unit 9 Health care 篇1


  1. 话题:talking about health care

  2. 词汇:abuse, insurance, carpenter, income, hopeless, clinic, allowance, fundamental, pressure, consult, chemist, statistics, fee, nationwide, unfortunate, tailor, incident, significance, bench, sink, jar, lid, devotion, lay off, make matters worse, make ends meet

  3. 功能:表达观点(expressing opinions and making decisions)

  what do you think about/ of…?

  what’s your opinion of…?

  what do you feel about…?

  how do you like…?

  what are your opinions?

  we must make sure that…

  sure/ certainly./ absolutely in my opinion

  i (don’t) think…

  i believe we should…

  perhaps… is more important

  we think highly of…

  i am all for…

  4. 语法:复习虚拟语气


  1. be diagnosed with… 被诊断为……

  2. take measures to do sth. 采取措施做……

  3. a laid-off worker 下岗工人

  4. have an income of 300 yuan 有300元的收入

  5. to make matters worse=worse still 更糟的

  6. take a bank loan 银行贷款

  7. get insurance 投保

  8. be aimed at… 针对的是……

  9. be designed to do sth. 计划做……

  10. so far 迄今为止

  11. provide easy access to hospitals and clinics for low –income families 为低收入家庭提供住院和诊疗的方便

  12. live on money given by the government 靠政府救济生活

  13. a total of 总共…

  14. consult a doctor 看医生

  15. purchase medical insurance 买医疗保险

  16. put extra pressure on the family

  17. keep a healthy diet 保持健康饮食

  18. live in poverty 生活贫困

  19. occupy an important position占重要地位

  20. stop the spread of aids阻止爱滋病的蔓延 21. infected people 感染人群

  22. weakest members 弱势群体

  23. leave behind 留下,遗留

  24. a series of…一系列的……

  25. make ends meet收支相抵

  26. look forward to 渴望

  27. ready-made clothes 成衣

  28. cure many diseases治愈许多疾病

  29. a story of hard work

  30. search for 寻找

  31. clean up清理,整理仪容,处理;安置:

  32. in a good mood 情绪好

  33. set a goal 制定目标

  34. be effective in 在……有效

  35. suspected cases 疑似病例

  36. take an action 采取行动

  37. around the clock昼夜不停, 毫不疲倦地,

  38. be dressed in 穿着……

  39. protective suits 防护衣

  40. bring out the best 把某人最好的一面诱发出来

  41. can’t help but cry 忍不住哭了

  42. be exposed to great danger 被置身于危险中

  43. make an important contribution


  1. to make matters worse, he also had a son in college who had taken a bank loan to pay for his studies.

  2. three months later, however, wang lin was told about a health care project that provides treatment at half the cost or less, depending on the needs of the patient.

  3. thanks to the project and the kindness of his family and neighbours, he was able to receive treatment in time to prevent the disease from ruining his health.

  4. if i had had insurance, the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem. i don’t want this to happen to anyone else in my family.

  5. a total of 15.1 billion yuan was spent on supporting those who were unable to make a living.

  6. as our country develops, we must also remember the responsibilities that come with wealth and prosperity.

  7. extra lessons on sundays put more pressure on li ming, who already has piles of homework.

  8. thanks to the constant effort of the government, some laid-off workers can attend courses at special job-training centres.


  1. be diagnosed with: be identified with a disease

  mary was diagnosed with aids when she was only seven years old.

  this sentence means that when mary was seven , the doctor told her that she had the disease aids.

  2. lay sb. off: dismiss sb.

  if sb. is laid off, it means she or he loses her or his job. and the adjective “laid-off” comes from this phrase. 由于效益不佳,工厂不得不解雇五名工人,王林就是下岗职工中的一名。

  the factory has to lay off at least 50 workers because of the low benefits, thus wang lin becomes one of the laid-off workers.

  3. to make matters worse: what’s worse

  i lost my way to the hotel, to make matters worse, i forget the name of the hotel where i live.

  4. thanks t because of

  thanks to the kind help of mr. wang, i could arrive at the station on time.”

  = if mr. wang hadn’t helped me, i could not have arrived at the station on time.

  5. fundamental: elementary, basic

  the fundamental laws of the universe = the basic laws of the universe.

  6. to consult: to seek advice or information of something

  if you are ill, you should go to hospital to consult a doctor, it means you should ask for advice on how to cure the disease.

  if you don’t understand a word, you can consult a dictionary, it means you can look it up in the dictionary.

  7. they cannot afford to consult a doctor or purchase medicines from a chemist when they get sick, nor can they make sure that their children keep a healthy diet.

  这里表示否定意义的副词nor 置于句首, 后面的句子应采用部分倒装形式,意为“也不……”

  if you don’t wait for him, nor shall i. 具有相同用法的否定意义的副词还有never, nor,neither,no sooner, little, hardly, seldom, in no way, nowhere, not only等。

  1) not a single mistake did he make in his exam.

  2) visit our stores. nowhere else will you find such magnificent bargains.

  3) hardly had he finished his work when the telephone rang.

  4) not only did he complain about the food, he also refused to pay for it.

  8. it is sometimes said that a society can be judged by the way it cares for its weakest members.

  当way 作先行词,并在定语从句中做状语时, 关系词用that或in which或省略。

  如: i don’t like the way that / in which he treats me.

Unit 9 Health care 篇2

  unit 9 health care (grammar)

  review the subjunctive mood (2)

  aim: enable ss to review the subjunctive mood further


  1. 用在表命令,建议,要求等动词后的宾语从句中。动词为suggest ,demand repuest ,desire, order ,propose ,insist, advise 等,从句中用(should) do/be 。

  i insisted he go to see a doctor , but he insisted nothing was wrong with him.

  a group was formed to demand that the bus company (should ) change its unfair practices.

  the docter ordered that the patient (should )be sent to hospital without delay.

  2用在wish后的宾语从句中,表示“真希望;但愿 ;要是---就好了”。 wish 后有三种情况:(1)wish(ed) +sb +did (were) sth表现在(2) wish(ed) +sb +had done /could(would/might) have done 表过去(3)wish (ed) +sb +could/might do sth 表将来

  i wish i were a bird and could fly freely.

  i wish i had met that film star yesterday.

  i wish it were not raining now.

  how he wished you had come to the party yesterday!

  3用在it is desired / ordered/ decided / requested / suggested/ proposed/ necessary/ strange /important / a pity / natural 等之后的主语从句中,其谓语动词形式为( should)+ do 或者用 should have done 表已经发生。

  it’s requested that the play should be put on again.

  it’s necessary that he be sent there at once.

  it is strange that he should have left without saying goodbye.

  4 用在suggestion / order / advice/ demand/ proposal/ request/ plan/ idea 等之后的表语从句和同位语从句中. 其谓语动词形式为 ( should ) +动词原形.

  his suggestion is that they be sent to the poor area at once.

  he gives the order that we should remember all the grammar .

  5 it’s (about/high) time (that) sb did sth /should do sth

  it’s time i went and picked up my little girl from school.

  it’s time we should have breakfast.

  6 as if ( as though ) ,even if (even though)后从句虚拟语气动词形式为(1)表现在用did 或were (2)表过去用 had done

  he sings as if he were a singer.

  the two strangers are talking warmly as though they had been friends for years.

  even if he were ere , he could not solve the problem.

  7 用于if only 引导的感叹句中 ,表示“但愿 ;要是---就好了”

  if only i were a flying bird ! = how i wish i were a flying bird!

  if only i had seen the film! = how i wish i had seen the film!

  8 在含有if it were not for 或 if it had not been for条件句的虚拟语气中

  if it were not for the rain , the crops would die.

  if it had not been for your help ,we couldn’t have finished the work ahead of time.

  = but for your help,

  =without your help.

  =had it not been for your help,

  9 用在would rather that sb did sth /had done sth 的虚拟语气中

  i would rather they didn’t hear of the news.

  i would rather you had paid the money.

Unit 9 Health care 篇3

  unit 9 health care (integrating skills and writing)

  integrating skills


  1. get ss to review the text health care

  2. enable ss to improve the ability of reading comprehension

  3. learn the text the little mould that could


  task 1 listening and following

  listen to the tape carefully and follow it to know the outline of the text.

  task 2 reading aloud

  read the passage aloud and try to understand the main idea of the whole passage,

  then finish the exercises below:

  1. before the discovery of penicillin ,medical treatments were________c____.

  a expensive b effective c dangerous d simple

  2. penicillin was discovered in _______b_______.

  a 1914 b 1928 c 1929 d 1945

  3. when fleming saw the mould growing in the jar he was surprised because _d___.

  a moulds did not usually grow in the jars

  b he was not looking for it

  c the moukd had stopped growing

  d the mould had killed the bacteria

  4. when fleming reported his discovery, other scientists _______b___.

  a did not believe him b did not care

  c did not understand him c did not agree with him

  5. penicillin saved many lives in ____b______.

  a world war i b world war ii c france d england

  6. the discovery of penicillin has led to all of the following except ____c_____.

  a new treatments b safer hospitals

  c fewer diseases d better health care

  task 3 read the text again and underline some useful phrases and expressions

  1 suffer deadly infections as a result of operations

  2 be considered incurable

  3 on a bench by the sink

  4 belong to /be excited about

  5 be designed to / by then

  6 so far /occupy an important position

  7 live on money/live in poverty

  8 as well as /care for /treat the wounded

  9 receive the nobel prize

  10 be serious about

  11 in fact , even a small cut vould cause an infection that would kill the patient.

  12 the story is a story of hard work and a happy accident.

  13 it was not until after the war that he made his most important discovery.

  14 despite their lack of interest, he kept trying to develop the chemical so that it would be safe and effective .

  15 when asked about his discovery ,he said :one sometimes finds what one is not looking for.

  task 4 work in pairs which of the characteristics below do you think helped alexander fleming discover penicillin ?expain your choices.

  devotion to duty full of confidence

  carefulness perseverance

  sacrifice aggressive

  intelligence sympathy

  observation interest

  willingness sense of responsibility

  integrating reading and writing skills

  angels in white (p213-215)

  step 1. warming-up

  task 1 :

  do the oral pratice on p74, and enable the students to express opinions and make decisions.

  step 2. reading

  task 2: read the passage and finish the exercises. if possible, guide the students to analyze some long and complex sentences.

  task 3: guided writing

  give ss 20 minutes to finish the writing assignment on p216,

  then ask ss to score their work according to the following chart.

  3 pluses & 1 wish

  name _______ title _____________________ date _______________

  + _________________________________________________________

  + _________________________________________________________

  + _________________________________________________________

  ? _________________________________________________________

  note: how to use this chart effectively?

  ask the student to read his/her deskmateˇs writing carefully, and then find 3 valuable things (structure, passage arrangement, sentence, diction, etc) and give 1 suggestion. and then feed the message back. next, ask the ss to correct their work according to the chart.

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Unit 9 Health care
