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2023届高三英语重点词汇与短语 篇1


  units 1-2 (b3)



  1.conclude vt. vi.得出结论,断定;结束;达成

  what do you conclude from the facts?

  we concluded an agreement with the enemy and soon made peace.

  conclusion n.结论;结束;结尾;鉴定

  come to/draw/reach a conclusion得出结论

  2.set down记下,写下

  he tried to set his ideas down.

  at the beginning of his letter dan set down the date.


  set about着手做某事,set an example树立榜样,set aside放在一边搁置,set free释放,set off动身,出发,set out动身,出发,开始做……,set up竖起来,建立,set sail to/from/for…起航

  3.fade vi.凋谢,褪色;(声音)变弱,vt.使褪色

  will the color in this material fade?

  sunlight faded my curtains.

  the custom is fading.

  4.inspect vt.检查,视察,察看 inspection n.

  the detective inspected the room for fingerprints.

  all food shops should be inspected regularly.

  carry out frequent inspections进行经常性检查


  5.confirm vt.证实,确定;确认,批准

  what you say confirms my opinion.

  the government confirmed me in my possession of the land.

  can you confirm that you?ll be able to attend?

  6.burst into cheers爆发出欢呼声

  burst vi.爆裂,突然发作,n.爆裂(炸),裂口

  my shopping bag burst as i was leaving the supermarket.

  on hearing the news, she burst into tears.

  相关表达:burst into tears/laughter突然大哭/大笑

  burst into song/bloom/view/sight突然唱起歌来/开花/景观(奇观)突然出现

  7.familiar adj.熟悉的;精通的;亲密的

  sth./sb. be familiar to sb.某物/人为某人所熟悉

  sb. be familiar with sth./sb.某人熟悉某物/与某人亲密

  8.center on将某人(物)当作中心或重点

  concentrate on专心致志于


  attend on侍候……,看护……,照料;call on访问,号召;depend on取决于……,依……而定;feed on以……为食;fix one?s eyes on盯住……;go on继续;keep on坚持……;live on靠……生活;look on (sb as)看待(作)……

  9.bring up教育,养育;提出,引出;呕吐

  bring up the question提出问题

  he was brought up by his uncle.

  she brought up all the food she had eaten.

  归纳:bring in获利,赚,引进;bring about带来,引起;bring down使……降低


  1.place, station, situation, position, post与site





  the hotel stands in a good situation.这旅馆位于一个很好的位置。



  the position of a city on a map城市在地图上的位置



  2.such as, for example与namely

  such as用于列举,往往不能事物全部列出。可以以“名词+such as+被列举的事物”和“such+名词+as+被列举的事物”形式出现。

  fox example用于举例说明,可以用于句首、句中、名末,往往用逗号隔开for example和被列举的事物。


  writers such as lu xun and ba jin are wellknown to all.


  i have never seen such a bright student as she/her.


  he is fluent in several foreign languages, for example, french and spanish.


  only one person can do the job, namely you.



  1.impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of armstrong’s struggle against disease.


  impressive as the record is 是个倒装句,as引导让步状语从句,相当于though引导的正常语序的状语从句。


  tired as he was, he sat up late.(= though he was tired, he sat up late.)


  child as he is, he knows a lot.


  2.he took possession of it in the name of the british crown.


  (1)take/get/gain possession of 拿到,占有;占领

  they took possession of the castle quickly


  possession n.拥有,占有;所有物,财产,领土

  be in possession of拥有; be in the possession of (某物)为(某人)所有

  (2)in the name of 以……的名义类似表达有:

  under the name of 以……的名字,by name 名叫……, by the name of 名叫……的;以……之名,


  i only know her by name .我知道她的名字。

  he goes by the name of jack. 大家都叫他杰克。

  she attended the lecture under the name of her sister.


  3.…as members of a british team, were the first to make it to the summit of mount qomolangma.


  (1)不定式to make it to the summit of mount qomolangma作后置定语,修饰the first, 又如the last to leave。通常不定式作后置定语,与所修饰的名词之间是逻辑动宾关系,因此不定式应用及物动词的主动形式,不及物动词要搭配相应介词。


  she refused to go to the ball because she had no jewellery to wear


  they had only a little room to live in


  (2)make it(口语)做成,成功;达到目的,设法安排。

  —can you catch the train ?

  —i hope i can make it.




  主语是一个句子所叙述的主体。主语一般位于句首,但在there be结构、疑问句(当主语不是疑问词时)和倒装结构中,主语位于谓语、助动词或情态动词后面。




  during the 1990s, american country music has become more and more popular.


  professor zhang is a famous scientist.张教授是著名的科学家。


  we often speak english in class.我们经常在课堂上说英语。

  who is the man standing over there?站在那里的那个人是谁?


  one third of the students in this class are girls.这个班1/3的学生是女生。

  two times five is ten.2乘5等于10。


  to swim in the lijang river is a great pleasure.在漓江里游泳是非常愉快的事。

  to master a foreign language is necessary.掌握一门外语是必要的。


  smoking does harm to the health.吸烟对健康有害。

  playing football in the street is dangerous.在街上踢足球是危险的。


  the rich should help the poor.富人应该帮助穷人。

  in new china the old are living a happy life.在新中国,老年人正过着幸福的生活。


  when we are going to have an english test has not been decided yet.


  whether he?ll join us in the discussion is of great importance.



  it is necessary to master a foreign language.掌握一门外语是有必要的。

  it is dangerous playing with fire.玩火是危险的。

  it is a pity that he cannot swim.他不会游泳真遗憾。







  he practises running every morning.他每天早晨练习跑步。

  yesterday afternoon he reached guilin.昨天下午他到了桂林。

  she takes good care of her sick mother.她仔细照料她那生病的母亲。

  he has got rid of his bad habit.他已经改掉了他的坏习惯。



  you may keep the book for two weeks.这本书你可以借两周。

  you’d better not take the magazine out of the readingroom.


  he has caught a bad cold. he has to go to see a doctor.


  she doesn’t seem to like dancing.她似乎不喜欢跳舞。

  we are going to call on him tonight.我们打算今晚去拜访他。


  we are students.我们是学生。

  he looked a bit excited.他看上去有点激动。

  【考点透视 考例精析】

  [考例1] it’s ten years since the scientist ______ on his life’s work of discovering the valuable chemical.

  a.made for     b.set out     c.took off     d.turned up

  [解析]  b考查短语动词的辨析。set out on sth着手做某事,take off脱下(衣物),从……取下……,(飞机)起飞等,turn up出席,露面,make for为“可造成,可成为,有好处”的意思,本单元有make for。

  [考例2] he accidentally ______ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks.

  a.let out     b.took care     c.made sure     d.made out

  [解析] a 考查动词词组。let out泄露,take care当心,make sure保证,make out认出,理解。

  [考例3]  _______ two exams to worry about, i have to work really hard this weekend.

  a.with     b.besides     c.as for     d.because of

  [解析] a 本题考查介词知识。选项中只有with可以跟复合结构,即with+宾语+宾语补足语,此句中two exams为宾语,不定式to worry about为宾语补足语。

  [考例4] in ______ chinese culture, marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.

  a.traditional     b.historic     c.remote     d.initial

  [解析] a  traditional传统的,historic历史的,历史意义的,remote遥远的,长久的,initial原始的,最初的,只有a项满足句意。



  1.hold ______ (紧), the plane is to drive.

  2.the storekeeper h ______ ten girls for the christmas rush.

  3.my salary is paid into my bank ______(帐户).

  4.we are f______ by that film.

  5.with your ______ (同意) we will take the first train.

  6.he analysed the ______ (各种各样的) factors.

  7.his information was ______(准确).

  8.he gave me an apple in e______ for a cake.

  9.i am p______ by his surprising attitude after hearing his words.

  10. his ten years in america laid the ______(基础) of his career.


  1. i hope my teacher will take my recent illness into ______ when judging my examination.

  a.regard     b.account     c.counting     d.observation

  2.the police _______ every object in the room for fingerprints.

  a.insulted     b. inspired     c.inspected     d.insulated

  3.it is more difficult for a(n) ______ smoker to give up the habit than for a novice (新手,初学者) but it can be done.

  a.abrupt     b.confirmed     c.beginning     d.disciplined

  4.he did not show any ______ for our new plans.

  a.enthusiasm   b.enthusiast   c.enthusiastic   d. enthusiastically

  5.mr snow ______ $ 1000 for the horse, so i had to give up.

  a. bid     b.spend     c.expended     d.approached

  6.he thought that ______ .

  a. the effort doing the job was not worth

  b.the effort was not worth in doing the job

  c. it was not worth the effort doing the job

  d. it was not worth the effort by doing the job

  7.my money ______. i must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before i’ve none in hand.

  a.has run out      b.is running out

  c.has been run out     d. is being run out

  8.this regulation doesn’t ______ you, so don’t worry about it.

  a.indicate     b. appoint     c.approve     d. concern

  9.it is impossible to say with any degree of ______ how many are affected.

  a.reality     b.accuracy     c.exaction     d.emergency

  10.many difficulties have ______ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.

  a. risen     b.arisen     c. raised     d.arrived



  it was the night before the composition was due. as i looked at the list of topics (题目),“the art of eating spaghetti (意大利面条)” caught my eye. the word “spaghetti” brought back the    1   of an evening at uncle alien?s in belleville   2   ll of us were seated around the table and aunt pat   3   spaghetti for supper. spaghetti was an exotic (外来的) treat in        4   days. never had i eaten spaghetti, and   5   of the grown-ups had enough experience to be   6   it. what laughing   7   we had about the   8   respectable method for moving spaghetti from plate to mouth.  9  , i wanted to write about that, but i wanted to   10   it down simply for my own   11  , not for mr fleagle, my composition teacher.   12  , i would write, something else.

  when i finished it the night was half gone and there was no   13   left to write a proper composition for mr fledgc. there was no choice next morning but to   14   my work. two days passed before mr fledge returned the   15   papers. he said, “now, class, i want to read you a composition, the art of eating spaghetti.”

  my words! he was reading my words out   16   to the whole class.   17   laughed, then the whole class was laughing with openhearted enjoyment. i did my best not to show   18 , but what i was feeling was pure happiness,   19   my words had the power to make people   20  .

  1. a.memory     b.thought    c.knowledge    d.experience

  2. a.when     b.where     c.since     d.after

  3. a. cooked     b.served     c.got     d.made

  4. a.their     b.past     c.last     d.those

  5. a.none     b.one     c.some     d.neither

  6. a.careful about    b.good at     c.fond of     d.interested in

  7. a.speeches     b.lessons     c.sayings     d.arguments

  8. a.nearly     b.naturally     c.officially    d.socially

  9. a.especially    b.probably     c.suddenly     d.fortunately

  10.a.settle     b.put     c.bite     d.let

  11.a.work     b.story     c.luck     d.joy

  12.a.however     b.therefore    c.as for him     d.except for that

  13.a.time     b.excuse     c.way     d.idea

  14.a.give up     b.continue     c. hand in    d.delay

  15.a.written    b.graded     c. collected     d.signed

  16. a.loud     b.fast     c. publicly     d.calmly

  17. a. people     b. nobody     c. somebody     d.i

  18. a.shock     b.wonder     c. worry     d. pleasure

  19. a.if     b. for     c.while    d. although

  20. a. excited     b. satisfied     c. think     d. laugh



  units 1—2 (b3)


  一、1.tight     2.hired    3.account    4.fascinated    5.permission    6.various

  7.accurate  8.rxchange   9. puzzled    10.foundation

  二、1.b    2.c    3.b    4.a    5.a    6.c    7.b    8.d    9.b    10.b



  1—5 aabda  6—10 bddcb  11—15 dcacb  16—20 acdbd

  1. a“spaghetti”这个词使他想起了以前吃面条的事,所以用memory。

  2. a  when引导定语从句,修饰前面的evening,意为“当时”。

  3. b 那天晚上作者和其他一些亲属坐在桌边吃auntpat所做的面条,此时的面条是端到餐桌上了,故用served。serve有“端上(饭菜)”之意。

  4. d“在那个时候”或“在那些日子”用in those days。

  5. a

  6. b作者从未吃过意大利面条,而在座的成年人也都不擅长/没吃过,所以才有下文有关怎样吃意大利面条以及令人发笑的争论。

  7. d上句提到没有吃意大利面条的经验,因而大家才会争论怎样吃,所以填arguments。

  8. d吃东西的方式和举止要得体,要符合一定的社会文化,所以填socially。

  9. c文章开头提到spaghetti一词使作者想起过去的经历,填suddenly表思绪的突然过渡。


  11.d“把……写下来/记下来”用“put sth.down”。写下这一经历自己欣赏和享用,故用“joy”。

  12.c上文说自己要写吃意大利面条的经历,写下来自己留着享用,不给作文老师。作文是要交的,那么就写点别的给他吧。“as for him”可译为“至于他嘛”。


  14.c别无选择,只好“上交”(原本打算留给自己的)作品。“hand in”是“上交”的意思。上交了但作品还是自己的,故不算放弃。不选a。b和d离题较远。

  15. b老师把作文收上去,过了两天发下来,那么这两天老师把作文批改,给分(或定个等级),作文也就是“被给过等级”的作文了。

  16. a老师极为欣赏作者的作文,所以把它朗读给全班,故选a。c项有干扰性,但“publicly”与“to the whole class”重复,不可选。





2023届高三英语重点词汇与短语 篇2


  units 13-14 (b3)



  1.astonish vt.使惊讶,使震惊

  the news astonished everyone.

  it astonished me that no one had thought of it before.

  astonished adj.astonishing adj.astonishment n.

  2.convince vt.使确信,说服

  convince sb. that …使某人相信

  convince sb. of sth.使某人明白某事

  convince sb. to do sth.说服某人干某事

  how can i convince you of her honesty?

  what convinced you to vote for them?

  3. assume vt.假定;设想;假装;承担

  we can assume profits of around 5%.

  assume a false name用假名字

  assume control of sth.得到某物的控制权

  4.cancel vt.取消,废除

  cancel (sth.) out抵消;中和

  she cancelled her trip to new york as she felt ill.

  the losses of four overseas section cancel out the profits made by the company at home.

  5.remark n.&vi.评论;评述

  remark on/upon sb./sth.说/写/评论(关于某人/某事物)

  a lot of people have remarked on the similarity between them.

  make a rude remark说出无礼的话

  6.commit vt.犯;(不合法的、错的或愚蠢的事)

  commit a crime/suicide犯罪/自杀

  commit sb.(oneself) to sth/doing sth承诺某事/做某事

  commit sb./sth. to sth.将某人(事)交给某处保留(处理)


  can you tell jane and lucy apart? for they look so alike.

  tell a from b把a与b区别开

  tell the difference between a and b区分ab

  a be different from ba与b不同

  a differs from ba与b有别

  8.come to light发现,暴露

  much more new evidence has come to light, so the judges have to sentence the man to death.

  when the old woman died, it came to light that she was actually very rich.

  come out出版,发行;come down下降

  come into effect (force)开始生效;come into sight被望见

  come to a conclusion做结论;come to an end结束;come to life活跃,起来;come to oneself恢复知觉,正常;come to the point谈正题;come off从……掉下来


  except, except for, except that与besides



  except for说明整个基本情况后,对细节加以纠正;其后一般接名词。

  except that用来表示理由或细节,修正前面所说的情况,其后须接从句,可以与except for互换。

  ①all came except jane.除了珍妮外,大家都来了。(“jane”和“all”是同一概念范畴内的词,都是指“人”,用except,不用except for)

  ②they all went there besides tom.除汤姆(去了)以外,他们也都去了。

  ③he is a good man except for hot temper.他是个好人,只是脾气暴躁而已。(temper和man不是同一概念范畴的词,temper只是man的一个侧面,因此用except for,而不用except)

  ④your article is quite good except that there are several spelling mistakes.

  =your article is quite good except for several spelling mistakes.



  1.then over dinner ,franklin mentions that he has not been sleeping well since he gave up smoking and dr candy, the local doctor, offers to write him a prescription for some medicine.然后吃完饭后,富兰克林提到了自从戒烟以来他一直睡不好。坎迪医生——当地的一位医生,表示要为他开药方来抓药。

  have/has been doing sth. 现在完成进行时。

  2.desperate for money, he tried to persuade rachel to marry him, but when she changed her mind ,he had no choice but to go abroad to sell the diamond.


  have no choice hut to do sth .别无选择,只能做某事we had no choice but to go to bed .



  3.they discovered that the farther away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was.他们发现喂食点越远,舞蹈就越慢。


  the busier the old man is ,the happier he feels.


  【考点透视 考例精析】

  [考例1]  when asked by the police, he said that he remembered __     _ at the party, but not _      _.

  a.to arrive; leaving    b.to arrive; to leave 

  c.arriving; leaving   d.arriving; to leave

  [解析]  c 此题主要考查remember后接非谓语动词的不同形式时的意义理解,根据语境可知,指记得所做过的事情,而不是要做什么,故均选动词的ing形式。

  [考例2]  the company is starting a new advertising campaign to ______ new customers to its stores.

  a.join     b.attract     c.stick     d.transfer

  [解析] b 考查动词辨义。join参加,加入;attract吸引;stick粘住;transfer迁移。

  [考例3]  months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which ______ the pacific, and we met no storms.

  a.was called    b.is called   c.had been called   d.has been called

  [解析] b 考查在语境中运用、辨析时态的能力。题中which引导的为非限制性定语从句,which指代this open sea,引导的定语从句表达的是客观事实,所以应用一般现在时。

  [考例4]  ----it’s getting late. i’m afraid i must be going now.

  ----- ok. ______ .

  a.take it easy   b.go slowly   c.stay longer   d.see you

  [解析] d 考查交际用语。根据语境,应选道别之辞。



  1.i tried to c_____    _ tom after his wife’s death.

  2.their children are always very c____    __ towards old people.

  3.their wedding was a ___    ___(辉煌的) affair.

  4.she ____    __(扣牢) her coat.

  5.by a curious _____    __ (巧合), my husband and i have the same birthday.

  6.plain glass is __    ____(透明的).

  7.don’t rely on the information he gave you —it’s pure _    _____(设想).

  8.he smokes a _    ____(最大量) of ten cigars a day.

  9.the city’s water supply is no longer a__    ____.

  10.she grew up in comfortable ___    ___(环境).


  1.what made the man angry was that the boy pretended __    ____ when he asked him to do it.

  a.sleep   b.sleeping   c.to be sleeping   d.not to asleep

  2.the company decided to ______ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been made.

  a.destroy   b.resist   c.assume   d.cancel

  3.tom’s ______ of power was welcomed by everyone.

  a. assumption   b.impression   c.success   d.suggestion

  4.he was glad that the judge announced that he was innocent ______ crime.

  a.in   b.to   c. of   d.for

  5. she had a(n) _______ respect for mr green.

  a.valuable   b. extraordinary  c.considerable   d.considerate

  6. how can you ______ the two books apart?

  a.say   b.speak   c.tell   d.divide

  7. he has worked on the research several years, but something he hopes for doesn’t ______ .

  a.come to lights   b.come to a light  c.come to lighting  d.come to light

  8. farming demands ______ forecasts of the weather.

  a.precise   b.correct   c. accurate   d.exact

  9.why this otherwise excellent newspaper allows such an article to be printed is _____ me.

  a.above   b.outside   c.beside   d.beyond

  10.there was more than ______ rain and snow last year, so some parts of the country have been flooded this spring.

  a. extra   b.efficient   c.permanent   d.adequate



  not too long ago, an incident that happened at walt disney touched me greatly. a guest  1  out of our polynesian village resort (度假胜地) at walt disney was asked how she   2   her visit. she told the frontdesk clerk she had had a(n)  3  vacation, but was heart broken about  4  several rolls of kodak color film she had not yet  5  . at that moment she was particularly  6  over the loss of the pictures she had shot at our polynesian luau,  7  this was a memory she especially treasured.

  now, please understand that we have no written service rules  8  lost photos in the park.  9 , the clerk at the front desk  10  disney’s idea of caring for our  11 . she asked the woman to leave her a couple rolls of  12  film, promising she would take care of the rest of our show at polynesian luau.

  two weeks later the guest received a  13  at her home. in it were photos of all the actors of our show,  14  signed by each performer. there were also  15  of the public procession (游行队伍) and fireworks in the park, taken by the front desk clerk in her own  16  after work. i happened to know this  17  because this guest wrote us a letter. she said that  18  in her life had she received such good service from any business.

  excellent  19  does not come from policy (政策性的) handbooks. it comes from people who 20  — and from a culture that encourages and models that attitude.

  1. a.working   b.checking   c.rying   d.staying

  2. a.expected   b. realized   c.paid     d.enjoyed

  3. a.disappointing  b. wonderful  c.uncomfortable  d.important

  4. a. taking   b.dropping   c.losing   d.breaking

  5. a. developed   b.taken   c.washed   d.loaded

  6. a.silly   b. nervous   c.calm   d.sad

  7. a.when   b.where   c.as   d. which

  8. a.covering   b. finding   c.making   d.keeping

  9. a.excitedly   b.fortunately   c.therefore   d.quietly

  10.a.understood   b.reminded   c.trusted    d.discovered

  11.a. workers   b.guests   c. managers   d.clerks

  12.a. printed   b.shot   c.unused   d.recorded

  13.a.film   b.card   c. camera   d.packet

  14.a.frequently   b.personally   c. alone   d.actually

  15.a.rules   b.pictures   c.handbooks   d.performances

  16.a.case   b.work   c. time   d.position

  17.a.story   b.place   c. photo   d. show

  18.a.only   b.almost   c.never   d. nearly

  19.a.advice   b.experience   c.quality  d.service

  20.a.care   b.serve   c.like   d.know



  units 13~14 (b3)


  一、1.comfort   2.considerate    3.splendid    4.fastened     5.coincidence

  6.transparent 7.assumption    8. maximum    9.adequate    10.surroundings




  1—5 bdbca  6—10 dcaba  11—15 bcdbb  16—20 cacda

  1.b  check out“结帐退房离开旅馆”。

  2.d  how she enjoyed her visit“(她被问道)这次参观的感觉怎么样”。问某人对某事的评价,常用句型:how do you like/ehoy sth? what do you think of sth?

  3.b  后面的but表示转折,说明她的假期过得非常愉快,只是丢了几卷胶卷使她伤心。

  4.c  根据上下文的意义可知。

  5.a  developed“(胶卷)冲洗过的”,take和a picture/photo搭配,表示“拍照”。

  6.d  从上文的heartbroken可知她丢失了胶卷心里是很难过的。

  7.c  as表示原因。“因为她非常珍视这一段记忆。”

  8. a  这句话提醒读者注意他们的旅游度假胜地polynesian village resort没有书面的包含处理在公园丢失的照片的服务条例。covering修饰rules,“包含……的制度、条款”。

  9.b  fortunately“幸运地是”,表示转折。

  10.a  前台的工作人员没有看到这条规定,但她理解了迪斯尼的服务宗旨。其它各项均不合题意。

  11.b  迪斯尼的服务对象当然是来这里度假的客人。

  12.c  从上下文可知是没用过的胶卷。unused“没用过的”;printed“印出来的”;shot“拍过的”;recorded“录过音的”。

  13.d  a packet“包裹”。

  14.b  personally signed“被个人签上名的”。

  15.b  根据后面作定语的过去分词所构成的固定搭配take pictures,选b。

  16.c  前台服务员利用自己的业余时间拍的这些照片。

  17.a  这位客人写信反映的事。

  18.c 从本句的倒装句式可知本空填否定副词never。表否定的副词连词位于句首,句子用部分倒装。

  19.d 从上下文可知。最后一段是对本故事的总结和评论。“优秀的服务并非来自服务细则,而是来自具有关心、服务意识的人,来自激励和塑造这种态度的文化。”

  20.a  care对客人的关心,设身处地为客人着想,才能真正为客人服务,而不仅仅是按要求去为客人服务。


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