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Unit 11 Key to success

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Unit 11 Key to success


Unit 11 Key to success(精选2篇)

Unit 11 Key to success 篇1

  unit 11 key to success (知识点讲解)


  1. 话题:talking about social behaviour and social relations

  2. 词汇:criterion, summary, percentage, questionnaire, reputation, colleague, suspect, staff, temporary, coach, uncertain, expectation, division, rugby, compromise, excite, regulation, bureaucratic, dynamic, shortcoming, embarrass, contradictory, violent, resign, ambitious, actual, definite, congratulate, smooth, finance, combination, bride, shame, hands-on, decline, oral

  3. 功能:谈论协作和成功(talking about teamwork and success )

  1. do you prefer doing things in a group?

  2. do you stick with your friends through thick and thin?

  3. are you always active in your group work?

  4. is it necessary to work with others?

  5. a sports team is made up of… 6. different team members may have different skills.

  7. a team can only function well when all team members cooperate.

  8. all team members should respect, help and support each other

  4. words and expressions

  warming up:

  1. stick with继续支持; 保持联系; 和……在一起

  stick with your friends

  stick to my decision 坚持

  in spite of the boss’s refusal, the staff are sticking out for higher pay. 坚持要求

  2. through thick and thin不顾艰难; 同甘共苦; 祸福与共

  3. pull out of a friendship 退出友谊

  4. on one’s own 独自地

  5. be active in 积极参与

  6. be unfair to sb 对某人不公平

  at work


  7.suspect sb of sth 怀疑

  8.standard practice 普遍惯例

  9.have the reputation of

  10. make you rise

  11. many situations in which….

  12. put…to the test

  13. be known to have stolen things

  14. speak out

  15. put the baby to sleep


  16.what if…?

  常用来引导问句, 表示 “倘若…将怎么样? 即使…又有什么要紧?

  what if he doesn’t come?

  17. by oneself/on one’s own

  18.for the sake of ,for one’s/sth’s sake 由于; 为了…的利益; 看在某人的份上

  19.as if…

  20. are being asked

  21. work in teams

  22. in reality

  23. accomplish the task

  24. a certain number of

  25. be counted as

  26. make decision about

  28.work in small groups 以小组开展工作

  29.attach sth. to sth. 将某物系在另一物上 , 将某物与另一物相联系

  30. be aware of

  31.common goal 共同目标

  32.the work of division 工作分工

  33.function well 发挥地好

  34.keep an eye on照料;照管;密切注意

  keep an eye on the stove in case the coffee boils.

  35. respond to

  36. as with=as is the case with…

  37. at the right level

  38. be suitable to

  39. those of

  40.the performance of the team 团队的表现

  41.take into account= take account of 考虑

  42.make an equal contribution 作出同等的贡献

  43.be/feel embarrassed 尴尬; 为难; 窘迫(常用被动)

  44.bring new energy to the group 给小组带来活力

  45.compromise in conflicts 协调冲突

  46. guard against

  47.keep peace and harmony

  48. to make the best of

  49. make the best use of

  50. the lack of recognition of differences

  integrating skills

  51. what she had in mind

  52. a couple of friends

  53. take a one-year training courses

  54. look back(on/upon)

  55. things went smoothly

  56. as the years went by= with the years passing by

  57. manage her finances well

  58. put money to good use

  59. decide on sth

  60.do make-up

  61. much in deman

  62.tend to do sth

  63. pursue the same career

  64.congratulate sb. on/upon (doing) sth 祝贺某人某事

  65.live up to sth依照某事物行事;表现出符合某事物的标准

  fail to live up to his parents’ expectations 没有达到他父母的期望

  66.what a shame! 遗憾的事

  67.have hands-on experience亲身实践的经验

  68.accommodate sth to sth 适应,迁就,be accommodating 肯通融的,乐于助人的

  69.considering that 是比较特殊的引导词,引导原因状语从句 。意为“考虑到,就…而言(in view of the fact that…, take into consideration)”。

  e.g. considering that he is no more than 12 years old, his height of 1.80 m is quite remarkable.


  其它固定结构还有seeing that(由于,因为 ), now that( 既然 ), in that( 基于…的理由 ), given that(考虑到…)等。

  70.no matter how hard you try, working towards a career for which you are not suitable is not going to get you there. 无论你怎么努力尝试,做一个你不适合的工作是不会让你有所成就的。

  get you there 意为“使某人有所成就(cause sb to achieve sth).”

  e.g writing a dictionary is a long and difficult business but we are getting there.


  其他类似的词组还有get (sb) anywhere/somewhere (使某人)有所成就或有进展

  get (sb) nowhere (使某人)毫无成就或无进展

  5. 句型

  1) what if you feel comfortable about doing a task by yourself?

  2) a team is a group of individual people brought together in order to accomplish a task that cannot be efficiently or effectively completed by any member of the group alone.

  3) a sports team is made up of a certain number of players , whose common goal is to work together to win a match.

  4) in a sports team each player has a clear role, and there are few occasions when members are confused or uncertain of their roles.

  5) teams require leaders, and people who create ideas, who develop ideas, and people whose role it is to comment and help improve plans. 团队需要领袖人物,需要具有创造性和开拓性的人,还要由对计划提出评议和改进意见的人。

  6) people full of action and ideas are often the ones to bring new energy to the group, while people who are mainly listening and commenting are often the ones to keep an eye on procedures that must be followed. 那些富于实干和思路开阔的人常常是给小组带来新的活力的人,而那些主要是倾听和评论的人常常是监督工作流程的人。

  7) working in a team, we have to take into account how each individual member works best.

  8) too many people forget that in order to become successful, you must first explore your talents and get to know yourself so as to find out where your real interests lie.


   stick with继续支持;保持联系 (1)stick with a friend / an ideal忠于朋友(理想)

  (2) stick with a task until it is finished.继续一项任务直到完成为止。

   stick to也含有stick with之意,它还有“坚持,固守”的词义,to为介词。]he always sticks to his promise.

   through thick and thin不顾艰难;同甘共苦

  (1)we should stay with our friends through thick and thin.我们应与朋友一起同甘共苦。

  (2)a real friend is one who will stand by you through thick and thin.真正的朋友会和你同甘苦共患难的

   pull out of从……中退出

  (1)jim saw that the-company was going to be ruined,so he pulled out of it. …所以离开了公司。

  (2)sam pulled out of the plan at the last moment.萨姆在最后一刻退出了计划。


  (1)the train pulled out of beijing right on time.火车准时离开北京。

  (2)troops are pulling out of these troubled areas.军队正离开纷乱地区。

   percentage n.百分比;百分率

  (1)what percentage of people die of this disease every year? 死于这种疾病的人每年的百分比是多少?

  (2)what percentage of his income is paid in income tax? 他所缴的所得税占他的收入的百分之几?

   suspect饥怀疑;不相信

  suspect+后常接名词或that从句,也可构成suspect + sb.of sth.(怀疑某人某事)。

  (1)i suspect the truth of the account.我怀疑这项报告的真实性。 suspect his judgment.怀疑他的判断。

  (3)we suspected that he was lost,even before we were told.别人告诉我们之前,我们就怀疑他失踪了。

  (4)we suspect him of murder.我们怀疑他有杀人罪。

   cater v 提供饮食及服务;迎合;投合

  (1)who’s catering (at) your daughter’s wedding?谁承办你女儿的婚礼酒席?

  (2)tv programmes usually cater for all tastes.电视通常提供各种不同趣味的娱乐节目。

  [搭配]cater to满足某种需要或要求 our newspapers and magazines try to cater to all opinions.

   for the sake of由于;为了……的利益

  (1)we must be patient for the sake of peace.为了和平我们必须有耐心。

  (2)he’s just talking for the sake of hearing his own voice.他讲话的目的就是要听听自己的声音。

  [拓展]此短语还可用for one’s sake i’ll help you for your sister’s sake.为了你姐姐我将帮助你。

   keep an eye on照料;照管

  please keep an eye on the baby while i am in the garden.我去花园的时候,请照看这个婴儿。

  [拓展]fix one’s eyes upon / on盯着;凝视 ,keep one’s eyes open留心,注意 , with one’s own eyes亲眼

   take sth.into account考虑;体谅

  (1)you must take the boy’s long illness into account.你一定要考虑到这个孩子已经病了很久。

  (2)you should take these facts into account.(=these facts should be taken into account.

   embarrass-vt.使尴尬;使为难

  (1)embarrassing questions令人困窘的问题 (2)embarrassed by lack of money因缺钱而窘迫

  (3)i don’t like making speeches in public,it’s so embarrassing我不喜欢在公众面前讲话,太难为情了。

  [记忆]embarrassing adj. embarrassingly adv. embarrassment n.

   congratulate vt.祝贺;庆贺

  congratulate sb.on sth. / doing sth. give / accept congratulations on sth/doing sth.

  (1)we congratulated her on having passed the examinations.我们祝贺她通过了考试。

  (2)let me congratulate you on the birth of your daughter.让我祝贺你女儿的出生。

  (3)please accept my congratulations on your graduation.请接受我对你毕业的祝贺。

   1ive up to依照……行事;做到;不辜负(期望)

  (1)did the film live up to your expectations? =was the film as g∞d as you expected?

  (2)he didn’t live up to his reputation.他的生活与他的名声不符。

  (3)it’s difficult to live up to the new principles.实行新的原则是困难的。

   decline vi.拒绝;变小;变少;变弱vt.拒绝;使下降

  (1)he declined to discuss his plans with the newspapermen 他谢绝与新闻记者讨论他的计划。

  (2)his strength slowly declined.他的体力渐衰。

  (3)he spent his declining years in the country.他在乡间度过他的晚年。

  [拓展]decline n.下降;衰退he has had a sharp decline in interest in farming.对农业的兴趣大大下降。

Unit 11 Key to success 篇2

  unit 11 key to success (reading)


  1.what is team work? ( para. 2)

  2.according to the author, what are requirements for teams to function well?

  all team members should respect each other, have clear roles, support and help each other.

  3.what is the function of group work?

  group work makes us aware of the role that is most suitable for each of us, bring the benefit of getting experience working with other people, show us how other people’s roles fit the purpose of the group and teaches us to be patient and how to respect to different personalities.

  4.how are the tasks of the group divided?

  the tasks of the group are divided depending on the personalities and abilities of the individuals in the group.

  5. how can we make the best of working with our classmates?

  we should recognise their strengths and weaknesses. their differences are the strength of the team. knowing other people’s shortcomings can help us avoid embarrassing them.

  careful- reading

  what kinds of team do the writer write? try to compare them.

  rugby team project team

  similarities team work: individual people brought together, common goal , has a clear role, cooperate


  1. made up of a certain number 2. goal---to win a match

  3. members have different skills 4. coach

  5. atmosphere

  6. members should respect, help and support each other

  1). members: people of different personalities and abilities (para. 7)

  2). take into account how each individual member works best

  true or false

  1.in a sports team, the coach must be a member of the team.

  2. in sports teams, group work can be successful when members respect, help and support each other. t

  3. sports teams require leaders, people to create ideas,people to develop ideas, people to do practical work, people to comment on and improve ideas, people to identify and solve problems, and people to suggest solutions.

  4. only rules and regulations can help teams function well.

  5. only people with the same personality work well together.

  6.the author thinks the statement that some team members work best in tasks alone is contradictory.

  choose the best answers:

  1.a team is ________ . d

  a. a group of individual people brought together

  b. a group of people who can accomplish a task more efficiently or effectively than any member of the group alone

  c. a group of who will stay temporarily for a long time

  d. all the above

  2. in sports games , a player _______ . b

  a. often changes his role

  b. has a clear role

  c. feels that players with different abilities make different contributions to the team

  d. accepts the same expectations and responsibilities as the other players

  3. the author takes _____ for example to show how a team can work well a

  a. the sports team

  b. the project team

  c. the rugby team

  d. a dynamic team

  4.in order for a team to function well , people of the team must ______ . d

  a. respect each other

  b. co-operate

  c. obey necessary rules and regulations

  d. all the above

  5.group work at school is important to students because _______ . d

  a. it is an opportunity to learn more about team work

  b. it brings the benefit of getting experience working with others

  c. it teaches us to be patient and how to respond to different personalities

  d. it is a preparation for our working days to come

  6.why it is important in a team to know someone’s personality type and ability ? d

  a. we can know a great deal about that person

  b. lack of recognition of differences in human function can be avoided

  c. we can build strong and good relationships between members of a team

  d. both b and c

  7.what is the main idea of paragraph 7 ? c

  a. how a project team is different from a rugby team

  b. how a project team works

  c. in a project team , people who have different abilities and personalities have different roles in the team

  d. how the tasks of the group are divided depends on personalities and abilities of the individuals in the group

  8. in the whole text , the author mainly talks about _______ . a

  a. the elements that make the team work

  b. the importance of social relationships within a team

  c. the roles that different people of a group play

  d. the comparison between a project team and a rugby team

  9.according to the text , which of the following statements is not right ? a

  a. the coach of a sports team is not counted as a team member , so he is less important

  b. social relations are important within the team

  c. the atmosphere in the group affects the performance of the team

  d. it’s not necessary for all team members to be friends

  10. we can infer from the test that ______ . b

  a. the players in a rugby team should co-operate while the people in a project team needn’t

  b. the players in a rugby team have clear roles while people in a project team may not have

  c. the coach of a rugby team discusses strategy and makes decisions while the leader of a project team doesn’t

  d. the coach of a rugby team is important while the leader in a project team may not be as important

  summary ask students to divide the passage into 3 parts.

  part 1: para 1-2 general introduction of team work

  part 2: para 3-6 sports teams ( rugby teams)

  part 3: para 7-10 project teams

  further understanding

  para. 1: 1. especially at school, it sometimes feels as if we are being asked to work in teams for the sake of just that. 特别是在学校里,有时我们感觉好象是为了团体活动而组织团体活动。

  para. 3: 2. it is important that all members of the team feel that each of them makes an equal contribution and that they help and support each other.

  para. 6: 3. as with sports teams, group work can …when group members respect…, while the work division…at the right level in the role that is …

  para. 7: 4. 整个段落用了三种不同的表达方式表达类似的意思

  people who… people…are the ones… some are…


  1.stick with sb./sth.和某人/某物保持密切关系 ; 继续,坚持,保持

  be stuck with sth./sb.被…缠住 stick out伸出,坚持到底,忍下去

  stick to坚持,尊循 stick up竖立,向上突出

  2.through thick and thin不顾艰难; 同甘共苦; 祸福与共

  3. suspect sth./+clause怀疑/以为… suspect sb. to be… 怀疑/以为某人是…

  suspect sb. of sth./doing sth怀疑某人做…

  4. what if 倘使…将会怎样?即使…又有什么要紧 , 尽管…又有什么关系


  only if 只有 if only要是…就好了 as if 好像

  5. for the sake of=for one’s sake为了…,由于,看在…的份上

  6.attach sth. to sth. 将某物系在另一物上 将某物与另一物相联系

  7. as with=as to =as for就…而言,至于…

  8. keep an eye on=keep one’s eye on 密切注意,看守,看管,留神


  have an eye for 对…有鉴赏眼光 shut/close one’s eyes to 不理会,闭眼不见

  get the eye 引人注目 catch one’s eyes 引起注意

  by all eyes 聚精会神地 keep an eye out for 当心

  keep an eye on 盯着

  9. take into account = take into consideration= take account of 对…加以考虑, 顾及

  ticket to success


  what do you want to do after you graduate from high school?

  different personality types

  1.outgoing 2.caring 3.sympatheti 4.charming

  lead in

  most of us are studying here aimed at going to universities. is it the only way to succeed?

  fast reading

  li yonghong made two important decisions in her life. what are they? (para.1、2)

  1). left school and took a one-year training course to become a hairdresser.

  2). learnt how to do make-up.

  careful reading

  1.read the text quickly and explain what the text is about?

  the text is about choices in life and careers. it suggests that different people have different talent, and that in order to be successful ,society and people have to make the best of their talent.

  2.li yonghong made two important decisions in her life. what are they?

  ( 1 ) she decided to start working instead of going to university.

  ( 2 ) she decided to save money while working and take training later in life.

  3.the author distinguished two personality types .what are they?

  strong mental , intellectual type and strong practical ,hands-on experiences type

  4.in order to become successful, what must you do? ( para. 4、5、6)

  1). explore your talents and get to know yourself so as to find out where your real interests lie.

  2). follow what feels right.

  3). we must make the most of our special talents and interests.

  5.: what are the different learning styles:( para. 7)

  1). schools and universities

  2). to try, experiment and find their way through hands-on experience


  1.have sb./sth.in mind 在想…,计划… bear/keep sb./sth. in mind记住,记…在心里

  have…on one’s mind 把…挂在心上

  2. congratulate sb. on/upon (doing) sth

  congratulate sb. on one’s marriage/ new job/ good exam results

  congratulate oneself on/upon (doing) sth认为自己幸运或成功

  3. live up to 依照某事物行事,表现出符号某事物的标准

  fail to live up to his parents’ expectations

  4. make the most of =make the best use of 最好/最大限度地利用

  make use of 利用,使用 make good/full use of 好好利用,充分利用

  5. shame

  what a shame!遗憾的事,可惜 shameful可耻的 shameless不要脸的

  ashamed羞耻,惭愧 i’m ashamed to do sty 不好意思做某事


  feel shame (at/for) 感到羞耻 put…to shame 使感到羞耻,使蒙羞

  bring shame on sb. 给某人带来耻辱

  what a shame to do sth. what a shame that…

  it’s a shame (that)… it’s a shame to do sth.

  6.hands-on: practical亲身实践的,实习的 have hands-on experience

  7.accommodate sth to sth 适应,迁就,迎合

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Unit 11 Key to success
