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新目标七年级英语下册Unit 9 It,s raining.教案

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新目标七年级英语下册Unit 9   It,s raining.教案


新目标七年级英语下册Unit 9 It,s raining.教案(通用2篇)

新目标七年级英语下册Unit 9 It,s raining.教案 篇1

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  unit 9   it,s raining.

  period   onei.教学目标  1.复习地名  2.掌握表示天气情况的词语  3.能够谈论天气,表达自己的情感ii.教学向导1.目标语言how is the weather?it’s raining/windy/ cloudy/sunny/ snowing/ cold/hot.2.语言结构现在进行时what are you doing?     i’m watchingtv.what is he/she doing?    he/she is playing basketball.what are they doing?     they’re studying.3.重点词汇windy cloudy rain snow sunny cold cool warm humid winter weather4.学习策略与技巧pair work and group work 5.语言功能谈论天气6.跨学科知识其他国家、城市名称、地理方位。iii.教学过程设计:

  stepsteacher’s activitystudents’ activitypreparation brainstorm show some pictures and guess the places look at the pictures and give the answerspictures or ppt.task ipair work: talk about the places and the weather

  aim familiar with the new words

  1look at the pictures and know the name of the placesread ppt.

  2read the new words in 1a and explain the meaningread and remember

  3use the sentence ‘how is the weather in beijing?’answer the questions and learn

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  4make a sample: question and answer; let ss do itprepare their conversations

  5move around the room and give support as neededtalk to each other

  6ask some pairs to show their conversationsgive their works or more expressions more sentence structurestask ii: listening comprehensions: what are they doing?

  aimfamiliar with the new structure

  1look at the pictures in 2a and know their activitieslook  

  2 listen to the tape for two times and fill in the blankslisten and give the answerstape

  3move around the room and give some supportwrite the answers

  4check the answer and point out the focuscheck

  5pair works to practice: what’s he doing? and answer itmake the pair worktask iii: group work:is he playing soccer?

  aimfamiliar with the sentences

  1guess: what is he doing?is he …..?how’s the weather?listen to the rules of this game

  2give some time and let them prepare to acttalk about how to act

  3move around the room and give supporttalk in groups

  4ask one to act, other group guess, the winner group gets 1 point; act and guess

  5evaluate the best group in the classchoose the best group and the best actor

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  homework call your friend and ask him/her what his family members are doing, write diary.

  period   twoi.教学目标  1.熟练运用现在进行时的用法  2.能够描述自己看到的情景,人的动作行为。  3.能够对天气、对事情表达自己的情感ii.教学向导



  语言功能what are you doing?i am playing basketball.现在进行时一般疑问句are you watching tv? yes, i am.  /  no, i am not.is she playing computer games?yes, she/he is.  /  no, she/he isn’t.谈论人的动作谈论天气



  跨学科知识hot, cool, humid, cold, warm;riding, walking, taking; playing basketball, eating/ drinking, visiting my grandmother, watching tv, playing the guitar



  stepsteacher’s activitystudents’ activitybrainstorm ask students to describe photos of them describe the photos, use ‘my father is watching tv.’task i: pair work: what is he doing?

  aimfamiliar with the new words; review the sentences

  1look at the words and the pictures and match them p601afinish the work

  2check the answerscheck

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  3make conversations with the pictures: what and howuse: the weather is… he is reading; 

  4move around the room and give the suggestions talk about the conversations 

  5ask some pairs and point out the mistakesshow their works task ii: reading comprehension

  1say something about the background knowledge of egypt and then look at the picturegive their information of egypt  

  2ask students to explain the report for the classact as a reporter. 

  3choose the words of weather and the activitiesgive the answer 

  4check the answer and point out the focusfinish the work 

  5look at the pictures and describe parisread and fill in the blank 

  6check the answer and point our the verb phrases check the answer task iii: group work: your ideal place

  aimuse different sentences

  1each group choose one place to describe and what you are doing in itchoose one place, and describe what they are doing 

  2move around the room and give suggestions talk about it and write it down 

  3ask one to show their works and act itchoose one of each group to make a report 

  4evaluate the best group and the best reporterchoose the best one homeworkask your friends their ideal place and write about it教学后记

新目标七年级英语下册Unit 9 It,s raining.教案 篇2

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  unit 6  it’s raining一.单元教材分析:本单元的核心话题是谈论天气和人们正在干什么,因此如何问答“how’s  the weather? "what are you/they doing? what’s he/ she doing?是教学重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的表示天气的形容词。问天气的句式及灵活运用现在进行时态。单元知识结构二.词汇:名词:rain snow weather program desert camel winter etc形容词:windy cloudy sunny cold cool warm humid pretty动词:rain walk ride snow其它:right now take photos have a good timehow’s the weather? it’s raining / windy/ cloudy …= what’s the weather like?三.句型: what are you doing? i’m watching tv.what’s he /she doing? he/she is playing basketball.how’s it going? great.四.语法:1. how’s the weather?it's raining /windy.2. the use of“the present continuous tense.”五.单元总体目标:1.master the vocabulary.2.master and use:how's the weather?= what’s the weather like?it’s raining/ windy…what are you doing?  i’m watching tv.六.单元教学重难点一览:


  难点1.the vocabulary2.how’s the weather?3.  how’s it going?4.what are you doing? i'm...1.use the language to describe the weather.2.how to use“be+doing"七.单元学情分析:谈论天气与我们的日常生活有关,加以图画形象配合。学习起来会比较直观易接受。所以掌握表示天气的形容词,动词显得更为重要。学习“现在进行时“时师生可随时设置情景,贴近实际,学生在生动活泼的氛围中掌握教学内容。

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  随堂记录八.单元教学建议:引导学生注意区分一般现在时与现在进行时的不同。九.单元课时分配:本单元共4课时:section a(一)1课时section a(二)1课时section b(一)1课时section b(二)1课时

  period  one教学内容section a 中1a. 1b. 1c. 2a. 2b. 2c. grammar focus.教学目标知识与能力1.       match the vocabulary:rain windy cloudy sunny snow how’s=how                   is2.       master and use:--how's the weather? it’s raining /windy …                   what are you doing? i’m watching tv.what’s she doing? she is cooking …过程与方法通过创设情景,让学生身临其境,自然引入what are you doing?和how's the weather?采用教师设置任务,学生提出问题,学生解决问题,借助彩图和多媒体等方式提高学生的积极性。情感态度价值观教育学生善于观察天气,善于描述周围的事物。教学重、难点及教学突破重点 1. the vocabulary:2. language:1. how’s the weather?    2. it's raining/ windy.3. what are you doing?难点use the words to describe the weather and what are you doing?教学突破对于本课的单词,短语通过图画及卡片引出学习掌握language的学习,通过课件的图片及大量的练习来突破。教学步骤step1   organization

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  随堂记录organize the students by greeting each otherstep2   free talkask the students who is on duty?step3  presentation1.做画画、写字等动作:ask:what am i doing?(帮助学生回答)i am writing/drawing.(叫几个学生做其他动作)练习: what are you doing?what is he/she doing?(板书:be+v-ing)2.ask ---how’s the weather?(板书)帮助学生回答:it’s raining/snowing /windy /cloudy /sunny.3.看1a的图画:4.ask the ss to match the words with pictures5.listen and write these city names in the boxes in la.now,we’ll hear four conversa -tions.listen carefully,point out each city in the picture as it comes upon the tape.play the recording a second time.ask ss to write the name of the city in the picture of its weather.6.tell the ss;if you are in one of the places in the picture above,talk about the weather.7.point to the pictures in 2a.ask ss to tell what each person is doing in each picture.eg: this boy is talking on the phone.this man is playing baskethall.play the recording twice.(the first time just listen,the second time,listen and number the pictures 1 through 4 to show what each personis doing.)correct the answers.8.point out the list of names.play the recording again.本课小结本节课学习了12个生词和“how is the weather” “be + ving”进行时态的练习运用。通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练地用英语询问、表达天气和人们正在做的事。练习设计(一)finish the following:1.what's the weather like?   _______  _______ the weather?2.it’s _______ sun) in chongqing.3.is it_________(rain) now?4. what ______ you ______ (do)now?5.the boy ________(fly) a kite.

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  unit 6 it’s rainingrain –raining      1. how’s the weather?snow –snowing     = what’s the weather like?wind –windy        it’s raining /windysun –sunny        2. what are you /they doing?cloud-cloudy      3. be+v-ing

  period  two教学内容section a中3a.3b.4教学目标知识与能力1. match the vocabulary:pretty2. master and use:一how’s it going? great.how’s the weather?过程与方法学生在上一课学过了how’s the weather?基本能灵活运用,这一节进一步强化,并在此基础上引出了新句式how's it going?过渡自然,易于接受、掌握。情感态度价值观教育学生关心他人。教学重、难点及教学突破重点1. the vocabulary:2. language: how’s it going? how’s the weather?难点use the language to care for the others教学突破借助于“how’s the weather?”句式学习“how’s it going? 通过课件大量练习进行巩固。教学步骤step1  organizationorganize the students by greeting each other.step2   him talktalk about the weather today.step3   presentation1.draw a face on the blackboard ask:look at this face.is it happy?is it unhappy?

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  随堂记录2.point to the four words in 3a. say the words and ask ss to repeat each one.(板书学习pretty)3.explain the meaning of each word: eg: not had means sth is not very good, but it’s also not very bad,it’s in the middle.4. ask ss to match each numbered phrase with a face by writing the letter of each face in the blank in front of the correct phrases5.ask two ss to read the conversation in the large picture to the ss.explain:“how is it going?" means “how are you?" or " how is everything?"6.have ss read the conversation in 3b.7. 改变对话中的一些单词,编写自己的对话.ask some ss to present their own conversation to the class.8.say:now let’s work in pairs again.one student looks at the picture on page 93 and the other looks at the picture on page 95.please don’t look at your partner's picture.say:each picture has the same people in it. but they are doing different things.take turns talking about what the people are doing in your picture.if i am student a,i’1l say, in my picture it’s sunny.guide one of the ss bs to respond,in my picture it is raining.本课小结本节课学习了1个生词和"how is it going?" "how’s the weather?” 句式练习。通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练掌握用英语询问他人的情况和天气状况。练习设计随堂练习设计完成对话:a:______ ?b:pretty good.a:_________?b:it’s cloudy.个性练习设计用下雨、出太阳、刮风的现在进行时描述天气状况。板书设计

  unit 6 it's rainingl. pretty    2. how’s it going = how are you? / how is everything?

  period  three教学内容section b中la, lb, 2a, 2b, 2c

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  随堂记录教学目标知识与能力1. match the vocabulary:cold cool warm humid2. master and use:1. do you like cold weather?no,i don’t.2. how’s it going?3. what are you doing?4. how’s the weather?过程与方法上两节课重点学习了“how's the weather?”和“how’s it going?”句式,本节课进一步学习、强化,采用学生提出问题、学生解决问题,听录音、借助多媒体等方式来提高学生的主动性。情感态度价值观掌握同一句话的不同表达方法。教学重、难点及教学突破重点1. the vocabulary:2. language:do you like cold weather? how’s it going?what are you doing? how's the weather?难点use the language to care for the others教学突破1. 对本课的单词通过卡片或图画来引出。2. language:借助图画和课件引出并练习教学步骤

  step1   organization

  organize the students by greeting each other.step2   free talkask the ss to talk about the weather today.step3   presentation1.point to a picture.say:it’s cold in this picture.ask:is it cold here today?(cold板书学习);同样方式学习:cool,warm,humid2.point out the numbered list of words, ask the ss to repeat the words again.ask ss to match each word with one of the pictures.3.出示一副冬天的图画:

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  随堂记录ask:who likes cold weather?when a student raises his or her hand, ask the question:do you like cold weather?帮助回答:yes, i do no,i don't.(出示与课本相似的五幅图画)let ss ask and answer questions about the five kinds of weather.4.listen and write what maria and sam answer to "how's it going?"listen carefully to their questions and answers.tape:we will listen twice the first time,just listen the second time,write out their answers5.listen again,write what maria and sam answer to“what are you doing?" and "how’s the weather?"本课小结本节课学习了4个关于天气的生词,继续练习巩固了“how's it going?/how's the weather? / what are you doing?”通过本节课的学习,学生能熟练地应用所学知识问答。练习设计随堂练习设计背诵本课句型。个性练习设计翻译下列句子:1、情况怎么样?2. 她在干什么?3、你喜欢冷天吗?不,我不喜欢。4. 今天的天气怎么样?板书设计

  unit 6 it's rainingcold、warm、cool       1、do you like cold weather?humid, hot                 yes,i do. /no, i don’t.

  period   four教学内容section b中3a,3,3c、以及selfcheck 3教学目标知识与能力1. match the vocabulary:cctv, program,right now,egypt,desert, walk,vacation,etc.2. master and use:1.what are you doing?2.what’s the weather like?= how’s the weather?3. what do you do when it’s raining?

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  随堂记录过程与方法通过结合课文上的图画理解短文内容,从而掌握单词,关于天气及人们正在做做的事情的描述,再通过练习写作自己家乡的天气,使所学知识进一步巩固。情感态度价值观对学生进行热爱家乡的教育。教学重、难点及教学突破重点1. the vocabulary:2. language:what’s the weather like? we're walking in the desert.难点use the language to describe your hometown教学突破对本课单词短语,通过卡片、动作、实物引出学习。language: 借助图画引出,并通过练习巩固。教学步骤step1   organizationorganize the students by greeting each other.step2   free talkask the ss to talk about the weather in a year.step3   presentation1.出示一张与课文相符的图片讨论ask:where’s it?帮助回答:it's egypt.(egypt板书学习)ask:what are they doing?they’re walking in the desert.(板书学习:walk,desert)ask:what’s the weather like?it’s a beautiful /sunny day.2.ask a student to read the report in 3a.say:underline the words in the speech bubble that say what people are doing. then circle the words that describe the weather.say:read the reporter.3.say; pay attention to the pictures of paris and the description below.ask a student to read the description to the class and say the word blank each time you come to a blank line.have the ss fill in the blanks.4.出示和课本相符的图画:ask:what do you do when it’s raining?i read a book…ask ss to interview their classmates:what do they do in different kinds of weather?ask several ss to read their questions and answers to the class

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  随堂记录.提醒学生,这些句子中主句用的是一般现在时,eg:when it’s windy,i fly a kite本课小结本节课学习了21个词汇,继续练习巩固“how’s the weather?”及现在进行时态。通过本节课的学习,同学们达成了本单元的学习目标。练习设计complete the following:1. thank you for________(join) cctv’s around the world show.2、________(此刻),we ________(walk)in the desert.3、it’s________(sun) today.4、there’re many people here _________(在度假)。5、some people __________(在拍埃及的照片)

  unit 6   it's rainingright now,in the desert,    1. what’s the weather like?on vacation                  = how’s the weather?take photos of              2、what do you do when it’s raining?five thousand yeas of history教学后记

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新目标七年级英语下册Unit 9   It,s raining.教案
