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Unit9 What’s the best radio station?教案

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Unit9 What’s the best radio station?教案


Unit9 What’s the best radio station?教案(精选3篇)

Unit9 What’s the best radio station?教案 篇1

  unit 12 what’s the best radio station?教案

  ⅰ.teaching aims and demands:

  students learn to make comparisons and discuss preferences.

  ⅱ.key and difficult points:


  theater, cinema

  trendy, quality, comfortable, close to

  seat, screen, jeans, performer, radio station

  new, big, friendly, fun, boring, popular, cheap, service, creative, clothes, clothing, store, music, piano, actor, music video, tv show

  target language

  what’s the best cinema?

  showtime cinema. it’s the cheapest.

  jason’s has good quality clothes.

  it’s better than trendy teens.

  jason’s is the best store in town.


  superlatives with –(i)est, the most

  irregular comparisons good, better, the best, bad, worse, the worst


  the superlative degree of adjectives.

  ⅲ.teaching aids :

  a tape recorder

  ⅳ.teaching methods:

  audio-lingual method; communicative approach; ppp

  ⅴ.this unit is divided into five periods.

  period  1

  teaching contents: section a 1a ,1b ,1c ,2a ,2b , 2c .

  teaching goals :

  1. vocabulary: comfortable , seat , screen , close , close to , quality , theater , cinema , radio , radio station .

  2. 能力目标:掌握一些形容词的比较级和最高级.

  difficult points :   特殊形容词的比较级和最高级.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1 leading in

  revise the comparative forms and superlative forms of some adjectives.

  step 2 pre-task

  sb page 71, 1a.   

  ask ss to explain what the word or phrases means in their own words. then ask ss to decide which of the things are important or unimportant .

  step 3  while-task

  sb page 71 ,1b .

  ask some ss to read the sentences, then play the recording .correct the answers .

  sb page 71, 1c.

  ask ss to make a list of real movie theaters they know .in pairs ,ss read the conversation in the box ,then get them to make their own conversations according to the list of real movie theaters .

  step 4  post-task

  sb page 72, 2a & 2b .

  ask some ss to read the phrases and sentences. play the recorder, ss listen and write down their answers.

  check the answers.

  step 5 role play

  sb page 72 , 2c .

  have ss work in pairs . check the progress and offering help as needed .

  ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.

  step 6  homework

  preview the grammar box .

  period  2

  teaching contents : grammar focus, section a 3a,3b,4.

  teaching goals :

  1. vocabulary : teen ,bargain , delight , by bus .

  2. 能力目标:学习进行简单的比较并表达自己的好恶.

  teaching procedures:

  step 1 revision

  task 1 dictation: words and expressions.

  task 2 revise the grammar focus.

  step 2 reading  3a

  task 1 read the directions.

  task 2 ask students to read the article on their own, and circle the words and phrases they don’t understand.

  task 3 ask students to read the words and phrases they don’t understand, ask other students to explain.

  task 4 ask students to read again and complete the chart.

  task 5 check the answers.

  step 3 writing and speaking

  task 1 read the directions. 3b

  task 2 ask students to say the names of stores in your town and write the names on the board.

  task 3 ask students to work with partners as they talk about the stores and fill in the chart.

  task 4 ask the two or three pairs of students who finish first to put their charts on board.

  step 4 group work   4.

  where are we going for lunch?

  task 1 ask the class for the names of three places to have lunch near the school and write them on the board. and elicit answers for one of the restaurants.

  task 2 divide the class into small groups. ask them to choose three restaurants and fill in the chart.

  task 3 ask the groups which restaurant they decided on. why did they decide on that restaurant. 

  ⅵ homework

  1 revise the target language.

  2 finish off the exercises on work book.

  period  3

  teaching contents :section b 1a , 1b, 2a , 2b , 2c .

  teaching goals :

  vocabulary: positive , negative , dull , performer

  teaching procedures :

  step 1  leading in

  check the homework.

  step 2  pre-task

  sb page 74, 1a .

  point to the sample answer in the chart and ask a student to read the pair of words to the class.

  ask ss to complete activity 1a on their own .

  correct the answers .

  sb page 74 , 1b .

  explain that positive words are words that you can use to say good things about people ,ask ss to say only good things about people as they talk with partner .

  ss work in pairs to talk about the people they know .

  ask several ss to say their sentences to the class .

  step 3  while-task

  sb page 74 , 2a . 

  ask ss what a “talent show” is and ask ss to tell what people do at talent show .

  point to the five pictures .ask different ss to say what the people are doing in each picture .

  play the recording .ss listen and write the correct name .

  check the answers .

  sb page 74 , 2b .play the recording and ask ss to write what different people say about the performers .

  correct the answers .

  step 4  post-task

  sb page 74 ,2c .

  ask two ss to read the sample conversation to the class .then ss work in pairs .

  step 5  homework

  ask ss to write their questions and answers in activity 2c on the exercise books .

  period  4

  teaching contents: section b 3a ,3b ,3c ,4 , selfcheck.

  teaching goals :

  1. vocabulary: province , still , enough , distance , farthest

  2. 能力目标:学习进行简单的调查.

  teaching procedures :

  step 1 revision

  task 1  dictation

  task 2  revise the content taught.


  who is the most creative student in our class?

  who is the wisest student in our class?...

  step 2  reading 3a

  task 1  read the instructions and the words in the box to the class

  task 2  read the article to the class.

  task 3  ask students to read the article on their own.

  task 4  ask students to fill in the blanks.

  task 5  check the answers.

  step 3  reading and writing  3b

  task 1  read the instructions.

  task 2  have students complete the article on their own.

  task 3  ask students to read what they wrote to the class.

  step 4  writing  3c 

  task 1 ask a student to read the beginning of the article.

  task 2 ask students to say the names of famous performers they might write about. ask them what words they could use to describe each performer.

  task 3 ask students to write their articles on their own.

  task 4 ask some students to read their articles to the class.

  step 5  pair work 4

  task 1 read the instructions.

  task 2 ask two students to read the sample conversations to the class.

  task 3 ask students to interview each other.

  task 4 ask some students to perform to the class.

  step 6  self check

  task 1 fill in the blanks.

  task 2 read the information about the three cities and describe which is the best city to visit for a winter vacation..

  task 3 just for fun: read and act out.

  ⅵ homework

  1. ask students to write their opinions with reasons about activity 2 of self check.

  2. revise the words and target language of this unit.

  3. finish off the exercises on work book.

Unit9 What’s the best radio station?教案 篇2

  unit 12 what's the best radio station?language goals:1. discuss preferences.2. make comparisons.new languages:1. what’s the best cinema? 2. showtime cinema. it’s the cheapest.3. jason’s has good quality clothing. trendy teens has better quality clothing than jason’s. funky fashions has the best clothes in town.difficult points: 1. how to make comparisons.2. superlatives with –(i)est, the most.3. irregular comparisons good, better, the best, bad, worse, the worstimportant vocabulary:popular, comfortable, service, worse, worst, biggest, closest, friendliest, funniest, clothing store, radio station, cheap, cheapest, choose, close, closest, part, pretty bad, price, quality, screen, seatteaching aids:computer, pictures, recorderteaching periods:period 1: section a 1a / 1b / 1c period 2: section a 2a / 2b / 2c/ grammar focus 3a / 3b period 3: section a 4/ section b 1a / 1b / 2a / 2b / 2c period 4: section b 3a / 3b / 3c / 4 / self check1, 2  period 1teaching aims:1. teach vocabulary words and useful phrases: comfortable, seat, screen, close to, quality, theater, cinema, jeans, trendy, funky, radio station, fm, am 2. target languages: what’s the best movie theater?showtime cinema. it’s the cheapest. 3. train the listening ability.teaching procedures: step 1. new words study1. teacher shows a picture about radio to study the word “radio”.2. in the same way to study the following new words: radio station, seat, screen,            cinema, theater, jeans step 2. presentation1. show three pictures of a radio.t: the first radio is big. the second one is bigger. the third one is the biggest.ask the students to repeat the sentences and remember big-bigger-biggest. make sure that they understand them.then ask: which radio is bigger? which is the biggest radio?2. in the same way to learn:close-closer-closest    trendy-trendier-trendiest      funky-funkier-funkiesteasy-easier-easiest   friendly-friendlier-friendliest cheap-cheaper-cheapestpopular-more popular-most popular   comfortable-more comfortable-most comfortablestep 3. practicelook at the pictures, and ask them and answer in pairs.e.g.  a: what’s the closest cinema?     b: shahe cinema is the closest.step 4. section a 1a 1. read the instructions to the class. make sure they understand what to do next.2. read the phrases to the students, and ask some students to tell the meanings. 3. write the things in the box.4. ask the students to share their ideas and tell the reasons.step 5. section a 1b 1. ask the students to read the instructions themselves aloud. make sure that they can catch the meaning of each item.2. listen to the recorder and match the statements with the movie theaters. ask them to write in the names of the theaters.3. listen again and try to repeat the conversation. step 6. section a 1cpairwork: talk about the movie theaters that they know.e.g.  a: what’s the best movie theater?    b: showtime cinema. it’s the cheapest. a: but i think gold theater has the most comfortable seats.step 7. section a 2a1. read the instructions to the students and ask them to pay attention to the two   questions on the survey.2. listen to the recorder and circle the correct letters on the survey.3. check the results.step 8. section a 2b1. go through the phrases in 2b. ask some students to translate them.2. listen. ask the students to circle the boy’s comments about three clothing stores.3. check the workstep 9. section a 2crole play.two students play the reporter and the boy. make new conversations like the model in the book.step 10. grammar focus1. read all the sentences.2. summarize how to make comparisons with the students.homework: 1. remember the vocabulary and the target language.2. review the superlative degree of adjectives.period 2teaching aims:1. revise the target language.2. train reading abilities.3. go on learning the superlative degree of adjectives.teaching procedures:step 1. revision1. rewrite description words: add -er, -est e.g.   new- newer-newest2. talk about three schools about seats, teachers, building and so on.e.g. a: huanjian school has the best teachers.       b: i agree. / i don’t agree. shuangqing school has the better teachers than huanjian.step 2. section a 3a reading1. ask students to read the article, circle the words and phrases they don’t know.2. discuss the new words and phrases, guess the meaning.3. ask students to read again and complete the chart.4. check the answers.5. teacher explain the use of the key words and phrases.   such as: what do …think about …?           do a survey of…6. make up new sentences by using the key words.step 3. oral practice1. find out the names of three stores in the neighborhood and write them down on the blackboard.2. ask students to make a comparison about them on service, quality, and prices. write the answer in the form.3. make conversations in pairs like the one given in 3b on p73.step 4. group work: where are we going for lunch?1. write down three or more places where you often eat lunch near your school.2. ask the questions in the chart about the three places and write the answers down in the chart.3. make new conversation according to the answers ss just wrote down.homework:1. revise the target language.2. finish off the exercises on work book.3. make five groups of sentences about comparisons. period 3teaching aims:1. learn some useful expressions.(1) new words funniest, most creative, quietest, dullest, loudest, saddest, cute, music video, musical group, performer, song, success, talent show(2) structuressuperlatives with –(i)est, the mostirregular comparisons good, better, the best, bad, worse, the worst(3) grammarthe superlative degree of adjectives.2. train the speaking, listening and reading abilities.teaching procedures:step 1. revisiontalk about their teachers. make sentences with the following words:      friendly, tall, quiet, funny, goode.g.  i think a is taller than b.    i think c is the tallest.step 2. section b 1a 1b1. discuss with the students about movie characters, list out the words on the blackboard to help the students describe them.creative, honest, wise, funny, brave, dull, worst, boring, stupid, noisy2. fill in the chart.

  positive words negative words most creative dullest quietest loudest best worst funniest most boring

  3. make sentences by using the positive words. step 3. listening section b 2a 1. look at the picture. talk about the picture by asking and answering the target language.2. listen to the recorder.3. write down the name you hear under the right picture.4. check the answers.step 4. listening section b 2b1. go through the chart.2. listen and write down the answers.3. listen again and check the answer.step 5. practice in pairs section b 2c1. ask students to look at the information about the talent show and work in pairs.2. ask some groups to make conversation before class.step 6. summary ask a student to tell class what they learned.homework: 1. remember the following words:funniest, most creative, quietest, dullest, loudest, saddest, cute, music video, musical group, performer, song, success, talent show2. make a new conversation and write it down on the exercise book.(using superlative as much as possible.) period 4teaching aims and demands:1. grasp grammar in this unit.2. train writing abilities3. self check.teaching methods: control writingteaching procedures:step 1. warming-upgreet the whole class as usual.let students make their own sentences with the key words in section b 1astep 2. reading section b 3a1. read the instructions and the words in the box to the class.2. the whole class read the article together aloud as quickly as they can.3. ask students to read the article by themselves in silence and fill in the blanks.4. check the answers.step 3. writing practice section b 3b 1. ask students to read 3a again. and write an article about another performer          in 2b on p74.2. encourage students to correct each other’s writing and give the comments .3. ask some students to read their articles in front of the class.4. teacher gives them some comments.step 4. group work1. go through 4 on p75 to see if there is anything students don’t know.2. ask and answer in groups of four. each student should ask the others all the questions given in the chart.3. write down the answers in the chart.4. report the results to the class.step 5. self check 11. read the instructions to class.2. read the words and sentences to class and make sure that they understand.3. fill in the blanks with right form.4. ask someone to check the answers.5. make sentences with the words.step 6. reading self check 21. look at the pictures and talk about them. where is it? is it hot? is it hotter than our hometown?2. read the instruction, get ready to read the passages.3. read carefully. write down the answers in the chart.4. read aloud. make sentences with the key words in this part.homework: 1. retell 3a on p73.2. remember all the words in this unit.3. finish exercise one on p77.

Unit9 What’s the best radio station?教案 篇3

  unit 9 what’s the best radio station?period 1preparation before class :    ask the students  to make a survey about our town. get the information of the best restaurant/shop /cinema/supermarket……teaching steps:ⅰ.lead-int: good morning ,boys and girlss: good morning ,ms xue.t: yesterday i asked you to make a survey about our town. can you tell me what’s the best restaurant……./the worst…..in our city and  why.s1: i think new century restaurant is the best restaurant, because it has delicious food.s2:i think luliang hotel is the worst because it has the worst service.s3: i think lvliang peo 教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!" type="#_x0000_t75">ple’s hospital is the best because it has the best doctors and medical instruments.s4: i think town hospital is the worst because it’s too expensive( 其余回答省略)t:excellent! you did well in our survey ,and know more about our city. so today we’ll learn unit 12  what’s the best radio station ?ⅱ.presentation1.t:ok! everybody, do you usually go to the movies ?s1: sometimes i go to the movies .s2: i never go to the movies .because we have only one cinema in our city ,it’s small ,dirty and no new movies.t: so what’s more important for you in a movie theater? look at the chart and make your choice. just say it like this ( flash card 1)comfortable seats  big screens   friendly service   cheapnew movies       close to home   in a fun part of town   populara:i think……….is /a re more important for me.b: for me ,…….is more important.(the students talk freely and do 1a)2.t: who would you like to say something about your ideas?s1:i think comfortable seats are more importa nt for me.s2: for me, friendly service is more important.s3:but i think cheap tickets are more important for me……ⅲ.practicet: there are three cinemas in this city .they are gold cinema, town cinema, garden cinema  .look at these pictures and compare them.(flash card 2 ) let’s have arty to describe them.s1:ga rden cinema has a big screen.s2: town cinema has a bigger screen .s3: gold cinema has the biggest screen.   ( help them to answer)(flash card 3)t: how about this one?s1:garden cinema is close to home.s2: town cinema is closer to home.s3: gold cinema is the closest to home.(flash card4 )t:tom, can you d escribe them in the right word.tom:  s1 :garden cinema is cheap.s2: town cinema is cheaper.s3: gold cinema is the cheapest.( practice the other pictures in the same way)ⅳlistening practice1b. t: there are three cinemas in this city .they are screen cinema, town cinema, movie theater .look at these pictures and compare them. let’s listen which one has the biggest screen/comfortable seats/friendliest service. which one is the most popular/the cheapest/the closest to home?( the students listen to the tape and fill in the chart .then teacher ask some questions about the listening material)qualitiesmovie theaterit has the biggest screens.it’s the most popular.it’s the closest to home.town cinemait’s the cheapest.it has the friendliest service.it has the most comfortable seats2a  2bt: a reporter is interviewing a boy about the best clothing store and radio st ation in their town. let’s listen 2awhich one is the best clothing store ? which one is the best radio station? circle the right answer.ss listen and choose the answer. 2b listen to a reporter interview a boy. how does the boy answer the questions? circle the correct letters below.(flash card5)1. what is the best clothing store?a. jeans and things    b. jason’sc. trendy teens          d. funky fashions2. what is the best radio station?a. easy listening 97.9 fm      b. all talk 970 amb. oldies 102.1 fm                 d. jazz 107.9 fmt: listen again ,choose how does the boy describe the clothing store?ss listen again and choose the best answer check the ans wers.jason’shas good quality clotheshas better q uality than trendy teensjeans corner and trendy teensare good storesare bad storesare t he best storesfunky fashionshas worse clothes than jason’shas the worst clothes in townⅴ.role playt: after listening the conversation . let’s make a new one like this .now one student is a repoter ,the other is a  student ,make an interview about the  best clothing store /supermarket ……..in our city . choose some pairs to act it out. like this (flash card6)a: hello. i’m a reporter. can i ask you some questions?b: sure.a: what’s the best clothing store in town?

  b: i think jas on’s is the best.a: why do you think so?b: jason’s  has…summary : t: this lesson we’ve learned how to compare things  with superlatives –est  or the most …. and know our city better.homework:1.write ten sentences about your classmates by using superlatives with –est  or the most.

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Unit9 What’s the best radio station?教案
