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module 1

step 1

1. write down the housework that was done by you last weekend in the chart.

2. interview your classmates in groups and make a list of the housework that was done by themselves.


housework that was done

the dishes were cleaned. our dinner was cooked …


① what kind of housework was done by you last weekend?

② my clothes/uniforms were washed.

③ ... was cleaned by myself.

3. ask some students to share their survey results. 把学生的调查结果放在展示台上,用投影仪投到屏幕上,小组代表说出成员上个周末做的家务。

4. t: who was the most tired and hard-working student last weekend? cheers for him/her!

he/she is so helpful to parents. it's better for you to help your parents, class.

they often do more housework than you every day.

step 2

1. read the new words from “invent” to “slipper” fluently until they remember them all.

2. close the textbook and look at the screen.

3. 每4大组挑选1名代表参加“猜词”比赛。这名代表站在前面,背朝屏幕,教师用鼠标提示小组其他学生所猜单词,学生只允许用英语表达,本组内任何同学都可以随时加话,必须用英语提醒,代表猜测鼠标指示的单词。要求读音、拼写正确。如果犯规,这个单词无效。规定时间是1分钟。

4. 若是陌生的游戏,教师可以找个熟悉的单词做示范。it's like warm-up.

5. 学生集体看屏幕,教师领读单词,纠正发音。

module 2

step 1 2a & 2b

1. before we listen, look at the picture and chart. discuss the questions with your partner below:

1. what are they on the table?

2. why are they interesting?

3. what are the boy and girl doing?

4. what are they talking about?

if you're not sure, listen to the information carefully.

2. listen and number them in the order you hear.

3. read the information in the chart, listen again and match the items. 同时,在表格的右边补充对话中提到这三项发明的额外信息。

4. when we check answers, we can ask students to do like this:

“the shoes with adjustable heels were invented by jayce coziar and jamie ellsworth.

they are used for changing the style of the shoes.”

5. listen again and ask students to write and repeat one sentence after another. 由于这段对话的大部分内容已经在2b表格中重现,所以播放录音的次数不用太多。


boy: what are those?

girl: they’re battery-operated slippers.

boy: what are they used for?

girl: they’re used for seeing in the park.

boy: oh, that’s cool! who were they invented by?

girl: julie thompson. and look at this heated ice cream scoop.

boy: i know what it’s for! it’s used for scooping out really cold ice cream.

girl: right. it was invented by chelsea lanmon.



