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How Many

unit 3  lesson 2
part a let’s talk ;  let’s practise
teaching aims :
1. be able to understand and say: how many … can you see? i can see…and use them in real situation.
2. .be able to understand and use the phrase which can praise other ones: “ it’s beautiful! how beautiful!” and use them in the proper situation.
focus points & difficult points :
be able to use the new structures as following in the real life: how many …can you see? i can see…
*be able to understand and say “ the black one is a bird.”
teaching preparation:
vcd, a kite, powerpoint.
designing for the blackboard:
how many kites can you see?
i can see 12

teaching steps:
step1. warming –up
  1. sing a song 《one two three four five》.
  2. greetings.
  3. slow action to review the words.
  4. t claps her hands and ss say the times
step2.presentation and practice.
  1. 1) t shows her hand: how many fingers can you see?
      s: i can see ten fingers.
      t writes down: i can see……
      t teaches this sentence.
      t continue to ask: how many fingers can you see?
      s: i can see……
    2) t shows the pictures: i have many apples. how many apples can you see?
      let’s count together.
t&ss: one apple, two apples, three apples…… 12 apples.
t leads to say: i can see 12 apples.
t shows some pictures: how many balloons can you see?
s: i can see……
t: who can ask “how many balls……?”
s: how many balls can you see?
t: who can answer “i can see……”
after several times.
t shows many pictures.
t: practice in pairs. one asks, one answers.
3)p24:let’s practise.
  ask and answer.
   2. 1) t: the whole class, i have a new kite.
       s: may i have a look?
       t: sure. here you are.
       s: oh, it’s nice. i like it.
       t: thank you. is it beautiful?
       s: yes! how beautiful!
       t: you also can say: “it’s beautiful. i like it.”
       t makes dialogues as above with ss.
   3. 1)watch the vcd with the question “ how many kites can wuyifan see?”(11 kites.)
     2) t: do you remember zoom and zip, they are in the park. zoom sees many flowers. the blue flower. the red one and the yellow one. ( t draws it when she says it.)



