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上海牛津版三年级英语下册Module 1   Using my five senses教学设计

module 1   using my five sensesgrammar: 1.     modal verbs ‘can/can’t: i can/can’t ---2.     wh-questions: what can you see /hear? what colour is it? what is it?3.     yes/no question: is this your --- /is it--- yes, it is./ no, it isn’t.4.     possessive adjectives: your, my, her5.     imperatives: listen to--- touch --- taste ---/smell---/ close ---6.     verb ‘to be’: it’s --- /it’s a/anvocabulary: mirror, can, hair, brown, eye, mouth, can’t, grey, listen to, street, roof, her, cage, aeroplane, bus, car, boat, drill, telephone, hear, soft, hard, rough, smooth, touch, how, does, feel, toy, pineapple, hat, cold, lemon, sweet, sour, taste, strawberry, lime, smell, nice, fish, prawnsounds:  a  ( jane, make, aeroplane)         a  (fat, man, jam)         e  (she, see, these, tree, street)         e  (eddie, ten, red, peg)daily expressions: hello, this is --- (on the phone) how are you? i’m fine, thank you. how does it feel?       can i help you?unit 1 looking and seeinglanguage functions: talking about abilityidentifying and describing objects in terms of colourasking and answering questions about possessionssaying the sound ‘a’ in its open syllable formlanguage skills:use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers and other learner.pronounce correctly a series of words in a sentence with the vowel sound ‘a’ in its open syllable formmain points: can use the sentences: what can you see?/what colour is it?difficult points: yes/no questions: is this your ---?teaching beach: using the old words and sentences to learn the new words and sentences.using the things and pictures to learn the words.teaching times:  five periodsthe first periodlanguage focus: using nouns to identify different parts of the bodyusing modal verb ‘can/can’t’ to talk about abilitylanguage skills:use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners.open an interaction by asking questionsmain points: can use the sentence “what can you see? i can see---.”difficult points: can spell the words and using the sentence.materials: a mirror , a mask , a tape, book 3bprocedurecontentsmethodspurposewarming–up:sing an english song.sing together.歌曲引入,使学生轻松进入英语学习氛围。


