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藤田初恋 点赞 分享



unit 9  i like a sunny day.一、periods:contentsperiodspart a, bone periodpart c, done periodpart e, fone period二、language function:getting to know how to talk about the weather三、language structure:i like a sunny day. i like ….四、vocabulary:words should be grasped: sunny, summer, warm, hot, fine, rain, ice-creamwords should be understand: taxi, axe, wax, box五、sounds:know the sound in the words.                      六、学情分析、 运用图片教学,把晴朗的、下雨的、下雪的、刮风的、温暖的以及炎热的等等的图片贴在黑板上。让学生来指认,来比赛。加强学生的记忆,提高学生的兴趣。period 1一、basic aims of this lesson:1.      understand and say the new words sun, rain, sunny, summer, hot, warm, ice-cream2.      to master the sentence structurei like a … day.           i like …3.to read and understand the dialogue and the main sentence structure  i like …   i don’t like …二、important points:1.      the words and the sentence structure2.      to understand the dialogue in the text3.      can act the dialogue三、difficulty points:to use the sentence pattern四、teaching aids:tape-recorder, word cards五、学情分析、 运用图片教学,把晴朗的、下雨的、下雪的、刮风的、温暖的以及炎热的等等的图片贴在黑板上。让学生来指认,来比赛。加强学生的记忆,提高学生的兴趣。step 1 warming up1.      greetingshow are you? i’m fine, thank you.how about you?i’m not very well.i’m sorry.thank you. you are kind  2.      sing and chantsing a song “the more we get together”chant “wheels, wheels, wheels”3.      free talkwhat color do you like?is this a pear?how old are you?step 2 presentation and drill1.t show a picture of sun, rainto read the words: sun, rain2.      to learn the words: summer, hot, warm, ice-creamdraw a sun, act ,”it’s hot today. it’s summer”and i like an ice-cream.3.      listen to the tape read the words for many times4.      have little teacher to read the words 5.      sentence structure: what do you like? i like …show the picture of the weather and fruit, ask and answer6.      listn to the tape of the text, read the text


