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八年级英语8B Unit3教案

unit 3 online travel
period 1 comic strips & welcome to the unit
vocabulary 四会
(n.)  television, remote control, channel, design, program, newsletter, cd-rom, designer, point, role, level, knowledge, grammar, vocabulary, screen, education, set, key, disk, hard disk, e-dictionary, foot, total, mars, course, introduction, body, goal, producer, co.
(v.) design, receive, earn, mark, pass, type, store, control, print, restart, appear, click, include, cover, order, set, produce
(adj.)  online, educational, all-time, traveler, character, asleep, movable, flat, free, exciting, daily, simple, iced tea
(adv.)  online, correctly, properly, incorrectly
三会  item, related, plastic, machine, instruction, setting, connect, inch, setting, regard, conclusion, treasure
二会  word processing, itchy, itch, floppy, cursor, icon, auto-run, princess, magic, wand, witch, evil, bald, function, worksheet, electrical appliance, pad
expressions turn on…, change the channel, hold a writing competition, write about…, play games, search for…, send and receive e-mails, write computer programs, use…for…, come out, sound interesting, love traveling, lie on the grass, fall asleep, have a dream, earn a point, answer a question correctly, carry…off to…, play the role of…, travel around the world in eight hours, test one’s knowledge of …, see…on the screen, learn about…, pass a level, mark…in bright purple, find out…, the best on the market, get… in all computer shops, sell…out
structure 1.       —what do you usually use your computer for?—i usually use it to seach for information.
2.       it is designed by nancy jackson.
teaching goals
●         to introduce the topic of computer
●         to activate existing vocabulary and identify the meaning of new words related to the topic
●         to guess meaning from pictures
●         to talk about the use of computer
teaching procedures
step 1 having a free discussion
a: what do you like doing?
b: i like reading online.
a: do you like watching tv?
b: yes, i do.
a: which do you like better, watching tv or playing computer games?
b: i like playing computer games better.
a: why?
b: because it makes my excited.
step 2 presenting
do you have a computer?  
do you often use your computer?  



