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八年级英语Online travel教案

unit 3 online travel
一. 教学内容:
unit 3 online travel
words, phrases and sentences
二. 教学目标:
掌握unit 3的词汇及词性变化和课文中的重点词组、句型的结构和用法
8b unit 3 online travel
1. 联网的,在线的 online
2. 电视     television
3. 打开     turn on
4. 程序     program
5. 教育的   educational
6. 只读光盘存储器 cd-rom
7. 出版,发行,发表 come out
8. 旅行者    traveller
9. 睡着的    asleep
10. 分数     point
11. 正确地   correctly
12. 角色     role
13. 等级     level
14. 知识     knowledge
15. 语法     grammar
16. 到达     reach;arrive in/at;get to
17. 屏幕     screen
18. 通过     pass
19. 作标记   mark
20. 紫色     purple
21. 键盘     key
22. 菜单     menu
23. 鼠标,老鼠 mouse
24. 打印     print
25. 广泛地   widely
26. 电子词典 e-dictionary
27. 重新启动  restart
28. 连接     connect
29. 英尺     foot
30. 错误地   incorrectly
31. 总数     total
32. 自由的   free
33. 火星     mars
34. (常用于被动)为……设置背景 setting
35. 每日的   daily
36. 课程     course
37. 电话     call
38. 旅行     travel
39. 收音机   radio
40. 涉及, 包括 include
41. 订购     order
42. 简单的   simple
43. 制造者, 制造商  producer
44. 制造     produce
45. 公司     co. (company)
46. 创造     create
47. 保存     store
48. 控制     control
49. 遥控器   remote control
1. the channel is ______ , let’s change the channel. (bored)
2. the computer is used for _______ (draw) the pictures.
3. nancy is the _____ of virtual traveller. (design)
4. he was _____ on the grass and looking at the blue sky. (lie)
5. you earn a point every time you answer a question _____(correct).
6. he has bought many _____ cd-roms before and none of them is good. (education)
1. boring   2. drawing   3. designer  4. lying  5. correctly   6. educational



