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By the time I got outside, the bus had already left教案

unit 10 by the time i got outside, the bus had already left.

一. 教学内容:

unit 10 by the time i got outside, the bus had already left.


1. 通过本单元的学习,掌握过去完成时态的用法,特别是与一般过去时态和现在完成时态的区别。

2. 合理安排自己的学习和生活,守时守信。




1. by the time    到……时候

2. get dressed    穿衣服

3. run all the way to school   一路跑向学校

4. leave +物+地点   把某物落在某地


he         his umbrella in the train.

a. leave   b. left   c. forgot   d. forget

5. no wonder      难怪

6. run back to school  跑回学校

7. start doing / to do  开始做某事

8. go off   发出响声


in the morning, i didn’t hear my alarm clock         .

a. going off    b. went off    c. go off    d. to go off

9. wait for sb. to do sth.  等待某人做某事

10. run off / away    跑掉 离开

11. unfortunately  不幸地

    luckily   幸运地


       , he didn’t pass the english exam again.

a. luckily    b. fortunately    c. unfortunately    d. unfortunate

12. on time  准时

    in time  及时


people to the meeting all arrived here         .

a. in time    b. on time    c. after time    d. for time

13. give sb a ride  让某人搭便车


he walked         me and asked where i was going and told me that they offered to         .

a. by; give me a ride      b. off; give me rides 

c. by; give me some feet   d. through; give me a walking make it     

14. break down   出故障


my bike         on my way to school, so i had to walk there.

a. broke out   b. broke in   c. broke down   d. broke away

15. show up 出席;露面


he didn’t         until supper was nearly over.

a. show off   b. show up   c. show round   d. show in



