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The Freedom Fighters教案

unit14 freedom fighters
teaching goals
1. talk about civil rights and freedom fighters.
2. express logical relations.
3. review the passive voice.
4. practice argumentative writing.
the first period
teaching aims:
1. learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.
2. talk about civil rights and freedom fighters to improve the students’ speaking ability.
3. do some listening practice to improve the students’ listening ability.
4. learn about some freedom fighters.
teaching important points:
1. talk about a favorite topic to improve the students’ speaking ability.
2. enable the students to grasp the main points in a listening material.
teaching difficult points:
1. help the students to improve their listening ability.
2. help the students to express their own opinions and ideas.
teaching methods:
1. talking method to improve the students’ speaking ability.
2. pair work or group work to make every student work in class.
teaching aids:
1. the multimedia
2. the blackboard
teaching procedures:
step 1 greetings
greet the whole class as usual.
step 2 lead-in and warming up
ask students to look at two pictures, and then have a discussion in groups of four. try to explain why the two people are great men and in which way struggle was an important part in the lives of these men.
(show the following pictures on the screen.)
martin luther king, jr.
born in 1929
graduation in 1955
worked in a church
organized his first actions in 1955
formed an organization for black leaders to work together in 1957
gave speech “i have a dream” in 1963
received the nobel prize in 1964
murdered in 1968
nelson mandela
born in 1918
first actions while still at university in 1940
graduation in 1942
helped to found the anc youth league in 1944
led many peaceful actions during the 1950s
put in prison from 1962 to 1989
received the nobel prize in 1993
became the first black president of south africa from 1994 to 1999
give the students a few minutes to discuss the questions. then ask some of them to say their answers.
step 3 listening
first, make a brief introduction about the listening material, then allow the students a couple of minutes to prepare. play the tape for students to listen and finish the exercises. at last, check the answers together with the whole class.)
(t: please listen to the tape carefully when i play it for the first time. the second time i play it, you should write down the answers quickly. after that, check your answers when the tape is played a third time. finally you may have a short discussion in pairs. )



