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温柔眷恋 点赞 分享



1. she dressed herself as a lawyer's clerk.
2. i offer you six times what you have just offered.
3. i never knew so young a body with so wise a head.
4. you shall get justice.
5. it's silly of sb. to do sth.
6. he has no choice but to cry.
7. i'd come to if 1 had time to spare.
8. i offer ten times the money that antonio has borrowed.
9. it is not yet known how these were conveyed over a dis- tance of 380 kilometres.
10. in terms of technical development, people were going from the stone age to the bronze age.
1. merchant n. 商人
2. deny v. 否定
3. enemy n. 敌人
4. reasonable adj. 合乎情理的
5. weakness n. 弱点
6. judgement n. 判断
7. gentleman n. 绅士
8. greeting n. 问候
9. envy vt. & n. 嫉妒
10. accuse vt. 指控
11. fortune n. 机会
12. bargain n. & adj. 讨价还价(的)
13. bless vt. 保佑
14. legal adj. 法定的
15. deed n. 行动
16. requirement n. 需要
17. declare vt. 宣布
18. court n. 法庭
19. justice n. 公正
20. therefore adv. 因此
21. worthy adj. 值得的
22. mercy n. 仁慈
23. punish vt. 惩罚
24. order vt. & n. 命令
25. emperor n. 皇帝
26. clothing n. 衣服
27. dozen n. (一) 打
28. spare adj. 额外的 vt. 腾出

29. average adj. 平均的
30. accompany vt. 陪伴
31. quality n. 数量
32. square adj. 平方的 n. 广场
1. pay back 偿还
2. have mercy on 对……表示怜悯
3. at the mercy of 任由……摆布
4. go about 着手干
5. as far as i know 就我所知
6. tear up 撕毁
7. go down on one's knees 跪下
8. tend to 趋于
9. in terms of 就……而言
10. in the eyes of 在……看来
11. 1end a hand 帮助
12. serve as 作为
13. may / might as well do sth. 还是做某事好
14. be seated 就座
15. take sb. in one' s arms 拥抱某人
16. have a hand in 插手
1. pay ____ 偿还;报答
2. have mercy ____ 对……表示怜悯
3. go ____ 开始做;着手干
4. as ____ as i know 就我所知
5. tear ____ 撕毁;取消(合同等)
6. ____ the mercy of任由……摆布或控制
7. go down ____ one's knees 跪下
8. tend ____ 朝某方向;趋于
9. ____ terms of 就…而言;用……的话;以…的观点
10. in the ____ of在……看来
11. lend a ____ 帮助
12. serve ____ 作为;当作
13. dig ____ 挖出;掘起
14. have a ____ in 参与;插手;对某事负部分责任
15. remind sb ____ sth 使某人想起……;提醒
16. have sb ____ your power 使某人在你的控制下
17. date to (=date from) 追溯到……
18. take ____ 发生
19. be ____ 坐下
20. cut ____ 切断;割掉;剪掉
21. offer ____ 奉献;献出;献上
22. take ____ 拿走;拿开
23. send ____ 让走开



