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1. should you have enough energy left after a day on the slopes, you can take a dip in the pool, work out at the gym.
2. located in southern austria, kizbuhel is a paradise for skiers.
3. but there's no need to worry if you have never skied before.
4. like many of its sister cities in the south, atlanta was burnt down in the civil war.
5. despite the hardships of the post-war years and the great depression, the people of atlanta continued to develop the area, both economically and socially.
6. it was also in atlanta that one of the great leaders of the civil rights movement, dr. martin luther king, jr. was born.
7. in 1996, the city was the host of the olympic games, an honor the city-shares with great cities such as sydney and beijing.
8. the south still has many problems to deal with, but the people there are determined to make a new beginning.
1. upset adj. 苦恼的
2. airline n. 航空公司
3. fly n. 苍蝇
4. lifestyle n. 生活方式
5. downtown adj. & n. 城市商业区(的)
6. princess n. 公主
7. avenue n. 大街
8. guarantee vt. & n. 保证
9. gather vt. 聚集,收集
10. dip vt. 浸
11. gym n. 体育馆
12. analyse vt. 分析
13. chat n. & vi. 聊天
14. rate n. 速度,费用;vt. 评估,认为
15. arrangement n. 安排
16. passport n. 护照
17. cheque n. 支票
18. entry n. 进入
19. mental adj. 脑力的
20. physical adj. 物理的
21. suffering n. 痛苦

22. greedy adj. 贪婪的
23. trader n. 商人
24. unemployment n. 失业
25. former adj. 以前的
26. overcome vt. 克服
27. plain n. 平原;adj. 清楚的,明白的
28. resist v. 抵抗
29. chief n. 首领
30. afterwards adv. 后来
31. widespread adj. 分布广的
32. rot vi. 腐烂
33. wildlife n. 野生动物
34. supply vt.& n. 提供
35. chain n. 链条
36. willing adj. 愿意的
1. look ____ 调查;观察
2. ____ now and then 不时地
3. get / be tired ____  对……感到厌倦;对……失
4. cool ____ 变凉;冷却;冷静
5. ____ vain 徒劳;白辛苦;徒然;枉然
6. ____ a chance 冒险;碰运气
7. leave ____ 不打扰;不理会
8. ____ on 坚持(做)
9. ____ a result结果;因此
10. put ____ 出版;生产;扑灭;关掉
11. ____ sale出售;新产品上市;减价;甩卖
12. ____ turn转而;反过来;轮流;依次
13. ____ a dip 去进行为时不长的游泳或(在河海
14. work ____ 进行锻炼、训练;计算出;设计出
15. be upset ____ 对……难过
16. ____ a list of列清单
17. deal ____ 应付;处理
18. make ____ of利用
19. grow ____ 长大
20. see / think ____ 认为恰当



