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lesson 3
teaching aims:
1. grasp four skilled sentences: “ when do you eat dinner? i eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. when do you get up? i usually get up at 12:00 at noon.”
2. read part of pronunciation, know the pronunciation of “ai, ay, gr, gl”
key points:
   grasp four skilled sentences.
     know the pronunciation of  “ai ay”
teaching aids:
  1.pictures, tapes.
teaching steps:
  step 1     warming up
1. perform part of let’s talk.
2. game:
3. short report: my day.
s1: when do you get up?    s2: i usually get up at 6:30 on the morning.
s1: when do you go to school?  s2: i often go to school at 7:40 on the morning.
ask some questions about the report.
        step 2  presentation
1. game: what’s the truth?
present five sentences:
 i get up at 5:00 am.             i go to bed at 3:00 am. 
i play sweep the floor at 11 pm.   i eat dinner at 6:00 pm.
 i wash the cloth at 4:00 pm.     i cook the meals at 3:00 am.
get students find out which is wrong, and say the reason.
lead to “read and write”.
2.  present four small pictures, introduce them first. get students read the text,   ‘       finish the timetable.
     listen to the tape and check it.
4. pronunciation
        ai:  mail, sail, tail, wait, paint,
        ay: say, play, day, may, away, pay
        gr: great, green, grass, gray, grandpa, grapes.
        gl: glass, glow, glue, glove…
listen and try to remember.
5. tongue twist.
             wait for the rain to paint a rainbow.
             say that we may play today.
             grandma gladly grows great green grapes.
step  3   consolidation and extension
1. perform: interview a doctor.
s: excuse me, can i ask you some questions?
d: sure.
s: what do you do?
d: i’m a doctor.
s: when do you eat dinner?
2. ex. on the activity book.
 when do you eat dinner?
 i eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.



