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Unit12 what’s the best radio station?英语复习提纲

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Unit12 what’s the best radio station?英语复习提纲


Unit12 what’s the best radio station?英语复习提纲

unit 12 what’s the best radio station?
● 单音节形容词、多音节形容词和特殊形容词的比较级和最高级形式
● 进行简单的比较,并表达自己的好恶
● what’s the best cinema? showtime cinema, it’s the cheapest.
● jason’s has good quality clothes. it’s better than trendy teens.
● jason’s is the best store in town.
● 【语言结构】
● 用-(i)est, the most表示最高级
● 不规则的形容词和比较级和最高级形式good, better, the best, bad, worse the worst
●  theater, cinema / trendy, quality, comfortable, close to
●  seat, screen, jeans, / performer, radio station
1. the best radio station最好的无线电台       
2. comfortable seats舒适的椅子
3. big screens大屏幕                         
4. friendly service友好的服务
5. new movies新电影                           
6. close to home离家近
7. in a fun part of town 在城镇闹区           
8. town cinema城镇电影院
9. screen city大屏幕影视城                   
10. movie palace电影艺术宫
11. jeans corner牛仔广角                      
12.trendy teens时髦少年服装店
13. easy listening轻松听力                    
14. have good quality clothes服装质量好
15. in town在城里, in the city在城市里
in the country在乡下
16. the beat clothing store最好的服装店      
17. do a survey of 对…进行调查
18. all the movie theaters所有的电影院       
19. the most interesting music最有趣的音乐
20.be(get, become, feel) interested in 对…感兴趣
21.positive words肯定的词语                  
22. negative words否定的词语
23. the most creative最有创造力的            
24. the most boring最烦人的



Unit12 what’s the best radio station?英语复习提纲
