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Unit 6 Review and check

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Unit 6 Review and check


Unit 6 Review and check

一. 教学目标:
1. words: (1)a dog, a cat, a monkey, a tiger, a panda, a zebra,
a bird, an elephant, red, green, white, black, orange, blue, yellow.
(2)apples, oranges, pears, bananas, peaches, mangoes
(3)desk, chair, a bed, a sofa, a table, a telephone,
a bookcase, a fridge
(4)pens, books, pencils, ball pens, pencil-boxes,
pencil sharpener, rulers , rubbers
2. sentences:
hello, i’m… what’s your name?
this is…
nice to meet you.
good morning / afternoon.
get up. / go to school now. / go home now. / go to bed, please.
ok. / all right.
how are you?
fine, thank you. / not bad, thank you. / not so good.
i’m sorry.
people, animals, colours, fruits, things for school.
三. 教具
1. tape and tape recorder
2. cards

教学过程 (第一课时)
step 1 free talk
step 2 分类复习 animals: a dog, a cat, a monkey, a tiger, a panda, a zebra, a bird,
an elephant.(让学生反复读)
bird, bird是小鸟,小鸟bird喳喳喳。
dog, dog是小狗,小狗dog汪汪汪。
cat, cat是小猫,小猫cat喵喵喵。
monkey, monkey小猴子,猴子monkey爱吃桃。
zebra, zebra是斑马,斑马zebra花衣裳。
tiger, tiger是老虎,老虎tiger兽中王。
panda, panda是熊猫,熊猫panda是国宝。
elephant, elephant是大象,大象elephant鼻子长。
 fruits. (快速反应,注意单复数的区别)
banana watermelon apple pear orange peach pineapple
 things in rooms.
fridge sofa telephone bookcase desk chair table bed
( what’s missing?)
1. what’s missing?
2. what color?
pens pencils rulers rubbers pencils sharpeners books
pencil boxes ball pens
look and guess.
step 3 consolidation
step 4 homework
read these kind of words

教学过程 (第二课时)
step 1 free talk
t: hello! how are you? s: fine, thank you.
t: good morning. s: good morning.
t: good afternoon. s: good afternoon.
t: hello! how are you? s: not bad.
step 2 review
animals, fruits, furniture, school things, colours
2. 将unit 6出现的单词卡片贴至黑板上,
read these words one bye one.
( listen and circle )
3. listen and number.
1). 让学生拿出自己的东西练习。比如, 一张桌子 a desk ,一支铅笔 a pencil...,让学生自己练习。
2). 让学生将图中的物品加以描述,如:a blue fridge, a green sofa, a red telephone
, a brown chair,a green sofa , a yellow ruler.
3). listen to the tape.
(3). check
step 3 workbook ( c d e )
1. listen , find and circle.
2. listen , find and color.
3. listen and draw.

教学过程 (第三课时)
step 1 free talk
t: good morning. s: good morning.



Unit 6 Review and check
