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《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 3 第一课时

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《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 3 第一课时


《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 3 第一课时

教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 3 asking the way  b look, read and learn及c look and say。
1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇turn left / right, post office, get on, get off, along, street。
2. 能正确地听、说、读词汇shopping, centre, middle school, primary school, train station, history museum crossing。
3. 能正确地听、说、读、写句子can you tell me the way to…, please?
4. 能听懂、会说句型和日常交际用语go along this street,and then turn…at the …crossing.
1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇turn left / right, post office, get on, get off, along, street.
2. 能正确地听、读、写句子can you tell me the way to…, please?
1. 能正确地听、说、读写本单元的四会单词和句型。
2. 能运用c部分的句型进行问路的情景对话。
step 1 warm up
1. sing a song:do some exercise with me.
热身运动,师生跟音乐边唱边跳,同时复习turn left和turn right,为后面的教学做好铺垫。
2. listen and do.
show me your right hand / touch your left ear / stand up / turn left / turn right…
step2 presentation and practice
1. 师生对话引入本课话题。
t:liu jing is new here. she comes from fu jian. she wants to buy some books. but she doesn’t know the way to the bookshop. can you help her?
t:good. look at the map of the city.(出示本地区的地图)where’s the bookshop?(教师指着地图,引导学生找到书店的位置并导入新授知识)。
2. 利用地图,师生交流学习句型。
a:excuse me,can you tell me the way to the bookshop?
b:let me see. er,…go along this street, and then turn left at the second crossing. the bookshop is there.
②对板书中出现的生词along, street, turn right / left等进行拼读教学,并让学生理解。
③chant:where’s the bookshop?
bookshop, bookshop, where’s the bookshop?
can you tell me the way to the bookshop?
go, go, go, go along this street, then turn left.
you can see the bookshop at the second crossing.
3. 创设情景,用c部分的句型逐一引出b部分单词。
t:andy is yang ling’s friend. he wants to visit some places. this is his timetable. where will he go? let’s try to tell him how to get there. ok?

time(时间)places(地点)pictures(图片示意)mondayhistory museum配相应的图片(下同)tuesdaypost officewednesdayno.1 primary school thursdayno.4 middle school fridaypost office saturdayshopping centre sundaytrain station 

④利用look and say的方法引导学生复习b部分的词汇。教师可快速闪动单词图片,让学生用英语说出人物所做的动作或所看到的不同场景。



《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 3 第一课时
