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初二英语上册 Unit 6 Ancient stories 课后练习

初二英语上册 unit 6 ancient stories 课后练习
unit 6 ancient stories
1 .---where's your father?
  ---he     _ beijing. he _     there last month.
   a.has gone to; went    b.has been to; went    c.has gone to; has gone
2. students in beijing      _ away many books to the hope school since .
  a.have given      b.give      c. gave
3. my father _      on business for two weeks. he'll return in three days.
  a.left       b.has left      c.has gone        d.has been away
4 .---i'm sorry.i'm late for the music presentation.
  ---why are you so late? the presentation        for 10 minutes.
  a.has begun        b.has stopped
  c.has bccn over     d. has finished
5. ---do you know anything about the summer palace?
  ---of course i        there many times.
  a.went        b.have gone     c.have heen      d. have been to
6.they        england and they will be back next week.
  a.have gone to         b.have been to
  c.have gone in         d. have been on
7.---why are you worried?
  ---i'm expecting a call from my daughter she        new york for three years.
  a.has gone to           b.has been to
  c.has been in           d.has come in
8.he _       in this factory for 20 years already.
  a.will work       b.works    c.has worked       d.is working
9.---have you ever _     an amusement park?
  ---yes, i.have.i _      fun times amusement park last year.
  a.heen to; have gone to
  b.gone to; have been to
  c.go to; went to
  d.been to; went to
 10. ---do you know diaoyu islands?
    ---sure.they____   china since ancient times.
    a.belong to            b. belonged to


