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module 1

step 1

1. 邀请部分学生到讲台前,描述自己的“百宝箱”中最珍贵的发明。

2. 其他学生仔细听并猜测他们的发明。这个环节能够检查学生完成作业的情况,巩固第二课时的重要语言点,以游戏娱乐的情景完成课前复习。

step 2


helpful inventions: _________________________________________________________________________

annoying inventions: ________________________________________________________________________

module 2

step 1 3a & 3b

1. look at the words in each picture and read them.

2. 教师领读新单词,提出问题,学生结对谈论图中的3项发明。


① what's that? it’s ...

② it's a helpful/an annoying invention.

3. t: look! a ufo is over there. some aliens are doing a survey. let's see what they want to know about us! make a list of 5 helpful inventions and 5 annoying inventions in the chart.

5 helpful inventions


5 annoying inventions


personal computer

it was invented by xerox

 in 1976.

it’s used for looking for

 useful information.

4. t: the aliens come up with the questions. they come to ask you. 模仿3b的对话,a扮演外星人,b扮演地球人。discuss your opinions about the chart in 3a with the alien.


① what do you think is the most helpful/annoying invention?

② who was it invented by?

③ when was it invented?

④ what is it used for?

⑤ i think the most helpful/annoying invention is ... it was invented by... in ... and it's used for...

5. 鼓励几组学生表演。教师可以根据对话的内容提出问题,要求其他学生注意力集中,顺便练习听力。最后,由学生评出“最佳表演奖”,教师把用纸打印出来的“奥斯卡小金人”颁发给学生。

step 2

1. 在调查的附表里,外星人还提出一个问题:“imagine your group is alone on a tiny island. you can only have five inventions with you on the island. what would you like to choose and why?”

2. discuss in groups and decide on five inventions. talk like in 4.

3. draw a form below and fill in groups.

5 inventions


step 3

1. t: look! those aliens are going to leave. we'd better give them a present. if you gave a present, what would you choose? why?

2. talk about the present in groups.

3. t: the aliens don't know how to use those items from the earth. please leave a note. tell them about your present, explain the reasons why you choose it, and present your opinions and wishes for them.

i'd like to give ___________________________________________________________________________________



