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Unit 4 Food学案提纲

unit 4 food学案提纲
1.  be full of energy / be energetic / get energy from… 
he is always full of ___________. =he is always __________.
2.  keep healthy = keep fit = stay healthy  / eat healthily
be good for health / be in good /bad health
if you want to be ________ , you should eat ___________. and then you can be in good __________.(健康)
3.  need sth / need to do sth
sth need to be done = sth need doing
need作为情态动词常用于否定句needn’t do sth
(1.) she’s only a child and often n_______ our help.
(2.) my bike is broken and it needs ________________(repair).
(3.) if you finish your homework , you ________ stay here.
   a. don’t need   b. needs to   c. needn’t to  d. needn’t
4. between meals  / between …and…(两者之间)
(1). the hotel is ________ the bank and the hospital.
(2). at last we found him _________ the trees on the hills.
* (3).can you tell me the differences _______ these words?
       a. among    b . between    c. in     d. on
5. be (not) careful  enough to do sth  / be careful with sth
(1). you’re always not careful enough ________________(do) your homework. look, you have made so many mistakes in your exercises.
(2).kitty __________________(对...谨慎/ 小心) her diet because she wants to be healthy.
6. a sheep / a little sheep / many sheep 单复数同形(deer ;spacecraft; chinese ; japanese)
(1).look! a little sheep ____________(eat) grass on the hill.
(2).there’s __________ sheep lying under the tree.
   a. a few    b. a little   c. little    d. few
(3)neil armstrong tried to join two _____________(太空飞船)together but failed.
7. buy sb sth = buy sth for sb 
sell sb sth = sell sth to sb  /     sth sell well 
(1). a new bike _____________________(买) me yesterday by my father.
   =i __________________________ (买)a new bike yesterday by my father.
(2). i have _________(买) the basketball for half a year.
(3.) the shopkeeper ___________(卖) the last bike to me just now.
    by now he _____________(sell) out all the bikes in his shop.
it’s said this kind of bike ________(卖) well these days.
8. lie –lay –lain躺,位于     lie –lied-lied (说谎)



