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2016年九年级上英语 unit 6 grammar focus(人教新目标)

unit 6 grammar focus  class type grammar objectives 1.     to learn and understand the “passive voice in the past tense”. 2.     to better understand and well use the passive voice in the past tense in practice.

key structure 1. when wad the zipper invented? — it was invented in 1893. 2. who was it invented by? — it was invented by … 3.     what is the hot ice-cream scoop used for? —   it’s used for serving really cold ice-cream. difficulties how to well use the structure about passive voice in the past tense in practice.

period 1

procedure lead-in show ss the basic form of passive voice in different tenses. step 1 examples of active voice sentences and passive voice sentences. step 2 explanation about the exchanges of active voice sentences and passive voice sentences. step 3 the four steps that the exchanges of active voice sentences and passive voice sentences should obey. step 4 the sentence structures of passive voice sentences with examples. step 5 the use of passive voice with specific examples sentences. step 6 ask ss to read the sentences with the passive voice parts underlined. step 7 show ss some example sentences in different tenses  step 8 more exercises. 1.     change the active sentences into passive sentences. 2.     complete sentences with the correct words. 3.     choose the best answer. step 9 activity 4a. ask ss to rewrite the sentences using the passive voice. step 10 activity 4b. ask ss to complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. step 11 activity 4c. let ss write the correct forms in the blanks. step 12 exercises of secondary school entrance exams 



