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九年级英语上册module 11导学案

九年级英语上册module 11导学案
module 11 导学稿 (  a 层 )
班级 _____________  姓名 _____________  学号 ______________

editor liu sanfeng team members: liu sanfeng, he zhuoting
aims (学习目标)
1. 能正确使用本模块的重点单词和短语
2. 能掌握数词和冠词的用法
3. 能谈论有关人口话题
unit 1
1、预习课文,做书本p89 no. 4、5。
2、熟读单词,完成《学考精练》p93 词汇专练。
3、在课文中画出重点短语,完成《学考精练》p 94 第一大题。
1.听力训练(activity 2)
2.听力训练(activity 3)
what’s this week’s homework? ①_______________
how many cities are mentioned? ②______________
what problems do cities have? the crowds, the ③_________ and the transport.
some facts 259 babies are born every ④___________.
 ⑤_______________ babies are born every year.

the students are talking about _________“homework help” for new standard. this week’s homework is ___________. there are too many people in the city but there isn’t enough ________. there is too much _________, noise and pollution in some big cities like beijing. the increasing population is an ______________ problem as well as the crowds and the transport problems.
3. 完成句子:
1) 多亏了老师,我通过了考试。
_____________________ the teachers, i passed the exams.     
2) 如果你不认识这些新单词,你可以在字典里查一查。
if you don’t know the words, you can ________________________ in the dictionary.
3) 现在的学生有太多的科目要学习,有太多的压力要面对。
nowadays students have __________________ subjects to learn and ______________
pressure to face.
4) 中国的人口是世界上最多的吗?
   is _________________________________________________ in the world?
(    ) 1. china has ________ population than any other country in asia.
        a. a smaller   b. a more    c. a larger
(    ) 2. don’t read in the sun, because ________ sunshine will harm your eyes.
        a. too many   b. too much     c. much too
(    ) 3. the _______ population causes a lot of social problems.
   a. increase    b. increased    c. increasing
(    ) 4. the supermarket is always _______ at weekends.
        a. crowd     b. crowded    c. crowding
(    ) 5. can you help me _______ the phone number in the yellow pages?



