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高一Unit 2 English around the world教案

unit 2  english around the world
topic: the period of training their writing ability
i. teaching aims and demands:
1. practice their speaking ability
2. use “brainstorming”to train their writing skills
3. get a further understanding of learning english
ii. teaching aids:
  computer, projector, some pieces of paper
iii. teaching important points:
1. knoe the method “brainstorming”
2. learn to improve their writing ability by “brainstorming”
3. write a passage in a short time
iv. teaching difficult points:
1. how to use “brainstorming” to prepare for a passage
2. how to help students sum up and master the knowledge about this unit.
v. teaching methods:
1. questioning – and—answering
2. group – work
3. brainstorming       4. free talk
vi. cultural awareness;
1. know the importance of learning english
2. know the reasons of learning english
vi. emotion:
1. learn to use “brainstorming” to prepare for a passge and solve the writing problems by thenselves.
2. try to appreciate and learn something good from others in class.
vii. teaching procesure:
  step 1: greetings and revision
  step 2: the introduction of “brainstorming”
1. at the beginning of this class, tell them a funny story about “peanut”
   one day, four boys were in the zoo,and a police was talking to them. the boys did something wrong just now, so the police was asking them. “what did you do just now? tom.” “ i didn’t do anything but throw peanut into the elephant.” so the police answered the second boy,but he answered the same as tom.then the police asked the third boy “what did you do just now? did you do something wrong?” but the boy still said nothing but throw peanut into the elephant. at last the police had to ask the youngest boy what he did a moment before. the boy cried loudly, “my name is peanut!”
2. after this funny story, ask them some questions about this passage.
(1) can you understand what i said just now?
(2) can you retell the story?
(3) the story came from a newspaper, can you read the passage without difficulties if i give you the paper? can you write down this passage?
3. ask them about these four basic skills of english, “which is the most difficult?” (maybe writing is the most difficult for our strdents.)
t: how can we solve it? can we find a method to make writing easier? today, i am going to teach you a method, maybe is will help you more or less. we call it “brainstorming”. what is “brainstorming”? (use multimedia computer to introduce it to them)


