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高二英语Unit20 Archaeology知识点总复习教案-

高二英语unit20 archaeology知识点总复习教案
section iii  词汇语法、综合技能
19. the ivory and animal bones that were found will serve as important materials for the study of …所发现的象牙和兽骨将作为研究…的重要材料。(p. 79 integrating skill 第一段 第4行)     ▲ serve as
  (1) 意为“充当”“担任”“起…作用”,也可以是serve for。如:① she served as a nurse in a hospital.他在医院里当护士。② he served three years as an officer.他在军队里当了三年军官。③ the frozen river serves as a road throughout the bitter winters.这条结冰的河流在严冬时当作道路使用。④ this temple served for an operating room during the anti-japanese war. 在抗战时期这座庙曾用来作手术室。⑤ this wooden box will have to serve for a table until the furniture arrives. 在家具运到前不得不把这个木箱当作桌子使用。
  (2) serve的原意是“为……服务”“服役”。如:① weather forecasts serve farmers, ships mid airplanes. 天气预报为农民、船只和飞机服务。② he has served his time in the army.他在军队中已服役期满。③ the clerk served the firm for forty years.这个职员已在公司中工作了四十年。
  (3) serve可作“招待(顾客)”“侍候(吃饭)”“端菜”“供应”解释。① there was no one in the shop to serve me.店里没有一个人招待我。② we are well served with gas in this city.在这个城市我们有很好的煤气供应。③ shall i serve the meat? 要我把肉端上来吗?④ she served us a very good dinner.她给我们做了一顿非常好的饭。
  (4) serve有“符合”“适合……使用”之意。如:① this dictionary will serve your purpose.这本词典符合你的需要。② that excuse will not serve you. 你的那个借口不能成立。③ my memory serves me well. 我的记性不错。④ it isn't good but it will serve me. 它不很好,但对我有用。
20. … a gold mask and a bronze statue of a man remind visitors of the bronze masks and big bronze statues at sanxindui… 一个金面具和一个青铜人物雕像使参观者想起了三星堆的青铜面具和大青铜像。(p. 79 integrating skill 第二段 第2行) ▲ remind sb. of sth.
  (1) remind sb. of sth. 意为“使人想起…”。如:① thanks for your gift — it will always remind me of you. 谢谢你的礼物——它将使我经常想到你。② this reminded them of the days when they were in the army. 这使他们想起在部队的日子。③ what does the picture remind you of? 这照片使你想起了什么? ④ you remind me so much of your brother, especially when you smile. 你真像你的哥哥,尤其是在你微笑时。
(2) remind可作“提醒某人”解释,可以跟of或about短语,也可以跟不定式复合结构。① please remind me to answer that letter. 请提醒我回复那封信。② be sure to remind her to come back early. 一定要提醒她早点回来。③ in case i forget, please remind me about it.我要是忘了,请提醒我。④ i reminded xiao li of his promise.我向小李提起他答应过的事。


