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高二英语Unit20 Archaeology知识点总复习教案

高二英语unit20 archaeology知识点总复习教案
section i  课前准备、听力、口语
1. practise expressing curiosity. 联系表达好奇心。(p.73 goals)
curiosity n. 好奇心; 求知欲;珍品, 古董; 奇人[事、物] 奇特性
he is full of curiosity. 他充满了好奇心。
be on tiptoe with curiosity充满好奇心
from curiosity (=out of curiosity) 在好奇心驱使下
in open curiosity 公然出头过问与自己无关的事
curious killed a cat. 好奇伤身。
2. describe the life of people in china during the periods above. 描绘一下上图那个时期中国人的生活。(p.73 warming up 1)  ▲ describe
(1) vt. 形容,描写
搭配:describe…as 把……描绘成,把……说成words can't describe my joy. 语言不能形容我的快乐。he described himself as a teacher. 他说自己是老师。
(2) vt. 画(图形),制(图) he described a circle within a square. 他在一个正方形内画了个圆。
(3) 短语 beyond description 无法用语言形容的
the play was boring beyond description. 这出戏枯燥得难以用语言来形容。
巧记:-scribe 动词后缀;-scription 名词后缀; -scriptive 形容词后缀
联想:(派)description n. 描写,形容;种类,性质descriptive 描述的,说明的
3. …what did their homes look like? 你的家乡看上去是什么样子的? (p.73 warming up 1)
▲ what...like? ……怎么样/像什么/什么样子?
what is he like? 用来询问人的性格、能力、成就或给人的印象,亦可询问外表。
用于指物时,what is it like? 用来询问事物的性质、质量、特征等,有时候要求作详细的描述。what does he / it look like? 仅仅用于询问人或事物的外部特征。-- what's her mother like? 她母亲是什么样的人? -- oh, she is quite nice. 噢,她相当好。-- what's the new teacher like? 新老师是什么样的人? -- he's got a red beard and he makes stupid mistakes. 他留着红胡子,犯一些愚蠢的错误。what is the tea like? 这茶怎么样? (指质量) -- what was the concert like? 音乐会怎么样? -- it was excellent. 太妙了。what's the weather like this morning? 今天上午的天气怎么样? -- what does it look like? 它是什么样子? -- it's small and square. 它很小,是正方形的。-- what does he look like? 他是什么样的人? -- he is tall and thin and very badly dressed. 他又高又瘦,穿戴很糟。
注意:what is he? 用来询问职业、职务、社会地位等。how is he? / how are you? 通常对身体状况的询问。
-- what is your brother? 你哥哥是做什么工作的?
-- he is a worker. 他是个工人。
-- how are you? 你好吗?
-- fine, thank you. and you? 很好,你呢?
4. i’m curious about… 我对…感到好奇。(p.75 useful expressions)    
▲ curious adj. 好奇的;有求知欲的 a good student should always be curious to learn. 好学生应有求知欲。don't be too curious about things you are not supposed to know. 对于不要你知道的事别多去打听。it is curious that he should have failed to win the race. 他竟然没赢得比赛,真是奇怪。


