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选修七  unit2   using  language
a biography of isaac asimov
step 1.fast reading
read the passage quickly and mark all the phrases of time in paragraph two, three, four and six.

step 2.timeline of the events in asimov’s life
1920: born in russia
1922: sister born
1923: moved with family to__________.
parents bought a candy store.
1929: started working _________in the candy store.
     mother had her third child.
____: started to take himself seriously as a writer.
1939: begun having stories published in _____________magazines.
____: gained master’s degree in chemistry.
1942: finished working in the candy store.
     married his ______wife
1942-1945: worked as a(n) ________ 
 __________, philadelphia navy yard.
 ____: got phd in chemistry.
 ____: became a biochemistry teacher, boston university school of medicine.
1950: published his first novel published_______. developed three laws for robots.
1951-1953: published the foundation trilogy and won an award for it.
 ____: published first science book.
 ____: became a full-time writer.
1973: divorced his first wife. married for a ______time.
____: had a blood transfusion. became infected with hiv.
1992: died in_________.
step 3.exercises
(1)—have you passed the examination?
—no,i_____,but failed.
a. tried       b.tried to
c. manage to         d. try to pass
(2)try _____ at the back door if nobody answers you at the front door.
a.to knock          b.to be knocking
c.knocking          d.having knocked
(3)when we finally _____ to get home after the tiring long journey we could hardly move a step farther.
a.tried          b.succeeded
c. managed          d.attempted
(4)the visitors are _____ at _____ change that has taken place in this country.
a.amazed;amazed   b. amazing;amazing
c. amazed;amazing   d.amazing; amazed
(5)to my_____,he didn't feel _____ at his marks.
a. amazed;amazement  b.amazed;amazed
c.amazement;amazing  d.amazement;amazed
(6)1 don't think he can do the work well, because he is ______ 16 years old.
a. more than     b. less than
c. no more than     d. not less than
(7)the beauty of the west lake is ______ words can describe.
a. much than     b. more than



