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Unit 2 What is happiness to you?

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Unit 2  What is happiness to you?


Unit 2 What is happiness to you?

unit 2  what is happiness to you?

task学案第一部分:重点讲解1. they often rely on emotional words and negative images. (p26) 他们通常使用表示情感的词和消极的比喻。rely on  phrasal verb  1) to need a particular thing or the help and support of someone or sth. in order to continue, to work correctly, or to succeed: 依赖,依靠
[+ ing form of verb] the success of this project relies on everyone making an effort.
i rely on you for good advice.
[+ to infinitive]i'm relying on the garage to fix the car by tomorrow.
2) to trust someone or sth. or to expect them to behave in a particular way:
british weather can never be relied on - it's always changing.
[+ ing form of verb] don't rely on finding me here when you get back (= i might have gone).2. he thinks i need to arrange to spend more time working on my basketball skills.(p26)他认为我应该安排更多的时间练习我篮球的技能。arrangevi. & vt.  to plan or prepare for; to organize:
i'm trying to arrange my work so that i can have a couple of days off next week.
the meeting has been arranged for wednesday.
[+ to infinitive] they arranged to have dinner the following month.
i've already arranged with him to meet at the cinema.
she's arranged for her son to have swimming lessons.
[+ that] i'd deliberately arranged that they should arrive at the same time.
[+ question word] we haven't yet arranged when to meet.3. whichever way i look at it, i’ll never be really be good at anything unless i quit doing everything else. (p26) 无论我怎样考虑,我都不能真正的擅长于任何事,除非,我放弃其他所有事。1) whicheverany (of a set of known possibilities) that:take whichever seat you like.have whichever you want..no matter which:it has the same result, whichever way you do it.
whichever you want is yours.相关高考试题____ team wins on saturday will go through to the national championships. (山东)a. no matter what   b. no matter which   c whatever   d. whichever答案及解析: 选d. 此题是由whichever引导的主语从句,表示“无论哪个队”2) unlessconj.   except if除非…否则…
you can't get a job unless you've got experience (= you can only get a job if you have experience).
unless you call me to say you're not coming, i'll see you at the theatre (= i will see you there if you do not call to say you are not coming).whichever option we choose there'll be disadvantages.相关高考试题1. ________ you have tried it, you can't imagine how pleasant it is. (北京)a. unless        b. because           c. although           d. when



Unit 2  What is happiness to you?
