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【人教新课标】2021年高考一轮复习黄金学案――Unit 3  A taste of English humour(必修四)

【人教新课标】XX年高考一轮复习黄金学案――unit 3  a taste of english humour(必修四)





辨析1. especially / specially / particularly      2. common / usual / ordinary3. convince / persuade词形变化1. humour n. 幽默,诙谐humorous adj. 幽默的,诙谐的2. fortune n.(大量) 财产,大笔的钱;运气,命运fortunate adj.幸运的,侥幸的fortunately adv.幸运地,幸亏3. bore vt. 使厌烦;n. 令人讨厌的人(或事)bored adj.感到无趣的或单调的 boring adj.令人厌烦的,乏味的4. mouth n. 嘴,口mouthful n.一口;少量5. direct adj.直接的;坦率的 adv.直接地 vt.对准;指导direction n.方向[pl.]说明书;指引;指导director n.指导者,主管;董事;导演6. explain v. 讲解,解释explanation n.解释,说明,阐述重点单词 1. content vt. (使)满足;满意 n.[u]满足;内容;目录;adj.感到满足的  2. astonish vt. 使吃惊  3. entertain vt. 使欢乐;款待4. convince vt. 使信服;使确信5. direct vt.&vi.导演,指示,指挥 adj.直的,直接的,直率的 adv.径直地6. whisper v.&n. 耳语;私语;密谈重点词组1. badly off 过得很差;穷的;缺少的[做表语或定语]2. pick out 挑出;辨别出3. cut off 切断(供应等);断绝(联系等) 4. star in 在……主演;担任主角

重点句子1. not that charlie’ s own life was easy!2. you may find it astonishing that charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.

重点语法v-ing 的基本用法(见语法部分)ii 词语辨析  (旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1. specially / especially / particularly【解释】     specially = on purpose故意地;专门地 (不是为了别的,而只是为了某一目的而专门采用的某种方式。如:i came here specially to see you. 我特地到这儿来看你。especially = particularly = in particular = in especial特别地;尤其是;特别是,通常用来对前面所叙述的事情作进一步说明或补充,是有意突出到显眼或例外的程度,强调“超过其他,与众不同”,在介词或连词前用得较多。如:i like harbin, especially in summer. 我喜爱哈尔滨,尤其是哈尔滨的夏天。【练习】用specially,especially,particularly填空。1). i like my hometown, _______ in spring. 2). these shoes were _______ made for you. 3). a committee has been _______ appointed to look into the matter.4). we did very well in this exam, _______ our monitor. key: 1). especially/particularly   2). specially   3). specially   4). especially2. common / usual / ordinary【解释】common意为“普通的,平常的”,指常见的,常发生的,不足为奇的。usual意为“通常的,习惯性的”,可用于一切频繁发生的事情。ordinary意为“通常的,普通的,日常的,随时都可以碰到的”,与common意思接近。



