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unit 2 what should i do?学案
section a period one(1a-2c)
知识目标:keep out, serious, play, loud, argue with sb, wrong, out of style, stay at home, want sb to do sth, could, call sb.up, ticket, surprise, on the phone, write sb a letter, talk about sth, advice, give sb advice
句型:1. what’s wrong? /what’s the matter?
-- my clothes are out of style.
2. what should i do?
--maybe you should buy some new clothes.
能力目标:学会用what’s wrong? /what’s the matter?问对方怎么了,并会用should 来向别人婉转地提出建议。
必做题(一. 试着翻译下列短语:)
1.怎么了?_________________?  _________________?
2.呆在家_________________  3. 不让… 进入_________________
4.足够的钱_________________ 5.写信给某人                  
二. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词
1. you shouldn’t play your cds too l____.
2. i a_____ with my best friend yesterday.
3. my clothes look old.they are out of s____.
4.  let’s go to the movies tonight.i have two t_____.
5.  i c_____ you up just now ,but nobody answered.
1. my parents want me ________ (get) up early every day.
2. our teacher often gives us some _________ (advice) on how to learn english well.
3. could you __________ (pass) me those books?
4. he was very ___________ (surprise) to see me yesterday.
5. li lei should ___________ (exercise) more to keep fit.
提高题 (补全对话,一空一词)
a:hey ,what’s_____?
b:i had an argument with my best friend. what _______ i do?
a:well,you ______ write him a letter.
b:i don’t think so.i don’t like ________letters.
a:maybe you should _______ him up.
b:no, i don’t want to _______ about it on the phone.
a:well,you should say you are _______.
b:yes,i know i should,but it’s not _______.
a:maybe you could go ________ his house.
b:well, that’s a good idea.i guess i could, but i don’t want to ______ him.
a:oh,i know.you could give him a ticket to a ball game.
八年级下unit 2 what should i do?学案
section a period two(3a—4)
知识目标: pay for, part-time job, okay, either, bake, bake sale,teen talk, tutor , borrow...from, ask…for, buy…for
句型:a: i need some money to buy gifts for my family.what should i do?
      b: i think you should borrow some money from your friends.
      a: oh, no.i don’t like to do that.
      b: then i think you should get a part-time job.
      a: that’s a good idea.



