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2020年九年级上英语 unit 9 section A-1(人教新目标)

unit 9 section a-1  class typelistening, reading and speakingobjectives1.     to learn the kinds of music by listening.2.     to express the music or movies that you like.

key structure1. what kind of music do you like?— i like music that i can sing along with. what about you?—   i prefer music that has great lyrics.2. does xu fei like the modern?— no, he doesn’t. he prefers … 3.     if you have spare time, do you … 4.     in that case, i will ask someone.difficultieshow to describe and express the music / movies / … that you like or not. vocabularyprefer, australia, electronic, suppose, smooth, spare, director, case, warsounds nice, have spare time, in that case, 


procedurelead-inlisten to a song. step 1discussion.ask ss to discuss the following questions after listening to a song:1. do you like music?2. what’s your favorite music?3. what kind of music do you like?step 2show ss some pictures about different kinds of music. step 3look at a flash.step 4activity 1b.ask ss to listen and check the kinds of music tony and betty like.step 5listen again and answer the questions.  step 6ask ss to listen about the tape and then to fill in the blanks. step 7free talk.ask ss to make sentences with i like music that …, i love music that …, i prefer music that … step 8pair works. let ss talk about the music, movies or books that you like.step 9pair works. show ss some pictures about the name of movies and let ss make conversations in by using the sentences below.e.g. :a: what kind of … do you like?b: i like … that i … what about you?a: i prefer … that …step 10activity 2a.ask ss to circle t of f.step 11activity 2b.listen again and complete the sentences.step 12ask ss to answer the questions according to the passage.step 13pair works.show ss some pictures to make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.e.g.:a: does xu fei like the modern?b: no, he doesn’t. he prefers …step 14activity 2d.read the passage and answer the questions.step 15pair works.ask ss to role play the conversation by reading after the tape.e.g.:a: do you like …?b: no. i prefer …step 16language points: explain the key words and phrases in section a-1.step 17let ss do some exercises about the language points.



