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必修一Unit 3 Travel journal—知识点讲解

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必修一Unit 3 Travel journal—知识点讲解


必修一Unit 3 Travel journal—知识点讲解

              制作人:北大附中河南分校高中英语组 王萍

learning aims:

1. knowledge aims: ① remember the key words and phrases

②do some exercises

2. abilityaims:    to improve ss’ ability of reading

learning difficult points:

 grasp the usage of the key points


step . leading-in (3分钟)

1. greet ss as usual

2. enjoy the 3-minute’s talk show and give the comment onit.

free topic

  then commont it


1. read the first paragraph loudly and find the words they can’tread

2 .listen to the recorder and solve the pronunciation.

3. read the paragraph loudly and try to find the difficultpoints

step. learning bythemselves3-5分钟)



1.ever since 自从

2 dream about 梦见

3.persuade  说服

4. grow up 长大

5 get interested in sth/doing 对……感兴趣

6.plan schedule for sth 为……制定计划

(ss read the key points loudly in order to memorize all ofthem)

important sentence:

1.      two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then shepersuaded me to buy one.

2.      after graduating from college, we finally got the chance tobike trip.

3.      it was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along theentire mekong river from where it begins to where itends.


1 ---- i______ becoming a pilot when i was at scholl.

 ----really? do you still think itwill_______?

a was dreaming; cometruth     b was dreaming of; come true

c was dreaming; cometrue      d was dreaming of; come truth

2 the american experts went on a long train___across china.

ajournal    bjourney    cvoyage        d transport

3. after______, he was sent to work in a factory in hishometown

a graduatefrom         b graduating from

cgraduation            dgraduate

step group-work and show-time20分钟)

1 . read the explaining onp43-44(名师一号)

2 .have a group discussion and try to solve the difficulties themet .

3. have some students to write the difficulties they can’t solveon the blackboard

4. if other students can explain let the do




必修一Unit 3 Travel journal—知识点讲解
