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必修一Unit 3 Travel Journal----language study 教案

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必修一Unit 3 Travel Journal----language study 教案


必修一Unit 3 Travel Journal----language study 教案

                   制作人:北大附中河南分校高中英语组  王萍

learning aims:

1. knowledge aims:  master the keyvocabulary of the last two paragraphs

2. ability aims: 1to improve ss’ ability of doingexercise

             2 master the skill of classifying words according to the differenttopics.

             3 practise the conclusion ability of the word’s usage

3 emotion aims: practise the studing method of team-work.

preparation before class:

1 take out your english book , exercise book, red pen and yournote book.

2 read the vocabulary following the video


free topic (2’)

 someone give aspeech then commont it.

二.lead-in expression_r_r_r 1 分钟)

today we will learn about the key grammar points of the last twoparagraphs. are you ready? let’s go!

show the learning aims.

三.self - learning  6分钟)

content :1 read the second,third para.

       2 find the language points and discuss in group.

       3 do some exercise.


warning : sign the key points as you go through thevocabulary with your color pen .


1 be determined to do

2 care

take care  当心, 小心

 care about 关心 ;在意

care for   喜欢,; 对···有兴趣

 care to do …愿意做···

 take good care of … 照顾

3 insist表达“坚持主张”时,所跟的宾语从句使用虚拟语气;表达“坚持一种说法,看法或事实”时,宾语从句使用陈述语序和相应的时态。

①    i insisted that a doctor ______ immediately。

a  has been sent for  b sendsfor  c  will be sentfor  d be sent for

② he came to my class every week ,but his attitude ______that hewas not really interested。

a  expresses  bdescribed  c explained  d suggested 

4 determine

determine + n。/determine to do/ determine +从句

be determined to do 决心做

 determined a。已下决心的(不在名词前);断然的,决然的



必修一Unit 3 Travel Journal----language study 教案
